
上传人(卖家):alice 文档编号:86115 上传时间:2018-11-28 格式:DOCX 页数:9 大小:17.32KB
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1、Unit4 1. she was always silent in class 她总是在班上总是保持沉默 2. she got good grades in science 她在科学中取得好成绩 3. she still plays the piano from time to time 她有时候依然会弹钢琴 4. this party is such a great idea! 这个聚会是如此好的主意 5. Its been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates 自从上次我们小学同学见面已经有 三年了 6. B

2、illy has changed so much! Billy 已经改变太多了 7. his face always turned red when he talked to girls 当他和女生交谈的时候,他的脸总是 会变红 8.he studied hard and got good scores on his exams 他努力学习并且在他的考试中取得 好成绩 9.I interviewed 19 -year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang 我采访了一个19岁的亚洲明星Candy Wang 10.she used to be really shy and t

3、ook up singing to deal with her shyness 她曾经很害羞并且用唱歌的方式来 解决他的害羞 11.as she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class 当他变得更好时,她害怕在班级面前 唱歌 12.Now shes not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds 现在她不在害羞并且喜欢在人群面 前唱歌 13.now I get tons of attention everywhere I go 现在我到哪都获得了大量的关注 14.I don

4、t have much private time anymore 我再也没有多的私人时间 15.you have to prepared to give up your normal life 你不得不放弃你的正常生活 16.Only a very small number of people make it to the top 仅仅非常少的人做到了它 17.A large number of students are girls in class 5 .the number of them is 40 五班大多数学生是女生.她们的数量 是 40 18.the road to success

5、 is not easy 成功的道路是不那么容易的 19.Successful people work hard to succeed 成功的人通过努力工作取得成功 20. I used to be lazy,but now I am hardworking. 我以前是懒惰的,但是现在我是勤奋 的 21.I used to play after school,but now I study all day 以前放学后我在玩,但是现在我一整 天都在学习 22.I used to be short 我以前是矮的 23. I didnt use to be popular in school 我以前

6、在学校是不受欢迎的 24.Paula used to be really quiet Paula 以前非常的安静 25.she didnt use to like tests 她以前不喜欢测试 26.you used to be short,didnt you? Yes,I did/No I didnt 你以前是矮的,是吗? 是的,我是/ 不,我不是 27.Did he use to wear glasses?yes, he did/No he didnt 他以前戴眼镜吗?是的, 他是/不, 他 不是 28.Now I dont worry about tests 现在我不担心测试 29.Im

7、 not worried my tests 我不担心我的测试 30.I used to be nervous about tests all the time 我以前总是为我的测试而焦虑 31.He studies harder than he used to 他现在学习比曾经更努力 32.he works very hard and does well in school 他在学校学习非常努力并且在学校 做的很好 33.when he was a little boy, he seldom caused any problems 当他是一个小男孩时,他很少惹麻烦 34.the old man

8、 lives alone, but doesnt feel lonely 这个老人独自居住,但不感到孤独 35.sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations 有时候他会上课缺席并且考试不及 格 36.Finally,Li Wens parents made the decision to send him to a boarding school. 最后,李文的父母做了一个决定,把 他送到一所寄宿学校 37.she advised them to talk with their son in person 她建议他们亲自和他们的儿子交谈 一下 38.They take pride in everything good that I do 他们为我做的每一件好事而骄傲 39.theyre always proud of me 他们总是为我感到骄傲


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