Unit 3 What do we look like共2课时 表格式教学设计-2024新沪教版(三起)三年级上册《英语》.docx

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Unit 3 What do we look like共2课时 表格式教学设计-2024新沪教版(三起)三年级上册《英语》.docx_第1页
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Unit 3 What do we look like共2课时 表格式教学设计-2024新沪教版(三起)三年级上册《英语》.docx_第2页
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Unit 3 What do we look like共2课时 表格式教学设计-2024新沪教版(三起)三年级上册《英语》.docx_第3页
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Unit 3 What do we look like共2课时 表格式教学设计-2024新沪教版(三起)三年级上册《英语》.docx_第4页
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Unit 3 What do we look like共2课时 表格式教学设计-2024新沪教版(三起)三年级上册《英语》.docx_第5页
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1、沪教版(2024)小学英语三年级上册Unit 3What do we look like教学设计课题:Unit 3What do we look like科目:小学英语年级:一年级上册版本:沪教版(2024)课时安排:2课时一、教学内容本单元的主题是 “What do we look like?”,主要围绕描述人物的外貌特征展开。学生将学习与外貌相关的词汇,如 tall, short, fat, thin, big, small 等,以及句型 “Hes/Shes.(描述外貌特征)”。通过学习,学生能够用英语简单地描述自己和他人的外貌,并能在实际情境中进行交流。二、教材特点与地位1、教材特点贴近


3、。3、注重培养学生的合作学习能力和思维能力,通过小组活动、讨论等形式,促进学生之间的交流与合作。4、采用多元化的评价方式,及时反馈学生的学习情况,鼓励学生积极参与学习。四、教学目标(一)知识目标学生能听懂、会说、认读单词:tall, short, fat, thin, big, small。学生能理解并运用句型 “Hes/Shes.(描述外貌特征)” 来描述他人或自己的外貌。(二)能力目标学生能够在实际情境中准确运用所学词汇和句型描述人物的外貌特征。学生能够通过观察、比较等方式,培养自己的观察力和思维能力。学生能够在小组活动中积极与他人合作,提高自己的合作学习能力和语言表达能力。(三)情感目标

4、培养学生学习英语的兴趣,增强自信心。引导学生关注他人,学会用英语赞美他人的优点,培养良好的人际关系。五、教学重难点(一)教学重点掌握与外貌相关的词汇:tall, short, fat, thin, big, small。运用句型 “Hes/Shes.(描述外貌特征)” 进行准确的表达。(二)教学难点单词 thin 和 fat 的发音区别,以及 tall 和 short 的正确运用。引导学生能够灵活运用所学词汇和句型描述不同人物的外貌特征,并进行简单的交流。六、教学准备多媒体课件、单词卡片、图片、头饰等。学生准备自己喜欢的人物照片或图片。七、教学过程第一课时教学环节教学内容师生互动设计意图War

5、m-up1. Greetings2. Sing a song “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, teacher.T and Ss sing the song together and do the actions.通过问候和唱歌,营造轻松愉快的学习氛围,复习身体部位的词汇,为引出外貌描述做铺垫。Lead-in1. Show a picture of a family.2. Ask questions: Who are they? What do they look like?T: Look

6、at this picture. Who are they?Ss: They are a family.T: What do they look like? Lets have a look together.利用图片创设情境,激发学生的好奇心和学习兴趣,自然导入新课。Presentation1. Learn new words: tall, short- Show pictures of a tall man and a short boy.- Teach the words “tall” and “short” by pronunciation, gestures and repeated

7、 reading.2. Learn new words: fat, thin- Show pictures of a fat woman and a thin man.- Teach the words “fat” and “thin” in the same way as above, emphasizing the pronunciation difference between “thin” and “fat”.3. Learn new words: big, small- Show pictures of a big ball and a small ball.- Teach the

8、words “big” and “small” through visual demonstration and reading practice.4. Practice the words- Use the flashcards to quickly show the words and ask students to read them out.- Play a game “Whats missing?” Remove one of the word cards and ask students to guess which one is missing.T: Look at this m

