Unit 4 How do we have fun 表格式教学设计-2024新沪教版(三起)三年级上册《英语》.docx

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Unit 4 How do we have fun 表格式教学设计-2024新沪教版(三起)三年级上册《英语》.docx_第3页
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Unit 4 How do we have fun 表格式教学设计-2024新沪教版(三起)三年级上册《英语》.docx_第4页
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Unit 4 How do we have fun 表格式教学设计-2024新沪教版(三起)三年级上册《英语》.docx_第5页
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1、沪教版(2024)小学英语三年级上册Unit 4How do we have fun?教学设计一、教学内容“How do we have fun?”是新教材沪教版(2024)小学英语三年级上册Unit 4的主题内容,主要围绕孩子们日常生活中的娱乐活动展开。通过学习,学生将掌握一些常见的娱乐活动词汇,如 play football, skip rope, fly a kite 等,以及如何用英语询问和表达自己喜欢的娱乐方式。教材内容生动有趣,贴近学生生活实际,旨在激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们用英语进行交流的能力。二、教材特点与地位(一)教材特点注重情境创设教材以孩子们的日常生活场景为背景,创

2、设了丰富多样的情境,让学生在真实的情境中学习语言,增强语言的实用性和趣味性。强调听说能力培养通过大量的听说活动,如对话、儿歌、游戏等,帮助学生提高英语听说能力,培养语感。内容贴近生活选取的娱乐活动都是学生熟悉和喜爱的,容易引起学生的共鸣,激发他们的学习积极性。(二)教材地位本单元是沪教版小学英语三年级上册的重要组成部分,在整个教材体系中起着承上启下的作用。它既对前面所学的基础知识进行了巩固和拓展,又为后续单元的学习奠定了基础。通过本单元的学习,学生将进一步掌握一些基本的词汇和句型,为提高英语综合运用能力打下坚实的基础。三、 教学设计理念本单元的教学设计理念是通过互动和实践的方式,激发学生对英语

3、学习的兴趣,培养他们用英语表达日常活动的能力。我们注重学生语言技能的全面发展,包括听、说、读、写四个方面。通过贴近学生生活的主题,如家庭娱乐活动,让学生在真实语境中学习和使用英语。同时,鼓励学生通过角色扮演、小组讨论和项目作业等活动,提高他们的合作能力和创新思维。此外,我们还强调文化意识的培养,让学生在学习语言的同时,了解和尊重不同的文化背景。通过这些综合性的教学活动,我们旨在帮助学生建立自信,为他们的未来学习和生活打下坚实的基础。四、教学目标(一)知识目标学生能听懂、会说、认读单词:play football, skip rope, fly a kite, ride a bike, play

4、 cards。学生能理解并运用句型:What do you like doing? I like.学生能了解字母 e 在单词中的发音规律。(二)能力目标学生能够在实际情境中运用所学单词和句型询问和表达自己喜欢的娱乐方式。学生能够听懂关于娱乐活动的简单对话,并能进行简单的交流。学生能够正确朗读单词和句子,发音准确,语调自然。(三)情感目标培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,激发学生积极参与课堂活动的热情。让学生了解不同的娱乐活动,丰富学生的课余生活,培养学生健康的生活方式。五、教学重难点(一)教学重点掌握单词:play football, skip rope, fly a kite, ride a bik

5、e, play cards。运用句型:What do you like doing? I like. 进行交流。(二)教学难点单词 skip, fly, ride 的发音。理解并正确运用 like doing sth. 的结构表达自己的喜好。六、教学准备多媒体课件、单词卡片、图片、实物(足球、跳绳、风筝、自行车、扑克牌)。学生准备自己喜欢的娱乐活动道具。七、教学过程第一课时教学环节教学内容师生互动设计意图Warming-up1. Greetings2. Sing a song The Wheels on the BusT: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, te

6、acher.T: Lets sing a song together. Ss sing along with the music.通过问候和唱歌,营造轻松愉快的课堂氛围,吸引学生的注意力,为新课学习做好准备。Lead-in1. Show some pictures of children playing different games and ask: What are they doing?2. Elicit the topic “How do we have fun?”T: Look at these pictures. What are they doing?Ss: They are p

7、laying.(try to answer)T: Yes, they are having fun. Today we are going to learn about how we have fun. Write the topic on the blackboard.利用图片导入新课,激发学生的学习兴趣,引出本单元的话题。Presentation1. Learn the new words- Show a picture of a boy playing football and say: Look, he is playing football. Teach the word play

8、football. Let students repeat several times and do the action.- Use the same way to teach skip rope, “fly a kite”, “ride a bike”, “play cards”. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the difficult words like skip, “fly”, “ride”.2. Practice the words- Game: Whats missing?Show all the word cards on the

9、 blackboard, then turn around and take away one card. Ask students to guess which word is missing.- Game: I say you doT: Skip rope. Ss do the action of skipping rope and say the word aloud.3. Sentence pattern teaching- Show a picture of a girl flying a kite and ask: What is she doing? Then answer by

10、 myself: She is flying a kite. I like flying a kite. Write the sentence “I like flying a kite.” on the blackboard and teach the sentence pattern “I like.”.- Ask students: What do you like doing? Help them answer with the new words and the sentence pattern. For example, S1: I like playing football.4.

