2020年秋人教版八年级上册英语Unit 5Do you want to watch a game show?Section B知识点讲解及练习(word版有答案).docx

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2020年秋人教版八年级上册英语Unit 5Do you want to watch a game show?Section B知识点讲解及练习(word版有答案).docx_第1页
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2020年秋人教版八年级上册英语Unit 5Do you want to watch a game show?Section B知识点讲解及练习(word版有答案).docx_第2页
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2020年秋人教版八年级上册英语Unit 5Do you want to watch a game show?Section B知识点讲解及练习(word版有答案).docx_第3页
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2020年秋人教版八年级上册英语Unit 5Do you want to watch a game show?Section B知识点讲解及练习(word版有答案).docx_第4页
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2020年秋人教版八年级上册英语Unit 5Do you want to watch a game show?Section B知识点讲解及练习(word版有答案).docx_第5页
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1、Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section B 1.meaningless adj. 毫无意义的;意思不明确的 What you did is meaningless. less 是形容词否定后缀,意为“没有的”。 hopehopeless 无希望的;helphelpless 无助的 meaningful adj. 有意义的 Planting trees in spring is meaningful. meaning n意义;意思 Whats the meaning of the sign? 同步练习同步练习 I cant know th

2、e _ of the sentence.I think its _. Ameaning;meaning Bmeaningful;meaning Cmeaning;meaningless Dmeaning;meaningful 2.famous adj. 著名的;出名的 Liu Huan is a famous singer. be famous for.以而出名 China is famous for the Great Wall. be famous as.作为而出名 Mo Yan is famous as a great writer. 同步练习同步练习 Kunming _its fine

3、 weather.Its warm all the year round. Abe famous for Bbe famous Cis famous for Dis famous as 3.appear v. 出现 At last,a smile appeared on his fathers face. appear v. 似乎;显得,后接形容词、名词、不定式等。 It appears a true story. You appear to have traveled quite a lot. appearance n外表;样子 She is a young girl of good app

4、earance. 同步练习同步练习 Though he_in the concert,he didnt _. Aperformed;appear Bperforms;appeared Cappeared;performed Dappeared;perform e out 出版;发表 The book of Kuangrens Diary came out in 1918. come out 出来;开花;结果 I think the flower will come out next week. 同步练习同步练习 The newspapers _every Friday. Alook out B

5、come out Ctake out Dgo out 5.successful adj. 获得成功的;有成就的 Zhao Benshan is a successful actor. successfully adv.成功地 He passed the exam successfully. success n成功,作不可数名词,反义词是 failure 失败 Confidence is the key to success. success n成功的人或物,作可数名词 The party was a success. 同步练习同步练习 1.Lost on journey is a very _

6、 movie. Asuccess BSuccesses Csuccessful Dsuccessfully 2.我们最终成功地登上了山顶。 In the end,we climbed to the top of the mountain _. 3.这次会议非常成功。 This meeting is a great _. 6.unlucky adj. 不幸的;不吉利的,由否定前缀 unlucky 构成。 Im unlucky today because I am late for school. unluckily adv. 不幸地 Unluckily my car broke down hal

7、fway. 同步练习同步练习 He was _ boy.But _he had a kind grandmother. Aan unlucky;luckily Ba lucky;luckily Can unlucky;unluckily Da lucky;unluckily 7.lose v失去;丢失,过去式为 lost。 AC Milan lost the Italian Cup Final. I lost my keys. Dont lose heart;you will succeed one day. 同步练习同步练习 Yesterday the little boy _his way

8、. Alose Bloses Clost Dlosing 8.ready adj. 愿意的;准备好的 (1) be ready to do sth.含义是“准备去做某事”,相当于 get ready to do sth.。 (2) be ready for sth.为某事做准备,相当于 get ready for sth.。 The girl is ready to help others,so we all like her. The students are ready to climb the hill.The students are getting ready to climb th