9、an. He is very tall. (Point to the tall man in the picture and do the gesture of being tall.) Read after me, “tall, tall, /tl/”.Ss: Tall, tall, /tl/. (Repeat several times)T: Now, look at this boy. He is short. (Point to the short boy and show the gesture of being short.) Say it, “short, short, /t/”

10、.Ss: Short, short, /t/.(Teach the other words in a similar way)T: Now, lets play a game. Look at these flashcards. When I show them, you read them out as quickly as you can. Ready? Go!(Show the flashcards quickly)T: OK, now close your eyes. I will take away one card. Open your eyes and guess whats m

11、issing.Ss: Is it the “tall” card?T: No, try again.通过图片、手势、发音示范等多种方式直观地教授新单词,让学生易于理解和记忆。利用闪卡和游戏进行单词练习,增加学习的趣味性,巩固所学单词。Practice1. Listen and do- T say the words “tall, short, fat, thin, big, small” and students do the corresponding gestures.2. Pair work- Students work in pairs. One student describes t

12、he appearance of a person in the picture using the new words, and the other student guesses who it is.- Example:S1: Hes tall and thin.S2: Is it the man in the blue shirt?S1: Yes, youre right.3. Group work- Divide students into groups of four. Each group takes out their own pictures or photos. They d

13、escribe the people in the pictures using the new words and sentences, and then have a group discussion to see who can describe the most accurately and vividly.T: Now, listen to me. When I say “tall”, you stand up straight and stretch your hands up. When I say “short”, you squat down a little. Ready?

14、 Tall!.(Students do the actions according to the teachers instructions)T: Now, work in pairs. Look at the pictures in your books or your own pictures. One of you describes and the other guesses. Lets start.(Students practice in pairs)T: OK, now lets do it in groups. Each group takes out your picture

15、s and talk about them. Try to use the words and sentences we learned to describe as much as possible. Then, well have a little competition to see which group is the best.(Students work in groups and have a discussion)T: Times up. Which group wants to share first?Group 1: We have a picture of a girl.

16、 Shes short and fat. She has big eyes and a small nose.T: Very good! Any other groups?.通过听做活动,让学生进一步熟悉单词的含义和发音,同时训练学生的反应能力。Pair work 和 group work 为学生提供了更多的口语练习机会,培养学生的合作学习能力和语言运用能力,让学生在实际交流中巩固所学知识。Production1. Make a dialogue- Students make a dialogue with their partners according to the given situa

17、tion: You meet a new friend at the park. You want to know what he/she looks like. Use the sentences we learned to have a conversation.- Example:S1: Hello! Nice to meet you.S2: Nice to meet you too.S1: What do you look like?S2: Im tall and thin. I have big eyes and a small mouth. What about you?S1: I

18、m short and fat. But Im very cute.2. Role-play- Ask some pairs to come to the front of the class and act out their dialogues. The rest of the students listen carefully and give comments.T: Now, imagine you meet a new friend at the park. You want to know what he/she looks like. Make a dialogue with y

19、our partner using the sentences we learned. You can start like this: “Hello! Nice to meet you.”(Students prepare and practice their dialogues)T: OK, who wants to come to the front and show your dialogue?(Some pairs come to the front and act out their dialogues)T: Well done! Everyone, lets give them

20、a big hand. Now, lets listen carefully and give some comments. What do you think is good about their dialogue? Are there any places that need to be improved?Ss: I think they speak very clearly and use the words and sentences correctly.Ss: Maybe they can add more expressions and actions to make it mo

21、re interesting.T: Very good suggestions. Thank you. Next pair, please.创设真实的情境,让学生进行对话创编和角色扮演,培养学生的语言综合运用能力和创造力,同时提高学生的口语表达能力和自信心。通过学生的展示和评价,让学生相互学习,共同进步。Summary1. Review the new words and sentences learned in this class.- T shows the pictures and words cards again and asks students to read and say t

