1、 Work Sheet Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Section A Teaching objective: 1. Knowledge Objective(知识目标 ) Learn these words and be able to say, read and write them: banana(s), strawberry, strawberries, pear(s), tomato(es), hamburger(s), ice-cream, salad, bread, milk. 2. Ability Objectives(技能目标 ) Be able t
2、o talk about likes and dislikes by using: -Do you like bananas? -Yes, I do./ No, I dont. I like oranges. -Does he/she like bananas? -Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt. He/She likes oranges. 3. Moral Objective(情感目标 ) Know the importance(重要性) of having a good eating habit. Task1 Interview your group
3、 members about the food in the chart. Show what they like or dont like for the others.(关于喜欢或不喜欢的食物,采访你的组内成员,并向全班汇报) Task 2 Prepare the food for one of your group members birthday party and make conversations. (为一个组员准备生日派对 的食物,并编对话 ) Exercises 1. We like (tomato), but we dont like (bread). 2. I (like
4、) fruit, but he (do not) like milk. 3. - you (like) bananas? - No, I . 4. - he (like) oranges? - Yes, he . Do you like ? Names tomatoes ice-cream hamburgers strawberries Homework: 1. Talk with your parents about the food they like or dont like and write the conversations in English. 2. Use the food
5、names of this class to finish it. h t a r r s s a p r 文化拓展: 关于西方的餐桌礼仪 1. 辨认餐桌刀叉 :牛油刀、面包碟、前菜用刀叉、主菜用刀叉、喝汤用汤匙、 甜品用叉匙、红酒酒杯、白酒酒杯。 2正确摆放餐巾 : 对折将其摆放在腿上 ,并将折痕靠近自己。中途暂时离席 应将餐巾放在椅子上或用刀压着餐巾一角任其垂下 。 3如何用刀叉 :使用刀叉次序一定是由外至内,如中途离席,刀叉应呈“八” 字放置,叉背向上放,表示“我还没吃完 ”。叉背向下表示用餐完毕,侍应生 会过来收走盘子,已经吃饱的话,应该把刀叉并排放在盘子右面,叉背向下, 刀 在叉子的右侧。 4双手取食物 :向自己的盘中取食物时,一定要用双手。 5喝汤及吃面包 : 汤很热也绝不可以用嘴吹气。舀第一匙的作用就是 “探热”,一般不要舀太满。吃面包时,合乎礼仪的吃法是把面包用手撕 成小片,再缓缓放入口中。 6主菜礼仪 :吃肉扒要从左边切起。吃鱼时要注意,吃完上面的鱼肉后不 要将鱼翻身,而应用刀叉挑去整付鱼骨后再吃下面的鱼肉。吃龙虾时,第一 步先要将刀子插入虾壳和虾肉之间,使之剥离,再将肉取出,慢慢地切片享用。 7水果及甜品 吃冰淇淋蛋糕应从自己面前的一侧吃起,