人教版初中英语八年级上册 Unit1-4 复习课件46PPT.pptx

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1、make用法归纳用法归纳 make做使役动词做使役动词,其后可以接三种形式做宾语补足语:其后可以接三种形式做宾语补足语: 1. make+宾语+动词原形,即make sb do ,让某人做。 2. make+宾语+形容词,意为“使某人或者某物”。 3. make+宾语+名词,意为“使某人或者某物成为” 【考向1】make后的宾语补足语 【例题】Do you like watching the talk show? Yes. It always makes people _. A. to laugh B. laughing C. laugh D. laughed 【答案】C 接不带to的动词不定

2、式作宾补的 动词 三看: see,watch,look at 两听: hear,listen to 一注意 notice 三使役 make,have,let 半个help 动词不定式作宾 补时,to可省略 难点难点:information information信息,消息,是不可数名词,表示一条信息时用a piece of information. message意为“消息,音信”,是可数名词,take a message 留言。 【例题】I want to get _ about Qinghua University yesterday. A. many information B. muc

3、h information C. a lot information D. some information 【答案】B 【凯哥点你眼睛】在做考查不可数名词的试题时,我们要注意一些容易误判为可数 名词的单词,如:news, information,advice,weather等。在平时的学习中注意积 累和应用,做题时就不容易出现误判。 难点难点:be different from be different from意为“与不同”,反义词为the same as(与不同)。different不同 的,名词形式为difference,意为“不同之处,差异” 【考向1】different词义 【例题

4、】We are in the _ school, but in _ grades. A. same, same B. different, different C. same, different D. different, differe nt 【答案】C 【考向2】be different from固定搭配 【例题】Tara is quite _ from Tina. There are many _ between them. A. different. different B. different, differences C. differences, different D. di

5、fferences, different 【答案】B 征服月考 狠狠复习课 温馨提示: 以下内容会引起观众不适,有可能会出现老人痴呆,健忘等 症状,假如出现以上情况,请及时做好笔记。 Unit 1 重点 内容 重要指数 重点1 复合不定代词的用法 重点2 一般过去时聚焦 重点3 (a)few;(a)little辨 析 -one -body -thing some- someone somebody something any- anyone anybody anything every- everyone everybody everything no- no one nobody nothi

6、ng 1复合不定代词的构成 由some,any, every, no,加上-one,-body,-thing构成的不定 代词称为复合不定代词。常见的复合不定代词主要有: 2复合不定代词的用法 (1) 复合不定代词表示单数概念,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 如:Everything (开始) to grow in spring. Someone (在等待) for you at the door now. (2) 复合不定代词相当于名词,在句中可以作主语、宾语和表语,但不能做 定语。 如:There is someone outside the door. I have nothing to

7、say today. is waiting begins (3) 与some-,any-构成的复合不定代词的用法与some, any的用法相同。与any-构 成的复合不定代词一般用于否定句或疑问句中;与some-构成的复合不定代词用于肯 定句、预料作肯定回答的疑问句预料作肯定回答的疑问句、建议或请求的疑问句中建议或请求的疑问句中。 如:Would you like something to eat?要些吃的东西吗? anyany- -类复合不定代词用于肯定句时类复合不定代词用于肯定句时,表示表示“任何任何”之意之意。 如:Anything is OK. 什么都行. (3)形容词修饰复合不定代词

8、时,形容词应该置于复合不定代 词之后。 如:something new,新东西。 I have something important to tell you. 【考向考向1】some-类及类及any-类复合不定代词辨析类复合不定代词辨析 【例题例题】Eddie has _ to do, and he sleeps all day long. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing 【答案】【答案】D 【考向考向2】复合不定代词做主语复合不定代词做主语 【例题例题】Everything _ ready. Lets start, Ok?

9、 A. are B. is C. was D. were. 【答案答案】B 【考向3】形容词修饰复合不定代词 【例题】-Im going to do for your party. -Sounds great!. A. something different B. different something C. nothing different D. different anything 【答案】A 套路总结: 复合不定代 词的三大考 点: 1、 不定代词做主语看做单数; 2、形容词修饰不定代词放在复合不定代词之后; 3、some-类不定代词经常用于肯定句或者表示委婉语气或者 希望肯定回答的疑

10、问句中,any-类的复合不定代词 经常用于否定句及疑问句中。 重点重点2:一般过去时态聚焦:一般过去时态聚焦 【考向1】根据情景判断时态 【例题】What a surprise to see you here! When you back? A. do; get B. did; get C. will; get 【答案】B 【考向2】句型转换 The boys used to go fishing by the river. (改为一般疑问句) _ the boys _ to go fishing by the river? 【答案】Did use 1、-Hi , Jack . Nice to

