牛津上海版必修一 Unit 1 Eye Contact(reading)专项讲解及巩固练习(有答案).docx

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1、Unit 1 Eye Contact(reading) 考点分析考点分析 本章节是补充阅读材料,通过介绍在人际交往中眼神交流所起的重要作用,来进一步说 明肢体语言的 重要性,同时也帮助学生明确在不同文化背景中所表达的不同含义。 阅读目标: 1 知识目标:学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。 2 能力目标:提高学生的阅读理解能力和培养学生的阅读技巧。 3 情感目标:启发学生对语言和文化之间关系的思考,进一步明确 When you are in Rome, do as Romans do 的重要性。 专题详解专题详解 词汇讲解词汇讲解 1. far more +adj. far 用在比较级前加强程

2、度,除此以外,还有 much, still, even, rather, a bit, a little, a little bit. i.e. Your health is much better than before. 你比以前健康多了。 2. the key to the door/study/the question the answer to the question 问题的答案 the entrance to the hall 剧院的入口 the bridge to the success (通向)成功的桥 the solution to/of the problem 这个问题的

3、解决方法 3. maintain vt. 1) keep up; continue 保持;维持;继续 i.e. I maintain friendly relations (with) my former classmates. 我与老同学保持友谊。 2) keep in good repair or working order 保养 i.e. It is our duty to maintain the roads. 保养道路是我们的职责。 3) defend 维护 i.e. We must maintain our rights. 我们必须保护我们的权利。 4. consider vt.

4、考虑,认为考虑,认为 1) consider A (as/ to be) B 把 A 看作 B 2) consider doing sth./ wh-to-do 考虑做某事 i.e. Have you considered changing your job? 你考虑过换工作吗? 5. close ones eyes in concentration 由于专心而闭上眼睛由于专心而闭上眼睛 concentration (on sth.) Un. 专心 concentrate on (doing ) sth. v. 专心做, 全神贯注于 i.e. We should concentrate on

5、our studies. 我们应该集中于我们的学习。 6. lack n. / vt. 缺少缺少 (for/because of)lack of 由于缺少 sb. lack sth. 某人缺少 sb. be lacking in 某人缺少 sb. is in a lack of sth. 某人缺少 i.e. He looks very tired for/ because of his lack of sleep. 因为缺少睡眠,她看上去很 疲惫。 The world lacks fresh water. 世界缺少淡水。 7. last vi. 1) continue 持续 sth. last

6、 (for) some time持续多长时间 i.e. The meeting lasted (for) 3 hours. 2) vt. sth. last sb. some time 够某人用多久 i.e. The food can last us 3 days. 3) lasting adj. 持久的 i.e. We are going to set up a lasting relationship. 我们将要建立长久的友谊。 8. signal n. 信号 set out signal v. signal to sb. 发出信号 i.e. Dont fire until I signa

7、l. He signaled to the waiter for the bill. He signaled to us to join him. signal+ (that 宾语从句) i.e. She signaled (that) it was time to leave. 9. stare vi. 注视,盯着看注视,盯着看 stare (at sb/sth) to= look at sb/sth for a long time i.e. I stared blankly at the paper in front of me. He sat staring into space (=

8、looking at nothing). She looked at them with dark staring eyes. Unit1 重点词组重点词组 1. give sb. advice on sth. 给某人提建议 2. college students 大学生 3. in a school newspaper 在校报上 4. part-time jobs 兼职工作 full-time jobs 全职工作 5. travel agency 旅行社 6. more than 不仅仅是 7. the expression on your face 你脸上的表情 8. look downw

9、ards 向下看 9. feel welcome 受到欢迎 10. go to sb. for assistance 向某人寻求帮助 11. without hesitation 毫不犹豫 12. communicate with body language 用肢体语言交流 communicate new ideas to sb 向某人传递新思想 communications satellite 通讯卫星 Bank of Communications 交通银行 13. specific time 特定时间 14. play a musical instrument 演奏乐器 15. play

10、the violin 拉小提琴 16. be in hospital 住院 17. accept an invitation 接受邀请 18. badminton match 羽毛球比赛 19. best regards 良好的祝愿 20. on a website 在网站上 21. throughout the history of mankind 纵观人类历史 22. in many situations 在许多场合下 23. the key to communication 交流的关键 24. in Western cultures 在西方文化中 25. maintain eye con

11、tact 保持眼神交流 26. as a matter of fact 实际上 27. show respect to 尊敬 have respect for 尊敬 in many respects 在许多方面 respectable teacher 受人尊敬的老师 be respectful to sb. 对某人彬彬有礼 28. someone in authority 掌权的人 当权者 29. skim the passage 浏览段落 skim through (over ) the newspaper 浏览报纸 30. glance at us 扫视我们 31. sigh with r

12、elief 宽慰的叹了口气 sign deeply 深深地叹息 32. recover from ones illness 从疾病中恢复 33. fax machine 传真机 34. live in the suburbs 住在郊区 live in downtown areas 住在市区 35. prepare the table 摆桌子 36. meet sb. by chance 偶然见到某人 37. maintain good discipline 维持良好纪律 38. consider doing 考虑做某事 It is considerate of sb. to do sth. 某