11、 Listen and repeatOpen the book and turn to page XX. Listen to the tape and repeat the words and sentences.T: (show the picture of playing football) This is play football. Follow me, play football. (do the action of kicking a ball)Ss: Play football.(repeat several times)T: Now, lets play a game. Wha

12、ts missing?T: (show the picture of flying a kite) What is she doing?Ss: She is flying a kite.T: Yes, I like flying a kite. (write on the blackboard) What do you like doing? (ask a student)S1: I like.(help S1 answer)T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Ss listen and repeat after the tape.通过图片、实物和动作等直观教学

13、手段,教授新单词和句型,让学生易于理解和掌握。运用游戏进行单词操练,增加学习的趣味性,提高学生的参与度。在句子教学中,创设情境,引导学生用所学句型表达自己的喜好,培养学生的语言运用能力。听录音跟读,让学生模仿标准的语音语调,提高学生的口语表达能力。Practice1. Pair workAsk students to work in pairs and ask and answer each other using the sentence pattern “What do you like doing? I like.”. They can use the words they have l

14、earned or other activities they know.2. Group workDivide the students into groups of four. Each group makes a list of their group members favorite activities. Then one student in each group reports their groups results to the class.For example: In our group, S1 likes playing football. S2 likes skipp

15、ing rope. S3 likes flying a kite. And I like riding a bike.T: Now, work in pairs and ask your partner what he/she likes doing.Ss work in pairs and practice the dialogue.T: Next, lets do a group work. Make a list of your group members favorite activities.Group representatives report their groups resu

16、lts.通过小组活动,让学生在实际交流中巩固所学的单词和句型,培养学生的合作意识和语言交际能力。同时,拓展学生的思维,让他们能够运用所学知识表达更多的内容。Production1. SurveyGive each student a piece of paper with a table on it. The table has two columns: Name and Favorite Activity. Ask students to go around the classroom and interview their classmates about their favorite a

17、ctivities and fill in the table.2. ReportAfter the survey, ask some students to come to the front of the class and report the results of their survey. They can say like this: My name is. I interviewed. classmates. XXX likes. XXX likes. and I like.T: Now, its time for a survey. Take this paper and in

18、terview your classmates.Ss do the survey and fill in the table.T: Who wants to come and report your survey results?Ss come to the front and report.通过调查和汇报活动,进一步提高学生的语言综合运用能力,培养学生的自信心和表达能力。同时,让学生了解同学们的不同兴趣爱好,增进同学之间的了解和友谊。Summary1. Review the new words and sentence pattern with students.2. Encourage s

19、tudents to talk about what they have learned in this class.T: What did we learn today?Ss: We learned some new words and a sentence pattern.T: Yes, we learned words like play football, skip rope. and the sentence pattern “What do you like doing? I like.”. What else did you learn?Ss: We learned how to

20、 ask and answer about our favorite activities.T: Very good. You did a great job today.总结本节课的重点内容,帮助学生巩固所学知识,同时引导学生回顾学习过程,培养学生的总结归纳能力。Homework1. Listen to the tape and read the words and sentences for five times.2. Ask your parents what they like doing and tell them what you like doing in English.T:

21、Todays homework is to listen to the tape and read the words and sentences for five times. And ask your parents what they like doing and tell them what you like doing in English. Can you do it?Ss: Yes, we can.布置适量的家庭作业,让学生在课后继续巩固所学知识,同时将英语学习延伸到家庭生活中,增强学生的语言实践能力。第二课时教学环节教学内容师生互动设计意图Warming-up1. Revisi

22、on- Review the words learned in the last class by showing the word cards and asking students to read them aloud and do the actions.- Have a short dialogue with students using the sentence pattern “What do you like doing? I like.”2. Sing a song related to the topicSing the song “Fly, Fly, My Kite”T:

23、Lets review the words we learned last class. Look at this card, whats it? (show the word card of play football)Ss: Play football.T: Very good. Do the action. (students do the action)T: What do you like doing, S1?S1: I like skipping rope.T: Lets sing a song together. “Fly, Fly, My Kite”. Ss sing alon

24、g with the music.通过复习单词和句型,巩固上节课所学内容。唱歌可以活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,同时也与本节课的主题相关。Presentation1. Text learning- Open the book and turn to page XX. Look at the pictures and listen to the tape. Then answer the questions: What activities do the children like doing?- Read the text together sentence by sentence. Ex

