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1、广东省深圳市蛇口区育才山海学校2024-2025学年八年级上学期开学考试英语试卷一、单项选择1The pollution of the factory may _ to a big problem, so we must do something.AcloseBleadCreferDnext2Its reported that Chinese _ more than 40 minutes a day reading Wechat (微信). Its true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time.AspendBcostCpayDt

2、ake3Dont forget _ a basket with you when you go to the market.Ato bringBto takeCtakingDbringing4My brother studied harder to _ his English.AlearnBapplyCexchangeDimprove5Did Jack _ here last night?No, he didnt. He looked after his mother in the hospital. AappearBfightCcatchDspend6How long have you _

3、the basketball team of the school?For about two years.Abeen inBbeenCjoinedDplayed7Sorry, I forgot to knock at the door before entering your room.Abreaking intoBgoing intoCgoing out ofDleft8What is your fathers job?He works in Tencent and now he is _ a game.AdiscussingBhopingCdevelopingDsearching9The

4、re was a piece of paper on Mikes back, but he was unaware of it.Adidnt realizeBdidnt writeCdidnt findDnoticed10When you _ the two types of monitors, you can know more about them. Thats true. Let me find their differences and decide which one is better.AoperateBwatchCsearchDcompare二、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给

5、的A、B、C 、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将相应字母编号涂黑。Once upon a time, a king went to a village. He placed a large stone in the middle of the main road and 11 some gold coins under the stone. Then he stood behind a tree and watched. At first he saw a milkman with his cart (手推车). He knocked into the stone

6、and the 12 was all over the ground. “Oh, no! My boys need it for breakfast! What a fool he is to put this stone here?” he shouted. He picked himself up and went away 13 .The king watched all day. Many people tripped over (绊倒) the stone and acted similarly. However, he found that 14 tried to move it.

7、 The king thought, “Is there anyone trying to keep their neighbors from 15 ?”Just then, a young girl, the daughter of a local farmer, came along. She had been working all day and was very 16 . But when she saw the stone, she said to herself, “People may knock into it and get hurt. Ill move it out of

8、 the way.”Finally, the girl succeeded in pushing the stone to the side of the road. To her surprise, she saw the coins under the stone. She 17 and found nobody. Just then, the king stepped out from behind the tree. “Oh, sir!” the girl said, “Is this gold yours? If not, we surely must find the 18 , f

9、or he will certainly miss it.”The king said, “You are so 19 . My dear, the gold is mine, but now the gold is yours. You are the only person that thinks about others.” People shouldnt just complain and 20 others to solve their problems.11AhidBdroppedClostDpulled12AwaterBwineCteaDmilk13AhappilyBsurpri

10、singlyCangrilyDconfidently14AnobodyBsomebodyCanybodyDeverybody15AsafetyBdangerCchallengeDhelp16AexcitedBrelaxedCtiredDbored17Alooked forBlooked afterClooked aroundDlooked out18AdriverBfarmerCmilkmanDowner19AattractiveBbeautifulCkindDintelligent20ApromiseBwantCteachDtrain三、阅读理解Suppose you work in a b

11、ig firm and find English very important for your job because you often deal with foreign businessmen. Now, you are looking for a place where you can improve your English. Here is some information you need.Global English CenterGeneral English in all four skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writi

12、ng.* 3-month (700 yuan), 6-month (1,200 yuan) and one-year (2,000 yuan) courses.* Choice of morning or evening classes, 3 hours per day, Mon.Fri.* Experienced college English teachers.Tel: 67605272Add: 105 Zhongshan Road, 100082Modern Language SchoolSpecial courses in English for business, travel, b

13、anking, hotel management and office skill.* Small classes (1216 students) on Sat. & Sun. from 2:005:00 p.m.* Native English teachers from Canada and the USA* Language lab and computers supplied.* 3-month course: 1,050 yuan; 6-month course: 1,850 yuan.Tel: 67383019Add: Modern Language School, 675

14、 Park Road, 10056The 21st Century English Training CenterWe specialize in effective teaching at all levels.* We offer morning or afternoon classes, both of which last three months and a half at a cost of 800 yuan.* Entrance exams: June 1st and Dec.1st.Call 67801642 for more information.The Internati

15、onal House of EnglishA six-month English course for students of all levels at very low cost: 60 yuan for 12 hours per week.* Class hours: 9:0012:00 a.m. and 2:005:00 p.m.* Well trained Chinese and foreign teachers experienced in teaching English as a second/foreign language.Call 67353109 for further

16、 information.21The 21st Century English Training Center is different from the other three. It _.Ahas a language lab and computersBhas more experienced teachersCoffers morning or afternoon classesDrequires an entrance exam22Mr. Black wants to learn English, but he works in the daytime every day. Whic

17、h one will he choose bellow?AGlobal English Center.BModern Language School.CThe 21st Century English Training Center.DThe International House of English.23Miss White works as a secretary, if she wants to improve her English, which number will be called by her?A67605272.B67383019.C67801642.D67353109.