13、人很体谅地去做 a considerable amount of money 一大笔钱 considerate = thoughtful 体谅他人的 39. lack of common sense 缺乏常识 lack money (vt.) be lacking in sth. 缺少(adj.) 40. last for several days 持续几天 41. avoid making mistakes 避免犯错误 课堂练习课堂练习 I. Fill in the blanks with the words provided in the word bank A. express B. p

14、refer C. sighed D. avoid E. signaled F. consider G. last H. glance I. remind J. remark 1. I _ to live alone rather than stay in the crowed city. 2. How long will the fine weather _? 3. We are supposed to _ making the same mistakes. 4. It is rude to _ upon the appearance of other people. 5. When his

15、mother saw his poor report, she _. 6. He fell in love with her at first _. 7. When you are communicating in a foreign language, gestures can help you _ yourself. 8. Please _ me that I must call her up before nine. 9. His injured leg _ the end of his football career. II. Translation 1. 如果你不知道这个单词的意思,

16、请查字典。 (look up) 2. 他匆匆看了一眼报纸,就把它扔了。 (glance) 3. 你的来访鼓舞了这个病人。 (cheer) 4. 我宁愿周末在家里,也不愿长途开车到你朋友家。 (would prefer) 5. 她没有赶上公交车,所以没有及时赶到。 (Thats why) 6. 这部影片使他回想起在中国所看到的一切。 (remind) 7. 她不愿意谈及战争期间她的家庭遭受的痛苦。 (suffer) 8. 我随身携带了为数不多的钱。 (have sth on sb) 9. 他拿不拿那本书由他决定。 (be up to sb) 10. 我碰巧在房间的一个角落玩耍。 (happen

17、to do sth) 11. Jack 已经参加了跳远,但我不认为他有机会。 (go in for) 12. 假期里,我们有自由想做什么就做什么。 (be free to do sth) 答案 1. prefer 2. last 3. avoid 4. remark 5. sighed 6. glance 7.express 8. remind 9.signaled 1.If you dont know the meaning of the word, please look it up in the dictionary. 2.He glanced at the newspaper and

18、then threw it away. 3. You visit has cheered up the sick man. 4. I would prefer to spend the weekend at home rather drive all the way to your friends. 5. She missed the bus. Thats why she failed to arrive in time. 6.The film reminded him of what he had seen in China. 7.She refused to talk about her

19、familys suffering during the war. 8.I dont have that much money on me at the moment. 9.Whether he took the book or not was up to him. 10. I happened to be playing in one corner of the room. 11.Jacks gone in for the long-jump, but I dont think he has a chance 12.During the holiday we are free to do a

20、s we like 课堂小结课堂小结 Eye Contact Eye contact is a form of communication which can mean different things in different cultures. Read this article about eye contact on a website. Thoughout the history of mankind, people have communicated with body language. In many situations, the way you say something

21、is far more important than what you say. Eye contact is sometimes the key to communication. It can signal friendliness or hostility, interest or boredom, and understanding or confusion. In Western cultures, maintaining eye contact in conversations is necessary. As a matter of fact, a westerner might

22、 consider a lack of eye contact as a lack of interest. In Spain, Italy and Greece, where people stand clost together talking to each other, eye contact is more frequent and lasts longer. In many Asian cultures, avoiding eye contact shows respect. It is done when talking with anyone in authority or w

23、ith anyone older. Habits like this can cause problems when people do not understand them. For instance, an Asian might close his eyes in concentration or look down while listening to a speaker. A Western speaker might think the man is not interested. Eye contact is a subtle thing. Avoiding eye conta

24、ct might be considered impolite, but staring at others is also considered rude and should be avoided. 眼神交流眼神交流 纵观人类历史,人们一直用肢体语言进行交流。在许多情况下,说话的方式比说话 的内容重要得多。 有时眼神的交流是交际的关键。它可以表示友好或敌意,感兴趣或感到厌倦,是理 解或者是迷惑。 在西方文化当中,谈话中保持眼神的交流佷必要。事实上,西方人可能会认为缺少 眼神的交流就是缺乏交流的兴趣。在西班牙、意大利和希腊,人们交谈时相互间站得很 近,眼神的交流也更频繁更持久。 在许多亚洲国

25、家中, 避免眼神的交流则表示的是尊敬。 这发生在和有权的人或年长 的人交谈的时候。 当人们不了解这种习惯时会导致问题的出现。 比如, 亚洲人可能会在聚精会神地听 人讲话时合上眼睛或往下看,而在说话的西方人可能认为这人对谈话不感兴趣。 眼神交流是微妙的事情, 躲避眼神的交流可能会被认为是不礼貌的事, 但死盯着别 人看则会被认为是粗鲁的事情,也应该避免。 课后作业课后作业 1. Complete the following passage by choosing the proper word in the box. There is one extra word you do not need.

