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1、绝密考试结束前 浙江省 A9 协作体暑假返校联考 高三英语试题卷 考生须知: 1.本试卷分第 1卷(选择题)和第 HI卷(非选择题)。满分为 150分,考试时间为 120分 钟。 2.请用黑色签字笔将学校、班级、姓名、考号分别填写在答题卷和机读卡的相应位置上。 第 I卷(选择题部分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30分) 做题时先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂 到答题纸上。 第一节:(共 5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每

2、段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does the woman mean? A.She didnt go outside. B.She didnt hear clearly. C.She didnt see the glasses. 2.Who is the man speaking to? A.A dentist. B. His daughter. C. Mrs. Smith. 3.Why was the man out of work? A.He was fired because of lateness. B.He qu

3、it the job owing to his health problem. C. His company closed down due to the COVID-19. 4.What will the woman do? A. Write a report. B. Go shopping. C.Go home. 5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.A country. B.The population. C.A language. 第二节:(共 15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话

4、或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选 项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听 完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6段材料,回答第 6、7题。 6.What does the man do? A.A car seller. B.A police officer. C.A student. 7.What do we know about the woman? A.Shell have to pay a fine. B.She cant offer the license. C.She just recei

5、ves a warning. 听第 7段材料,回答第 8至 10题。 8.Why does the woman want to lose weight? A. To look pretty. B.To stay healthy. C.To avoid being laughed at. 9.What does the woman ask the man to do? A. Buy her a cup of coffee. B.Give her some suggestions. C. Make a training plan for her. 10.What does the woman th

6、ink of the man? A.Hes quite helpful. B.Hes a little worried. C.Hes so surprised. 听第 8段材料,回答第 11至 13题。 11.What does the woman want the man to do at first? A.Make a decision quickly. B.Drive the car on the freeway. C.Talk about price. 12.What does the man say about the car? A.Its style really appeals

7、to him. B.It is a second-hand car with high price. C.It doesnt drive smoothly. 13. How much should the man pay if he buys the car? A. 16.600. B.17,800. C.18,600. 听第 9段材料,回答第 14至 16题。 14.What is the conversation mainly about? A. Habits. B.Advice. C.Hobbies. 15. What is Agatha Christie probably? A.A f

8、amous writer. B.A movie star. C.A bookseller. 16.What does Bob suggest doing? A.Buying some books. B.Watching movies. C. Waiting at the office. 听第 10段材料,回答第 17至 20题。 17.Where is Easter Island? A.In Europe. B.In America. C.In the southeastern Pacific Ocean. 18. What caused the decrease of the populat

9、ion? A.Disease. B. War. C.Earthquakes. 19. How many statues are on the island? A.788. B.1100. C.887. 20.What has been proved about the statues? A.They remain a mystery today. B.They were from another planet. C.They were built by ancient people on the island. 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 35分) 第一节:(共 10小题:每小题 2.5

10、分,满分 25分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上 将该项涂黑。 A Most Chinese diners pick up food from communal platters(公盘)with the same pair of chopsticks that they then use to eat,or serve others.Double dipping is the norm.But the government hopes to change habits by urging people to use a second p

11、air of chopsticks-just for serving. State news agencies are calling it adining table revolution.Dr.Zhong Nanshan and Dr.Zhang Wenhong,outspoken infectious disease experts who have become celebrities since the outbreak of the COVID-19,have voiced their support.The authorities across the country are r

12、unning advertisements with slogans like:The distance between you and civilized dining is just one pair of serving chopsticks. Some restaurants and diners have followed the call.They are offering discounts to diners who use serving chopsticks.In the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou,more than 100 outs

13、tanding restaurants have formed aServing Chopsticks Alliance. Still,resistance is strong.Many see sharing food with ones own chopsticks as among the most genuine expressions of Chinas communal culture and emphasis on family,no less essential than hugging is to Americans or the cheek kiss is to the F

14、rench.Serving chopsticks are typically associated with formal settings,like feasts and meals with strangers. By contrast,wheat-eating northerners,and particularly the men,take pride in what Chinese calleating big and drinking big.without caring about such small concerns as germs and bacteria.Never m

15、ind a small,recent experiment by government experts who found that the level of bacteria in dishes for which serving chopsticks were used was as little as 0.4 percent the level of dishes shared in the regular fashion. 21.What does the underlined sentenceDouble dipping is the norm.mean in paragraph 1

