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1、2022-2023 学年广东省广州市天河区六年级(上)期末英语试卷一、听力部分(30 分)1(5 分)听句子,根据读句子的顺序,用英文大写字母给图编号。(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 2(5 分)听对话和问句,选出相应的答句,将答案编号写在题前的括号内。(1)A.At 11:45.B.At 12:15.C.At 12:45.(2)A.She has a toothache.B.She has a fever.C.She has a headache.(3)A.MidAutumn Festival.B.Spring Festival.C.Dragon Boat Festival.(4)A

2、.Yes,she did.B.No,she didnt.C.No,he didnt.(5)A.Its Tom.B.Its Jack.C.Its Davids brother.3(5 分)听短文,根据短文的内容选择正确的答案。(1) Peter isyears old.A.74B.75C.65(2) The city was.A.crowded and quietB.big and comfortableC.crowded and noisy(3) Peter lives now.A.in a cityB.on a farmC.in the country(4) There were manyi

3、n the city.A.cars and busesB.people and buildingsC.Both A and B(5) Peterthe life on the farm.A.enjoysB.doesnt enjoyC.will enjoy4(10 分)听一个小故事,根据故事发生的顺序,用英文大写字母给图编号。第 9页(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 5(5 分)听句子,写出句中所缺的单词。(1) There was a small in the country many years ago.(2) The doctor gave me aand asked me to t

4、ake this medicine twice a day.(3) Eat more vegetables and dont eat too much food.(4)I was verywhen I was five years old.(5)At Spring Festival,parents usually give their children somemoney.二、语音:找出划线部分发音不同的单词。(5 分)6(1 分)选出划线部分发音不同的单词()AhearBbearCpearDwear7(1 分)找出划线部分发音不同的单词。()ArestBlessChelpDsecret 8(

5、1 分)找出划线部分发音不同的单词。()AtimeBsmileCsimpleDbeside 9(1 分)找出划线部分发音不同的单词。()AcryBnearbyCskyDheavy10(1 分)找出划线部分发音不同的单词。()AcalledBwantedCneededDinvited三、找出一个与其他三个不同类的词。(5 分)11(1 分)找出一个与其他三个不同类的词。()AfreshBdeliciousCfeedDlovely 12(1 分)找出一个与其他三个不同类的词。()AairBfinishCgrowDpick 13(1 分)找出一个与其他三个不同类的词。()AtookBwentCwan

6、tDfelt 14(1 分)找出一个与其他三个不同类的词。()AtheatreBreporterCpoetDfarmer 15(1 分)找出不同类的单词。()AyourBhimCourDtheir四、根据首字母和句意,填写适当的单词。(5 分)16(1 分)根据首字母和句意,填写适当的单词。Two years a ,I was 10 years old.17(1 分)根据首字母和句意,填写适当的单词。Li Bai is an ancient p .18(1 分)根据首字母和句意,填写适当的单词。I cleaned the house all day.I really felt tired.I

7、must have a r .19(1 分)根据首字母和句意,填写适当的单词。The polite boy always has a s on his face.20(1 分)根据首字母和句意,填写适当的单词。The babies always c ,I cant do my homework quietly.五、语法选择:阅读短文,根据上下文结构,从两个选项中选择适当的单词。(10 分)(10 分)语法选择:阅读短文,根据上下文结构,从两个选项中选择适当的单词。My hometown is very beautiful.Its famous for its fish and rice.And

8、 there (21) a wide river beside it. In the past,it was a poor little town.There were no tall buildings and the only street was narrow.The river was dirty.Many people (22)no work.They lived (23)hard life.But there are great changes now.The town is much(24).Its streets are wide.Different kinds of cars

9、 and buses run on the big streets.There are new factories,schools,hospitals,cinemas and many tall buildings.People live in big houses.Their life is rich andcolourful.Now the river is clean again.I love (25)hometown.(21) AisBare(22) AhaveBhad(23) AtheBa(24) AbigBbigger(25) AmyBme六、完形填空:阅读短文,根据上下文意思,从

