初中英语新译林版七年级上册Unit 2 Hobbies课文解析(2024秋).doc

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1、七年级英语上册Unit 2 课文解析1.Hobbies bring joy to our life.爱好把快乐带到我们生活中。用法详解: bring .to 地点/某人 “把.带到某地/带给某人”Eg: Please bring this book to me.请把这本书带给我。易混辨析:Carry, bring, take, carry 区别:Carry (动词) “带”,指随身携带Bring (动词) “带来”,从别处带到说话人处Take (动词) “带去”从说话人处带到别处get (动词)“去拿”离开去取在回来,强调动作的往返。Eg: Youd better bring your hom

2、ework tomorrow.你最好明天把你的作业带来。2.After - school clubs 课后俱乐部3.Why hobbies are important for us. 为什么爱好对我们重要。用法详解: important用法小结Important (形容词) “重要的”,其名词形式为importance (重要性)常见搭配:It is important to do sth. 做某事很重要.be important for sB. .对某人很重要Eg: Its important to learn English.学英语很重要。English is important for

3、us. 英语对我们很重要。知识拓展:句式“It is + 形容词 + for sB.+ to do sth.”译为“对某人来说做某事很.”注意:当形容词为修饰人品格类时,需要将for改为ofEg: It is necessary for us to learn English. 对我们来说学英语是有必要的。Its kind of you to help me.对你来说帮我太善良了。4.What do you like to do? 你喜欢做什么?用法详解: like为动词,译为“喜欢”Like to do sth.“喜欢做某事”,表示偶尔一次喜欢做某事或突然喜欢做某事Like doing st

4、h.“喜爱做某事”,表示长时间喜欢做某事,多指兴趣爱好Eg: Success is doing things you like to do .成功就是做你喜爱的事情。She likes reading book. 她喜爱读书。知识拓展:Like还可作介词,译为“像”常见搭配:look like 看起来像Eg: She looks like her mother.她看起来像她的妈妈。5.Amy and Millie are talking about their hobbies. 艾米和米勒正在讨论他们的爱好。用法详解:talk用法小结:talk为动词,译为“谈论;讨论”常见搭配:talk ab

5、out sth. 讨论某事Talk with/to sB. 和某人讨论注意:用with时常表示双方交流,而about则表示一方说,另一方听Eg: My mother is talking with my teacher about my study.我妈妈正在和老师讨论我的学习。易混辨析:say, speak, tell和talk区别:Say“讲;说”,指用语言表达思想,侧重于所说的具体内容Speak“讲;说;发言”,侧重讲话的动作,后面常接某种语言Talk“谈话”,指双方之间的相互交谈,Tell“告诉”,既注重说话的内容,又有告诉的对象。常用结构:tell sB.sth.= tell sth

6、.to sB.“告诉某人某事”;Tell sB.(not) to do sth. “告诉某人(不)做某事”Tell stories “讲故事”; tell a lie “说谎”Eg: Can you say it in English? 你能用英语说它吗?Can you speak English? 你会书英语吗?The teacher is talking with my mother.老师正在和我妈妈谈话。My mother tells me to clean my room.我妈妈告诉我打扫房间。6.I learn a lot from them. 我从他们中学到很多。用法详解:lear

7、n用法小结:learn (动词) “学习”常用搭配:learn to do sth.学习做某事learn by oneself 自学Learn from .向.学习Eg: We should learn from them.我们应该向他们学习。She must learn to look after herself.她必须学习照顾自己。She learns English by herself.她自学英语。易混辨析: learn和study区别:Study侧重于学习或研究的过程,强调通过深入系统的学习和研究来获得知识;Learn侧重于学习的结果,强调通过经验、教导或实践获得知识和技能。Eg:

8、She studied hard and learned English very well.她努力学习并且英语学的非常好。7.I like swimming. 我喜欢游泳。用法详解:swim为动词,译为“游泳”,其动名词形式为swimming.常见搭配:go swimming 去游泳Eg: Lets go swimming this afternoon.让我们今天下午去游泳吧。8.How often do you go swimming? 你多久游一次泳。易混辨析:how often, how long和how soon区别:how long “多长时间”用for或since引导时间状语回答

9、how soon “还要多长时间”用于将来时,用“in + 一段时间”回答how often “多久一次”提问动作发生的频率Eg: - How long have you been here?- For two days. 你在这多久了? 两天了。- How soon will you stay there?- In two days. 你要在这待多久?两天- How often do you visit your parents?- Twice a week. 你多久去看一次你的父母?一周两次。9.Give an example 举个例子10.A fan of science 一个科学迷用法

10、详解:a fan of. 一个.的迷/粉丝Eg: She is a fan of Jay Zhou.她是周杰伦的粉丝。知识拓展:fan (名词) 粉丝;迷;扇子11.Daniel is one of my new friends. 丹尼尔是我的一个新朋友。用法详解:句型“one of + 可数名词复数”,译为“.之一”,作主语时,谓语动词常用单数。Eg: One of my favourite books is Little Women.我最喜欢的一本书是小妇人。12.Daniel often visits science museums. 丹尼尔经常参观科学博物馆。用法详解:visit为动词

