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1、山东省东营市广饶县 乐安中学2024-2025学年九年级上学期开学英语试题一、单项选择1The sports meeting was _ because of the heavy snow.AreportedBnoticedCheldDcanceled2Ningbo _ a lot in the past10 years.Yeah, youre right.AchangesBhas changedChas been changedDwill change3Mr. Dean keeps healthy _ swimming every day.AforBbyCwithDfrom4Ive got

2、a _ to visit the National Stadium. Really? Enjoy yourself!AchanceBsecretCrequestDchoice5You can be a teacher because you are such a _ girl and good at explaining things.AdirectBhealthyCpoliteDpatient6Its a pity that neither my teachers nor parents allow me to swim alone. _, you are too young, safety

3、 first.AAfter allBIn the endCBy the wayDFirst of all7Many young people usually offer their seats to the old on the bus.Thats good. The old should be _.Alooked forBlistened toCdepended onDcared for8You may feel _ surprising that such a little girl can speak three foreign languages.AthisBthatConeDit9N

4、ick _ football on Fridays but now he _ it on Sundays.Ais used to playing; used to playBis used to playing; is used to playingCused to play; used to playDused to play; is used to playing10No matter _ that famous singer goes, there are crowds of fans waiting to see him.AwhenBwhereChowDwhat11Mom, I wan

5、t to play computer games now. Sorry, you cant _ you have finished your homework.AwhenBifCbecauseDuntil12What happened to Sun Lis brother? He _ because of drink-driving.Ais caughtBwas caughtCcatchesDcaught13CoCo Lee was born in Hong Kong but _ in America.Apicked upBgave upCgrew upDdressed up14Rose fi

6、nished her study in the university and went to_ a good job.Atake afterBlook afterCcare forDsearch for15The teacher didnt leave the classroom building until the papers _ in the end.Awas put offBwas put outCwere put onDwere put away16一Mom, I have nothing to do in my free time but do homework.My dear,

7、you should a hobby like drawing or taking photos.Atake upBmake upCset upDput up17Im _building a new zoo because I think zoos are terrible places for animals to live in.AagainstBangryCagreeDabout18A true friend will never _ from you when youre in trouble.Atake awayBrun awayCput offDget off19_pretty t

8、he dragon boats were!AHowBHow aCWhatDWhat a20I think the poor health will get_of your studyAon the wayBby the wayCin the wayDat the way21After several years of working hard, China has got great _ in making absolute poverty out (脱贫).AdreamsBchancesCadvantagesDachievements22I _ go to the concert tonig

9、ht, but Im not sure yet.AcantBmustntCmightDmust23May we leave the classroom now?No, you_. You _ to leave until the bell rings.Aneednt; arent allowedBmay not; are allowedCmustnt; arent allowedDcant; are allowed24Its important for us to protect nature because we its rich resources to live.Adepend onBl

10、eave forCgive upDlead to25Do you know Frank?Yes. He is the boy _ likes playing the piano.AwhoBwhichCwhomDwhose26It is a _ that Tom didnt come to my birthday party last night.AchanceBpityCdecisionDsense27_ Anna _ her brother likes listening to soft music. They often listen to it after dinner.ABoth; a

11、ndBNeither; norCEither; orDNot only; but also28Jane felt a _ of achievement when she completed the 140-page report on her own.AsilenceBsurpriseCpityDsense29Here is something wrong with my mobile phone. Could you please repair it for me?_. Please get it back tomorrow morning.ACome onBNo wayCPardon me

12、DMy pleasure30Its really nice of you to help me carry the box._.AIt doesnt matterBWith pleasureCDont mention itDPardon me二、阅读理解Fun cooking classes for children at Cooking clubVisit www. cookingelub. com to sign up (报名) for the classes! Jiaozi magic(Tuesday 5: 00 p. m. or Thursday 4: 30 p. m. ) What

13、fillings (馅) do you like in your jiaozi, vegetables, eggs, meat or fish? Do you want to make jiaozi in different colors? Come and join us. Teacher: Mr Li (Tel: 578-8766)Easy hamburger(Wednesday 5: 00 p. m. on Thursday 5: 00 p. m) Making hamburgers is easy! All you need are bread, beef, chicken, lett

14、uce and salad cream. Come and learn how to make hamburgers with these simple ingredients. Teacher: Mrs Smith (Email: happysmith sina. com)Tasty zongzi( Monday 5: 00 p. m. or Friday 4: 30 p. m. ) What kind of zongzi do you like, sweet or salty? You can make your own zongzi with different tastes. Teac