9、e hill. 同步练习同步练习 1.Jims parents are ready_ his birthday party. A.to B. for C. on D. at 2.Are you ready_ football with me? A. to playing B. to play C. play D. playing 9.try ones best 尽力做 try ones best to do somethingdo ones best to do something 尽力做某事 We must try/do our best to improve our English. 同步

10、练习同步练习 He has tried his best _ this work. Ado Bdoing Cto do Ddoes 10.dress up 装扮;乔装打扮 1)常与 as/like 连用,后接表示“人”的词,表示“打扮成”。 The boy dressed up as/like a king. 2)dress up in衣服 The girl likes to dress up in her sisters clothes. 3)be dressed in衣服 穿着 He was dressed in a black sweater. 同步练习同步练习 1.My sister

11、is dressed _a red jacket today. A. up B. in C. on D. off 2.In the games,they all dressed _policemen. Aup Bin Cup like Dup in 11.take sb.s place 代替;替换 相当于 take the place of sb. My teacher is ill.Mr.Li is taking her place.My teacher is ill.Mr.Li is taking the place of her. 拓展:take place 发生 Great chang

12、es took place last year in my hometown. 同步练习同步练习 Im very busy. Could you _ to go to the party? Atake place Btake me place Ctake the place of mine Dtake my place 同步讲解同步讲解 询问对某人某事的看法及评价询问对某人某事的看法及评价 常用问句句型: 1What do/does主语think of.?认为怎么样? What do you think of comedies? What does Sue think of the TV sh

13、ow? 2What/How about.?怎么样? What about the book? 常用答语: (1)可以用动词 like,love,cant stand,dont mind 构成以下句子: I like/love it. I dont mind it. I dont like it. I cant stand it. (2)也可以用形容词 interesting,boring 等及表示程度的副词 very much,a lot,a little 等来回 答。 I think the book is very interesting. I like it a little. I th

14、ink its a boring film. I like it very much. 同步练习同步练习 1.What do you _your hometown? I love it very much. Alook at Btalk about Cthink of Dlike 2.What does your sister think of the film? _. AShe doesnt mind them BShe likes them CShe likes it DShe doesnt like her 3._? Oh.I cant stand it. AHow about Chin

15、ese Cooking BWhat does your mother think of the book CWhat does your mother like the book DWhat does he think of the book 动词不定式作宾语动词不定式作宾语 动词不定式是由“不定式符号 to+动词原形”构成的一种非谓语动词结构,在句子中可作 主语、表语、宾语、定语、补语、状语或单独使用。今天主要讲动词不定式作宾语。 动词不定式形式是“to+do”,但 to 有时要省略。动词不定式在具体运用时,用不用 to,取决 于谓语动词的用法。要使用动词不定式的情况如下。 1.带 to 的

16、不定式结构 (1) 能直接跟带 to 的不定式结构的动词主要有: want, ask, tell, hope, learn, try, decide, forget, remember, like, love, stop 等。 She likes to play the piano. (2) 动词不定式的否定形式是在不定式前直接加 not, 即 not to do sth.。 Jim told me not to wake up Kate. 2、疑问词+不定式作宾语 tell, advise, show, teach, learn, know 等常跟“疑问词+不定式”作宾语。 Could yo

17、u please tell me where to park my car? No one could tell me how to do it? 同步练习同步练习 1. He asked me _(help)him with his English this evening. 2. I watched TV,so I _(forget)_(do)my homework. 3. It _(take)us half an hour _(read)English every day. 4. We found it was very difficult _(get)a car. 5. Its our

18、 duty _ (keep) our city clean and beautiful. 6.Excuse me. Could you please tell me _ my car? Sure. Park it right here. Ill help. A.how to stop B.where to park C.when to park 能力测试 一选择填空 1. I have seen film The Captain and its quite educational one. A. /; an B. an; a C. the; a D. the; an 2. Do you hav

19、e any for the winter vacation? Yes. I want to go to Tibet. A. shows B. plans C. games D . sitcoms 3. What do you think of the news? Very boring._. A. I love it. B. I dont mind it. C. I dont like it. D.I cant stand them. 4I like _best, because they make me happy. A. cartoon B. comedies C. soap operas

