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1、Unit 1 WhereWhere diddid youyou gogo onon vacation?vacation? 一、话题分析 本单元以“节日与假期(Festivals and Holidays)为话题。 二、写作方法 4W1H法写游记类作文 4W:哪些人物一 who 什么地点where 什么时间when 做了什么what 1H:活动感受how 三、素材积累 写游记类作文常用的词汇: go on a trip, travel, weather, take photos, set off, a place of interest, teach oneself, make friends,

2、 go shopping, take part in, chance, party, summer/ winter vacation 写游记类作文常用的句型: 1. What a. we have! 2. The winter vacation this year is really. 3. There is going to be. 4. The activity lasted for. 5. Its really relaxing to. 6. We had fun doing. 四、写作任务 假设你是李华。 上周六,你陪同来自美国结对学校的中学生 Peter 体验中国文化。 请根据以下信

3、息,用英语写一篇短文向校刊English Journey投稿,介绍本次活动 内容并分享感受。 注意:1.短文必须包括表格中的所有内容,并表达感受。词数不少于 100 2.文中不得出现与你身份相关的信息。 Activities Feelings make zongi visit a tea museum lear Chinese characters 五、写作模板 六、范文: LastLast Saturday,Saturday, I I tooktook Peter,Peter, a a studentstudent fromfrom America,America, toto experie

4、nceexperience somesome ChineseChinese culture.culture. EverythingEverything hehe experiencedexperienced thatthat dayday waswas a a greatgreat attractionattraction toto him.him. InIn thethe morning,morning, PeterPeter andand I I wentwent toto visitvisit a a teatea museummuseum , , wherewhere hehe lea

5、rntlearnt a a lotlot aboutabout ChineseChinese tea.tea. AfterAfter that,that, I I tooktook himhim homehome andand taughttaught himhim toto makemake zongzi.zongzi. AlthoughAlthough itit waswas a a bitbit difficult,difficult, hehe stillstill enjoyedenjoyed it.it. InIn thethe afternoon,afternoon, wewe

6、hadhad a a ChineseChinese class,class, learninglearning thethe ChineseChinese characters.characters. HeHe alsoalso triedtried toto writewrite somesome characterscharacters withwith 情境导入 who/when 发生发展 where/what 事件感受 how proud / our rich culture at school/ learn Chinese characters museum/ learn a lot

7、 about Chinese tea at home/ make zongzi Who: Peter 90 词左右。 五、写作模板总 ItsIts importantimportant forfor everyoneeveryone toto bebe healthy.healthy. SoSo I I havehave a a lotlot ofof exerciseexercise andand eatingeating habits.habits. 总 分 总 Im sure I can be very healthy with these healthy habits. eat mor

8、e vegetables and fruit/ drinking milk. play basketball/run/ help with the housework. I have a lot of exercise and eating habits. activities eating InIn mymy sparespare time,time, I I usuallyusually playplay basketballbasketball withwith mymy classmates.Everyclassmates.Every dayday I I runrun withwit

9、h mymy father.father. Sometimes,Sometimes, I I helhel pmypmy mothermother withwith thethe housework.housework. ThatThat isis alsoalso a a kindkind ofof sport.sport. Also,Also, I I eateat healthily.healthily. I I eateat moremore vegetablesvegetables andand fruit.fruit. AndAnd I I likelike drinkingdri

10、nking milkmilk forfor breakfast.Ofbreakfast.Of course,course, I I dontdont eateat junkjunk foodfood tootoo ofoften,ten, althoughalthough itit tastestastes good.good. ImIm suresure I I cancan bebe veryvery healthyhealthy withwith thesethese healthyhealthy habits.habits. 请 habit, once or twice, housew

11、ork, online, program, though, point, hardly ever, at least 编写一篇 3050 词的小短文,体裁不限。 I I havehave a a lotlot ofof goodgood habits.habits. I I hardlyhardly everever eateat junkjunk foofood d andand I I exerciseexercise atat leastleast onceonce oror twicetwice everyevery day.day. AsAs a a result,result, I

12、 I keepkeep healthy.Ihealthy.I alsoalso helphelp mymy mommom withwith housewohousewo rk.Irk.I nevernever playplay onlineonline oror watchwatch thethe TVTV programprogram onon schoolschool days,days, thoughthough I I likelike themthem veryvery much.much. SoSo I I getget fullfull pointspoints atat sch