26、 A. materials B.summaries C. information D. lists E. quickly F. make G. rewrite H. cover I. correct J. exams Final exams can be very difficult if you are not prepared . They usually either _1_ _ one school year or half of the year. There are three simple ways to prepare. Firstly, review all the _2 _

27、 you already have. If you are not sure about anything in your notes, ask your teacher and _3_ the parts you need to understand better. If you are missing notes, ask a classmate for them. Your next task should be to make _4_ _ of chapters or stories read during the year. You should read the chapters

28、_5_ to get the general idea, and then write down the_ _6 _you need from each one. These summaries should be in order and put with your notes and tests. In addition to your summaries and notes , you should _ 7 lists of vocabulary, dates, names and other important facts needed for the_8_ _. To make th

29、at, skim over tests, chapters and notes. You should write down all of the 9 you have in your notes. And you should put the lists with your notes and summaries. All you need are these three elements. Now studying for your final exams should be easy. 2. 完形填空完形填空 You Did More Than Carry My books Mark w

30、as walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark _1_ down and helped the boy pick up these articles. _2_ they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for hi

31、m. As they walked Mark realized the boys name was Bill, that he _3_ computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of _4_ with his other subjects and that he had just broken _5 _ with his girlfriend. They arrived at Bills home first and Mark was _6_ in for a Coke and to watch some te

32、levision. The afternoon passed _7_ with a few laughs and some shared small talk, and then Mark went home. They continued to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, and then both ended up from the same high school. Just three weeks before _8_, Bill asked Mark if they could tal

33、k. Bill_9_him of the day years ago when they had first met. Do you _10_ wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day? asked Bill. You see, I _11_ out my locker because I didnt want to leave a mess (脏乱) _12_ anyone else. I had planned to run away and I was going home to pack my things. But

34、after we spent some time together _13_ and laughing, I realized that if I had done that, I would have _14_ a new friend and missed all the fun we would have together. So you see, Mark, when you picked up my books that day, you did a lot more. You _15_ my life. 1. A. fell B. sat C. lay D. knelt 2. A.

35、 Although B. Since C. After D. Until 3. A. played B. loved C. tried D. made 4. A. questions B. ideas C. trouble D. doubt 5. A. up B. out C. off D. away 6. A. called B. helped C. invited D. allowed 7. A. peacefully B. willingly C. freely D. pleasantly 8. A. graduation B. movement C. separation D. vac

36、ation 9. A. demanded B. reminded C. removed D. asked 10. A. ever B. usually C. even D. never 11. A. checked B. took C. cleaned D. put 12. A. over B. into C. with D. for 13. A. talking B. playing C. reading D. watching 14. A. forgotten B. passed C. left D. lost 15. A. helped B. recovered C. improved

37、D. changed 3. 阅读理解阅读理解 (A) There are stock markets(股票市场)in large cities in many countries. Stock markets in Paris, London, Tokyo, Shanghai and New York are among the largest and most well-known. The stock, also called stock exchange, is a place where people can buy or sell shares of a factory or com

38、pany. And each share means certain ownership of a factory or company. Different people go to stock markets. Some are rich, who want to get more money than they have. Others are not very rich, who buy stocks to try to become rich. Still others buy stocks as part of their plan to save money. Of course

39、, investing(投资)money in the stock market is not the safest way to make money. No one can tell exactly whether the shares will be doing well. The factory or company may do badly. Then the stocks will go down, and the investors will lose money. The stock may go up or down for a number of untold reason

40、s. Everyone wants the stock to go up, but sometimes even if a factory or company does a good job, the stock may still go down. No wonder going to the stock market is often compared to gambling(赌博).All are eager to make money by “gambling” in the stock market. Factories and companies that need money

41、are pleased that so many people are willing to gamble. Indeed, the stock market is an attractive and complex part of the business world. 1. The passage mainly wants to tell us _. A. how to buy or sell shares B. the relationship between the stock market and a gambling house C. basic knowledge and fac

42、ts of stock markets D. investing money in the stock market is not the safest way 2. Which of the following is Not right? A. Going to the stock market is like gambling B. The stock will always go up if a factory or company does a good job. C. People buy or sell stocks in the hope of making money. D.

43、People who are not rich will probably become rich by buying or selling stocks. 3. Whats the best title for the passage? A. Investment in the Stock Market B. Stock MarketCenter of Gambling C. Stock Market D. The Comparison Between Going to Stock Market And Gambling (B) Every body knows that words can

44、 carry messages. People communicate with words. Books, magazines, TV and radio, and films all help us to communicate with others. They all help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about. Do you think you can communicate without words? A smile on your face show

45、s you are happy or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you put up your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask a question. You shake your head, and people know you are saying “No”. You nod and people know you are saying “Yes”. Other things can al

46、so carry messages. For example, a sign (标记) at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to take. A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library. Signs on doors tell you where to go in or out. Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive message

47、s from them all the time? People can communicate in many ways without words. For example, an artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, about the sea and many other things. 1. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. It is a most popular way for man to communicate with words. B. Words are the only way for man to communicate. C. Using radio is one of the ways for man to communicate. D. TV can help people to know the w


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