22、he words and sentences.2. Summarize the main points of this class.- T: Today, we learned some words about peoples appearance, such as tall, short, fat, thin, big, small. And we also learned how to use the sentence “Hes/Shes.” to describe someones look. Remember to use these words and sentences corre

23、ctly in our daily life.T: Lets review what we learned today. Look at these pictures and words cards. What are they?Ss: Tall, short, fat, thin, big, small.T: Very good. And how do we describe someones appearance?Ss: Hes/Shes.T: Right. So in our daily life, when we see someone, we can use these words

24、and sentences to talk about their looks. Do you understand?Ss: Yes, we understand.T: OK, great job everyone!回顾本节课所学的重点内容,帮助学生巩固知识,强化记忆。同时,引导学生将所学知识与日常生活联系起来,培养学生学以致用的意识。Homework1. Listen to the tape of this unit and repeat the words and sentences for at least three times.2. Describe the appearance o

25、f your family members to your parents in English.T: Todays homework is to listen to the tape and repeat the words and sentences. Do it at least three times. And you can also describe the appearance of your family members to your parents in English. Can you do it?Ss: Yes, we can.T: Great! See you nex

26、t time.Ss: See you, teacher.布置听读作业,让学生巩固所学的语音知识,培养学生的语感。同时,让学生用英语描述家庭成员的外貌,将英语学习延伸到家庭生活中,增强学生的学习兴趣和语言运用能力。第二课时教学环节教学内容师生互动设计意图Warm-up1. Revision- Review the words and sentences learned in the last class by playing a game “Quick response”. The teacher shows the word cards or pictures randomly, and st

27、udents quickly say the words or sentences.2. Free talk- T asks some students questions about their family members appearance: What does your father/mother look like?T: Now, lets play a game. Look at the cards and pictures. Say the words or sentences as quickly as you can. Ready? Go!(Show the cards a

28、nd pictures)Ss: Tall, short, fat, thin. Hes tall and thin. Shes short and fat.T: Very good! Now, I want to ask some of you. What does your father look like?S1: My father is tall and fat. He has big eyes.T: Thats great. And what about your mother?S2: My mother is short and thin. She has a small nose

29、and a big mouth.T: Good job! Thank you.通过游戏复习上节课所学的单词和句型,激发学生的学习兴趣,快速进入学习状态。Free talk 环节让学生运用所学知识进行实际交流,巩固语言知识,同时也为新课的学习做好铺垫。Lead-in1. Show a picture of a cartoon character.2. Ask students to describe its appearance using the words and sentences they learned.T: Look at this picture. Who is it? Do yo

30、u know?Ss: Its Mickey Mouse.T: Yes, its Mickey Mouse. Now, describe what Mickey Mouse looks like. You can use the words and sentences we learned last class.Ss: Hes short and fat. He has big ears and a small nose.T: Very good! So today we are going to learn more about describing peoples appearance.利用

31、学生熟悉的卡通形象引出新课,激发学生的学习兴趣,同时复习已学知识,为进一步学习拓展内容做准备。Presentation1. Learn the sentence “I have.”- T points to own eyes and says: “I have big eyes.” Then points to own hair and says: “I have long hair.” Teach the sentence “I have.” by repeating and gestures.2. Practice the sentence- Students look at themse

32、lves in the mirror or pictures of themselves and say sentences like “I have. (describing their own features)”.3. Learn to describe in more detail- Show some pictures of people with different features and clothes. Teach students how to describe not only the basic appearance but also the details such

33、as hair style, clothes color, etc.- Example: Shes tall and thin. She has long straight hair. Shes wearing a red dress.4. Listen and repeat- Play the tape of the dialogues or sentences related to the new content. Students listen and repeat, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.T: Look

34、 at me. I have big eyes. (Point to own eyes and say slowly) I have long hair. (Point to own hair and say) Now, you say after me. “I have.”Ss: I have. (Students follow the teacher and say)T: Good. Now, look at yourself in the mirror or your pictures. Say sentences like “I have.” to describe your own