10、三个选项中选择适当的单词。(5 分)(5 分)完形填空。Bill is a fat boy.He likes eating sweet,oily food and fast food.He is the(26)boy in his class.He has no friend because he is too fat.He wants to keep a good diet,(27) he is going to take more exercise and(28) running every day.Three months (29),Bill is(30)than before.He t

11、hinks he can do anything if he works hard.(26) AthinnestBfattestCyoungest(27) AsoBbutCbecause(28) AgoBgoesCwent(29) AlateBlaterCbefore(30) AfatterBslowerCthinner七、完成对话:选择适当的句子把对话补充完整,并把其编号写在横线上。(6 分)31(6 分)完成对话:选择适当的句子把对话补充完整。A.Do you go to bed late?B.Whats wrong with me,doctor?C.Do you sleep well i

12、n the evening?D.Whats your job?E.Do you have a fever or headache?F.Whats the matter with you? Doctor:You dont look well. (1) Man:I dont know.I always feel tired.Doctor:(2) Man:No,I dont.Doctor:Let me give you checkup. Man:(3) Doctor:Nothing. (4) Man:No,not really.Sometimes I cant sleep at all. Docto

13、r:(5) Man:Yes,I do. Doctor: (6) Man:Im a manager,a busy bank manager.I come home from work late. Doctor:I see.So you go to bed late and you dont have any time for sports. Man:Yes.Doctor:Dont work so hard,young man.Take exercise every day.You will be fine. Man:Thank you,doctor.八、阅读理解(共 24 分)32(4 分)阅读

14、短文,判断正误(正确的写 T,错误的写 F)Kates birthday is on the 12th of JanuaryNext Friday will be her birthdayHer parents are going to have a birthday party for herThey are going to invite all Kates best friends and some relativesThey are going to have the party in their garden because a lot of people will comeKate

15、 is excited because she will get a lot of presentsHer parents are getting ready for the partyThey are going to buy some food and drinksAnd they are going to buy a big cake and some presents for Kate(1) Kates birthday is on Saturday,January 12th(2) Kates parents are going to have a birthday party for

16、 her(3) Only Kates friends will come to Kates party (4) They will have the party in the house (5) They are going to buy some food and drinks 33(10 分)读绘本,按要求完成相应的练习。任务一:看图读绘本,把单词的字母编号写在相应中文意思下的括号内。A.shopping B.Windy C.mouth D.fishChicago is called the (1)City and it is home to Chicago Bulls and bears

17、.We can go boating or swimming in the Lake Michigan.There are(2) shows at Shedd Aquarium from time to time.At Lincoln Park Zoo we can see animals from all over the world.We can go(3)at the Magnificent Mile and the food in Chicago makes your (4)water.You can find anything in Chicago!任务二:根据绘本内容,判断T或F。

18、(1) Chicago is a small and modern city. (2) People call Chicago theWindy City. (3) Visitors can go swimming or boating in the lake. 任务三:根据绘本内容,选择最佳答案。(1) Where can you watch space closely? A. Lake.B. Shedd Aquarium.C. Adler Planetarium.(2) The price of the Lincoln Park Zoo is . A.freeB.cheap C.expen

19、sive(3) What can you do in University of Chicago? A. Enjoy amazing food.B. See great sports team.C. Take a walk.34(10 分)阅读短文并回答问题。It was 7:30 last Monday morning.It was time to get up,but Jeffrey was still in bed.What was the matter? Jeffrey felt sick.He had a headache.He had a sore throat.He had a

20、running nose. I think you have the flu.Get up now and have some breakfast.Then Ill take you to the doctor.His mum said.In the hospital,a nurse took Jeffreys temperature.He had a fever.A doctor asked Jeffrey some questions and gave him some medicine.Jeffrey stayed at the hotel.He took the medicine,dr

