2021年中考英语复习练习课件:专题十五 完形填空.pptx

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1、 中考英语 第二部分 读写能力提升 专题十五 完形填空 题组一 记叙文 Cloze 1(2020黑龙江齐齐哈尔) In 2020, there are a number of people and their heroic deeds(英雄事迹)moving us. Yu Tiefu is an excel- lent and kind doctor. He was born in Mudanjiang, a small city in Heilongjiang Province in 1978. He graduated 1 Qiqihar Medical College. In 2008,

2、 he became a doctor in Qiqihar No.1 Hospital. He 2 won many prizes since then. A组 2019年全国中考题组 A picture made him popular on the Internet in 2016. He had just finished an operation and then he would do the next operation immediately(立即). He was so tired that he fell 3 against the wall. He was always

3、working for a long time without rest. 4 hard-working he was! Because of the epidemic(疫情)he was much 5 than before. On April 25th, 2020, 126 doctors and nurses from Qiqihar No.1 Hospital were 6 to Mudanjiang to fight against the epidemic. Yu Tiefu was among 7 . Although his parents and brother lived

4、there, 8 he didnt tell them about this special task. He took his job 9 . He came into contact with(与接触) 10 persons with COVID-19 virus(病毒)closely and asked them about their feelings every day. He also helped the nurses disinfect(消毒)the wards. He got on well with the patients. Some patients were afra

5、id of the virus; he made them feel 11 and encouraged them to cheer up. On May 27th, they finished the work successfully and went back to Qiqihar. But he couldnt return home di- rectly to see his wife and his 12 daughter. He had to be in isolation(隔离)in Hemei Hotel. 13 , he left us and his beloved(热爱

6、的)job forever on June 1st because he was overtired. He was only 42 years old when he died. He prepared a present 14 his daughter, but he couldnt give it to her by 15 . He had no chance to hug his wife and daughter again. He is a common man, but he did the most unusual things. Yu Tiefu is a real hero

7、. We should learn from him. 1.A.for B.from C.of 2.A.has B.have C.having 3.A.sleep B.sleeping C.asleep 4.A.How B.What a C.What 5.A.busy B.busier C.busiest 6.A.send B.sent C.sending 7.A.they B.their C.them 8.A.but B./ C.and 9.A.seriously B.serious C.terrible 10.A.much B.a lot C.a lot of 11.A.relaxed B

8、.relax C.relaxing 12.A.five years old B.five-year-old C.five-year-olds 13.A.Unluckily B.Luckily C.Happily 14.A.to B.in C.for 15.A.herself B.himself C.itself 答案答案 语篇解读 本文为记叙文。文章向我们介绍了齐齐哈尔第一医院医生于铁夫的光荣事迹。作为抗击疫情 医疗队队员,于铁夫在2020年4月25日奔赴牡丹江开展医疗救治工作。5月27日,圆满完成支援任务返齐,在 和美酒店进行集中隔离。6月1日,于铁夫因过劳去世,年仅42岁。向英雄致敬! 1

9、.B 他毕业于齐齐哈尔医学院。graduate from从毕业。 2.A 根据since then“从那时起”可知,此处应该使用现在完成时,主语为he,故填has。 3.C fall asleep入睡。 4.A 此处感叹句的结构为“How+adj.+主语+谓语!”,故选A。 5.B 根据than before(比以前)可知,此处应该使用比较级,表示“更忙”,故答案为B项。 6.B 主语126 doctors and nurses与send为被动关系,故本句需用被动语态。被动语态的形式为“be+过去 分词”,根据设空处前的were可知设空处应为sent,故答案为B项。 7.C 介词among后面

10、使用代词宾格them。 8.B 从属连词although不能与并列连词but连用,根据本句中的Although可知答案为B项。 9.A take.seriously认真对待。 10.C 根据设空处后的persons可知答案为C项。a lot of很多。 11.A 设空处作feel(感到)的表语,表示“放松的”,故答案为relaxed。relax放松;relaxing令人放松的,不合 逻辑,故排除。 12.B five-year-old作定语,修饰名词daughter。 13.A A:不幸地;B:幸运地;C:高兴地。根据后文“在6月1日,他由于过度劳累永远地离开了我们和他热爱 的工作”可知此处应