35、features.(Students practice describing themselves)T: Now, look at these pictures. This girl is tall and thin. She has long straight hair. Shes wearing a red dress. (Point to the details in the picture and describe) We can describe people more detailed like this. Do you understand?Ss: Yes, we underst

36、and.T: OK. Lets listen to the tape and repeat. Listen carefully to the pronunciation and intonation.(Play the tape and students listen and repeat)通过教师的自身示范和引导,让学生学习用 “I have.” 来描述自己的外貌特征,增加学生的参与感和学习积极性。进一步教授学生如何更详细地描述人物外貌,包括发型、服装颜色等细节,拓展学生的语言表达能力。听读练习帮助学生纠正发音,培养语感。Practice1. Pair work: Describe and

37、guess- Students work in pairs. One student describes a person in the class or a famous person they know in detail (including appearance and clothing), and the other student guesses who it is.- Example:S1: Hes a boy in our class. Hes tall and thin. He has short black hair. Hes wearing a blue T-shirt

38、and black pants. Who is he?S2: Is it Tom?S1: Yes, youre right.2. Group work: Design a fashion show- Divide students into groups. Each group designs a fashion show using pictures or drawings. They describe the models appearances and the clothes they are wearing. Then, each group presents their fashio

39、n show to the class and the other groups listen and give comments.3. Sentence making competition- Divide the class into several teams. The teacher shows a picture or a word related to appearance. Each team has to make a sentence using the words and sentences learned as quickly as possible. The team

40、that makes the most correct and creative sentences wins.T: Now, lets do a pair work. One of you describes a person in our class or a famous person you know, and the other guesses. Remember to describe in detail. Lets start.(Students practice in pairs)T: OK, now its time for group work. Each group de

41、signs a fashion show. You can use pictures or draw by yourselves. Then describe the models appearances and clothes. After that, present your fashion show to the class.(Students work in groups and design their fashion shows)Group 1: This is our fashion show. Our model is a girl. Shes short and cute.

42、She has long curly hair. Shes wearing a pink dress and white shoes.T: Very good! Group 2, its your turn.T: Now, lets have a sentence making competition. I will show you a picture. Each team has to make a sentence as quickly as possible. The team that makes the most correct and creative sentence wins

43、. Look at this picture. (Show a picture of a person with glasses)Team 1: He has big eyes and hes wearing glasses. Hes tall and thin.T: Good job! Team 2, whats your sentence?Team 2: Shes a girl. She has short hair and shes wearing glasses. Shes not fat or thin. Shes wearing a yellow T-shirt.T: Well d

44、one! Both teams did a great job.Pair work 让学生在互动中进一步巩固所学知识,提高语言运用能力,同时培养学生的观察力和记忆力。Group work 培养学生的团队合作精神和创造力,通过设计时尚秀并描述,让学生将外貌描述与实际情境相结合,增加学习的趣味性。Sentence making competition 激发学生的竞争意识,促使学生积极思考,快速运用所学词汇和句型进行造句,进一步强化语言表达能力。Production1. Write a short passage- Ask students to write a short passage abou

45、t a person they like (it can be a family member, a friend, a teacher or a celebrity). They need to describe the persons appearance in detail, including height, build, hair, eyes, and clothing. Encourage students to use the words and sentences they have learned in this unit as much as possible.2. Sha

46、re and read- Ask some students to come to the front of the class and read their passages aloud. The other students listen carefully and try to understand what the person looks like. Then, they can ask questions or give comments if they have any.T: Now, its time for you to show your writing skills. W

47、rite a short passage about a person you like. Remember to describe their appearance carefully. You can start writing now.(Students write their passages)T: OK, who wants to share their passage with us?S1: I like my mother. She is tall and thin. She has long black hair and big eyes. She always wears a

48、 beautiful dress. I love her very much.T: Very good! Anyone else?S2: My favorite celebrity is Wang Yibo. He is very tall and handsome. He has short hair and his eyes are very bright. He often wears cool clothes. I think he is very cool.T: Great! Everyone, listen carefully and see if you can understan


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