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1、2025届高考英语一轮复习:综合能力测试卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A.B. C三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒种的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How long is the trip? A.Half an hour. B. One hour. C. Two hours.2. What will the weather be like tomorrow?A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Snowy.3. How does t

2、he man feel about Iceland?A. The air is always dry.B. The food is not so good.C. The landscapes are impressive.4. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Buy the tickets online.B. Watch the final match.C. Get the tickets immediately.5. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?A.

3、Teacher and student.B. Boss and employee.C. Librarian and student.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所给的A. B. C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独自前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。听第6段材料,因答第6. 7题。6. Why did the man miss the human geography lecture?A. He was uninterested in the

4、 topic.B. He remembered the time wrong.C. He went to see Professor Mason.7. What is the reason the man gives for Professor Masons leaving?A. Being dissatisfied with the salary.B. Living far away from campus.C. Lacking popularity among students.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Why does the woman come to the man?A.

5、 To update her registration.B. To book a meeting room.C. To join a group discussion.9. How many days in advance does the woman need to book a room online?A. At least one day.B. At least two days.C. At least three days.10. What will the woman do next?A. Download a document.B. Fill out an electronic f

6、orm.C. Wait for the man until 8.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11.What event did Steve take part in last year?A.The relay race. B. The 100- meters. C. The 200- meters.12. Why did the man take Ryans place?A. Ryan was sick. B. Ryan was injured. C. Ryan was busy.13. What advice does the man have for people learning

7、to swim?A. Swim as fast as possible.B. Relax and spread out your arms.C. Start learning in primary school.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. Why does the woman ask about entering the concert hall early?A. To set up the stage.B. To meet the performers.C. To avoid the crowds.15. What arrangement does the man offer

8、the womans friend?A. A backstage tour.B. Access through a special passage.C. Early entrance through the main door.16. What does the man suggest the woman do to fix her ticket issue?A. Follow her colleague to enter.B. Wait outside until the concert starts.C. Seek assistance at the service counter.听第1

9、0段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the lecture mainly about?A. The impact of 2008 on animal behaviors.B. The role of zookeepers in animal care.C. Animal adaptation to new environments.18. Why do animals in zoos have more time for various activities?A. They have larger spaces to explore.B. They face fewer su

10、rvival challenges.C. They have more animals to play with.19. What behavior do monkeys in zoos exhibit?A. Increased resting and playing.B. Reduced social interaction.C. Hiding from zookeepers.20. How do female monkeys change in zoo environments?A. They hunt for food together.B. They learn to clean th

11、emselves.C. They become less aggressive.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所恰的A. B. C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A Zinaida Serebriakova(1884-1967) Following the Boishevik Revolution of 1917 and her husbands death a year later, Zinaida Serebrakova struggled to make a living as an artist. In 192

12、4, she left her children in Russia and went to- Paris for an art job. Little did she know that she would not return until 1985, due to strict rules in place in Russia and the complicated backdrop(背景) of World War II. Her paintings often featured landscapes near her family home and moments from her c

13、hildrens daily lives. A year after her return to Russia, her daughter organized three successful exhibitions to celebrate her work.Mary Cassatt(1844-1926)Mary Cassatt was one of four women invited to exhibit with the first Impressionist exhibition in Paris in 1874. Following Cassatts sisters diagnos

14、is with a serious kidney disease, Cassatt only painted her extended family in private settings, with women and children as her special focus. Cassatt was hugely successful and her influence continues to be felt today. Joan Mitchell(1925-1992) Joan Mitchel l was a leading young painter of her time in

15、 New York, part of the influential Artists Club and a participant in the 1951 Ninth Street. Show that introduced Abstract Expressionism. However, in 1959, she moved to France, where she lived in a house that overlooked a landscape painted by Monet. Inspired by nature and great modern artists like Cz

16、anne. Matisse, and Monet, she aimed to capture feelings rather than recognizable landscapes in her art. Emily Kame Kngwarreye(1909-1996)An Aboriginal elder, Emily Kame Kngwarreye was one of Australias most important artists. Drawing on her experience making works with sand and battle(婚余) as well as

17、ceremonial body painting, she made her first painting on canvas when she was 79. Over the following eight years, she produced another 3,000, one of which became the first work by a female Australian artist to sell for over a million dollars.21 . What is a shared characteristic of Zinaida Serebriakov

18、a and Joan Mitchell?A. They mixed different painting styles.B. They painted to provide for their families.C. They were forced to leave their home countries.D. They found inspiration in their surroundings.22. Who was invited to showcase her work at the first Impressionist exhibition?A. Joan Mitchell.