11、,译为“参观;游览”,其名词形式为visitor,译为“参观者;游客”Eg: There are lots of visitors visiting China every year.每年有许多游客参观中国。13.In his free time 在他的空闲时间里用法详解:time用法小结:time (可数名词) 次数;(不可数名词) 时间常见搭配:three times 三次How many times 多少次Its time for sth.= Its time to do sth. 到了做某事的时候Eg: Its time for dinner.= Its time to have di

12、nner.到了吃晚饭的时候了。知识拓展:free为形容词,译为“空闲的;自由的;免费的”Eg: This is a free country.这是一个自由的国家。These things are free.这些东西是免费的。14.Daniel reads many science books. 丹尼尔读许多的科学书。易混辨析:read, look, see与watch区别:Look “看”,是不及物动词,强调“看”的动作,后面常加介词at,构成短语look at.Look 也可单独使用,其后不需加任何词,用来引起他人注意,常用于现在进行时中。See “看见;看到”强调看的结果。常用于看电影、戏

13、剧、展览等,也可以译为“理解、明白、看望”等意思。Watch “观看、注视”多用指感兴趣的观看某物,如电视、比赛等Read “阅读”,主要用于看书、报纸、杂志等和纸张有关的带有文字的东西Eg: Look at my new book.“看我的新书。”Look! The boy is reading a book. 看!那个男孩正在读书。You can see many birds in the tree.你可以在树上看到许多鸟。I see. 我懂了。I like watching football matches. 我喜欢看足球比赛。The girl likes reading boos ve

14、ry much.这个女孩非常喜欢读书。知识拓展:look常见搭配小结:Look at 看.Look for 寻找Look out. 小心Look up 查询Look like 看起来像Look over 检查;复习Look through 浏览Look after 照顾15.Go on the Internet to find answers to his endless questions.上网冲浪来给他无尽的问题找答案用法详解:answer在此处为名词,译为“答案”,常见搭配为the answer to .“.的答案”answer也可作动词,译为“回答”,常见搭配为answer the q

15、uestions “回答问题”知识拓展:go on the Internet 上网冲浪16.One day 未来某一天17.I am sure his dream can come true.我确信他的梦想会实现。用法详解:sure用法小结Sure (副词) 当然;一定;的确 (形容词) 一定的;确信的;有把握的常见搭配:Be sure + that从句 = be sure to do sth. “确信.”Be sure about sth. “对某事确信”Eg: Im sure that I will pass the exam.= Im sure to pass the exam.我确信通

16、过考试。18.Why he loves science 他为什么爱科学用法详解:why为特殊疑问词,译为“为什么”,常用来提问because开头的句子。Eg: - Why are you late for school?你为什么上学迟到?- Because I get up late today.因为我今天起来晚了。19.Show Daniels love for science 展现丹尼尔对科学的热爱用法详解:show用法小结Show (动词) “展示” (名词) “展览”常见搭配:show sB.sth.= show sth.to sB. 给某人看某物Eg: Please show me

17、that photo.= Please show that photo to me.请给我看看那张照片。Magic show. 魔术表演。20.So much “如此多”,其后常常接不可数名词知识拓展:So many “如此多”,其后常常接可数名词复数。Eg: There are so many books in this room.这个房间里有如此多的书。There is so much water in the swimming pool.游泳池里有如此多的水。21.In this way 用这种方法知识拓展: way的相关搭配:the way to do sth. 做某事的方法The w

18、ay to 地点 去.的路Ask for the way to . 问去.的路on ones way to 在某人去的路上In the way 挡路By the way 顺便说一下如果表示地点的词是副词home, there, here等,省略介词toEg: the way to Beijing 去北京的路The way to learn English 学英语的方法Its a clever way to make the passage more interesting.使文章更有趣是一个聪明的方法。22.What does he use the Internet to do? 他经常用互联

19、网做什么?用法详解: use用法小结Use (名词) 使用;用途 (动词) 使用派生词为:reuse (动词) “重新使用”useful (形容词) “有用的”,useless( 形容词) “无用的”常用短语: its useful to do sth. 做某事是有用的。use sth.to do sth.“用某物做某事”Make good use of . 充分利用.Be used to do sth. 被用来做某事Used to do sth. 过去常常做某事be used to doing sth.习惯做某事Eg: Its useful to learn English well.学好英

20、语是有用的。I use a pen to write this letter.“我用钢笔写这封信。”We must make good use of our free time.我们必须好好利用我们的空闲时间。Cotton is used to make cloth. 棉花被用来织布。The old man used to live in the country, but now he is used to living in the city.这位老人过去常常住在乡下,但是现在他习惯住在城市。23.Pay attention to doing sth. 注意做某事Eg: Please pay