21、ank a lot of water and stayed in bed most of the time.Dad and Mum went shopping.Jeffreys sister went outside.Jeffrey felt bored.Two days later Jeffrey felt better.He was happy to go travelling again.(1) Whats the matter with Jeffrey? (2) Where did Jeffrey go after breakfast? (3) What did the doctor

22、do? (4) What did Jeffrey do when he got back to the hotel? (5) When did Jeffrey feel better? 九、写作(10 分)35(10 分)根据给出的信息和参考单词,写一段话介绍春节,不少于 6 句,40 个单词。参考词:clean and buy;go shopping;flower market;have a big dinner;give;Its fun.第 31页2022-2023 学年广东省广州市天河区六年级(上)期末英语试卷参考答案与试题解析一、听力部分(30 分)1(5 分)听句子,根据读句子的顺序

23、,用英文大写字母给图编号。(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 【分析】略【解答】1.The man is milking the cow now. 2.Janet brushes her teeth twice every day.3.People usually eat mooncakes at mid autumn festival. 4.The traffic is heavy and slow in Guangzhou.5.Ben doesnt feel well.He should see a doctor.【点评】略2(5 分)听对话和问句,选出相应的答句,将答案编号写在题前的

24、括号内。(1)A.At 11:45.B.At 12:15.C.At 12:45.(2)A.She has a toothache.B.She has a fever.C.She has a headache.(3)A.MidAutumn Festival.B.Spring Festival.C.Dragon Boat Festival.(4)A.Yes,she did.B.No,she didnt.C.No,he didnt.(5)A.Its Tom.【分析】略B.Its Jack.C.Its Davids brother.【解答】1.M:You look tired.Jane,did you

25、 go to bed late last night? W:Yes.I went to bed at 11:45 last night.Question:what time did Jane go to bed last night? 2.M:What is the matter with you?Sally.W:I dont feel well now.I have a headache. Question:Whats the matter with Sally?3. M:Tomorrow is the mid autumn festival.Is it your favorite fest

26、ival?Linda.W:I like eating mooncakes.but I like the Spring Festival best. Question,what is Lindas favorite festival?4. M:Did you have a good time yesterday?Jesse?W:No.I cleaned my bedroom in the morning and saw a boring film in the afternoon.It was no fun at all. Question,did Jesse have fun yesterda

27、y?5. M:Is this short boy in the photo you?David.W:No,it isnt.It is my brother.and The tall boy is my friend Jack. Question,whos the short boy in the photo?【点评】略3(5 分)听短文,根据短文的内容选择正确的答案。(1) Peter isyears old. A.74B.75 C.65(2) The city was.A. crowded and quietB. big and comfortableC. crowded and noisy

28、(3) Peter lives now. A.in a cityB.on a farmC.in the country(4) There were manyin the city. A.cars and busesB.people and buildingsC.Both A and B(5) Peterthe life on the farm. A.enjoysB.doesnt enjoyC.will enjoy【分析】略【解答】Hi.My name is Peter.Im 75 years old.I lived in a big city 15 years ago.It was crowd

29、ed and noisy.There were so many cars,buses and people on the streets.In the city.There were many tall buildings too.but Now I live on a big farm.Its very quiet and comfortable.I can have plenty of exercise,cleaner and fresh food there.I enjoy the life on the farm.【点评】略4(10 分)听一个小故事,根据故事发生的顺序,用英文大写字母

30、给图编号。(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 【分析】略【解答】Mister brown lived in a nice house in a small town with his wife 2 years ago.From Monday to Friday, he worked on the farm near his house.There were many sheep and ducks on the farm.and His wife liked growing flowers.She grew many kinds of flowers on the farm.The flo

31、wers were very beautiful and missus brown liked them very much.Every Saturday they went to the cinema and watched plays.On Sunday they went to the park and had fun with their children.They think life in the countryside is very happy.【点评】略5(5 分)听句子,写出句中所缺的单词。(1) There was a small in the country many