19、 B. Mary Cassatt.C. Zinaida Serebriakova. D. Emily Kame Kngwarreye.23. How was Emily Kame Kngwarreye different from the other painters?A. She did body painting.B. She was highly productive.C. She rose to fame at an early age.D. She primarily painted landscapes.B For Derek Veal, it all started when h

20、e explored his grandfathers old house in Georgia. He found an old suitcase filled with photographs, some more than 100 years old. The suitcase belonged to his great- grandmother, who had Alzheimers (阿尔茨海默病) and lived in a nursing home. Veal and his grandfather went to visit her with the photos, hopi

21、ng she could tell them more about the photos. What happened next changed Veals life.“ Everything came back to her when she saw these pictures,” Veal said.“ She recognized her sisters, her aunts, her grandparents. It was the first time I had ever seen someones excitement from an old photo returning t

22、o them. The experience made Veal realize the power of old photographs to hold precious and long- forgotten memories and restore a sense of identity. It never left him. Two years ago, when he came across old family photos for sale at a thrift store(旧货店), he decided to pick one picture and try to trac

23、k down the family. Soon, he was inspired to buy more photos and started a Facebook group called Old Photo Project to aid in finding their families. Veal is not alone in this hobby. Photo and genealogy(宋谱学) enthusiasts worldwide regularly go through thrift stores, flea markets and the like, finding v

24、intage photos with the objective of reuniting the photos with their families. They also use the internet and even social media to track down the families and faces in the lost photos. David Gutenmacher,26, lives in Queens, New York, and started his project, Museum of Lost Memories, in late 2020. He

25、has already had over 300,000 followers on Instagram and over 750,000 on TikTok.“ Some of my posts have gone viral and twice a person or family was tracked down in a matter of minutes!” Gutenmacher said. The motivation behind this hobby seems to be a combination of enjoying the detective work it take

26、s to solve the puzzle, and the memories these lost pictures can bring back to the families they belong to. What makes this hobby so unique is not only how it gives people the chance to help others, but it also brings these enthusiasts a sense of purpose.“I feel like this is my calling,” said Gutenma

27、cher.“ The more I return memories, the more it feels like Im supposed to be doing this.24. According to the text, what changed Veals life?A. His awareness of the value of old photos.B. The true stories about his great- grandmother.C. His familys history show n in the photographs.D. The photo- taking

28、 project of his grandfathers old house.25. What do the underlined words “ have gone viral” mean in paragraph 6?A. Have been updated regularly. B. Have made people think deeply.C. Have received some comments. D. Have spread quickly and widely.26. How does Gutenmacher feel about what he does with the

29、lost photographs?A. Its not easy. B. Its not enough.C. Its his duty. D. Its just a hobby.27. Which of the following would be a suitable title for the text?A. Returning Lost MemoriesB. Old Photos for Photo EnthusiastsC. The Power of Photos on the InternetD. Researching the History of a FamilyC High e

30、mployment, falling inflation(通货膨胀), and economic growth. On the surface, the US economy currently seems to be doing great. But as it turns out, things are not so rosy for the average working American. According to a March 6 survey conducted by the Savings website, 47 percent of US parents provide so

31、me degree of financial support to their adult children to help deal with the cost of living struggles. Gen Zers( defined in the survey as being aged 18-27) were found to be the most likely generation to get financial help from their parents, receiving on average 1,515 dollars( about 10,950 yuan) per

32、 month. Still, many older parents were found to be supporting their Millennial( aged 28-43) or Generation X( aged 44-59) adult children, accounting for 21 percent of parents providing support. The most common expenses cited were groceries, tuition, and health insurance, among others, reported The Gu