11、 meet you here in Guangzhou. -Me too. But I _ you were in Shanghai. A. think B. thought C.am thinking D. will think 2、Tom _ the piano every day when he was in primary school. A. plays B. will play C. played D. is playing 辨析 可数 不可数 a few 表示肯定意思, 有几个。 few 表示否定意义,没有,几乎没有 a little 表示肯定意思,有一点儿。 little 表示

12、否定意思,没有,几乎没有。 重点重点3:(a)few;(a)little辨析辨析 【考向1】(a)few;(a)little辨析 【例题】Therere _ interesting places in China. Aquite a few Bquite a little Cfew Dlittle 【答案】A 【例题】 David often plays alone (独自). He has _ friends. Yes. He is too shy to make friends. A. little B. a little C. a few D. few 【答案】D 难点难点 名称名称 难

13、度指数难度指数 难点1 三“到达”辨析 难点2 enough的两个词性 难点3 because和because of用法 难点4 seem的常见用法 难点5 sothat引导的结果状语从句 1.arrive:不及物动词,不可接宾语,但可接 here, there, home之类的表地点的 副词作状语。通常接介词 at (一般用于较小的地方)或 in (一般用于较大的 地方). 2.如: We arrived at the station five minutes late. 我们到车站晚了5分 钟。 3. They will arrive in Paris next Monday. 他们将于下

14、周星期一到达巴黎。 reach:通常是及物动词(较get更正式),其后直接跟地点名词作宾语(不能用介 词)。注:reach 之后也可接 here, there, home 等词。 1.get to :“到达”,后面直接加地点。但是如果其后是here, there, home之类的 表点副词就要省略to。 难点难点1:三:三“到达到达”辨析辨析 【考向1】arrive, get, reach用法辨析 【例题】What time did the police _? A. get to B. arrive in C. arrive D. get 【答案】C 【例题】When did she _? S

15、he arrived late. When she _ the theatre, the movie had been on for 30 minutes. A. arrive; arrived B. reach; got to C. arrive; got to D. arrive at; reach 【答案】C 难点难点2:enough的两个词性的两个词性 enough 形容词,意为“足够的,充分的”,修饰名词时, 一般放在名词的前面; 副词,意为“足够地,充分地”,修饰形容词,副 词时放在形容词,副词的后面,即要后置。 1.【考向1】enough不同词性的不同位置 【例题】 Im _ t

16、o eat a horse now! Really? But I dont have _ for you. Its a great pity. A. enough hungry; food enough B. hungry enough; enough food C. hungrily enough; food enough D. enough hungry; enough food 【答案】B 【例题】Is the computer ? We dont have to buy it . A. enough cheap , enough money B. cheap enough , enou

17、gh money C. enough cheap , money enough D. cheap enough , money enough 【答案】B because 和和 because of 的区别的区别 because 连词, “因为”,用来连接原因状语从句。 because of介词短语,“因为(某人/某事物); 由于”,在句中作状语。 【考向1】because和because of的区别 【例题】I didnt go to the party not_ the weather , but _I didnt feel well. A. because of; because B. b

18、ecause; because of C. because ; because D. because of; because of 【答案】A 难点难点3:seem的常见用法的常见用法 seem,动词,意为“似乎,好像,看来”。在初中阶段常见的用法主要有四种: seem to do sth,意为意为 “似乎似乎/好像做某事好像做某事”。 如:No one seems to be bored.似乎没有人感到厌烦。 seem+形容词形容词,意为意为“似乎似乎,看来看来”。 如:You seems happy today.你今天看来很高兴。 seem like,意为意为“似乎像似乎像” 如:That

19、 seems like a good idea.那似乎像是个好主意。 It seems that 从句从句, ,意为意为“似乎似乎”,it做形式主语做形式主语。 如:It seems that no one knows the truth.似乎没有知道真相。 【考向1】seem做系动词,后加形容词 【例题】-Your parents seem _ with you. Whats wrong? -I failed in the English exam. A. happy B. angry C. happily D. angrily 【答案】B 【解析】根据下面的回答,“我这次英语考试不及格”可

20、以得知A,C选项错误;D选项angrily是副词, 副词修饰动词或形容词,所以D错误;而“be angry with sb”是固定搭配,所以选B 【考向2】seem to do 和it seems that 句式转换 【例题】She seems to be very sad.(改为同义句) _ _that she_ very sad. 【答案】It seems, is 【考向3】seem to do 用法 【例题】The boy is jumping up and down. He seems _(get) a good grade. 【答案】to get 【解析】句意:那个男孩上蹦下跳。他似