11、该选择“不幸地”。 14.C prepare a present for为准备了一份礼物。 15.B 但他不能亲自把礼物给他的女儿了。A:她自己;B:他自己;C:它自己。 长难句长难句 In 2020,there are a number of people and their heroic deeds moving us.在2020年,有很多人和他们的英雄事迹 感动着我们。 本句使用了there be 句型。a number of许多,大量。 Cloze 2(2020湖北武汉) Have you ever been near an animal you were afraid of?How

12、close have you been to a dangerous snake? Well,Tony Kepler raises killer snakes for a living and he loves his 1 .He has been working with them since he was a little boy and hes not 2 at all. Tonys father has been a snake handler(驯蛇师)for twenty years and he has taught his son a lot about them. Now To

13、ny is 3 to make money from snakes.In order to 4 the venom(毒液),he has to find rattlesnakes in the western part of the United States.He sends the venom to a 5 where they make it into something called “antivenin.”Antivenin is what they give people 6 they have been bitten(咬)by a poisonous(有毒的)snake. Thi

14、s antivenin is really helpful in 7 the person who has been bitten.He has been making his living this way for five years and feels 8 . Tonys dad has handled nearly 1,000 snakes in his lifetime.And hundreds of people go to him to 9 how to deal with snakes.Tonys dad has been willing to 10 everything ab

15、out how to hold,how to feed and how to get venom from snakes. But not everyone 11 get used to the idea of picking up a snake.Many people heard 12 stories about snakes when they were children and have been afraid of them ever since.Tony has been try- ing to educate people about the positive things sn

16、akes do.For one thing,they help 13 the rat and mouse popu- lation.Snakes are also very clean and 14 and they seldom trouble humans. Tonys job is very different from any other job Ive heard of,but it is a really 15 one.Without venom collec- tors,many people would be in real danger and some would die.

17、 1.A.family B.job C.hobby D.pay 2.A.afraid B.lonely C.brave D.patient 3.A.honest B.lucky C.able D.careful 4.A.discover B.collect C.produce D.taste 5.A.library B.museum C.hospital D.laboratory 6.A.before B.though C.after D.unless 7.A.calming B.testing C.saving D.protecting 8.A.free B.tired C.safe D.g

18、reat 9.A.learn B.show C.discuss D.explain 10.A.exchange B.overcome C.retell D.share 11.A.may B.can C.has to D.need 12.A.folk B.humorous C.moving D.scary 13.A.count B.control C.double D.stop 14.A.noisy B.slow C.quiet D.active 15.A.important B.dangerous C.popular D.cruel 答案答案 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。题材为人物故事。重点介

19、绍了托尼非常奇特而重要的工作。 1.B 由本空前的raises killer snakes for a living可知Tony是以此为生的,这就是他的工作,故本题选择B。 2.A 由本空前的He has been working with them since he was a little boy可推断他一点也不害怕这些毒蛇, 由此可知本题选择A。 3.C 由上一句可知,他父亲已经教给了他很多关于它们的知识,由此可推测出现在托尼能够靠蛇赚钱了。 be able to do sth.意为“能够做某事”,由此可知本题选择C。 4.B 由下文可知他是去收集毒液,由此可知本题选择B。 5.D 能够

20、把毒液制成抗蛇毒素的地方应该是实验室,由此可知本题选择D。library图书馆;museum博物 馆;hospital医院;laboratory 实验室。 6.C 抗蛇毒素应该是在人们被有毒的蛇咬了之后才使用的,由此可知本题选择C。 7.C 抗蛇毒素对于挽救被有毒的蛇咬的人非常有用,由此可知本题选择C。 8.D 由上文内容可知托尼很爱他的工作,并且他的工作在赚钱的同时还能救助那些被蛇咬的人,由此可推 出他感觉很棒,故本题选择D。 9.A 前一句提到托尼的父亲一生已经驯化了近一千条蛇,由此可推断人们应该是来跟他学习如何与蛇打 交道的,故本题选择A。 10.D 托尼的父亲一直愿意把如何拿蛇、喂蛇、