13、ool.school. Unit 3 Unit 3 ImIm moremore outgoutgoingoing thanthan mymy sister.sister. 一、话题分析 本单元以“人的个性特征( personal traits)为话题。 描写的主体主要有家人、同学、亲友等熟悉的人。 二、写作方法 “概一说一论法写人物比较类作文 概:即概述。开门见山,综合介绍人物关系。 说:即分说。从外表、性格、喜好、言行等方面详细地比较、刻画人物形象。 论:即评述。评述人物关系、状态,客观分析相互之间的影响。 三、素材积累 写人物比较类作文的常用词汇: outgoing, shy, frien

14、dly, quiet, kind, lively, young, old, good-looking, handsome, beautiful, ugly, long hair, straight hair, fat, tall, medium build, like, dislike, enjoy, prefer, love 写人物比较类作文的常用句型: 1. In some ways, we are the same. 2. They both./They are both. 3. In some ways, they are different. 4. I am outgoing, bu

15、t.is. 5. I am more outgoing than. 6. We are good friends forever. 四、写作任务 在你正在进行的初中生活中,总会与一些同学成为朋友。请以My Best Friend and I 为题,根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文,不少于 100 词。 提示:1. Who is your best friend? 2. How long have you been friends? And how did you become friends? 3. How are you the same as and different from your

16、best friend? And what do you like about him/her? 五、写作模板 概述 who/ how we became good friends /how long tall/thin. I am lucky to.I/ hope. outgoing /quiet/kind/friendly 分说 评述 外貌 爱好 性格 be good at MyMy BestBest FriendFriend andand I I MyMy bestbest friendfriend isis Jeff.Jeff. ItIt isis threethree yearsye

17、ars sincesince wewe firstfirst camecame toto thethe school.school. WeWe becamebecame goodgood friendsfriends onlyonly becausebecause thethe kindkind boyboy satsat nextnext toto meme andand helpedhelped meme a a lotlot. . ThoughThough wewe areare bothboth talltall andand thin,thin, wewe areare differ

18、ent.different. JeffJeff isis moremore outgoingoutgoing thanthan meme andand hehe isis goodgood atat playingplaying soccersoccer ButBut ImIm quieterquieter thanthan him.him. ImIm goodgood atat playingplaying basketball.basketball. WeWe oftenoften helphelp eacheach otherother.He.He isis veryvery kindk

19、ind andand friendly.friendly. SoSo wewe getget onon wellwell withwith eacheach other.other. I I amam luckylucky toto havehave a a friendfriend likelike Jeff.Jeff. AndAnd I I hopehope wewe cancan gogo toto thethe samesame highhigh schoolschool inin a a year.year. 请用上 truly, fantastic, necessary, loud

20、ly, as long as, win, reach, touch, heart 等词汇写一篇 50 词左右的小短文,语篇类型不限。 Tara is one of my friends. She truly cares about me. Last week, I took part Tara is one of my friends. She truly cares about me. Last week, I took part in a fantastic singing competition. To get better grades, it was necessary for me

21、 in a fantastic singing competition. To get better grades, it was necessary for me to sing more loudly and clearly. When I practiced, Tara sat there quietly listening to sing more loudly and clearly. When I practiced, Tara sat there quietly listening as as long as she was free. With Taras help, I wo

22、n. So I believe, A true friend reaches long as she was free. With Taras help, I won. So I believe, A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.for your hand and touches your heart. Unit4 Unit4 WhatsWhats thethe bestbest moviemovie theater?theater? 一、话题分析 本单元以“居住的城镇”为核心话题,叙述身边的社区生活环境,如

23、设施、位置、服务状况等。 二、写作方法 实空定位法写场所比较类作文 实:即客观存在的事实,用一句话概括“某地有某物”。 空:即空间介绍。详细地、有层次地以空间为线索,从服务、功能设施等方面比较目标场所。 定位:通过前面详细的场所介绍和比较,及时“定位”个人的主观态度“我更喜欢。 三、素材积累 写场所比较类作文常用词汇: of the three, best, most, although, because, cheap, service, expensive, as for 写场所比较类作文常用句型: 1. Of all the.I like.best because it has. 2. I

