2020新人教版必修一英语unit3 listening and speaking ppt课件(含音频).pptx

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1、 UNIT 3 Sports and fitness Listening and Speaking revision 1. n.健康;健壮;适合 2. n.足球 3. n.体育场;运动场 4. n.马拉松 5. n.比赛项目;大事;公开活动 6. vt.主办;主持;n.主人 7. n.跑道;足迹;铁路轨道 vt.跟踪 8. n. 健身房;体育馆 9. vt.使出汗 vi.出汗 n.汗水 10. n. 体操(训练) fitness soccer stadium marathon event host track gym sweat gymnastics 背诵下面短文,说出黑体单词和短语。 To

2、host all the events of the Olympic Games, a special village is usually built, with a stadium, a very large swimming pool, a gymnasium as well as seats for those who watch the games. Its a great honour for athletes to compete in the Olympic Game. They must be positive and work hard to win the events

3、without cheating. Athletes who compete in a sport will learn to deal with stress , because even though they work hard to master the skills needed for a sport, it doesnt mean they will always make it. Only when athletes with determination have taken part in the regular competitions and get recognitio

4、n can they be admitted into the Olympics. They compete for glory as well as for medals, so all they do make sense. listening Lead in What kinds of sports do you know? sports Table tennis swimming Basketball etc. football What sports events do you like to watch? Which sport would you like to try? 听教材

5、P36的Conversation 1,回答第1、2小题。 1.When will the e-sports event be held? A.This Thursday afternoon. B.This Friday afternoon. C.This Saturday afternoon. 2.What is Amy learning at present? A.Playing e-sports. B.Playing badminton. C.Playing computer games. C B 3.whats Shen Qis main purpose for talking to A

6、my? A. To invite Amy to an-e-sports event. B. To invite Amy to a soccer match. C. To explain an e-sports event. A Listen for main ideas Try to catch the main ideas instead of trying to remember and translate each word you hear. Did you hear that theres an e-sports event this weekend? Would you like

7、to come along? Really? Id love to! Why dont you join us this Saturday afternoon? Oh, sorry. I cant. Listen to Conversation 1 again. Circle the words that the speaker stresses. 听教材P37的Conversation 2,回答第3、4小题。 1.What are the speakers talking about? A.The “Blue Paint” run. B.The sport of Marathon. C.Bu

8、ying water balloons. 2.What does Julie decide to do? A.Run 5 kilometers. B.Fill the balloons with paint. C.Throw the paint at the runners. A C 3.When will the event happen? The event will happen_. 4.Whats a “Blue Paint” run ? A “Blue Paint” run is a fun run that _. 5.Why is it called a a “Blue Paint

9、” run ? Because people can buy water balloons filled with _ and _the runners. 6.If 200 people take part in the run and 400 balloons are sold, how much money will they collect? on Saturday afternoon. helps the community. blue paint throw them at. 6000 dollars SpeakingFinish Ex.5 on Page 37 by followi

10、ng the example. A:Did you hear that theres the Youth Ski Race in Zhangjiakou in December?Would you like to come along? B:Really? Id love to! A:Why dont you join us this Sunday morning? B:Oh,sorry.I cant./Of course,Id like to. Language points of this class 1.event n.比赛项目;大事;公开活动 e.g. The event has as

11、tonished London society. 这一事件震惊了伦敦的社交界。 n an hour the drivers will be warming up for the main event 一个小时后车手们将做好准备参加这项重要的赛事。 区别辨区别辨析析 affair, accident、incident、event affair 这个也是指一般的事件,小的事件,但是与我们刚刚说的日常生活 中的一般事件时有区别的,affair指的一般事件大多数指的是私事。 也指相关的事件或者是活动,也就是一个系列的时间和活动。如果 affair用的是复数形式,那么所指的就是国家大事了。 accide

12、nt 通常是指不愉快的,强调偶然或意外发生的不幸事情, 是不可预知的偶然事件。 incident 指与某人或是与某些事件有关的、不是很重要的事情或 叙述中的一件事,不过有时也会指引起战争或争端的突 发事件,可以把它当做battle,war一类词的一个委婉说 法,所表述的是可预知的事情。 event 这个指的一般是指历史上的重大事件,国际上的或者是 国内的重大事件,有时也会指日常时间,还可以表示体 育运动的比赛项目。 1)The _made the listeners burst into laughter. 2)Many political _go unreported. 3)A traffi

13、c _ occurred this morning. 4)Im sorry about knocking over your coffee cup - it was an _. 5)The discovery of X-rays was a big _ in the history of physics. 6)Which _have you entered for? 7)He does not want to interfere in the internal _ of another country. incident incidents accident accident event ev

14、ent affairs e along跟随;到达;进步;赶快 e.g. 1)Theres a big press launch today and youre most welcome to come along. 2).Come along, Osmond. No sense in your standing around. 3)It was lucky you came along. 4)Follow me.; Come along with me. 5) My son has begun to come along very well in French since the new te

15、acher came. come相关短语知多少? come out 出版,出现 come about 发生;产生 come across 偶遇;碰到 come up with 追上;赶上;想出 come about 出来;出版;开花 come to 苏醒;谈到;共计;到达 When it comes to . 当谈及到;当涉及到 用上述短语的适当形式填空 He has just finished writing his book and it will come _ next month. I_an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning

16、. (2013新课标全国卷单选)Would you like to_with us to the film tonight? The total cost that they had spent on their clothes this month came_nearly 2,000 yuan. came out came across come along come to 5)-Four dollars a pair? I think its a bit too much. -If you buy three pairs, the prices for each will_ to thre

17、e fifty.(2006安徽) 6) (2012 杭州质检)A lot of questions _ at the meeting yesterday,but none were settled. 7) (2012 黑龙江月考)Whoever _ a new idea of how to work out the puzzle will be given a prize. come down come up comes up with 3.work out锻炼;计算出;解决; 弄清;制定出;进展(顺利) 1)If you work out a solution to a problem or

18、 mystery, you manage to find the solution by thinking or talking about it. 2).You can work out the answer by adding all the numbers. 3). If a situation works out well or works out, it happens or progresses in a satisfactory way. 4). Work out at a gym or swim twice a week. 5). It took me some time to

19、 work out what was causing this . 6). To work out a plan, one has to start with investigation. work短语 work on- 从事于 work at 从事于,致力于 Work as-从事-工作 out of work 失业 at work 在工作,在干活 巩固练习 1).He has been _ a new novel for over a year. 2).Learning to play the piano isnt easy. You have to _ it. 3).The law to

20、be carried out next month will benefit those who are _. 4).Sheila found some _ a secretary in an insurance company. 5). If you need help _, your Personnel Manager should be a ble to help. working on work at out of work work as at work 4. make it (及时)到达(尤指来得及做某事);及时赶上参加; (经历艰难困苦后)成功 1).So you did mak

21、e it to America, after all. 2).To make it easier to contact us, keep this card handy. 3). Lets make it definite-well meet at 6 oclock. 4). Leonard made a rapid calculation: hed never make it in time. 5). can make it if I run a bit faster. It 的固定短语 Believe it or not. 信不信由你 It all depends. / That all depends. 那得看情况,还没有定下来 Forget it. 别提了,忘了它吧,算了,休想! got it 知道了;明白 Thank you


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