20、 D. action movie 5. What happened_you yesterday? I happened _ meet my old friend,Lucy. A.to,to B.with, to C.to,with D.with,with 6. I dont like soap operas, because I think they are . A. meaningless B.creative C. educational D. famous 7. The singer often_on TV.We know her very well. Aexpects Bbecomes

21、 Cappears Ddiscusses 8.Why dont you take us all to the park? The simple _ is that there isnt enough room in the car. Ahabit Breason Cmessage Dquestion 9.Do you think this volleyball team will win the match? Yes!They have the best players,so I _ them to win. Ahope Bhelp Cstop Dexpect 10. One of the m

22、ain _ that he was like a common man. Areason is Breason are Creasons is D. reasons are 11The new term is coming. Jim plans _basketball every day. A.to practice play B. to practice to play C. practice playing D. to practice playing 12. He always tries to face any _ and met some _things. A.danger,dang

23、erous B.danger,danger C.dangerous,dangerous D.dangerous, danger 13. Walt Disney made 87 cartoons_ ,he became _ . A.successful,successful B.successfully,successfully C.successful, successfully D.successfully,successful 14. Would you mind_ the window. Its kind of cold. Of course not. My _is the same a

24、s yours. A close;mind B. close;minds C. closing;mind D. closing;minds 15. My parents often asks me _ too much time _ computer games. A. not to spend, play B. not to spend, to play C. not to spend, playing D. to not spend, playing 16. Do you know that there are many different _ animals in the zoo? Ye

25、s, I do. And I also know that some of them are _ scaring. Akinds of;kind of Bkinds of;kinds of Ckind of;kinds of Dkind of;kind of 17. are you going to the School Uniform Exhibition, Amy? To learn about different styles of school uniforms. A. What B. Why C. Where D. Which 18. Would you mind looking a

26、fter my dog while Im on holiday? . A. Of course B. Yes. Id be happy to C. Not at all. Ive no time D. Of course not. 19. Dad, I won a prize in Chinas Got Talent last week. . I hope you can do better next time. A. No problem B. You did a good job C. I didnt mind it D. Im sorry to hear that. 20. do you

27、 think of the football match? It is perfect. It is more exciting than match that I have ever watched. A. How; any other B. How; any others C. What; any other D. What; any others 二. 完形填空 Hello Kitty is a famous cartoon cat.You can see her on many 1._ of things like bags, clothes,food and books.People

28、 all over the world love the 2._Hello Kitty. 40 years ago,a Japanese company Sanrio made Hello Kitty.It first 3._ on a wallet.To peoples 4._, in the artists design, Hello Kitty is a 5._! Thats why people always see her 6._ with two feet. Hello Kitty is in the third 7._ in her school.Her favorite 8._

29、 is apple pie.She lives with her parents and twin sister 9. _ London.It is quiet there.Hello Kitty has a big family.On weekends,her father often drives his 10._ to take them to visit her 11._in the forest.Its 12._ that Hello Kitty has a pet cat like herself. The artist said 40 years ago,many Japanes

30、e worked and 13._in Britain,so she made Hello Kitty a(n ) 14._ person.Hello Kitty has a very 15._ life now.Shes the symbol of all the good things. 1.A.sizes B.kinds C.colors D.prices 2.A.cute B.careless C.angry D.scary 3.A.wrote B.brought C.appeared D.turned 4.A.hope B.surprise C.answer D.dream 5.A.