16、? A.Normally,people use reusable chopsticks in a meal. B.Its common to use two pairs of chopsticks in a meal. C.Its a common practice to share food with ones own chopsticks. D.People will dip their chopsticks in soup twice before serving others. 22.The author mentioned Dr.Zhong Nanshan and Dr.Zhang

17、Wenhong in paragraph 2 to_ A. introduce the topic B.show their popularity C.draw readers attention D.strengthen the persuasion of the call 23.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A.People should use serving chopsticks whenever dining. B.Its civilized to use serving

18、 chopsticks when dining out. C.Northern men especially mind using serving chopsticks. D.Some restaurants encourage diners to use serving chopsticks with discounts. B Chinese Culture Shown to the World with Love Li Ziqi,a short video blogger specializing in traditional Chinese cooking and handicrafts

19、,has gained worldwide popularity. Li has about 20 million followers on Sina Weibo,Chinas equivalent to Twitter,plus 7 million followers on overseas social media networks.Many foreigners say they have got to know traditional Chinese food culture via her channel. It is the spirit of craftsmanship(技艺)b

20、ehind her works that makes Lis video clips attractive.She strictly follows the traditional steps and procedures in making traditional Chinese food and handicrafts, such as peach flower wine and silk,and goes to great lengths to ensure her videos are accurate.Sometimes she spends several months produ

21、cing one of her videos. Li has been inheriting(继承)traditional Chinese culture in a rather creative way.A closer look at her videos will show that they are never with anyanalysisthat makes people feel bored.They just show audiences each and every detail of traditional Chinese culture so that the latt

22、er knows how Chinese live their beautiful and elegant lives.It is that universal appeal that makes her works so attractive.Thanks to Lis efforts,many non-material cultural heritages that only existed in memories and written records now appear before our eyes.Via her short videos,Li presents the imag

23、e of a beautiful and friendly China. With the growth of the Chinese economy,people overseas are showing more interest in traditional Chinese culture.Li has shown how to satisfy that interest in a good way,namely showing the best parts of traditional Chinese culture with her heart. To effectively pre

24、sent the beauty of Chinese culture to the world,we need more Li Ziqi. 24.What can we learn about Li Ziqis video clips? A.They promote the sales of Chinese food and handicrafts. B. They attract a large number of foreigners to visit her online shop. C.They are based on her familys recipes of making tr

25、aditional Chinese food. D.They are aimed to introduce traditional Chinese food culture and handicrafts worldwide. 25.What could be inferred from Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4? A.Analysis of Chinese culture in Lis videos makes people bored. B.Details and accuracy play significant roles in the success o

26、f Lis videos. C.Li makes sure all of her video clips are short enough to be downloaded. D.Cultural heritages usually exist in memories and written accounts. 26.What is the authors purpose in writing the passage? A.To provide guidance on cooking and making handicrafts. B.To suggest a way of attractin

27、g more followers on Sina Weibo. C.To encourage more people to make efforts to bring Chinese culture to the world. D.To give an example of how to gain worldwide popularity as a a short video blogger. C Choosing to forget something might take more mental effort than trying to remember it,researchers a

28、t the University of Texas discovered. Their findings suggest that in order to forget an unwanted experience, more attention should be focused on it. Decades of research has shown that we have the ability to forget something out of our own free will, but in what way our brains do that is still being

29、questioned.Once we can figure out how memories are weakened and come up with ways to control this,we can design treatment to help people rid themselves of unwanted memories,said Jarrod Lewis-Peacock,the studys senior author. Memories are dynamic constructions of the brain that regularly get updated,

30、adjusted and reorganized through experience.The brain is constantly remembering and forgetting information- and much of this happens automatically during sleep. Their findings not only confirmed that humans have the ability to control what they forget,but that successful intentional forgetting requi

31、red more activity than what was required to remember. A proper level of brain activity is important to this forgetting mechanism(机制)。Too strong,and it will strengthen the memory;too weak,and you wont change it,said Tracy Wang,lead author of the study. Importantly,its the intention to forget that inc

32、reases the activation(激活)of the memory,and when this activation hits the proper level sweet spot,thats when it leads to later forgetting of that experience. The researchers also found that participants were more likely to forget scenes than faces.Were learning how these mechanisms in our brain respo

33、nd to different types of information,and it will take a lot of further research before we understand how to use our ability to forget,said Lewis-Peacock. 27.What remains a puzzle to researchers? A. How our memories can be strengthened. B. How our brains voluntarily forget something. C.What effect un

