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1、PEP Book 1 Unit 4 We Love Animals Part A Lets learn & Lets chant Teaching Contents 单词: dog, duck, bear, pig, cat 句型: Whats this? Its a . Lets chant. Teaching Objectives 1. 能在语境中运用Whats this? Its a . 来交流物品信 息。 2. 能够能听说、认读dog, duck, bear, pig, cat等几种动物 的名称。 3. 能听懂一些简单的指示语,并能按照指令模仿动物 做出相应的动作。 4. 培养学生热爱

2、动物、保护动物的意识。 Main points 能在语境中运用Whats this? Its a . 来操练动物单词。 Difficult points Describe your own farm What animals are there on the farm?农场里会有什么小动物呢?农场里会有什么小动物呢? 农场里的动物越农场里的动物越 来越多,我要忙来越多,我要忙 不过来了!不过来了! 我想招聘一些农场小帮手。 我将评选出 “最佳农场小帮手” 并且赠送小动物给你。 期待你的加入! Macdonald 招聘广告招聘广告 面试第一关 Task 1 Meeting the animals

3、 (认识动物) What can you see on the farm? Listen and Guess Whats this? Its a . c c atat cat rat fat mat Look at the cat. It is fat. Listen and Guess Whats this? Its a . p p igig pig dig big rig Look at the pig. It is big. Listen and Guess Whats this? Its a . d d ogog dog bog log hog Look at the dog. Its

4、 on the log Whats this? d d uckuck duck luck truck muck Look at the duck. Its in the truck. Listen and Guess Whats this? Its a . b b earear swear bear wear pear Look at the bear. Its on the pear. Look at the cat. It is fat. Look at the pig. It is big. Look at the dog. Its on the log. Look at the duc

5、k. Its in the truck. Look at the bear. Its on the pear. Group work 小组内有特色的朗读歌 谣:齐读、接龙读、配 动作读(2mins) Look at the cat. It is fat. Look at the pig. It is big. Look at the dog. Its on the log. Look at the duck. Its in the truck. Look at the bear. Its on the pear. 1. 听录音,从相似的两个单词中圈 出你所听到的单词。 cat fat pig

6、big dog log duck truck bear pear 小提示:小提示: 用三角形标注出用三角形标注出 单词间不同的字母单词间不同的字母 能够帮助你更快的能够帮助你更快的 找到读音的不同。找到读音的不同。 面试第二关 Task 2 Manage the farm (管理农场,送小动物回家) 天黑了,你们能够帮助天黑了,你们能够帮助 我把小动物们送回家吗?我把小动物们送回家吗? Task 3 试用期 Go to Miss Ouyangs farm and help her first. (去Miss Ouyang的农场帮忙) Welcome to Miss Ouyangs farm 欢

7、迎来到我的农场,想知道我的农场里 有哪些小动物吗?阅读下面的短文吧! 你会从中找到答案。 请阅读短文,在文中找出Miss Ouyang的农场里的动物,在找 到的小动物图片前的括号里打“”,并且在旁边的四线格上写上 小 动物的名字。 Welcome to my farm. Look at the pig. It is big. Look at the duck. Its yellow. Look at the dog. It is cute. Look at the cat. It is fat. Look at the bear. Its brown. Look at the panda. I

8、ts black and white. What animals are there on the farm? (请勾出至少五种动物,并且在旁边的四线格上写出它们的名字。) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 小提示:小提示: 阅读时,用波浪线画出你阅读时,用波浪线画出你 所看到的动物单词,能够所看到的动物单词,能够 提高你的答题速度。提高你的答题速度。 Task 4 Design your farm (设计你们的农场) Old Macdonald送了我们送了我们 好多小动物,让我们设计好多小动物,让我们设计 我们小组自己的农场吧!我们小组自己的农场吧! p

9、ig cat rabbit hen bear tiger dog panda duck cow chick lion elephant hippo giraffe fish 每位组员选择一种你最喜欢的小动物,将其贴到小组的农场内每位组员选择一种你最喜欢的小动物,将其贴到小组的农场内。 What animals do we have? Old MacDonald都送了我们什么动物礼物呢?都送了我们什么动物礼物呢? 每位组员需介绍:每位组员需介绍: 一种小动物一种小动物 这种动物的特点这种动物的特点 / 颜色颜色 (想象小动物的颜色)(想象小动物的颜色) Look at the giraffe.

10、It is tall(高的高的) 或者:或者:Its orange. Our Farm Hello! This is our farm. Look at the panda. Its cute (可爱的可爱的). Look at the hippo. It is blue. Look at the . Its . 小小 结结 Can you use this sentence? cat pig dog duck bear Whats this? Its a . Can you read these words? 第 小组的组员们: 你们用辛勤的汗水换来了动物们的喜欢 以及农场主Macdonald的肯定,被评为 最佳农场小帮手 特发此状,以资鼓励。 Macdonald 1.Finish your farm, color the animals. 2.Write down the sentences for your farm. 动物是我们的朋友,请保护它们,爱护它们。动物是我们的朋友,请保护它们,爱护它们。


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