21、乎获得了好成绩。根据seem后面可以 加动词不定式做宾语,故填 to get. sothat意为“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句。 从句中的so是副词,常用来修饰形容词或者副词。so that 意为“以便于,为了”,用来引导目的状语从句,从句中经 常有情态动词can,may , will等。 难点难点3:sothat引导的结果状语从句引导的结果状语从句 sothat句式在考查时经常和tooto,suchthat, enough to do 等句式混 合在一起进行辨析。所以弄清每一种句式的具体用法非常重要。 1、so that 和 such that的区别。 So,如此,那么,用法是so+形容词

22、 such,如此,那么。用法是:such+(a/an)+(形容词)+名词 2、在辨析so that与tooto, enough to do句式时,最主要的就是看后面是 从句还是动词不定式。 tooto, enough to do后加的是动词不定式 sothat后加的是从句 【考向1】so that句式和tooto, so that等句式辨析 【例题】Theyre _little sheep _ they should be looked after well. A. sothat B. suchthat C. tooto D. so that 【答案】B 【解析】so后面通常跟形容词或副词,t

23、oo后面也是,so that在一起引导目的状语 从句, 而such后可跟名词,和that搭配翻译成如此一致,sheep是名词,故选B。 【例题】The box is _heavy for the girl _carry . A. too ; to B. to ; too C. so ; that D. no ; to 【答案】A 重点 内容 重要指数 重点1 how构成的特殊疑问 词词组辨析 重点2 频率副词聚焦 重点3 连词although用法 Unit 2 how oftenhow often 意为意为“多久一次多久一次”,询问频率,用来提问在特定时间里的某个动作发,询问频率,用来提问在特

24、定时间里的某个动作发 生的次数。其答语为生的次数。其答语为sometimessometimes,nevernever,或者次数,或者次数+ +时间等。时间等。 how many timeshow many times 意为意为“多久次多久次”,对次数提问,其答语为,对次数提问,其答语为onceonce,twicetwice,three timesthree times 等。等。 how longhow long 意为意为“多长时间,多久多长时间,多久”,答语经常用,答语经常用forfor或者或者sincesince引导的时间段回引导的时间段回 答。答。 how soonhow soon 意为意

25、为“多久以后多久以后”,多用于将来时态,答语经常用,多用于将来时态,答语经常用in+in+一段时间构成的一段时间构成的 时间状语回答。时间状语回答。 how farhow far 意为意为“多远多远”,用来提问两地之间的距离。,用来提问两地之间的距离。 how manyhow many 意为意为“多少多少”提问可数名词的数量提问可数名词的数量 how muchhow much 意为意为“多少多少”提问不可数名词的数量或者提问价钱提问不可数名词的数量或者提问价钱 重点重点1:how构成的特殊疑问词词组辨析构成的特殊疑问词词组辨析 【考向1】how many times 和how often 辨析

26、 【例题】-_ do you go _ this week? - Twice. A. How often; skateboarding B. How many times; skateboard C. How many times; shopping D. How often; swim 【答案】C 【解析】根据答语twice可知此句询问的次数,故用how many times来提问,go 的后面常跟动词的ing形式来表示某种活动。故选C。 【考向2】由how构成的特殊疑问词词组 【例题】 I wonder _ youll water this kind of flower. Every ot

27、her day. A. how often B. how long C. how soon D. how much 【答案】A 【解析】根据答语Every other day可知对方问的是多久浇一次这种花。how often问频率,符合题意。 1.频率副词的含义:表示动作频率的副词叫做频率副词。频率副词按照频率发生的高低 依次为: always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly,never 2. 频率副词的用法:频率副词经常用于be动词、助动词,情态动词之后,实意动词之前。 对频率副词的提问经常用how often. 频率副词通常和一般现在时连用,表示现在经常或 者

28、反复发生的动作或者存在的状态。 重点重点2:频率副词聚焦:频率副词聚焦 【考向1】频率副词辨析 【例题】Jack _ goes shopping, because he is _ busy working. A. often; always B. never; seldom C. usually; sometimes D. seldom; always 【答案】D 【解析】句意:Jack很少去购物,因为他总是忙于工作。Often经常;always总是;never从来不; seldom很少;usually通常;sometimes有时。根据语意故选D。 【考向2】频率副词的位置 【例题】Mr. L

