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1、2020小升初专题复习课件 人教PEP 第七章 写作 小学英语作文主要考查学生运用所学词汇、 句型、语法等内容进行组句成文的能力,是一 种考查学生综合运用英语能力的题型。 书面表达的基本要求: 1.内容要点是否完 整;2.语法结构是否正确;3.词汇运用是否准 确;4.书写是否规范、整洁(如书写较差,以致 影响阅卷,分数将降低一个档次)。 第七章 写作 书面表达的基本方法:5W1H。 5W1H指的是:WHO(人物); WHEN(时间); WHERE(地点); WHAT(事件); WHY(原因); HOW(方式)。 书面表达的基本流程:1.审题、理清思路:考 虑写什么(挑选关键词,搭建作文框架);

2、2.选择词 语:根据话题和作文框架选用所需要的语言材 料;3.遣词造句:根据选取的语言材料,用合适的 第七章 写作 句型写作;4.语篇定稿:根据5W1H修改润色作 文紧扣主题、表达准确、关联自然、语篇 流畅。 书面表达注意事项: 作文答题纸一般为 单线,我们应将单线作为“四线格”中的第三 线并以此为基准写,不要把它作为第四线让字 母吊在线上。 坚决不能在试卷上出现乱涂、 乱写,或用修正液覆盖现象给人一种凌乱 第七章 写作 的感觉。一旦写错,规范修改,用一条斜线划掉 错误单词即可。 常见书面表达类型:一、人物类;二、记事 类;三、空间类;四、动物类;五、应用文类;六、 看图作文类。 第七章 写作

3、 考点一 人物类 人物类书面表达通常以一般现在时为主, 介绍自己、朋友或家人的外貌、年龄、职业、 爱好和上班方式等情况。 第七章 写作 【精析精析】此篇介绍自己的书面表达要涉及的话题或 句型有: 1.姓名。 My name is Wang Xiaoming./This is Wang Xiaoming. 注意名是两个字时, 要连在一起, 只大写第一个字。如:王小明 Wang Xiaoming。 2.年龄。 Im twelve./Im twelve years old. 【示例】Myself 第七章 写作 3.喜欢的食物/水果与运动/功课等等。 My favourite fruit/food i

4、s I like playing badminton.Because its good for my body. 4.经常在何时做运动。 I often play badminton with myclassmates after school. 5.结束语。 This is me. Do you want to be my friends? 第七章 写作 【范文范文】Myself My name is Wang Xiaoming.Im twelve years old. My favourite fruit is the apple. Because an apple a day keeps

5、 the doctor away. My favourite food is fish. Because its healthy. I like playing badminton. Because its good for my body. I often play badminton with my classmates after school.This is me.Do you want to be my friends? (2019(2019北京朝阳北京朝阳) ) 你即将毕业,请你介绍一位你最好的朋友。 (请另附纸完成) 要求:1.请介绍一位你最好的朋友的信息, 信息包括:年龄、爱好

6、等; 2.在文章末尾,请写下你在毕业前想 对他/她说的一句话。 第七章 写作 第七章 写作 I have a friend. His name is Wang Xiaoming. He is twelve years old. His favourite fruit is the apple. Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.His favourite food is fish. Because its healthy. He likes playing badminton. Because its good for his body.

7、 He often plays badminton with me after school. I like my friend.I hope he is happy every day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 第七章 写作 考点二 记事类 记事类书面表达重点考查学生的“述说” 和“描写”能力,话题较为丰富,如:一天的 活动、周末活动、节假日、季节、郊游、假 期旅游等。四种时态皆可涉及。写作时一定 要注意写作要求,确保时态正确,然后按照 5W1H梳理信息,最后成文。 第七章 写作 【精析精析】时态:一般现在时。重要句型:主语(第三人 称单数形式)+动词第三人称单数形式+其他.注意 与

8、My day的区别:1.主语由“I”变为“he/she”。 2.形容词性物主代词由“my”变为“his/her”。 3.动词由原形变为第三人称单数形式,就是动词 后加-s或-es。 【示例】Toms day 【范文范文】Toms day 第七章 写作 Tom gets up at 6:00.Then he washes his face and brushes his teeth. He eats breakfast at 7:00.Then he goes to school. He has seven classes every day. Classes begin at 8:00.Sch

9、ool is over at 4:30. After school, he often plays ping- pong with his friends. He eats dinner at 7:00.Then he listens to music. He does his homework at 8:00. He goes to bed at 9:30. That is Toms day. Toms day (2019(2019安徽安庆安徽安庆) )书面表达。(请另附纸完成) 假如你是李华,请以“My last summer holiday”为题,写一篇40个单词左右的短文,讲 述你去年

10、暑假去了哪儿,怎样去的,和谁去的,都 做了哪些事。 要求:1.意思明确、连贯,语句通顺,表达清晰; 2.书写工整、规范,标点正确。 第七章 写作 第七章 写作 My last summer holiday I went to Beijing with friends last summer holiday. Beijing is in the north of China.Its very famous. I went there by train. In Beijing I climbed the Great Wall. I visited Tiananmen Square. I ate P

11、eking Duck. I took lots of pictures. I had a good time in Beijing. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 第七章 写作 考点三 空间类 空间类书面表达一般介绍房间、学校、 村庄等。 第七章 写作 【精析精析】时态:一般现在时。重要句型:There be+ 介词词组(介词常用: on, next, behind, over, under等). Its The is on the 注意主要 物品是作为参照使用的。所以,我们一般先说 “bed,desk,table”之类的主要物品。然后再说 其他物品与其的位置关系。 【示例】My bedro

