接力版四年级下册英语Lesson 8 I can swim 说课案.doc

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1、Lesson 8 I can swim. 说课案说课案 Hello. Im very happy to share my teaching design with you. I. Contents: Today Im going to talk about a story of Lesson 8 I can swim. This lesson includes 3 parts. In the 1st 2 parts, it mainly deals with the pattern about “I can.” and “Help! I cant”. And in the 3rd part,

2、its a story about SAFE. It provides a real situation for the Ss to practice the pattern, and thats the story we will learn. IILearning objectives According to the students level and the key points, I made my learning objectives like this: 1. 知识目标:能听、说、认读句子:Dont go there! I can Help! I cant 并且会在实际情境当

3、中运用。 2. 能力目标: 通过学习活动培养锻炼学生的英语交际能力,团队合作能力,发 散思维能力和知识的迁移能力。 3. 情感目标: 学生通过语言运用来感受生活,热爱生活。 通过故事,教育学生 (1)要时刻注意安全。 (2)发生危险时,打 110 找警察或者周围的大人求助。 (3)不可盲目的见义勇为。 III. Key-points of this lesson 1. 重点 学生通过学习掌握Dont go there! I can Help! I cant 在实 际情况中的运用。 2. 难点 在实际情境中灵活运用句型进行交际。 IVCharacteristic evaluation 1. 特制

4、“I CAN”卡片。 2. 学生自评与互评相结合。 3. 小组合作模拟情景表演时多角度评价。 VTeaching steps 1. Warm-up (1) Say what you see (2) Chant I am I and you are you. Now lets see what we can do. I can jump. You can run. Dad can drive, Mum can swim. Mum can cook and Dad can, too. I cant, I cant, how about you? (设计意图:“头脑风暴”类型的游戏,可以快速调动学生

5、头脑中的已 知内容,接下来通过一个歌谣复习本单元的重点句型,明快的节奏使 课堂气氛活跃起来。) 2. Presentation (1)Lead-in T: Can you swim? Ss: Yes. (Great 等评价一下) No. (OK. 转向说 yes 的同学:please help him/her.渗透新知) (2)Watch and answer T: Look! Whos he? How about John? Can he swim? Lets watch and answer. 学生回答后 T: Why?He said S:“Help! Help! I cant swim.

6、” (3)Read and answer What can Tom do? ATom can help John. B. Tom can call the policeman(警察)for help. Whats the ending(结局)? AJohn is all right. B. The policeman(警察)cant help John. 在公布第一题的答案之后可以问学生:If you were Tom, What can you do? A or B? 渗透德育:有很多类似的事情,小伙伴见义勇为下水救 人,但结果却是双双溺亡。教育学生危险发生时,切不可贸然自己营 救,应该立即

7、拨打 110 报警或者向周围的大人求助。此处可以让学生 读完并有了自己的答案后和同位讨论一下。 (设计意图:因为故事中的句子基本为已学,所以在讲解过程中通过 提问题加深学生对课文意义的理解,同时渗透德育。而在学生表达能 力有限的情况下,用选择题的方式可以降低难度。) (4)Dont go there! 最后,呈现第一幅图,重点讲解。同时 出现另一德育主题安全。 T: If at first, John listened to Tom, he wouldnt put himself in danger. Look! Here is a sign said “DANGER”. And Tom sa

8、id, Dont go there. (领读) 之后在五个不同情境下体会 Dont go there! (教师继续领读五遍) T:Yes. So we should always be careful in our life. (设计意图:最后呈现第一幅图,是因为 最关键的一点还是要时刻注意安全,不要去危险的地方,这样就不会 有接下来的求救,所以这里单独拿出来最后讲,引出“安全”这一德育 主题。 另外第九课的主题为 be careful, 因此也同时渗透下一课内容。 ) 3. Consolidation (1) Listen and repeat (2)Role play reading (3

9、)Act it out. 选择情境并表演。 (设计意图:既然句型基本已学,就着重 让学生表演出来。首先是跟读录音和分角色朗读来巩固课文,提醒学 生注意模仿语音语调和语气。 之后, 小组合作, 选择情景模拟对话。 ) 4. Moral education We should try to stay away from danger as the problem of safety is becoming more and more serious. If all these are kept in mind, you are sure to enjoy a much safer life. So please ALWAYS BE CAREFUL! (设计意图:升华德育主题,提前渗透第九课“be careful”主题。)


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