24、 also like. because it. 3. Thoughit 4. As for. I like/dont like it. 四、写作任务 假如你是 Jim,常到学校附近的三家商店购物,请用学过的比较级或最高级的句型,充分发 挥你合理的想象,描述三家商店的不同。词数:80 左右。提示: Hams Bargain Store: the cheapest, the worst Jennys Department Store: the most fashionable clothes, the best service, the most expensive Carols Departme

25、nt Store: the most popular store, not the cheapest, not the most expensive, the friendliest service 五、写作模板 There are three stores near my school. I often go shopping there. Of the three stores, I like Jennys Department Store best although the things there are the most expensive. Because it sells ver

26、y good things. It sells the most fashionable clothes. And it has the best service. I also like Carols Department Store. Because its the most popular store near my school. The things there arent the cheapest and theyre not the most expensive. And it has the friendliest service. As for Hams Bargain St

27、ore, I dont like it. Though its the cheapest, it isnt the most popular. In fact, lots of things there are the worst. So I usually choose the stores that I like to buy things when Im free. 请用上 close to; on weekends ; the most; the best;service 写一篇 3050 词的小短文,语篇 话题引出 (实) 综合比对 总结习惯 three stores near my

28、 school; go shopping there (写“实”) the most fashionable clothes/ the most expensive (空间介绍) not the cheapest/not the most expensive. (空间介绍) (the cheapest/ the worst (空间介绍) So I usually choose the stores that. (主观定位) Store1 Store 2 Store 3 类型不限。 BlueBlue SkySky CinemaCinema isis closeclose toto mymy ho

29、me.home. I I oftenoften gogo therther etoeto watchwatch moviesmovies withwith mymy friendsfriends onon weekends.weekends. I I likelike itit veryvery muchmuch becausebecause I I cancan buybuy thethe ticketstickets thethe mostmost c cheaply.heaply. AndAnd itit hashas thethe mostmost comfortablecomfort

30、able seatsseats andand thethe bestbest service.service. Unit 5 DoDo youyou wantwant toto watchwatch a a gamegame show?show? 一、话题分析 本单元以 “娱乐活动(Entertainment)” 为话题,谈论对不同类型的电视节目或电影的看法, 并说出理由。 二、写作方法 喜好+原因分析法写影视节目评论类作文 首先陈述事实,即介绍“喜欢/不喜欢某节目”,介绍时应观点明确。 然后分析原因,从节目的内容、对自己的影响等角度分析。 三、素材积累 写影视节目评论类作文常用的词汇 mov

31、ie, cartoon, comedy, soap opera, action movie, folk music, pop music, country music, classical music, discuss, stand, mind, like, dislike, interested, popular 写影视节目评论类作文常用的句型: 1. I cant stand./like.most of all. 2. My favorite movie is.because I can. 3. It helps us to. 4. Watching comedies can make m

32、e feel. 5. There are many kinds of. 四、写作任务 你的家人都喜欢哪些电视节目?请写一封不少于 80词的信告诉你的笔友 Jerry,信的开 头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Jerry, How are you? Do you like watching TV? What kind of TV shows do you like? Now let me Could you please tell me something about yours? Yours, Li Fei 五、写作模板 DearDear Jerry,Jerry, HowHow ar

33、eare you?you? DoDo youyou likelike watchingwatching TV?TV? WhatWhat kindkind ofof TVTV showsshows dodo youyou like?like? NowNow letlet meme telltell youyou somethingsomething aboutabout mymy familysfamilys favoritefavorite TVTV shows.shows. PeoplePeople inin mymy familyfamily likelike differentdiffe

34、rent TVTV shows.shows. MyMy 引出话题 喜好+原因分析 .tell you something about my familys favorite TV shows. grandparents like sports shows; also like sitcoms/reason like Readers/reaso like Beijing Opera/reason I parents grandparentsgrandparents likelike BeijingBeijing OperaOpera veryvery much;much; theythey us

35、uallyusually singsing togethertogether withwith thethe actorsactors onon TV.TV. TheyThey thinkthink singingsinging BeijingBeijing OperaOpera makesmakes theirtheir lifelife fullfull .My.My parentsparents likelike ReadersReaders hosthost eded byby DongDong Qing.Qing. ThatsThats becausebecause theythey

36、 bothboth lovelove traditionaltraditional ChineseChinese culture.culture. TheyThey saysay theythey cancan findfind thethe beautybeauty ofof lifelife fromfrom it.it. AsAs forfor me,me, I I likelike sportssports shows,shows, andand I I oftenoften watchwatch gamesgames onon TV.TV. I I thinkthink theyth

