2025届高考英语一轮复习写作素材积累之生活态度 词汇句型清单.docx

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1、2025届高考英语写作素材积累之生活态度 词汇句型清单一、相关词汇1. positive / optimistic 积极的;乐观的2. negative / pessimistic 消极的;悲观的3. attitude 态度4. mindset 心态5. enthusiasm 热情6. hope 希望7. courage 勇气8. perseverance 毅力9. confidence 自信10. gratitude 感恩11. happiness 幸福12. contentment 满足13. kindness 善良14. generosity 慷慨15. tolerance 宽容二、相关

2、短语1. have a positive attitude towards life 对生活有积极的态度2. look on the bright side 看到事物的光明面3. be full of enthusiasm 充满热情4. keep hope alive 保持希望5. face challenges with courage 勇敢面对挑战6. persevere in the face of difficulties 面对困难坚持不懈7. have confidence in oneself 对自己有信心8. be grateful for what one has 对拥有的东西

3、心存感激9. find happiness in simple things 在简单的事物中找到幸福10. be content with ones life 对自己的生活感到满足11. show kindness to others 对他人友善12. be generous with ones time and resources 慷慨地付出时间和资源13. be tolerant of others differences 宽容他人的差异14. have a healthy mindset 拥有健康的心态15. adopt a positive lifestyle 采取积极的生活方式三、相

4、关句子1. A positive attitude can make a big difference in our lives. 积极的态度可以给我们的生活带来很大的改变。2. Optimism helps us see the possibilities in every situation. 乐观主义帮助我们看到每种情况中的可能性。3. With enthusiasm, we can achieve more and enjoy life to the fullest. 有了热情,我们可以取得更多成就,充分享受生活。4. Hope is the light that guides us

5、through the darkest times. 希望是引导我们度过最黑暗时期的光。5. Courage allows us to take risks and pursue our dreams. 勇气使我们能够冒险并追求我们的梦想。6. Perseverance is the key to success in the face of difficulties. 面对困难,毅力是成功的关键。7. Confidence in oneself is essential for personal growth. 对自己有信心对个人成长至关重要。8. Gratitude makes us ap

6、preciate the little things in life and feel more fulfilled. 感恩使我们欣赏生活中的小事,感到更满足。9. Happiness is not about having more, but about being content with what we have. 幸福不在于拥有更多,而在于对我们所拥有的感到满足。10. Kindness and generosity can make the world a better place. 善良和慷慨可以让世界变得更美好。11. Tolerance helps us build harmo

7、nious relationships with others. 宽容有助于我们与他人建立和谐的关系。12. A healthy mindset enables us to handle lifes challenges with ease. 健康的心态使我们能够轻松应对生活中的挑战。13. By adopting a positive lifestyle, we can improve our physical and mental health. 通过采取积极的生活方式,我们可以改善身心健康。14. A positive attitude and a grateful heart can

8、bring us more joy and peace. 积极的态度和感恩的心能给我们带来更多的快乐和和平。15. Lets choose to have a positive attitude and live a meaningful and fulfilling life. 让我们选择拥有积极的态度,过有意义和充实的生活。四、相关事例1. 讲述一些积极面对生活挑战的人的故事,如残疾人运动员克服身体障碍,取得优异成绩;或者普通人在困境中保持乐观,最终走出困境的例子。2. 分享自己或身边人通过改变生活态度而带来积极变化的经历,如从消极变得积极,从而在学习、工作或人际关系中取得进步的故事。3.

9、 引用一些名言警句或名人的观点来支持关于生活态度的重要性,如“态度决定高度”“乐观是希望的明灯”等。例如:Helen Keller, who was blind and deaf, never gave up and showed great courage and perseverance in the face of her challenges. She learned to read, write and speak, and became an inspiration to many people around the world. Her story teaches us that

10、 with a positive attitude and determination, we can overcome any obstacle.In my own life, I once faced a difficult situation at school. I was struggling with my studies and felt very stressed. However, I decided to change my attitude and started to approach my studies with more enthusiasm and confid

11、ence. I sought help from my teachers and classmates, and worked hard to improve my skills. Gradually, my grades improved and I became more confident in myself. This experience made me realize that a positive attitude can really make a difference.As Mahatma Gandhi said, Be the change you want to see in the world. By adopting a positive attitude and taking action, we can not only improve our own lives, but also inspire others to do the same. Lets choose to be positive and make the world a better place.


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