18、24If you want to attend the course at the International House of English, how much will you pay for it?A60 yuan.B240 yuan.C720 yuan.D1,440 yuan.25Where can you probably find the information?AIn the English book.BOn TV.CIn the Newspaper.DIn the Magazine.As the weather gets warmer, some mosquitoes(蚊子)

19、 start to appear. You may have noticed that they prefer to bite some people. A new study has found that mosquitoes even prefer some colors! In this study, scientists showed some clothes to mosquitoes. These clothes have different colors. Most of the mosquitoes flew to the black and red-orange clothe

20、s.Why did the mosquitoes choose these colors? According to the scientists, black is darker than other colors. Most mosquitoes prefer to live in the shadow(暗处) because they die easily from losing water. The lighter colors like white and pink reflect(反射) light and heat better. These colors mean danger

21、 for mosquitoes. However, darker colors are more like shadows and are safer for mosquitoes. If youre going into an area with lots of mosquitoes, youd better wear light-colored clothing!And what about red and orange? Scientists say that human skin looks red-orange to mosquitoes eyes. These two colors

22、 may help mosquitoes find the person they want to bite. Besides the color of the clothes they wear, higher body temperature, the smell of sweat are the reasons why mosquitoes prefer these people.26What has the study found about mosquitoes?AThey appear in warm weather.BThey only bite some people.CThe

23、y prefer some colors.DThey live in the shadow.27According to the study, why do mosquitoes choose dark color?ABecause dark colors are more like shadows.BBecause dark colors make them feel warm.CBecause dark colors keep them from losing water.DBecause dark colors can reflect light and heat better.28Wh

24、y did mosquitoes like red and orange?ABecause red and orange are dark colors.BBecause red and orange are eye-catching.CBecause red and orange make them feel safe.DBecause red and orange are close to the color of human skin.29How many reasons of mosquitoes preferring some people are mentioned?AOne.BT

25、wo.CThree.DFour.30From which part of the newspaper can you read this article?AHistory.BFashion.CNature.DSports.Releasing the beastsIn the summer of 2020, the first three episodes (集) of an animated series called Fog Hills of Five Elements (雾山五行) surprised animation fans with their special art style.

26、 The series mixes traditional ink painting with a modern design. The series was highly welcomed and got high ratings (评分).The series was made by animation studio Samsara, which was started by Lin Hun. It uses ink wash painting (水墨画), a traditional style of painting in China. The series characters ar

27、e painted in thick and striking (不同寻常的) ink lines. In the background (背景), clouds and fog can be seen among mountains and rivers.Lin is a big fan of paintings like A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains (千里江山图), which was painted by Wang Ximeng of the Song Dynasty (960-1279). Lin was also inspired (启发)

28、by the paintings of Zhang Daqian (1899-1983), a famous painter known for his “splash-ink-and-color” technique (发墨发彩画法).Lin and his team tried other styles before deciding on ink wash painting. “This is the style we all love. It can show our taste and keep traditional culture,” Lin told Bilibili.Howe

29、ver, the ink wash style takes a lot of time to paint. Animators paint all of the backgrounds and characters by hand. They spent four years making the first three episodes. The studio has only six staff members because it has been hard to find animators who can paint in this style.Still, they are loo

30、king for more animators to join them as fans wait for future episodes. “As long as they are of high quality, I hope to see updates (更新) as soon as possible,” one viewer wrote on Douban. TEENS31What do we know about the animated series Fog Hills of Five Element?AIt will come out in the summer.BIts ep

31、isodes are three minutes long.CIt uses a traditional ink painting style.DIt was inspired by Journey to the West.32A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains was painted by _.ALin HunBWang XimengCZhang DaqianDSamsara33From the last paragraph, we can learn that _.Afans have high expectations for future episod