12、om 【范文范文】My bedroom 第七章 写作 My bedroom I have my own room. Its small but nice. There is a bed, a desk, a closet and a shelf. There are two end tables near the bed. The computer is on the desk. The books are on the shelf. The trash bin is behind the door. I like my bedroom. 假设你住在乡村,请以“My village”为题 写一

13、篇短文。要求:用一般现在时;不少于5句话。 (请另附纸完成) 第七章 写作 第七章 写作 My village I live in a small village. Its beautiful. The air is fresh.The water is clean.The clouds are white. There are many trees and flowers.There are many fish in the river. I often go fishing with my parents on weekends. I like my village. _ _ _ _ _

14、_ _ 第七章 写作 【精析精析】时态: 一般现在时。注意:由于主语是第三 人称单数形式,因此,大部分句子构成是“主语+ 动词第三人称单数形式”。使用的主要结构还 有“Its got ”以及“主语+be+形容词”。 【示例】My dog 【范文范文】My dog 考点四 动物类 第七章 写作 I have a pet dog. Its cute and naughty. Its my best friend. Its got a black nose and a long tail. Its got orange hair and big eyes. It likes playing with

15、 balls. I often take it out for a walk. I like it very much! My dog (2019(2019北京昌平北京昌平) )写作。要求25词以上,语句通顺。 (请另附纸完成) 很多人都拥有自己的宠物(pet),每种宠物都有 自己的特点,有的活泼好动,有的安静友好你 有一个什么宠物?它是什么样子?你和它一起会做 什么?请写出来跟大家分享吧! 第七章 写作 第七章 写作 My pet I have a pet dog named Lucky. It has white and soft fur with two small ears and a

16、 long tail. It is given by my aunt on my birthday. It is so friendly and lovely that we all love it very much. It likes playing balls outside so I often take it out for a walk. I often feed it with dog food and sausages. It is one of my best friends. I often play with it after school. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

17、_ _ 第七章 写作 考点五 应用文类 应用文一般有日记、书信、电子邮 件、请柬等。此类作文在写作时要注意 它的格式。 第七章 写作 【精析精析】1.注意邮件格式;2.自我介绍作文加信 件格 式;3.时态:一般现在时;4.重要句型:主语 +be+表语. 主语+动词原形+其他. 主语+动词 第三人称单数形式+其他. I like doing sth. He likes doing sth. 【示例】给笔友的信 【范文范文】给笔友的信 第七章 写作 To: A From: LiuY Dear Alice, I am happy to have a new pen pal. I live in Ch

18、ina with my mum and dad. I dont have sisters or brothers. My mum is a singer. She likes swimming. My dad is a TV reporter. He 第七章 写作 likes listening to music. I like playing the violin and writing emails. Your friend, Liu Yun (2019(2019辽宁大连辽宁大连) )书面表达。(请另附纸完成) 毕业在即,旧日时光难再续。即将分别,几 多离愁藏心底。假如你是大明,你的同桌埃

19、米 (Amy)就要回英国念中学了,请根据提示内容(包 含四个方面:评价往事期许祝福) 在下列毕业留言卡片上给她写一份毕业赠言吧。 提示内容: 1.What do you think of her? 第七章 写作 2.What unforgettable (难忘的) things happened between you and her in the past? 3.What are you looking forward to (期待) doing? 4.What wishes will you give her? 要求:1.内容齐全,表达准确,语句通顺,书写规范, 可适当发挥; 2.文章的开

20、头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数, 词数40词左右。 第七章 写作 第七章 写作 Amy, Maybe we will say goodbye tomorrow. But I still have a lot of words to say. You are a good girl. You always help me with with my English. Once, it was my turn to show my English. I was nervous. I wanted to talk about a picture. But I couldnt say any words.

21、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 第七章 写作 I asked you for help. You helped me. I did well at last. The teacher praised me. I was very happy. But I knew I must say “Thanks” to you. I hope my English will be as good as yours. And I hope you will make progress in your middle school. Dont worry, my partner. Ill miss you! _

22、 Daming _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 第七章 写作 考点六 看图作文类 写看图作文时要先认真观察图片,了解 图片内容,然后列出要点,确定表述的顺序及 相应的连接词,最后用相应的词汇和句型构 成句子,组成短文。 第七章 写作 【示例】 假期里我们一家人去北京旅游了 请你根据图片提示,写一篇60词左右的短文。 注意:1.语言表达清楚、完整,内容丰富; 2.表达符合图意,书写规范。 第七章 写作 【精析精析】这篇作文要求记叙假期里的活动。分析 图片可知,我们一家人的活动内容包括乘飞机、游 泳、照相和买礼物。写作时,可按照时间顺序展开, 也可适当写一写对活动的感受。时态:这篇文章主 要讲述的是假

23、期里已经发生的事,采用一般过去时 比较合适。 第七章 写作 【范文范文】 I went to Beijing by plane in my holiday. I had fun with my parents. On the first day we went to the nature park. It was very beautiful. I went swimming. We ate lots of delicious food. We also took many beautiful pictures. The last day we went shopping and bought

24、 some presents for our friends. What a happy holiday we had! (2019(2019福建三明福建三明) )书面表达。小学就要毕业了, 面对即将到来的假期,同学们都制订了假期活 动和学习计划,请你根据图片、提示和例句写 一写。(至少写五句) 第七章 写作 Bruce Tom Angel 第七章 写作 提示:help her mum, learn to dance, play basketball, fly kites, swim, read English 例句:Bruce is going to read English. Billy

25、Lucy Jack and Mary 第七章 写作 The summer holiday is coming. The students are making plans for the coming summer holiday. Bruce is going to read English. Tom is going to play basketball. Angel is going to help her mum do some cleaning. Billy is going to swim. Lucy is going to learn to dance. Jack and Mary are going to fly kites. I think they are going to have a nice holiday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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