29、in _ when I go to see him on Sundays. A. is always working B. was always working C. always worked D. has always worked 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:考查时态。现在进行时与always连用,表示一种感情色彩。句意:当我在星期天去看 他的时候,林先生总是在工作。本题表示表扬林先生总是在工作。故A正确。 although连词,意为“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句,相当于though。 它引导的从句既可以放在主句之前也可以放在主句之后。 注意注意: although不能和不能和bu

30、t连用在一个句子中。连用在一个句子中。 because和和so不能出现在同一个句子中不能出现在同一个句子中。 重点重点3:连词:连词although用法用法 【考向1】although用法 【例题】_ it is rainy today, _ he still works outside. AAlthough, but BBut, although C/, although DAlthough, / 【答案】D 难点 名称 难度指数 难点1 good相关短语 难点2 through、across、over用法 难点3 sometimes、some times、sometime、 some ti

31、me用法 难点4 it is +形容词 + to do sth句式用法 be good for be good for 意为意为“对对有好处有好处”,反义词为反义词为bebe badbad forfor be good tobe good to 意为意为“对对友善友善/ /慈爱慈爱”,近义词为近义词为bebe friendlyfriendly toto,后面后面 多加表示人的名称或者代词多加表示人的名称或者代词 be good withbe good with 意为意为“和和相处的好相处的好,善于应付善于应付”,相当于相当于getget onon wellwell withwith be go

32、od atbe good at 意为意为“擅长擅长”,后加名词后加名词、动名词或者代词动名词或者代词,近义词为近义词为dodo wellwell inin 难点难点1:good相关短语相关短语 【考向1】good相关短语辨析 【例题】-Eating fruit and vegetables _our health. -I agree. We should eat them more. A. is good to B. is good at C. is good for D. is good with 【答案】C 难点难点2:through、across、over用法用法 【要点解读】 . ac

33、ross “横过、穿过”,指从的一边到另一边。含义与on有关。 如:I swam across the river. 我游过这条河(指从此岸到彼岸) . through “穿过、通过”指穿过两边。是从空间较狭窄的一头穿到另一头。是从内部 穿过,含义与in有关。 如:We walked through the forest. 我们穿过森林。 . over作介词有“翻过”的意思 如:climb over the mountain 翻过那座山。 【考向1】through、across、over辨析辨析 【例题】The robber walked_the street , jumped_a tall

34、wall and ran away. A. through, across B. across,over C.over,across D. across,through 【答案】B 【例题】The Great Wall travels_ deep valleys, _ deserts and_ mountains. A. over; across; through B. through; across; over C. across; over; through D. through; across; across 【答案】B 【解析】介词辨析。Through穿过;across从表面横过;ov

35、er从上方越过;句意:长城穿过深深的峡 谷,横过沙漠,越过高山。故B正确。 区别 sometimes some times sometime some time Mr. Huang dates a godness some times . Sometimes he feels unhappy because he has not enough money after dating. Whats worse , he hasnt seen the godness for some time. Maybe he is the substitution, but I hope that he wil

36、l find his true love sometime. 意为有时,可放在 句首句中句末。 几次/几倍,time 为可数名词。 日后,常与过去时 或将来时连用。 一段时间,与连续 性动词连用。 【考向1】sometimes、some times、sometime、some time辨析 【例题】My uncle will come to Shanghai _ next week .He says he will stay here for_. A. sometimes; sometime B .sometime ;some time C. some time ;sometimes D. s

37、ome times ;sometimes 【答案】B 难点难点4:it is +形容词形容词+to do sth句式用句式用 句型It is +形容词+to do sth中的it做形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语。 在该句型中可以在形容词后添加介词短语for、of sb,但是意义不同。 1)It is +形容词+ for sb to do sth,意为“对于某人来说做某事是”,句中的形容词经 常是表示事物客观情况的形容词,如:easy,hard,important等。 2)It is +形容词+ of sb to do sth中的形容词经常表示人物的性格品质,如:kind,nice,

38、 clever等。意为“做某事你是” 【考向1】it is +形容词 for /of sb to do sth句式用法 【例题】To work out this problem is easy for me (同义句) 【答案】 Its easy for me to work out this problem 【解析】句意:对于我来说解出这个问题是容易的。根据动词不定式作主语 可以转化成Its 形容词 to do sth.,结合语境故答案是Its easy for me To work out this problem 【例题】-Can he work out the maths problem? -I think _ hard for him to work it out. A. its B. thats C. this is D. theyre 【答案】A


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