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1、 1 Unit 6 Meet my familyUnit 6 Meet my family 第六课时 课时内容 B. Read and write; Lets check; Lets sing. C. Story time 课时分析 本课时是在基本掌握本单元重点词汇和句型的基础上,进行的练习测试与故事阅读课。 Read and write 部分包括两个活动,第一个活动为 Read and tick or cross 学生要先 读一读 John 介绍自己家人的短文,然后根据短文的内容来判断下面的四种职业与其家人是 否相符。第二个活动为 Look and write 学生要看图写单词,完成句子。接

2、下来介绍一下自 己的家人的职业,并写出相应的单词,完成句子。 Lets check 部分也包括两个活动,Listen and tick 中学生会听到四组对话,然后根 据对话的内容判断哪幅图片是正确的。 这个活动主要检验学生能否正确理解本单元的重点句 式及对话。Look and match 活动中呈现了六幅职业图片,中间给出了六个介绍自己家人职 业的句子。这检验了学生能否正确认读、理解本单元的重点词汇。 Lets sing 的歌词内容为 My family。呈现句式:Whats his job? Hes a driver. He is not a cook. 学生学唱歌曲的过程中会复习到本单元的

3、重点词汇及重点句式。 Story time 部分 Zip 邀请动物朋友们到自己家里来。朋友们发现了他们墙上的照片, 纷纷询问他的家人及其家人的职业。在这个过程中,既复习展示了询问家人职业的句子,又 复习展示了职业类单词。学生通过阅读故事来整合本单元的重要知识。 课时目标 1. 能够听懂、会说、认读本单元重点单词 2. 能够听懂故事,并表演 3. 能够会唱歌曲 My family 4. 能够完成阅读、判断、匹配等活动,正确理解、认读本单元重点句式 课时重难点 1.重点: 能够听懂、会说、认读本单元重点单词 能够完成阅读、判断、匹配等活动,正确理解、认读本单元重点句式 2. 难点: 能够听懂故事,

4、并正确表演 教学准备 1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带 2. 单元重点词汇图片 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1. 播放歌曲:My family,学生先倾听。 Teacher: Boys and girls, lets listen to a song. Listen carefully, please. 2. 再次播放歌曲,学生跟唱。 Teacher:Listen to the song again, please sing with it. 3. 齐唱歌曲。 Teacher: Now lets sing the song together. 设计意图:以歌曲来热身,可以使学生在韵律

5、中集中自己的注意力,并激发学生的学习 2 兴趣。通过这首歌来复习本单元中学习过的重要知识,为下一环节的学习做好准备。 Step 2 Lead in 1. 呈现家庭称呼类单词卡片,学生认读单词。 Teacher: Look at the cards. Whats this? Read it quickly, please. 设计意图:帮助学生复习学习过的家庭称呼类的单词。 2. 呈现职业类单词卡片,学生认读单词。 Teacher:Look at these cards. Can you read the words? Please say it as quickly as you can. 设计

6、意图:帮助学生复习学习过的职业类的词汇。 3. 讨论学生家人的职业。 Teacher:Whats your fathers job? Whats your mothers job? Whats your aunts job? Whats your uncles job? 设计意图:讨论学生家人的职业,以帮助他们复习本单元的重点句式,并为下一环节的 学习做准备。 Step 3 Presentation 1. 提出问题,激起学生的阅读兴趣。然后播放故事视频,学生认真观察,并尝试回答 问题。 Teacher: I know the jobs of your family. Do you know t

7、he jobs of Zips family? What is Zips fathers job? Lets watch and find. Teacher: Whats his job? Yes, he is a cook. Lets watch again and find more. 2. 再次播放故事,学生认真观察,之后和教师一起讨论故事内容。 Teacher:Who comes to Zips home? Yes, the animals. They are Zips friends. What do they see on the wall? Yes, many photos. W

8、hat can you see in the photos? Yes, we can see Zips family. Is Zips father a cook? Is his uncle a taxi driver? Is he strong? Is his grandpa a baseball player? Is Zip a baseball player? What is baseball? I can show you. (展示棒球图片)This is baseball. Can you play baseball? Do you like to play baseball? 3.

