2025届高考英语一轮复习读后续写高分素材总结之科技对生活的影响 词汇、句子积累和段落实例清单.docx

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2025届高考英语一轮复习读后续写高分素材总结之科技对生活的影响 词汇、句子积累和段落实例清单.docx_第1页
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2025届高考英语一轮复习读后续写高分素材总结之科技对生活的影响 词汇、句子积累和段落实例清单.docx_第2页
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2025届高考英语一轮复习读后续写高分素材总结之科技对生活的影响 词汇、句子积累和段落实例清单.docx_第3页
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1、2025届高考英语读后续写高分素材总结之科技对生活的影响 词汇、句子积累和段落实例清单一、词汇积累1. 科技相关词汇: - technology(科技) - innovation(创新) - digital(数字的) - artificial intelligence(人工智能) - automation(自动化) - smart device(智能设备) - virtual reality(虚拟现实) - online(在线的) - connectivity(连接性) - software(软件) - hardware(硬件) - data(数据) - algorithm(算法)2. 生活相

2、关词汇: - convenience(便利) - efficiency(效率) - communication(交流) - entertainment(娱乐) - education(教育) - work(工作) - home(家) - travel(旅行) - shopping(购物) - health(健康) - lifestyle(生活方式)3. 描述影响的词汇: - transform(改变) - revolutionize(革命性地改变) - enhance(增强) - improve(改善) - simplify(简化) - accelerate(加速) - disrupt(扰乱)

3、 - challenge(挑战) - adapt(适应) - embrace(拥抱)二、句子积累1. Technology has greatly transformed our lives, making it more convenient, efficient, and enjoyable.(科技极大地改变了我们的生活,使其更加便利、高效和愉悦。)2. The development of artificial intelligence and automation is revolutionizing the way we work and live.(人工智能和自动化的发展正在革命性

4、地改变我们的工作和生活方式。)3. Smart devices and the internet have connected us like never before, allowing for seamless communication and access to information.(智能设备和互联网前所未有地将我们连接起来,实现了无缝的交流和信息获取。)4. Virtual reality and other emerging technologies are providing new forms of entertainment and education, expandin

5、g our horizons.(虚拟现实和其他新兴技术正在提供新的娱乐和教育形式,拓宽我们的视野。)5. Online shopping and digital payment have simplified our shopping experience, saving us time and effort.(在线购物和数字支付简化了我们的购物体验,节省了时间和精力。)6. Technology has also had a significant impact on healthcare, enabling more accurate diagnoses and personalized

6、treatments.(科技对医疗保健也产生了重大影响,使更准确的诊断和个性化治疗成为可能。)7. However, technology also brings some challenges, such as privacy concerns and the need to adapt to rapid changes.(然而,科技也带来了一些挑战,如隐私问题和适应快速变化的需要。)8. We should embrace technology while also being mindful of its potential drawbacks and working to addres

7、s them.(我们应该拥抱科技,同时也要注意其潜在的缺点,并努力解决它们。)9. The continuous advancement of technology is shaping the future of our lives, and we need to keep up with the pace of change.(技术的不断进步正在塑造我们生活的未来,我们需要跟上变化的步伐。)10. By leveraging the power of technology, we can create a better world and improve the quality of li

8、fe for everyone.(通过利用科技的力量,我们可以创造一个更美好的世界,提高每个人的生活质量。)三、段落实例1. 描述科技给生活带来的便利:In todays digital age, technology has made our lives incredibly convenient. For example, with the advent of smartphones and mobile apps, we can perform various tasks with just a few taps on the screen. We can order food, boo

9、k a taxi, pay bills, and even work remotely from anywhere in the world. Smart home devices have also made our homes more automated and energy - efficient, allowing us to control lights, thermostats, and security systems with our voices or smartphones. Additionally, online shopping has saved us time

10、and effort by eliminating the need to visit physical stores. We can browse and purchase products from the comfort of our homes and have them delivered right to our doorstep. Overall, technology has simplified our lives and made it easier to manage our daily tasks.2. 讲述科技对教育的影响:Technology has had a p

11、rofound impact on education, revolutionizing the way we learn. Online learning platforms and educational apps have made education more accessible and flexible, allowing students to learn at their own pace and from anywhere. Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies are providing immersive l

12、earning experiences, making subjects like science and history more engaging and interactive. Additionally, digital textbooks and educational resources have replaced traditional paper - based materials, saving costs and reducing the environmental impact. Teachers are also using technology to enhance

13、their teaching methods, such as using multimedia presentations and interactive whiteboards to make lessons more interesting and effective. However, technology also poses some challenges, such as the potential for distraction and the need for students to develop digital literacy skills. Nevertheless,

14、 when used properly, technology can greatly enhance the learning experience and prepare students for the future.3. 探讨科技对人际关系的影响:While technology has connected us in many ways, it has also had an impact on our interpersonal relationships. Social media platforms and messaging apps have made it easier

15、to stay in touch with friends and family, but they have also led to a decrease in face - to - face communication. People are often more focused on their screens than on the people around them, which can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. However, technology can also be used to strengthen

16、relationships, such as through video calls and online communities. It is important for us to find a balance and use technology in a way that enhances our connections with others rather than detracts from them. Additionally, we need to be mindful of the potential for cyberbullying and other negative behaviors online and work to create a safe and positive digital environment.


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