32、esBthe three current episodes are of poor qualityCthe studio is not going to update the seriesDthe studio has decided to try new painting styles34Why did Lin and his team decide on ink wash painting?AIt takes a little time.BThere was no other styles.CIt can show their taste and keep traditional cult

33、ure.DThe studio has many staff members.35Which of the following is true according to the article above?AThey paint all of the backgrounds and characters by hand.BIt has been easy to find animators who can paint in this style.CThe series has only modern design.DPeople dont like the series.请阅读全文,并从下列的

34、六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。There is good reason to believe that people who learn to be grateful are happier and healthier than those who dont. Grateful people feel pleased with what they have instead of complaining about what they lack. They see each day as a new opportunity for happiness, rather t

35、han another challenge to take on. 36 Take a minute to be thankful for your life. 37 At school, step outside for a short walk to breathe the fresh air and think about how thankful you are for the chance to take a break and feel the sun. At home, the things youre thankful for can be your morning cup o

36、f milk or the soft pillow you sleep on at night. 38 Life gets so busy that you often forget to tell people how much they matter (要紧) to you. Expressing your thanks to others will create an atmosphere of thankfulness that can spread out gradually. For example, if your mother packs your lunch for you,

37、 say something like “Mum, thank you for your effort to make my day less busy.”Talk about gratitude with family. Find the time to talk about the things you are grateful for every day. 39 For example, instead of saying “Im thankful for all of you being there for me,” you could say “Im thankful that yo

38、u all help me care for the garden every weekend.”Learning to be thankful doesnt mean bad things wont happen, or that you wont be affected by the things that do happens. 40 ATell someone you appreciate (感激) them.BLet each family member have a turn for discussion and try to be as specific (具体的) as pos

39、sible.CSometimes it can be really hard to be thankful in your life.DHere is some advice for you to be more grateful (感激的).EIt can simply help to make those things easier to deal with and make you feel better.FSometimes a good way to feel better is to take a break and find something that you are grat

40、eful for.下面的材料A-F是对深圳近期六个展览的介绍,请根据五位同学的需求,帮助他们选择合适的展览馆,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。 41 Susan becomes interested in Chinese painting and she wants to know more about modern ink painting. 42 Jack likes cartoons. He usually watches different kinds of cartoons on weekends. Next month, he wants to visit a cartoon e

41、xhibition. 43 Lily is crazy about Chinese porcelains. She hopes to enjoy the beautiful Chinese porcelains in the Ming Dynasty. 44 Tom is studying the history of Song Dynasty. He wants to learn more from ancient Chinese relics in Song Dynasty. 45 Mary takes great interest in Dunhuang art. She hopes t

42、o visit a museum with the Mogao cave replicas.ASea World Culture and Arts Center: Chinese artist Tango is exhibiting his cat-themed cartoons at a specially designed exhibition (展览会).BArt Museum of Guangming Culture and Art Center: Abstract ink paintings created by modern Chinese artists are on displ

43、ay. C Nanshan Museum: A new exhibition of relics (遗产) discovered from Jingzhi Temple in Dingzhou, Hebei Province is being held. The exhibits are mostly from the Northern Song Dynasty or earlier. DShenzhen Museum of History and Folk Culture: The Dunhuang art exhibition is on show and visitors can sei

44、ze this last chance to enjoy four life-sized Mogao cave replicas(复制品).E. He Xiangning Art Museum: The “Women Art Practice” exhibition shows artworks by 16 female artists. They have lived overseas for a long time or have long been traveling between China and abroad. F. Shenzhen Museum of Ancient Art:

45、 Visitors can enjoy beautiful Chinese porcelains (瓷器) from the Ming Dynasty at the exhibition.四、短文填空阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Weifang in Shandong Province is known as the birthplace of kites. It has 46 long history of making kites. According to local people, Weifang kite-making can be trace

46、d(追溯)back to 2,000 years ago. Now, the International Kite Festival 47 (hold) in Weifang every year.Yang Hongwei, 56, is an inheritor(传承者)of the Weifang kite-making skill. Born into a kite-making family, Yang often saw kites with bright colors and different 48 (shape) in her grandfathers workshop.“Every time I see these beautiful kites, I feel 49 (please),” said Yang. Yang learned the skill from her grandfather 50 the age of 16. After 10 years practicing, she started a shop by 51 (she). On Yangs kites, people can see not only common patterns like butterflies, but also som


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