21、取毒液的一切知识分享给大家,由此可知本题选择D。 exchange交换;overcome克服;retell复述;share分享。 11.B 但是并不是每一个人都能习惯拿起一条蛇的想法。由此可知本题选择B。may可能;can能够;have to 不得不;need需要。 12.D 很多人害怕蛇的原因是他们小的时候听到过关于蛇的令人恐惧的故事,由此可知本题选择D。 13.B 蛇的益处之一就是它们能够帮助控制老鼠的数量,由此可知本题选择B。count数数;control控制; double加倍;stop停止。 14.C 由下文they seldom trouble humans可知蛇很少打扰人类,故可

22、推测蛇很安静,故本题选C。 15.A 由下文可知没有这个职业许多人就会非常危险,一些人甚至会死去,据此可推测出这个职业非常重 要,故本题选择A。 长难句长难句 He sends the venom to a laboratory where they make it into something called “antivenin.” 他把毒液送到一 个实验室,在那里他们把毒液制成某种叫做“抗蛇毒素”的东西。 where引导的定语从句修饰先行词laboratory。 重点词汇重点词汇 afraid adj. 害怕的;positive adj. 积极的 Cloze 3(2020内蒙古包头) Si

23、lent and calm, 25-year-old Linda looks out of the window. She may be smiling now, but its been a long, hard road to 1 . Today, she is an author of a best-seller and also a famous artist. Her story is about over- coming 2 and encouraging others to do the same. Linda did not begin talking 3 she was tw

24、o and a half years old. 4 , it was found that she had autism(自闭症)and had difficulty in social communication. Lindas mother taught her the 5 of indepen- dence by example and encouraged her to learn how to do things 6 . Growing up, she was 7 bullied(欺凌). She was called an alien and some kids would eve

25、n steal her snacks. She tried changing schools, but she never seemed to be 8 . The bullying 9 . She also had trouble with tests. But she didnt let them stop her. With the help of her parents, Linda received speech and communication treatment. After a long period of treating, doctors said that Linda

26、would not succeed or finish her studies. But she proved (证明)them 10 . Linda worked hard to build up her confidence and found her abilitycreating beautiful paintings. And at 18, Linda went to art college to study painting and was later 11 by the local volunteers to join them on community visits where

27、 she could 12 her story. Now she has gone through the 13 times. And she has come to 14 that she is not useless. At 25, Linda sells her books and some of her paintings to help herself and her family. By sharing her experience, Linda is not only 15 others, but also changing their lives. 1.A.wealth B.p

28、oliteness C.sadness D.happiness 2.A.decisions B.conditions C.difficulties D.discussions 3.A.if B.because C.until D.so 4.A.Honestly B.Unluckily C.Clearly D.Suddenly 5.A.progress B.meaning C.instruction D.interest 6.A.by the way B.right away C.in a hurry D.on her own 7.A.hardly B.secretly C.recently D

29、.seriously 8.A.welcomed B.refused C.treated D.allowed 9.A.received B.developed C.continued D.studied 10.A.wrong B.right C.clever D.silly 11.A.interviewed B.invited C.trusted D.tested 12.A.share B.cover C.copy D.complete 13.A.quiet B.dark C.safe D.comfortable 14.A.realize B.guess C.doubt D.remember 1

30、5.A.teaching B.saving C.influencing D.controlling 答案答案 语篇解读 本文为记叙文。题材为人物故事类。文章主要介绍了琳达如何走出自闭症的阴霾,迈向成功 并以自身经历去影响他人的故事。 1.D 由下文所述内容可知,琳达是一个自闭症患者并经常被欺凌,所以她现在可能正在笑,但是通向快乐 的路却是漫长而艰苦的。由此可知本题选择D。 2.C 固定短语overcome difficulties意为“克服困难”,由此可知本题选择C。 3.C 句意:琳达直到两岁半才开始说话。本句为not.until.的句型,意为“直到才”。由此可知 本题选择C。 4.B 琳达