33、ardian. But why are so many US adults, both young and old, struggling to “ leave the nest? One major reason is soaring food prices. According to the US Department of Agriculture, food prices are expected to increase by nearly 2.5 percent across the board in 2024. Meanwhile, stable housing remains an

34、 elusive dream for many. The average rate for a 30- year, flexed- rate mortgage(抵押贷款) was almost8 percent in October 2023, said the Mortgage Bankers Association. An extremely expensive mortgage means that many Americans are priced out of affording their own home. The final piece of the puzzle is fal

35、ling salaries. Previous generations were able to count on graduating from college as the key to landing a job that paid well. But now, young US graduates have found that they ea rn less than their parents. According to a CNBC analysis, college graduate salaries have decreased more than 10 percent in

36、 four decades after adjusting for inflation. In other words, steadily declining salaries make it even harder for young Americans to cope with steadily rising costs. As Gen Zers in the US struggle under financial pressures, so do the older generations supporting them, as their generosity puts their p

37、rospects for retirement at risk. The Savings website discovered that working parents were found to contribute =2.4 times more to support adult children than they contribute to their retirement accounts each month”. Essentially, while the US economy remains afloat, we might witness multiple generatio

38、ns of Americans sinking in their own lifeboats in the years ahead. 28. What did the March 6 survey find out about adult children in the US?A. Nearly half of them are financially dependent.B. Over half of Gen Zers are financially struggling.C. Twenty- one percent of Generation X receive parental help

39、.D. A majority of them rely on their parents for education.29. What does the underlined word“ elusive” in paragraph 5 most probably mean?A. Readily accessible. B. Difficult to achieve.C. Often misunderstood. D. Commonly sought after.30. What can be inferred from the article about people in the US?A.

40、 Graduates financial struggles are temporary.B. Government policies favor old er generations.C. Salaries for graduates tend to keep pace with inflation.D. Financial pressures affect both the young and the old.31. What is the authors attitude toward the future prospects of Americans?A. Negative. B. O

41、ptimistic.C. Reserved. D. Wait- and- see.D Cooler, higher places may not be very welcome to some hummingbirds trying to escape rising temperatures and other effects of climate change. Annas hummingbirds live no higher than about 2,600 meters above sea. level. If the birds attempt to expand their ran

42、ge to include higher altitudes, they may struggle to fly well in the thinner air, researchers reported in the Journal of Experimental Biology. These hummingbirds have expanded their range in the past. Once only found in Southern California, the birds now live as far north as Vancouver, says Austin S

43、pence, an ecologist at the University of California, Davis. That expansion is probably due to climate change and people using feeders to attract hammingbirds, he says. Spence and colleagues collected 26 Annas hummingbirds from different elections(海拔) in the birds natural range in California. The tea

44、m transported the birds to an aviary(鸟舍) about 1,200 meters above sea level and measured their metabolic(新陈代谢的) rate when hovering(盘旋). After relocating the hummingbirds to a field station at an altitude of 3,800 meters, the researchers let the birds rest for at least 12 hours and then measured that

45、 rate again. The rate was 37 percent lower, on average, at the higher elevation than the aviary, even though the birds should have been working hard er to fly in the thinner air. At higher altitudes, hovering is very challenging and requires a lot more energy compared to other forms of flight, Spenc

46、e says. The decrease in metabolic rate shows that the birds hovering performance was suffering, he says.“ Low oxygen and low air pressure may be holding them back as they try to move upslope.” Additional work is needed to see whether the birds might be able to better adjust if given weeks or months

47、to get used to the conditions at gradually higher altitudes.32. What factor may have contributed to the expansion of Annas hummingbirds range?A. A shift in migration patterns. B. A lack of food sources.C. A decrease in temperature. D. Human use of feeders.33. How did scientists study the effects of high altitude on hummingbirds?A. By monitoring their feeding behaviors.B. By comparing their different forms of flight.C. By measuring their metabolic rate while hovering.D. By observing their di


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