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1、 1 Recycle 1Recycle 1 第二课时 课时内容 Connect and say; Look, listen and write 课时分析 Connect and say 是个以走迷宫形式呈现的语音复习活动。学生首先要判断左侧的人物 名字单词中的元音字母的发音,然后在右边的 20 个单词中找到与这个单词发音规则相同的 单词,逐一用线连接起来,形成城堡,帮助左侧的人物走到城堡里。五个人物名字分别代表 字母 a 在开音节 a-e 中的发音(Kate) ,学生需要找到单词 name, race, lake, game;Mike 代表字母 i 在开音节 i-e 中的发音,学生需要找到单词

2、 nine, fine, time, side; Rose 代 表字母 o 在 o-e 中的发音,学生需要找到单词 note, Jones, Coke, hope; Tim 代表字母 i 在闭音节里发的短音,学生需要找到单词 win, big, milk, fit; Bob 代表字母 o 在闭音节 里发的短音,学生需要找到单词 dog, Tom, hot, doll。每条路线串接四个单词,连向城堡。 在教学中, 要引导学生认真观察, 朗读单词, 仔细体会字母的发音, 从而找到同类词语, 完成活动任务。 Look,listen and write 也是语音练习活动。学生需要根据听到的句子将缺失的

3、单词 填写出来。 第一句需要填写单词cake, 第二句需要填写单词bike, 第三句需要填写单词home。 这三个句子为三个绕口令。 第一句练习了字母 a 在 a-e 结构中的发音以及字母 i 在 i-e 结构 中的发音; 第二句练习了字母 i 在 i-e 结构中的发音; 第三句练习了字母 o 在 o-e 结构中的 发音。既然是绕口令,在教学中,就要让学生快速朗读,既感受到语言中的乐趣,又使学生 能够发准字音,提高他们的表达能力。 课时目标 1. 能够复习巩固 13 单元的语音知识 2. 能够读出符合 1-3 单元中发音规则的单词 3. 能够根据发音规则将单词归类,完成连线及填空的任务 课时重

4、难点 1.重点: 能够复习巩固 13 单元中的语音知识 能够读出符合发音规则的单词 2. 难点: 能够根据发音规则将单词归类,完成连线及填空的任务 教学准备 1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带 2. 单词卡 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1. 播放第三单元 B 中的 chant: Tim is my friend. Teacher:Lets chant together. Tim is my friend. Hes a good, good boy. Hes tall and thin. Hes a good, good boy. 设计意图: 以韵句热身可以使学生在有节奏感地吟唱中复习相

5、关知识, 为他们营造一个 2 轻松而愉快的英语学习氛围。 Step 2 Lead in 1. 展示 Tim 的图片,请学生描述一下 Tim。 Teacher:This is Tim. Whats he like? Yes, hes tall and thin. Yes, he has short and brown hair. Oh, you think his hair is long. For a boy, his hair is long. And his shoes are blue. Very good. 设计意图:在吟唱完韵句后,请学生就韵句的主人公进行描述,既保证了课程的顺畅衔

6、接,又使学生复习了第三单元及上一课时中如何描述人物特征的内容。同时,为下一环节的 开展做好了铺垫。 Step 3 Presentation 1. 展示 Connect and say 中的其他四个人物的图片,描述人物特征,请学生猜出其名 字。 Teacher:Look at the four pictures. I will say something about them. Please guess who he or she is. Listen carefully. Teacher: She has a blue hat. Who is she? Yes, she is Kate. Sa

7、y with me, please, Kate. Pay attention to the sound of a. Teacher: He has glasses. Who is he? Yes, he is Bob. Read it together, please. Bob. Pay attention to the sound of o. Teacher: His hair is short and brown. He has big eyes. Who is he? Yes, he is Mike. Boys read it, please, Mike. Pay attention t

8、o the sound of i. Teacher: The last one, who is she? Clever, she is Rose. Look at the two words, Rose, Bob. They both have an o. Are the sounds of o the same? No. So, read it, please, Rose, Bob. 设计意图:先通过猜人物的活动使学生既复习相关知识,又熟悉几个人物名字的发音, 通过引导他们关注元音字母的发音, 帮助他们回忆相关的语音知识, 为完成教材中的活动做 好准备。 2. 请学生回忆字母发音,说出与其发