31、被发现患有自闭症,在社交方面有困难,这是一件非常不幸的事情,由此可知本题选择B。 5.B 琳达的妈妈以身作则教她独立的意义。将四个选项代入本句,只有meaning一词符合逻辑,故本题选 择B。 6.D 由前文她的妈妈教她独立的意义可推出,妈妈鼓励她学习靠她自己去做事情。由此可知本题选 择D。by the way顺便提一下;right away立刻,马上;in a hurry匆忙;on her own靠她自己。 7.D 由下文“她被叫作外星人,一些孩子甚至偷她的零食”可推出她被严重欺凌,故本题选择D。hardly 几乎不;secretly秘密地;recently最近;seriously严重地。

32、8.A 由本句中的连词but以及下文内容可知,她好像从不受欢迎,由此可知本题选择A。 9.C 由上文内容可知,换学校并不管用,她仍然不受欢迎。由此可推出欺凌还在继续,故本题选择C。 10.A 由下文所描述的琳达建立自信并取得成功的事可知,她证明了医生说她不会成功并且不能完成学 业是错误的。由此可知本题选择A。 11.B 由本空后“to join them”可推出,琳达是被当地志愿者邀请加入他们,由此可知本题选择B。inter- view采访,面试;invite邀请;trust信任;test测试。 12.A 文章最后的By sharing her experience与此处呼应,故选A。 13.

33、B 上文中提到琳达已经建立了自信并且上了大学,还加入了志愿活动。由此可知她已经走出了那段 黑暗的日子,故选B。 14.A 并且她已经意识到她不是没有用的。realize意识到,认识到;guess猜;doubt怀疑;remember记住。 15.C 琳达不但影响了别人,而且改变了他们的人生。teach教;save救;influence影响;control控制。 长难句长难句 And at 18, Linda went to art college to study painting and was later invited by the local volunteers to join the

34、m on community visits where she could share her story.在18岁时, 琳达去艺术学院学习绘画并且后来又被当地 的志愿者邀请加入他们的社区访问,在那里她能够分享她的故事。 本句为主从复合句,where 引导定语从句。 重点词汇重点词汇 overcome v.克服;happiness n.幸福,快乐;realize v.意识到,认识到;influence v.影响 词汇积累词汇积累 prove sb. wrong证明某人是错的 题组二 说明文 Cloze 1(2020四川成都,A) Now people can pay by scanning(扫

35、描)their faces while shopping. Is it 1 to pay by scanning other parts of our bodies?Amazon has a new technology that scans 2 . The technology can tell if the person is the right one by scanning his or her hand. The scanner examines things such as finger prints. It then sends a picture to a certain ce

36、nter which can decide who the person is. In September 2019, Amazon made a payment system for a US supermarket. People can pay 3 by scanning their hands under a machine. Their hand scan is connected to their bank cards, so they can pay successfully. Its quite convenient, especially for 4 people. With

37、 this new technology, people 5 take their cards with them. They just scan their hands. 1.A.possible B.important C.strange 2.A.eyes B.faces C.hands 3.A.usually B.simply C.really 4.A.old B.poor C.smart 5.A.mustnt B.cant C.neednt 答案答案 语篇解读 本文为说明文,介绍了亚马逊研发的扫手支付的新科技。 1.A 根据上文by scanning their faces和本句中sc

38、anning other parts of our bodies可以判断,此空是在问是否 有可能通过扫描身体的其他部位来支付。possible可能的;important重要的;strange奇怪的。故选A。 2.C 根据第二段第一句中by scanning his or her hand可以判断,此空填“手”, 故答案为C。 3.B 根据下文中的关键词successfully和convenient可知,此处是表示人们只需要在一台机器下扫描他们的 手,用simply表强调。usually通常;simply仅仅,只要;really真正地。故选B。 4.A 根据前一句中关键词convenient可知

39、,尤其是对老人,更加方便。old年老的;poor贫穷的;smart聪明 的。故答案为A。 5.C 根据文章的整体介绍和下文They just scan their hands.可知,人们不必带卡。mustnt禁止;cant不能; neednt 不必。故选C。 长难句长难句 The technology can tell if the person is the right one by scanning his or her hand. 这项技术可以通过扫描他或 她的手分辨出这个人是否是正确的人。 本句为主从复合句。if the person is the right one 为宾语从句,作t