32、years ago.(2) The doctor gave me aand asked me to take this medicine twice a day.(3) Eat more vegetables and dont eat too much food.(4)I was verywhen I was five years old.(5)At Spring Festival,parents usually give their children somemoney.【分析】略【解答】1.There was a small village in the country many year

33、s ago.2.The doctor gave me a checkup and asked me to take this medicine twice a day. 3.Eat more vegetables and dont eat too much oily food.(4) I was very polite when I was 5 years old.5.At Spring Festival,parents usually give their children some lucky money.【点评】略二、语音:找出划线部分发音不同的单词。(5 分)6(1 分)选出划线部分发

34、音不同的单词()AhearBbearCpearDwear【分析】hear 听到,bear 熊,pear 梨,wear 穿着【解答】考查字母组合 ear 在单词中发音,字母组合 ear 在单词 hear 中发i,字母组合 ear 在单词 bear, pear,wear 中发,所以 A 选项发音不相同故选:A【点评】语音题要求学生掌握基础语音知识,如 48 个国际音标的读法,同时还要认读积累课本所学单词7(1 分)找出划线部分发音不同的单词。()ArestBlessChelpDsecret【分析】rest 休息,less 较少的,help 帮助,secret 秘密。【解答】考查元音字母 e 的发音

35、。字母e在给出的单词 secret 中发i:,字母e在给出的单词 rest,less, help 中发e,D 发音不相同。故选:D。【点评】考查元音字母 e 的发音,要求熟悉课本所学词汇,掌握单词读音,进行辨析,确定答案。8(1 分)找出划线部分发音不同的单词。()AtimeBsmileCsimpleDbeside【分析】time 时间,smile 微笑,simple 简单的,beside 在旁边。【解答】考查元音字母 i 的发音。字母i在给出的单词 simple 中发,字母i在给出的单词 time,smile, beside 中发a,C 发音不相同。故选:C。【点评】考查元音字母 i 的发音

36、,要求熟悉课本所学词汇,掌握单词读音,进行辨析,确定答案。9(1 分)找出划线部分发音不同的单词。()AcryBnearbyCskyDheavy【分析】cry 哭,nearby 附近的,sky 天空,heavy 沉重的。【解答】考查辅音字母 y 的发音。字母y在给出的单词 heavy 中发i,字母y在给出的单词 cry,nearby, sky 中发a,D 发音不相同。故选:D。【点评】考查辅音字母 y 的发音,要求熟悉课本所学词汇,掌握单词读音,进行辨析,确定答案。10(1 分)找出划线部分发音不同的单词。()AcalledBwantedCneededDinvited【分析】called 打电

37、话,wanted 想要,needed 需要,invited 邀请。【解答】考查字母组合 ed 的发音。字母组合ed在给出的单词 wanted,needed,invited 中发id,字母组合ed在给出的单词 called 中发d,A 发音相同。故选:A。【点评】考查字母组合发音,要求熟悉课本所学词汇,掌握单词读音,进行辨析,确定答案。 三、找出一个与其他三个不同类的词。(5 分)11(1 分)找出一个与其他三个不同类的词。()AfreshBdeliciousCfeedDlovely【分析】fresh 新鲜的,delicious 美味可口的,feed 喂养,lovely 可爱的【解答】本题考查词

38、汇词性分类。fresh 新鲜的,delicious 美味可口的,feed 喂养,lovely 可爱的,ABD 都是形容词,C 是动词,选项 C 与其它几个不同类。故选:C。【点评】要求熟记单词,掌握词义、词性,看清题干要求,完成题目。12(1 分)找出一个与其他三个不同类的词。()AairBfinishCgrowDpick【分析】air 空气,finish 完成,grow 生长,pick 摘【解答】本题考查词汇词性分类。air 空气,finish 完成,grow 生长,pick 摘,A 是名词,BCD 是动词, 选项 A 与其它几个不同类。故选:A。【点评】要求熟记单词,掌握词义、词性,看清题