15、her: Ms Wang (WeChat: Wang6126) Cupcake fun(Friday 4: 00 p. m. or Saturday 2: 30 p. m. ) Do you like cupcakes? We can teach you how to make all your favourite cupcakes! Teacher: Ms Green (Tel: 578-9665) Note: You may use the oven or the knife. The boiling water may also be necessary. Be careful! 31I

16、f you want to sign up for the classes, you can _.Avisit the websiteBmake a telephone callCsend an emailDleave a message on WeChat32Jenny cant take the Tasty zongzi class tomorrow. Who should she talk to?AMr Li.BMrs Smith.CMs Wang.DMs Green.33What do you NOT need to make hamburgers in the Easy hambur

17、ger class?AEggs.BBeef.CBread.DLettuce.34Jack is free at the weekend only. What class can he join?AJiaozi magic.BEasy hamburger.CTasty zongzi.DCupcake fun.35Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AHaving cooking classes is fun.BThere is a cooking class every day.CYou should be ca

18、reful in cooking classes.DYou can learn how to cook both Chinese and western food.People are always trying to live a healthy life. You might have read so much on this topic. The following ideas may sound strange, but they can really help you.Exercise when you are tired.After a long and tiring day of

19、 study, exercising might not sound like a good idea, but it should. In fact, physical activities can provide you with the missing energy. Research shows that exercising for just 30 minutes can make you feel good!Write by hand to help the brain be active.Although writing something using a computer is

20、 faster, it is much better to remember the whole thing by writing it down by hand. When you read a handwritten text, naturally its easier for your brains to remember the information.Spare more time for yourself.By sparing the time for yourself and just being alone for a while, you can have a chance

21、to think and get to know yourself better. And you wont behave impulsively (冲动地).Drink hot drinks on a hot day.What cools more on a hot summer morning cold water or hot water? The study shows that the hot water does make people feel cooler. When you are drinking something hot, the body will feel the

22、change in temperature and increase the perspiration(流汗), which helps you cool down!36 canmakeyou feelgoodafter a days tiring study.ARestingBExercisingCEatingDReading37Its the best way to if we want to remember a long passage.Aread it overBread it aloudCwrite it down by handDwrite it using a computer

23、38The third idea is mainly about .Athe advantages of being aloneBthe importance of thinkingCthe advantages of behaving wellDthe importance of keeping healthy39Why do we drink hot water on a hot day? ABecause it brings heat to our bodies.BBecause it is harmful to our bodies.CBecause it makes our bodi

24、es strong.DBecause it takes heat away from our bodies.40The writer of the passage wants to tell us that .Ahandwriting makes us smartBhot drinks can make us uncomfortableCbeing alone helps us know our friends betterDsometimes unusual ideas about health are helpfulSomething terrible happened to Han Me

25、i at school one day. When Han Mei and her friend Li Dan were walking down the stairs (楼梯) from the third floor, her classmate Xu Nuo accidentally hit her on the back. She lost her balance (平衡) and fell down the stairs. She broke her left leg and her right arm was bleeding. She had a bruise (瘀伤) on h

26、er right leg too.“Ouch! That hurt!” cried Han Mei. Her teacher Miss Gao called 120 right away.Han Mei had to stay in hospital for a week. In the ward (病房), she met Wang Hong, who broke her arm in a car accident. They talked for long hours. They left hospital on the same day.The doctor told Han Mei t

27、hat she had to stay at home for a month so that her leg could get well again. Han Mei could not go to school. She was upset. Wang Hong went to visit her. She told Han Mei interesting stories to cheer her up. They played chess and watched cartoons together.When Han Mei could walk again, she joined so

28、me interest classes with Wang Hong.They visited many places together too. Since then, Wang Hong has been Han Meis best friend.“This accident caused me a lot of pain, but luckily, I got a best friend,” thought Han Mei.41What happened to Han Mei at school?AShe fell down on the third floor.BShe was hit

29、 on the back purposely.CShe broke her arm in a car accident.DShe got hurt and was sent to hospital.42Who did Han Mei meet in the hospital?ALi Dan.BXu Nuo.CWang Hong.DMiss Gao.43Which of the following is TRUE?AHan Mei left hospital earlier than Wang Hong.BHan Mei was upset because she missed Wang Hon

30、g.CHan Mei told Wang Hong interesting stories.DHan Mei went to many places with Wang Hong.44The right order of the following statements is _.Wang Hong made Han Mei happy.Han Mei and Wang Hong studied and played together.Han Mei and Wang Hong met and got to know each other.ABCD45What does Han Mei pro