21、 attention to writing correctly.请注意书写正确。24.Go for a walk = take a walk = have a walk 去散步Eg: My parents always go for a walk after dinner.我的父母总是饭后散步。25.Sometimes为副词,译为“有时”易混辨析:sometime, some time, sometimes和some times区别:歌谣:分开“一段时间(some time)”;相聚“某个时刻(sometime)”;“有时(sometimes)”相聚加s;分开“几次(some times)”加

22、s。Eg: I will stay here for some time.我将在这儿待一段时间。I will go to Beijing sometime next month.下个月某个时间我要去北京。I sometimes get up at 8:00.我有时八点起床。I have seen the film some times.我已经看着这部电影几次了。26.Fly a kite 放风筝用法详解: fly 用法小结fly为动词,译为“飞行”,也可作名词,译为“苍蝇”其复数形式为fliesEg: There is a fly flying in the room.屋里有之苍蝇在飞。27.

23、Half an hour 半小时注意:hour中的h不发音,故用冠词an来修饰知识拓展:a常常用于非元音音素开头的单词前;而an常用于元音音素开头的单词前Eg: a banana 一根香蕉;an apple 一个苹果A university 一所大学;an hour 一小时28.Listen to music 听音乐易混辨析:listen与hear区别:listen译为“听”,侧重于听到动作,其后常常需加to在加宾语;hear译为“听见”,侧重于听的结果Eg: She listened to the music carefully but she didnt hear anything.她认真

24、地听音乐,但是什么也没听到。29.What sports clubs are there at Sunshine Middle School? 在阳光中学有什么运动俱乐部?用法详解:there be句型“There be句型”在英语中常常表示“某地存在某物”。如果某物为单数则用is,某物为复数则用are.注意:there be句型有临近原则,即be动词要取决于离其近的名词。Eg: There is a football behind the door.门后有一个足球。There are five books on the desk. 桌子上有五本书。There is one book and

25、five pens on the desk.桌子上有一本书和五支钢笔。30.Millie is asking Mr.Wu about after - school clubs. 米勒正在向吴老师咨询课后俱乐部。用法详解: ask用法小结Ask (动词) “问;要求”常见搭配:ask for . 索要.Ask sB.(not) to do sth. 要求某人(不)做某事Eg: Please ask for help when you are in danger.当你处于危险中时请寻求帮助。My mum asked me to finish my homework before dinner. 我

26、妈妈要求我晚饭前完成作业。31.In all 总共Eg: Our school has 11 clubs in all. 我们学校总共有11个俱乐部。32.On Wednesday afternoons 在周三下午Every Friday afternoon 每周五下午用法详解:上一个短语时间为“具体某一天的下午”故需用介词on;而后一个短语因Friday afternoon前有every修饰,故不可用介词on知识拓展:on、in、at在接时间时区别:on后常接具体某一天或某一天的早午晚;In后常接周、月、年、季节等一段时间;at后常接具体的某一时刻,如几点钟等Eg: on Monday 在周

27、一;on a cold morning 在一个寒冷的早上In a week 在一周里;in May 在五月份;in 2000 在2000年; in summer 在夏天At 6:00 在六点33.It makes me feel happy. 它让我感觉很快乐。用法详解: make用法小结Make (动词) “使,让,叫”常见搭配:Make sB.do sth. 让某人做某事Make sB.+ 形容词 使某人处于某种状态Eg: Dont make him sleep late.不要让他睡过头。The story makes me happy. 这个故事让我快乐。34.Both of us wi

28、ll have a great time in our clubs. 我们两个在俱乐部里玩得很开心。用法详解:both用法小结both可作形容词,译为“两个”,常用在名词前修饰名词,此时所修饰的名词需要用复数形式。Eg: There are lots of trees on both sides of the street.街道两旁有许多的树。Both也可作代词,译为“两者都”,可单独使用,也可和and/of构成“both.anD.”及“both of.”的结构,译为“两者都.”,作主语时谓语动词常用复数。Eg: The two books are both about history.这两本

29、书都是关于历史的。Both Lily and Lucy are from AmericA.丽丽和露西都来自美国。Both of us like watching this movie. 我们两个都喜欢看这部电影。易混辨析: all与both区别:Both强调两者之间,可与of/and连用,而all强调三者或三者以上,只可以与of连用;二者作主语时,谓语动词都需用复数形式。Eg: Both of them are friendly. 他们两个都很友好。All of them are friendly. 他们所有人都很友好。35.Have a great time = have a good ti

30、me = have fun = enjoy oneself 玩得高兴;过得愉快Eg: They had a great time at the party. 他们在派对上玩得很开心。36.A master of Chinese painting 一名中国画大师37.For the first time 第一次Eg: I never forget hearing this piece of music for the first time.我永远不会忘记第一次听到这首曲子的情景。38.Be popular with sB. 受.欢迎Eg: This movie star is popular with the young.这位电影明星很受年轻人欢迎。8


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