39、干要求,完成题目。13(1 分)找出一个与其他三个不同类的词。()AtookBwentCwantDfelt【分析】took 带走,went 去,want 想要,felt 感觉【解答】考查词汇类别分类。took(take 的过去式)带走,went(go 的过去式)去,want 想要,felt(feel 的过去式)感觉。A,B,D 都是过去式,C 是动词原形。故选:C。【点评】注意平时多积累相关词汇,结合汉语意思进行选择。14(1 分)找出一个与其他三个不同类的词。()AtheatreBreporterCpoetDfarmer【分析】theatre 剧院,reporter 记者,poet 诗人,f

40、armer 农民【解答】考查词汇类别分类。theatre 剧院,reporter 记者,poet 诗人,farmer 农民。B,C,D 是职业,A 是地点。故选:A。【点评】注意平时多积累相关词汇,结合汉语意思进行选择。15(1 分)找出不同类的单词。()AyourBhimCourDtheir【分析】your 你的;him 他;our 我们的;their 他们的。【解答】本题考查类别分类。Ayour 你的。Bhim 他。Cour 我们的。D.their 他们的。选项 A、C 和D 都属于形容词性物主代词,选项 B 是人称代词。选项 B 与其他选项不同类。故选:B。【点评】牢记英语词汇词义,结合

41、所学知识区分和归纳词汇的类别,并正确运用。 四、根据首字母和句意,填写适当的单词。(5 分)16(1 分)根据首字母和句意,填写适当的单词。Two years ago,I was 10 years old.【分析】两年前,我十岁。【解答】考查副词词义辨析。句意为:两年,我十岁。副词 ago以前符合。故答案为:ago。【点评】结合句意和副词的用法,正确作答。17(1 分)根据首字母和句意,填写适当的单词。Li Bai is an ancient poet.【分析】李白是一名古代的诗人。【解答】考查名词词义辨析。Li Bai李白是我国著名诗人,不定冠词 an 搭配可数名词 poet诗人的单数形式。

42、故答案为:poet。【点评】准确理解句子,注意积累常识,使用词汇的适当形式。18(1 分)根据首字母和句意,填写适当的单词。I cleaned the house all day.I really felt tired.I must have a rest.【分析】我打扫了一整天的房子。我真的很累。我必须休息一下。【解答】考查动词短语。have a rest 休息,为动词短语,代入句意为:我打扫了一整天的房子。我真的很累。我必须休息一下。符合。故答案为:rest。【点评】结合动词短语和句意,正确作答。19(1 分)根据首字母和句意,填写适当的单词。The polite boy always h

43、as a smileon his face.【分析】这名礼貌的男孩脸上总是有微笑。【解答】考查名词词义辨析。句意为这名礼貌的男孩脸上总是有。,不定冠词 a 搭配可数名词smile微笑的单数形式。故答案为:smile。【点评】准确理解句子,按照含义使用适当词汇,注意句中不同词汇间搭配使用适当形式。20(1 分)根据首字母和句意,填写适当的单词。The babies always cry,I cant do my homework quietly.【分析】婴儿一直哭,我不能安静地写我的作业。【解答】考查动词词义辨析。结合 I cant do my homework quietly.可知婴儿一直哭。

44、cry 哭泣,always 提示句子是一般现在时。主语是复数 The babies,谓语动词使用原形 cry。故答案为:cry。【点评】理解句意,掌握动词用法。五、语法选择:阅读短文,根据上下文结构,从两个选项中选择适当的单词。(10 分)(10 分)语法选择:阅读短文,根据上下文结构,从两个选项中选择适当的单词。My hometown is very beautiful.Its famous for its fish and rice.And there (21) Aa wide river beside it. In the past,it was a poor little town.There were no tall buildings and the only street was narrow.The river was


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