31、girl B.boy C.cat D.dog 6.A.laughing B.talking C.standing D.eating 7.A.floor B.grade C.name D.place 8.A.drink B.present C.restaurant D.food 9.A.of B.at C.near D.far 10.A.bike B.car C.horse D.ride 11.A.friends B.teachers C.grandparents D.classmates 12.A.interesting B.important C.different D.difficult

32、13.A.played B.lived C.acted D.planned 14.A.Australian B.British C.Chinese D.American 15.A.difficult B.meaningless C.happy D.lucky 三. 阅读理解 A. Charlotte Kane and Ella Marks, both 12, have been making films together since they were in the fifth grade. The girls, who live in San Francisco, California, U

33、SA, meet other kids in their Noe Valley neighbourhood after school and on weekends to film together. Charlotte and Ella taught themselves how to use editing software (剪辑软件) for their first series, The Adventures of the Annoying Apple. Because they had so much fun, they decided to start their own pro

34、duction companies(公司). Charlotte named hers Murphy Films, after her dog, and Ella named hers Avocado Films, after a tree in her backyard. They asked their younger sisters, Caitlin Kane, 10, and Maggie Marks, 10, to star in and work on some of the films. Now, Charlotte, Ella, Caitlin and Maggie are s

35、haring their love of filmmaking with the world. They started their own film festival this year, called the Noe Valley Girls Film Festival (NVGFF). “There arent many filmmakers that are girls,” Ella said. “We love to make films so we want to increase the number of girls who want to do filmmaking, too

36、,” Charlotte added. Many people in the film industry(行业)share Charlotte and Ellas worry about the low number of women filmmakers. Last year, many Hollywood actors and actresses, including Meryl Streep and Patricia Arquette, also expressed opinions on it. They asked Hollywood to do more to make sure

37、women are equally represented in the industry. 1. Who taught Charlotte and Ella how to use editing software? A. Their teachers. B. Their friends. C. Their parents. D. They themselves. 2. “Avocado” is the name of a _. A. dog B. film C. tree D. place 3. NVGFF was started by_. A. Charlotte and Ella B.

38、Charlotte, Ella and their sisters C. a Hollywood actress D. a woman filmmaker 4. Why do many people in the film industry share Charlotte and Ellas worry? A. They want to help do filmmaking. B. They think there are a lot of girl filmmakers. C. They plan to help Charlottes and Ellas companies. D. They

39、 hope women can be equally treated in film industry. 5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Murphy Films is a film about a dog. B. Charlotte and Ella are both the fifth graders. C. Caitlin Kane was invited to star in some films made by Charlotte and Ella. D. The number of wom

40、en filmmakers is almost the same as that of men filmmakers. B. The lovely McDull (麦兜)is back! Do you know McDull? He is a talking piglet (小猪). He has a heart of gold although he isnt very smart. McDull lives with his mother Mrs Mak in Hong Kong. Before his birth, his father disappeared. Mrs Mak had

41、to raise McDull as a single mother. They are not rich. But Mrs Mak tries her best to make a good life for McDull. She makes a sauna (桑拿房), a gym and a library for McDull in their small apartment. She works several jobs to make more money: house agent (中介), cook and plumber (水管工). She makes tasty foo

42、d for McDull with just rice, dried fish and cabbage. However, when McDull grows up, he becomes a detective (侦探) and leaves home. The mother and son are not as close as before. Can they go back to how they used to be? You may find the answer by watching the animation(动画)movie McDull: Me 2. 你们都喜欢运动,每周

43、锻炼三四次;你们每天放学后打篮球; 3. 你们都喜欢听音乐,看动作片,但 Wang Lin 还喜欢看新闻,他认为从中可以弄清楚世界各地 发生的事情;他不喜欢肥皂剧; 4. 上周日 Wang Lin 带你去华夏影院看了 Blunt Force Trauma,影片很精彩,你觉得这是最好的 一家影院,有最舒适的座位和最佳的音效。 要求: 1. 以上要点不要逐字翻译,结合内容适当发挥; 2. 词数在 80 左右(已给出的不计入总词数); 3. 注意书信格式和人称。 Dear Grandma, How is everything going? Now Im studying in China. I have a good friend, Wang Lin. Best wishes! Yours sincerely, David 参考答案 一选择填空 1-5 DBCBA 6-10 ACBDC 11-15DADCC 16-20


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