25、plain the new words and phrases in the text if necessary, such as have a good time.2. Letter sound teaching- Show the words pen, “leg”, “red”, “bed” on the blackboard. Ask students to read them and find out the common sound of the letter e.- Explain that the letter e in these words makes the short /

26、e/ sound. Let students practice saying the sound and some other words with the same sound, like hen, “men”, “desk”.3. Chant learning- Teach a chant related to the letter sound and the words. For example:E, e, /e/ /e/ /e/Pen, pen, /e/ /e/ penLeg, leg, /e/ /e/ legRed, red, /e/ /e/ redBed, bed, /e/ /e/

27、 bedHave students clap their hands and chant together.T: Now, open your books and listen to the tape. What activities do the children like doing? (play the tape)Ss listen and answer.T: Lets read the text together. (read sentence by sentence and explain)T: Look at these words on the blackboard. Read

28、them aloud and what sound do you hear? (point to the words pen, “leg”, “red”, “bed”)Ss: /e/T: Yes, the letter e makes the short /e/ sound. Lets chant together. (teach the chant and do the actions with students)学习课文可以让学生进一步了解如何在实际情境中运用所学的语言知识。通过讲解课文中的新单词和短语,帮助学生理解课文内容。教授字母 e 的发音规律,让学生通过观察和朗读,掌握字母在单词中

29、的发音,为单词的拼读和拼写打下基础。 chant 的学习可以增加学习的趣味性,帮助学生更好地记忆字母发音和相关单词。Practice1. Listen and circleShow some words on the PPT, some of which have the short /e/ sound and some dont. For example: “pen”, “bike”, “red”, “kite”, “leg”, “bus”. Ask students to listen to the teachers pronunciation and circle the words w

30、ith the short /e/ sound.2. Read and matchGive students some cards with words on one side and pictures on the other side. The words are related to the activities learned in this unit and the words with the letter e making the short /e/ sound. For example: “play football” (picture of a boy playing foo

31、tball), “skip rope” (picture of a girl skipping rope), “pen” (picture of a pen), “red kite” (picture of a red kite), “bed” (picture of a bed). Ask students to read the words and match them with the correct pictures.3. Role-play the textDivide the students into groups and ask them to role-play the te

32、xt. Each group assigns roles to the students and acts out the conversation in the text. They can use the props they brought to make the performance more vivid.T: Listen carefully, I will pronounce these words. Circle the words with the short /e/ sound. (pronounce the words one by one)T: Now, take ou

33、t your cards. Read the words and match them with the pictures.T: Lets role-play the text. Group 1, you start. (groups take turns to perform)通过听力练习和读写练习,巩固学生对字母 e 发音规律的掌握以及对所学单词的认读和理解。角色扮演活动可以让学生在情境中运用所学的语言知识,提高学生的口语表达能力和表演能力,同时增强学生的学习兴趣和参与度。Production1. Make a new chantAsk students to make a new cha

34、nt using the words they have learned in this unit and the letter sound /e/ They can work in pairs or groups. Encourage them to be creative and use actions if possible.2. Describe your favorite activityAsk students to think about their favorite activity and describe it in a few sentences. They can us

35、e the sentence patterns and words they have learned. For example: I like flying a kite. Its very fun. I can run and feel the wind. When I fly a kite, I am very happy.Then ask some students to share their descriptions with the class.T: Now, lets make a new chant. You can work with your partners or in

36、 groups. Use the words and the letter sound /e/ Be creative!Ss work on making the chant and then present their chants to the class.T: Think about your favorite activity and describe it. You can start like this: I like. (give an example)Ss write and then share their descriptions.制作新的 chant 可以培养学生的创造力

37、和语言运用能力,同时加深学生对字母发音和单词的记忆。描述自己喜欢的活动可以让学生将所学知识与实际生活相结合,提高学生的语言表达能力和思维能力,并且让学生有机会展示自己的个性和想法。Summary1. Summarize the main content of this class, including the text, the letter sound, and the activities we did.2. Praise the students for their good performance and encourage them to keep learning English.

38、T: What did we learn today? We learned the text, the short /e/ sound of the letter e, and we did many interesting activities. You all did a very good job. Keep it up!总结本节课的重点内容,让学生对所学知识有一个清晰地回顾。同时,对学生的表现给予肯定和鼓励,增强学生的学习自信心和积极性。Homework1. Copy the new words and sentences in the text for three times.2.

39、 Make a mini-book about your favorite activities. You can draw pictures and write words or sentences to describe them.T: Todays homework is to copy the new words and sentences in the text for three times. And make a mini-book about your favorite activities. You can be as creative as you like. See you next time!布置书面作业和实践作业,巩固学生对课堂知识的掌握,同时培养学生的动手能力和创造力,让学生在完成作业的过程中进一步加深对所学内容的理解和记忆。八、板书设计Unit 4 How do we have fun?New words:play football skip rope fly a kiteride a bike play cardsSentence patterns:What do you like doing?I like.


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