37、ey areare exciting.exciting. I I alsoalso likelike sitcomssitcoms becausebecause theythey areare funnyfunny andand relaxing.relaxing. CouldCould youyou pleaseplease telltell meme somethingsomething aboutabout yours?yours? YourYours,s, LiLi FeiFei 以下是本单元所学的重点词汇,请发挥想象,用它们编写一篇 30-50 词的小 短文,体裁不限。be read

38、y to, action, famous, successful, educational Wolf Warrior 2 is successful in China and even in the world.Wolf Warrior 2 is successful in China and even in the world. Wu Jing, Wu Jing, an action stan action star, played an important role in the film. He became more famous ar, played an important rol

39、e in the film. He became more famous because of it. The film is very educational.because of it. The film is very educational. Many people were moved by Many people were moved by it. Are you ready to watch it. Are you ready to watch it?it? Unit6 Unit6 ImIm goinggoing toto studystudy computercomputer

40、science.science. 一、话题分析 本单元话题为“人生目标(Life Goals),除了表达理想这一核心内容,还 涉及工作、学习及各种活动的计划和安排等。 二、写作方法 WWH三步法写计划愿望类作文 首先:用概括性的语言介绍自己的理想,即 What。如:I am going to/My dream is. 其次:分析为什么有这样的理想,即 Why。 最后:为了实现理想,打算怎么做,即 How。 三、素材积累 描述计划愿望常用的词汇: dream, hope, wish, want, plan, plan to, work hard, grow up, be interested i

41、n, come true 描述计划愿望常用的句型: 1. I am going to. 2. I am used to doing. 3. After I finish middle school, I want to. 4. He decides to. during the vacation. 5. When I grow up, Im going to. 6. I hope my dream can come true one day. 7. I plan to. I think I should. 四、写作任务 每个人都有自己的梦想。有的想当科学家,有的想成为医生 你的理 想是什么?请

42、根据所给提示,以MyDream为题写一篇不少于 70 词的短文。 提示:1. What do you want to be? 2. Why do you want to be a/an.? 3. How can you make your dream come true? 五、写作模板 My dream is. 引出话题(What) MyMy DreamDream MyMy dreamdream isis toto bebe a a doctor.doctor. WhenWhen I I waswas veryvery young,young, I I alwaysalways hadhad

43、healthhealth problems.problems. SoSo I I oftenoften wentwent toto seesee doctors.doctors. WithWith theirtheir help,help, I I waswas gettinggetting betterbetter andand better.better. ThisThis makesmakes meme believebelieve itit isis soso greatgreat toto bebe a a doctor.doctor. SoSo I I wantwant toto

44、bebe a a doctordoctor whenwhen I I growgrow up.up. IllIll givegive mymy lovelove toto thethe s sickick asas muchmuch asas possible.possible. OfOf course,course, I I mustmust workwork hardhard atat schoolschool now.now. FromFrom nownow on.on. I I shouldshould workwork hardhard andand I I believebelie

45、ve mymy dreamdream willwill comecome truetrue oneone day.day. 本单元话题涉及“计划与愿望”,请用以下词汇写一篇 50 词左右的小短文, 体裁不限。 resolution, team, improve, hobby, self-improvement,physical, at the beginning of, take up, be able to, be sure about AtAt thethe beginningbeginning ofof thethe newnew term,term, I I havehave some

46、some resolutions.resolutions. I should work hard and I believe. This makes me believe.So I want to be a When I was young, I always.So I often. 计划打算(How) 说明原因(Why) Firstly,Firstly, I I amam goinggoing toto taketake upup a a hobby.hobby. I I want towant to learnlearn painting.painting. I I willwill be

47、be ableable toto improveimprove mymy paintingpainting andand I I amam suresure aboutabout mymy selfself- -improvement.improvement. Secondly,Secondly, I I amam goinggoing toto joinjoin thethe soccersoccer team.team. I I thinkthink doingdoing exerciseexercise isis goodgood forfor mymy physicalphysical health.health. Unit 7 Unit 7 WillWill peoplepeople havehave robots?robots? 一、话题分析 本单元的话题是“未来的生活(Life in the future)。 涉及科技的发展带来


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