31、bably learn from this experience?AHealth is the most important thing.BA bad thing may bring a good result.CThe same interests can bring people closer.DFriends should bring out the best in each other.Weve all seen pictures of camels carrying heavy loads (负载物) across the sandy desert. They walk withou

32、t stopping for food or water for several days.Have you ever wondered how they do it? For your answer, take a look at the bag round hump which is on a camels back. Camels are the only animals with humps. And its the hump that gives camels the amazing ability to go for long periods of time without foo

33、d or water. The hump is like a spare cupboard (备用食物柜) where the camel stores (储存) food and water for days when there is nothing to eat or drink.When life is good, and there is plenty to eat and drink, a camels hump can grow to as big as 40 kilograms. The food is changed into fat (脂防) and stored in t

34、he camels bump.When there is nothing to eat or drink, camels begin to use the stored fat in their humps. Thats why they can continue to live for weeks without food and up to 10 days without water.Camels are like sponges. They can take in more than 130 litres of water in one short drink. In only a fe

35、w minutes, all of this water goes directly to the camels blood cells (组胞).Camels save water too. They never know when theyll find the next watering hole. As they breathe out, their noses close quickly. The water in the breath stays in their bodies.After a long trek across the desert carrying 100 kil

36、ograms or more, a camel can lose up to 150 kilograms of weight. The camels hump will become very small. As soon as this camel gets to an oasis (绿洲), it will take in hundreds of litres of water. In a day, it will get back most of its weight.Nature really has given camels the perfect system for living

37、 the hard desert life.46What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?AThe shape of the hump.BThe habit of the camel.CThe function (功能) of the hump.DThe ability of the camel47Which is TRUE about the hump?AThe hump stores different kinds of food.BThe hump always stays the same size.CThe hump can store more than 1

38、30 litres water.DThe weight of the hump depends on eating conditions.48What does the underlined word “sponges” mean?A海绵B弹簧C水桶D吸管49Why docs the writer use some numbers in this passage?ATo explain the facts more clearly.BTo express the ideas more politely.CTo make the article more educational.DTo make

39、 the language more beautiful.50What does the writer mainly want to tell us?ACamels have some amazing abilities.BCamels are good helpers for desert people.CCamels have a great quality of never wasting water.DCamels have a perfect system for living in the desert.三、短文填空阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词

40、或助动词)。“Alex! Jen! Its time for dinner!” Mom called. “Mom! We 51 (make) a treehouse! Wait a minute!” Alex shouted. At dinner, Dad said, “We have something to tell you. Our neighbor, Mr Morris, came to our house 52 (talk) to us today. He wants us to cut down our tree because the leaves fall into his y

41、ard. Then he has to clean them.”“No! Thats our favorite tree. I 53 (love) it ever since I was just a little baby!” Jen cried. “Yeah, and the tree is old and beautiful. It helps keep our air clean. It also 54 (give) us shade (树荫) from the sun,” Alex said. Everybody had special memories of the tree. T

42、hey all shared their favorite ones. “One of my favorite memories is how excited you were when the leaves began to fall,” said Mom. “We 55 (jump) into the huge piles (堆) of colorful leaves every autumn,” said Alex. Jen nodded. “I remember the time we had a picnic for the whole neighborhood,” said Dad

43、. “It was so nice.”“Its brought us all so many great memories. Something must be done.” Mom said. “Yes,” said Jen. “We 56 (save) our tree!”After dinner the whole family discussed what to do. “I have a good idea!” said Alex. “I can make a chart showing him when leaves fall. And we can promise him tha

44、t we 57 (help) clean the leaves in the future!”Everyone agreed. The next day, the whole family went to visit Mr Morris. At that time, he 58 (clean) the yard. “Mr Morris, this tree is very special to our family. If we offer to help clean its leaves, would you consider 59 (keep) it?” Dad said. Alex ha

45、nded Mr Morris his chart. Mr Morris was quiet for a moment. Then he said, “I guess if the tree is that important to you all, and I can get some help with cleaning, the tree can stay.”The tree 60 (save)! Everyone in the neighborhood, even Mr Morris, came to celebrate.阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。Do you obey the rules in your school? What do you think of your school rules? Are you allowed to dye hair? A lot of school rules are the s 61 around the world, but some are different. Many students may enjoy more freedom in some countries. But freedom doesnt mean “no rules”. Every school ha


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