40、ell的宾语。by scanning his or her hand为 方式状语。 According to several recent surveys, some people fear public speaking more than anything else. 1 , this fear can be overcome(克服) with two simple methods: practice and using positive(正面的) energy from the audience. Practicing for a speech is essential. 2 the t

41、ask of writing the speech is complete, speakers must practice, practice, practice. The more times they practice the speech, the more 3 they are discussing the Cloze 2(2020江苏南京) topic. Using 4 such as mirrors or video recordings as they practice can show speakers what they look and sound like to the

42、audience. Video is particularly helpful as it can be 5 many times, with the presenters fo- cusing(集中) on one part at a time. Another 6 of dealing with public speaking fears is using the audiences positive energy. Speakers need to remember that the audience wants them to 7 . Something as basic as a s

43、mall nod or a smile from a member of the audience should give 8 to the presenters behind the podium. While it is easy for nervous speakers to focus only on getting through the presentation, using the audiences 9 will(意愿) helps much in making a speech better. All in all, these two strategies are sure

44、 to help with fear of public speaking. With proper practice and audience empathy(共鸣), it is 10 to overcome the fear of public speaking and deliver a successful speech. So there is no need to fear public speaking any more. 1.A.Luckily B.Suddenly C.Sadly D.Terribly 2.A.Unless B.After C.Until D.Before

45、3.A.nervous B.scared C.comfortable D.difficult 4.A.objects B.activities C.signs D.instructions 5.A.found B.sold C.cleared D.watched 6.A.cause B.problem C.way D.purpose 7.A.surprise B.scream C.suppose D.succeed 8.A.confidence B.challenge C.humour D.service 9.A.poor B.good C.weak D.free 10.A.necessary

46、 B.important C.interesting D.possible 答案答案 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。有很多人害怕在公共场合演讲,在本文中,作者介绍了两个简单的方法帮 助人们克服对公共演讲的恐惧。 1.A 一些人害怕在公共场合演讲。幸运的是,这种恐惧可以用两种简单的办法克服。luckily幸运地;sud- denly突然地;sadly伤心地;terribly非常地。故选A项。 2.B 在写演讲稿的任务完成之后,演讲者必须练习、练习、再练习。unless除非;after在之后;until直 到为止;before在之前。练习演讲应该是在完成演讲稿后,故选B项。 3.C 演讲者练习的次数

47、越多,他们就能越自在地讨论主题。nervous紧张的;scared害怕的;comfortable使人 舒服的,自在的;difficult困难的。故选C项。 4.A 演讲者可以利用镜子或者录像等物品协助练习。object物品,物体;activity活动;sign标志;instruction指 令。故选A项。 5.D 录像特别有用,因为它能被多次观看。find发现;sell出售;clear清除;watch观看。此处运用了被动语 态,录像是被观看的,故选D项。 6.C 另一种应对公共演讲恐惧的方法是利用听众的正能量。cause原因;problem问题;way方法;purpose目 的。根据前文two

48、 simple methods可知,克服对公共演讲的恐惧有两种方法,下文将介绍另一种方法。故选 C项。 7.D 演讲者需要记住,听众希望他们成功。surprise惊讶;scream尖叫;suppose假设;succeed成功。故选D 项。 8.A 听众的一次点头或一个微笑就能给演讲者以信心。confidence信心;challenge挑战;humour幽默;ser- vice服务。故选A项。 9.B 利用听众的善意有助于把演讲做得更好。poor贫穷的;good好的;weak弱的;free自由的。故选B项。 10.D 通过适当的练习和观众的共鸣,就有可能克服对公共演讲的恐惧,并发表一场成功的演讲。neces- sary必要的;important重要的;interesting有趣的;possible可能的。通过文中所提供的两个方法,克服对公共 演讲的恐惧是有可能的。故选D项。 长难句长难句 The more times they practice the speech, the more comfortable


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