牛津深圳版六年级下册英语Unit 2 Changes in our lives.(3)ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频).pptx

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牛津深圳版六年级下册英语Unit 2 Changes in our lives.(3)ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频).pptx_第1页
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牛津深圳版六年级下册英语Unit 2 Changes in our lives.(3)ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频).pptx_第2页
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1、Unit Unit 2 2 Changes in our lives.Changes in our lives. 英语牛津深圳版 六年级下 第第 3 3 课时课时 Warm up Find the mistakes. Lets talk. In the past,we used a cattail leaf fan to make cool. Now ,we use an air conditioner to make cool. Lets talk. In the past,we used a radio to get news. Now ,we use a mobile phone to

2、call people. In the past,we used a washing board to wash the clothes. Now ,we use a washing machine to wash the clothes. Look and say. wash clothes by hand use a washing machine write letters write emails watch black and white TV watch colour TV Look and say. In the past,people washed clothes by han

3、d.Now people use a washing machine. Do a survey In the past Now washed clothes by hand use a washing machine Listen and enjoy. Life was different in the past. Time went slowly,not so fast. Children had fun all day long. Running and jumping and singing a song. Life is easy these days. Machines help i

4、n many ways. Time goes fast but its OK. We still have lots of time to play. Listen and enjoy. 1.学生学唱歌曲,注意体会歌曲中 时态的变化。 2.学生四人一个小组演唱歌曲,比 一比哪组同学唱的最棒。 3.学生仿照该歌曲创编类似的新歌 曲,并展示给大家听。 Learn the sounds no /u/ ago /u/ Learn the sounds photo go /u/ /u/ Learn the sounds those home /u/ /u/ Learn the sounds close

5、hole /u/ /u/ 163文库网 Learn the sounds show bowl /u/ /u/ Learn the sounds grow snow /u/ /u/ Learn the sounds 音标u的发音方法 1、先发的音 2、然后慢慢滑向的音就可以了 3、注意口型从开始的收圆到最后半开的变化过程 4、值得注意的是发音是不要把/发成长音/u:/,也 不要用中文中的乌来代替它。 163文库网 Learn the sounds out south /au/ /au/ loud /au/ /au/ cloud Learn the sounds ho w down /au/ /a

6、u/ Learn the sounds now cow /au/ /au/ 163文库网 Learn the sounds 音标au的发音方法 1、先嘴巴放松张大,嘴唇向两侧分开。 2、舌身放平,舌尖轻抵下齿,发a。 3、然后嘴巴收圆合拢。 4、舌尖离开下齿,舌身后缩,舌后部身软颚抬起,发 音慢慢滑向。 5、/a/与汉语中的奥非常相近,而汉语的奥要比 /a/短促,发音不要开始时就把嘴收成圆形。 摘苹果 ow ou o-e ow o Learn the sounds Learn the sounds how gro w out show down now phot o no clos e hom

7、e /au/: /u/: how out down now grow show photo no close home Learn the sounds Listen and circle. 1.close cloud 2.grow ground 3.no now 4.show shout 5.low loud 6.so south 7.cold cow 8.hole how 一、哪个是正确的呢? 1.People washed clothes by hand_. A.in the past B.now C.tomorrow 2.People use a washing machine_. A

8、.in the past B.now C.tomorrow 3.Life _different in the past. A.is B.was C.are 4.In the past,we_black and write TV. A.watch B.watched C.watching 5.选出与show划线部分发音相同的单词。 A.grow B.how C.now Practice. Practice. 二、选出发音不同的一项。 1. A.how B.out C.grow 2. A.photo B.no C. cow 3. A.down B.now C.home 4. A.ago B.loud C.cloud 5. A. out B. those C.home Summary. /au/ o o-e ow /u/ ou ow In the past,we . Now ,we . 163文库网 调查今昔使用物品的不同之处,并整理汇报。 Homework. Unit 2 Changes in our lives.Unit 2 Changes in our lives. /au/ o o-e ow /u/ ou ow


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