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1、六上六上 Unit2 单元知识单元知识 一、词组一、词组 1.the 20th of September 9 月 20 日 2.go to the park by bike 骑自行车去公园 3. a parrot show 一场鹦鹉表演 4. see some interesting parrots 看一些有趣的鹦鹉 5.become windy and cloudy 变得多风和多云 6.fly kites high 高高地放飞风筝 7.in the sky 在空中 8.Its time for sth /Its time to do sth 到了的时间 9.bring some dumpli

2、ngs 带来些饺子 10.some bread and honey 一些面包和蜂蜜 11.eat our breakfast/lunch/supper 吃我们的早饭/午饭/晚饭 12.black clouds 乌云 13.the ants on the bread 在面包上的蚂蚁 14.hungry and wet 又饿又湿 15. rain all day 整天下雨 16.What a day! 多么糟糕的一天啊! 17.bring lunch to the park 带着午餐去公园 18.pick three cards 拣三张卡片 19.well done 做得好 20.cheer to

3、gether 一起欢呼 21. go away 走开 22.look sad / happy 看上去伤心/高兴 23.lose my kite 弄丢我的风筝 24.meet them 遇见他们 25.want to know why 想知道为什么 26.What happened? 发生了什么事? 27.climb up the hill 爬上山 28.fly too high 飞得太高 29.hold onto the kite 紧紧抓住风筝 30.fly away 飞走 31.find it near the hill 在小山附近找到它 32.last Sunday 上周日 33.in t

4、he diary 在日记里 34.watch a film 看电影 35.do the housework 做家务 36.have a picnic 举行野餐 37.go swimming 去游泳 38. on Monday morning 在星期一上午 39. could not = couldnt 不能 40. a rainy day 有雨的一天 41. a sunny day 晴朗的一天 42. New Year 新年 43. make honey 酿蜜 44. wet clothes 湿衣服 45.some drinks 一些饮料 二、句型二、句型 1、It was sunny in

5、the morning . (那天)早上天气晴朗。 2、There was a parrot show in the park. 公园里有一场鹦鹉表演。 3、We saw some interesting parrots.我们看见了一些有趣的鹦鹉。 4、The weather became windy and cloudy. 天气变得多风且多云。 5、We brought some dumplings, some bread and honey and some drinks. 我们带了一些饺子、一些面包和蜂蜜和一些饮料。 6、Its time for lunch. = Its time to

6、 have lunch. 该到吃午饭的时间了。 7、We saw some ants on the bread and honey.我们看见一些蚂蚁在面包和蜂蜜上。 8、There were some black clouds in the sky. 在天空中有一些乌云。 9、It rained. 天下雨了! It was rainy. 天气是多雨的。 10、We climbed up the hill. 我们爬上了那座山。 11、We couldnt hold onto it . 我们抓不住它了。 12、I found it near the hill. 我在小山附近找到了它。 13、The

7、 New Year is nearly here. 新年快要到了。 14、Lets cheer together, my dear! 亲爱的孩子,我们一起来庆祝吧! 三三 、语法、语法 不规则动词的过去不规则动词的过去式:式: come-came, go-went, do-did, have-had, make-made, get-got, buy-bought, can-could, drink-drank, eat-ate, find-found, fly-flew, put-put, give-gave, read-read, run-ran, say-said, see-saw, si

8、ng-sang, sit-sat, sleep-slept, swim-swam, tell-told, think-thought, wear-wore, write-wrote, draw-drew, meet- met, ride-rode, take-took, bring-brought, become-became, lose-lost 句型转换:句型转换: 1.含有 be 动词的改一般疑问句,并做肯定和否定回答 1) He was in the street yesterday. Was he in the street? Yes, he was. / No, he wasnt.

9、 2) I was in the street yesterday? Were you in the street yesterday? Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt. 2 没有 be 动词,找动词 He visited the farm yesterday. Did he visit the farm yesterday? Yes, he did. / No, he didnt. 3.It was rainy yesterday. It wasnt rainy yesterday. Was it rainy yesterday? Yes, it was. No, it

10、wasnt.(昨天下雨了。否定句一般疑问句,肯否回答) 4. It rained yesterday. It didnt rain yesterday. Did it rain yesterday? Yes, it did. No, it didnt.(改写同义句) 5. It was sunny yesterday.(划线提问) What was the weather like yesterday? 6. It was Sunday. What day was it yesterday? 7.I played football last weekend. What did you do l

11、ast weekend? 8.I got up at half past six this morning. What time did you get up this morning? 9.I had breakfast at school. Where did you have breakfast? 10. I went to school by bike this morning. How did you go to school this morning? 11. Mike and I had a picnic last week. Who had a picnic last week

12、? 12. I did my homework with Mike. Who did you do your homework with? 由由 What 引导的感叹句,其句子结构主要有以下三种。引导的感叹句,其句子结构主要有以下三种。 1. What + a/an + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 + 主语 + 谓语! What a lovely day (it is)! 多好的天气! 2. What + 形容词 + 可数名词复数 + 主语 + 谓语! What good students (they are)! 他们是多么好的学生! 3. What + 形容词 + 不可数名词 + 主语 + 谓

13、语! What good news (it is)! 多好的消息! 有时,What 引导的感叹句中,名词前无需形容词修饰。 What music (it is)! 多优美的音乐! 月份:月份: January (略写为 Jan.) ; February (Feb.); Marc(Mar.); April (Apr.); April Fools Day (愚人节) May; June (Jun.); July (Jul.) ; August (Aug.) September (Sept.); October (Oct.); November (Nov.); December (Dec.) 序数词

14、:序数词: one first twosecond threethird eighteighth nineninth fivefifth twelve twelfth 以 ty 结尾的,去 y 变成 ieth fortyfortieth 21 twenty-first; 33 thirty-third 缩写形式 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 22nd 31st 缩写为:20th September 读作:the twentieth of September 也可缩写为:September 20th 读作:September the twentieth 序数词记忆口诀:123 特殊记;4 以上加 th; 8 去 t, 9 去 e; f 来把 ve 替;ty 须变 tie;若是遇到几十几,改变个位就可以。 语音语音 字母组合字母组合 ear 的发音:的发音:/ i / year nearly dear hear near


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