9、 再次播放故事,学生跟读,提醒学生注意语音及语调。 Teacher: Watch the story again. This time please read with it. Pay attention to the pronunciation. 设计意图:通过听回答问题、读后细致的交流,跟读等活动,保证学生可以理解故事内 容,并能正确朗读故事内容。 Step 4 Practice 1. 学生自由读故事。 Teacher:Read the story freely, please. (教师巡视,帮助学生解决读中的问题) 2. 小组合作,表演故事。 Teacher: Now, lets act

10、 the story out. Well find the best group. 设计意图:通过表演,使学生内化故事中的语言,提高自己的语言表达能力。 3. 出示 Read and match 中的短文,先指名读,再齐读。 Teacher: Please read it. Who wants to try? Teacher: Lets read it together. Teacher: Whats the job of Johns mother? Whats his fathers job? Whats his uncles job? Whats his aunts job? Teache

11、r:Look at the pictures. Are they right? Please read and tick or cross. 3 Teacher: Show your answer, please. 设计意图:先让学生自读短文,然后通过提问帮助学生梳理短文中的重要信息,再完成 题目。 4. 完成 Look and write 先出示图片,学生讨论图片上汤里的内容,然后再选择正确 的单词进行填空活动。 Teacher: (展示活动中的图片)He is a driver. What about her? Please write the words to fill in the b

12、lanks. Teacher: Show me your answer. Read the sentences, please. Teacher: Now write about your family. Teacher: Show me your answer, please. Please read it. 设计意图:先引导学生观察图片中的内容, 然后再根据自己观察到的图片的内容来选 择正确的单词进行填空,检验学生能否正确地理解句子、认读单词。最后让学生选择正确的 单词填写句子来描述自己家人的职业,让学生在使用中巩固所学知识。 5. 完成 Listen and tick. 先让学生观察图片

13、内容,再去听音判断正误。 Teacher: (展示图片)How many people are there in this family? How many in this family? Whats his job? What about him? Whats her job? What about her? Whats his job? What about the strong man? Teacher: Now, please listen and tick. Choose the correct picture. Teacher: Show me your answer, pleas

14、e. 设计意图:在完成听力练习之前,先引导学生观察图片获取信息,养成在做听力习惯之 前先获取信息的习惯。 6. 完成 Look and match 的活动。先请学生认读朗读短文的内容,再去观察图片,进 行匹配。 Teacher:Lets look at this family. How many people are there in this family? What are their jobs? Read and find. Teacher: Now, look and match. Teacher: Show me your answer, please. 设计意图:这个活动检验学生能

15、否正确认读句式,并正确理解重点词汇和句式的意思。 Step 5 Summary 播放歌曲 My family. 学生齐唱。 Teacher:Lets sing the song My family together. 设计意图:以歌曲结束课程。让学生通过歌曲来回忆本单元词汇和重点句式, 达到总 结的目的。 课堂作业 一、看图片写单词。 _ _ _ _ _ 二、根据图片提示选择正确的单词补全句子。 ( ) 1. There are three people in my family, my _ and me. A. father B. mother C. parents 4 ( ) 2. The

16、 baby of my aunt is my _. A. cousin B. sister C. brother ( ) 3. My _ is a teacher. A. father B. aunt C. brother ( ) 4. -Is this your _? - Yes, it is. A. aunt B. mother C. brother 三、为下列句子选出正确的回答。 ( ) 1. How many people are there in your family? A. There are three people in my family. B. She is my aun

17、t. ( ) 2. Is this your borther? A. No, it isnt. B. No, he is a cook. ( ) 3. Whats your aunts job? A. Hes a football player. B. She is a nurse. 答案: 一、driver, nurse, farmer, cook, doctor 二、1.C 2. A 3. B 4. C 三、1. A 2. A 3.B 板书设计 Unit Six Meet my family C. Story time Welcome to my home. Look at these photos. Whats your fathers job? Hes a cook. Whos that? Its me.


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