34、wanted memories have on our brains. D.Whether our brains can voluntarily forget something. 28.Which of the following words can best describe memories? A.Active. B.Lasting. C.Casual. D. Ridiculous. 29.According to Tracy Wang,forgetting is possible when_ A. the information involves more emotion B.the

35、activation of the memory reaches a certain level C.people respond to new experiences in an adaptive way D.people have the strongest intention to forget something 30.What can be a suitable title for the passage? A. What It Takes to Forget an Unwanted Experience B.Strong Memories Have a Great Influenc

36、e on Health C.Forgetting Uses More Brain Power than Remembering D.How to Train Our Brains to Voluntarily Forget Something 第二节:(共 5小题:每小题 2分,满分 10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选 项。 Your house may have an effect on your figure.Experts say the way you design your home could play a role in wh

37、ether you pack on the pounds or keep them off.You can make your environment work for you instead of against you. 31 Open the curtains and turn up the lights.32,for people are often less self-conscious(难为情) when theyre in poorly lit places-and so more likely to eat lots of food.If your home doesnt ha

38、ve enough window light,get more lamps and flood the place with brightness. 33.Research suggests warm colors fuel our appetites.In one study,people who ate meals in a blue room consumed 33% less than those in a yellow or red room.Warm colors like yellow make food appear more inviting,while cold color

39、s make us feel less hungry.So when its time to repaint,go blue. Dont forget the clock-or the radio. People who eat slowly tend to consume about 70 fewer calories per meal than those who rush through their meals.Begin keeping track of the time,and try to make dinner last at least 30 minutes.And while

40、 youre at it,actually sit down to eat.34.It makes you less likely to rush through a meal. Downsize the dishes.35.We eat about 22%more when using a 12-inch plate instead of a 10- inch plate.When we choose a large spoon over a smaller one,total intake jumps by 14%.And well pour about 30%more liquid in

41、to a short,wide glass than a tall,skinny glass. A.Mind the colors B.Colors are important C.Big serving bowls and plates can easily make us fat D. Dark environments are more likely to encourage overeating E. If you need some help slowing down,turn on relaxing music F.Here are some ways to turn your h

42、ome into part of your diet plan G Suggested ways to make your home environment relaxing are as follows 第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分 45分) 第一节:(共 20小题:每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。 Holding my fathers hands one night, I couldnt help but notice their calluses(老茧)and

43、roughness. His hands tell the story of his life as a farmer,36 all his struggles. One summer, I remember,a drought hit Ontario.turning it into a 37 desert.On one of those hot mornings I was picking sweet corn with my dad to fill the last 38 from the grocery store.Fifty dozen was all we needed,which

44、39 took twenty minutes.That morning.however,the process didnt 40 quickly.After forty minutes of aimlessly walking in the field,we 41 needed twenty dozen.I was completely 42 and angry. Dropping the basket heavily,I declared,If the store wants its last twenty dozen,they can pick it themselves!Dad 43,J

45、ust think,my little girl,only ten dozen left for each of us and then were 44.Such is Dad-whatever problem he 45.he never gives up. 46,the disastrous effects of the drought were felt all over our country.It was a/an 47 time for everyone,but Dad remained optimistic.He 48 to be grateful for other thing

46、s like good health and food on our plates.Only then did I truly begin to 49 Dad and his faith that guided us through the hard times. Dad is also a living example of real 50.From dawn to dark,he works countless hours to 51 our family.He always puts our happiness 52 his own,and never fails to cheer me

47、 on at my sports games 53 his exhaustion after long days.His loving and selfless nature has inspired me to become more sympathetic and 54,putting others first. Dad,the life 55 I have learned from you will stay with me forever.You are my father,teacher, friend and,most importantly,my hero. 36.A. exce

48、pt B. including C.concerning D.besides 37.A. stormy B.lively C.burning D.disappearing 38.A. order B.form C.gap D.position 39.A. naturally B. normally C.eventually D.actually 40.A.go B.begin C.occur D.change 41.A.yet B.even C.still D.nearly 42.A.discouraged B.disappointed C.annoyed D.frightened 43.A.apologized B.scolded C.complained D.comforted 44.A.lost B.done C.gone D.touched 45.A.thinks about B.brings up C.works out D.meets with 46.A. Surprisingly B. Unfortunately C.Hop


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