9、音相同的其他单词。 Teacher:Look at Kate. What is the sound of a? Can you say a word like this? Yes, name. What else? Look at Mike. What is the sound of i? Can you find some words like this? What is the sound of o in Rose? Can you say some other words like this? . 设计意图: 请学生说出字母在开音节里的发音, 并请他们根据发音规则找出符合规则的 单词。

10、Step 4 Practice 1. 完成 Connect and say. Teacher: Look at this. Can you see the castle? They want to go to the castle. Please find the correct words and connect them. And then they can go to the castle along the line. What word is correct? Look at the road of Kate. What do you find? Yes, the pronuncia

11、tion. Find the correct sound, then you find the correct word. Connect the word, please. Teacher: Show me your answer, please. Read the words. 设计意图:先帮助学生理解题目要求,发现题目的考查目的。请学生展示答案时读出单 词,以检验他们能否依据发音规则来拼读单词。 3 2. 看口型猜单词。教师以口型说出单词,请学生猜出单词名称。 Teacher:Look at my mouth. I will say a word. Guess, what it is?

12、设计意图: 学生通过认真观察口型来猜单词, 使他们对于语音有更加清晰的理解和把握。 3. 匹配说单词。老师说出字母在开音节中的发音,学生说出发此音的单词。 Teacher:Lets play a match game. If I say /e /, please say name, Kate, and so on. If I say /, please say no, note, Jones, and so on. Are you ready? Lets play! 设计意图: 此活动使学生将字母的发音与单词结合起来, 利用学习到的字母的发音来拼 读、记忆单词。 4. 将单词按发音规则分类。教

13、师说出含有元音字母的单词,请学生区分其属于开音节 还是闭音节。 Teacher:Look at the two words, dog, note. When I say dog, please say one. When I say note, please say two. If I say a word like dog, you sayyes, you say one. Lets do it. No, yes, you should say two. Nose, two again. Box, this time is one. You are right. . 设计意图: 请学生根据字

14、母的发音将听到的单词分类。 这帮助学生进一步巩固字母在开 闭章节中的发音,并提高他们的听音辨意能力。 5. 完成 Look listen and write 活动。 Teacher: You know letters and sounds well. Please look, listen and write. Look at the pictures and listen carefully. Write the words you hear and fill in the blanks. Teacher: Show me your answer, please. Teacher: Can

15、you read it sentences? Have a try, please. Teacher: Its interesting, isnt it? They are tongue twisters. We can see this in Chinese. Now, who can try to say it quickly? 设计意图:先引导学生观察图片,获得对单词的初步认识,然后再根据听到的录音将单 词正确地书写出来。之后提醒学生这些句子是绕口令,让学生快速说出,感受到练习绕口令 的乐趣。 Step 5 Summary 1. 以学生挑战绕口令结束课程。 Teacher:Now let

16、s who can say the sentences more quickly. Lets have a competition. 设计意图:以竞赛形式结束课程,培养学生的竞争意识,同时让学生在快速说绕口令 中锻炼自己的口语表达能力,提高他们的语音准确度。 课堂作业 一、下列各组中两个单词画线部分是(T)否(F)相符。 ( ) 1. A. big B. side ( ) 2. A. Jones B. nose ( ) 3. A. Tom B. hot ( ) 4. A. win B. fine ( ) 5. A. orange B. note ( ) 6. A. nine B. time (

17、 ) 7. A. dog B. Coke ( ) 8. A. name B. game 二、听录音,圈出你听到的单词。 1. dog box fox 2. note nose Coke 3. name hat has 4. game race lake 5. Mike fit milk 6. big side fit 三、读一读,发现规律,写出字母,补全单词。 4 1. Mike fine n_ne n_ce l_ke 2. note Rose C_ke n_se h_me 3. Kate name h_te l_ke l_te 答案: 一、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 二、1. box 2. nose 3. name 4. lake 5. milk 7. fit 三、1. nine, nice, like 2. Coke, nose, home 3. hate, lake, late 板书设计 Recycle 1 Kate Mike Rose bag Tim Bob name fine Coke apple big dog


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