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1、大学英语大学英语 2 2复习题复习题 一、一、 1. While people may refer to TV for the latest news, it is unlikely that television sets _ A) replace C) are replacing the newspaper completely. B) have replaced D) will replace 2. Sir Williams, who is 80, has made it known that much of his collection _ to the local A) is lef

2、t C) is being left museum. B) had been left D) is to be left 3. The records _ to show an improvement in sales thatdidnt exist. were pretending C) were faked A) were pretended D) were lied B) 4. At such a young age, these innocent girls, who always take anything _, get on the trust; taken C) on trust

3、; took _ easily. A) on trust; taken D) in trust; taken B) 5. I am quite _ your opinion that we need a more harmonious society. agreement for C) in agreement with A) in agree with D) in the agreement with B) in 6. Learning languages is a long, _ process with _ and it is too easy just to give up. A) g

4、radually; ups and downsB) gradually; up and down C) gradual; ups and downsD) gradual; up and down 7. All _ is a continuous supply of fuel oil, which is fundamental to the development of A) what is needed C) the thing needed every country. B) that is needed D) for their needs 8. I regret to inform yo

5、u that your son has been _ to the police for breaking the street A) handed in C) handed out lights. B) turned in D) turned out 9. Only when your identity has been checked, _. A) you are allowed in C) will you allow in B) youll be allowed in D) will you be allowed in 10. Anne dreaded giving a speech

6、before three hundred people; even thinking about it made her A) ambitious C) passionate _. B) optimistic D) anxious 11. Some words, such as “sandwich” and “hamburger,” were _ the names of people or A) ideally C) precisely even towns. B) relatively D) originally 12. I had to _ Jacks invitation to the

7、 party because it conflicted with an important A) decline C) deny business meeting. B) reject D) accept 13. Selling fried chicken at the night market doesnt seem to be a decent business, but it is actually A) plentiful C) productive quite _. B) precious D) profitable 14. Criticism and self-criticism

8、 is necessary _ it helps us to find and correct our mistakes. C) in that A) by that D) on that B) at that 15. People who live in small towns often seem more friendly than those living in _ populated areas. A) intenselyB) abundantly D) denselyC) highly 16. The mayor is a woman with great _ and theref

9、ore deserves our political and financial A) instinct C) intention support. B) integrity D) intensity 17. One of the requirements for a fire is that the material _ to its burning temperature. A) is heated C) be heated B) will be heated D) would be heated 18. The business of each day, _ selling goods

10、or shipping them, went quite smoothly. A) it being C) was it B) be it D) it was 19. He doesnt _ the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled A) obey C) abide by umbrella. B) conform to D) agree to 20. The public health programs associated with Beijings hosting the 2008 Ol

11、ympic andParalympic Games should not be takelimited _ six weeks during which the competitions place. A) to C) for B) with D) on 21. He wasnt asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, _ insufficiently popular A) being considered C) to be considered with all members. B) considering D) having c

12、onsidered 22. _ for the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be so A) Had it not been C) Be it not thriving as it is. B) Were it not D) Should it not be 23. The 20th century has witnessed anenormous worldwide political, economic and cultural A) transformation C) transmiss

13、ion _. B) transportation D) transition 24. I am not very familiar _ botanical names, which is beyond the scope of my study. A) to C) upon B) on D) with 25. It is necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _ knowledge. A) intense C) intensive B) tense D) extensive 26. It has been repo

14、rted that some officials _ their authority and position to get illegal A) exploit C) overlook profits for themselves. B) abuse D) employ 27. Something unexpected happened in my company when I was on vacation, and the situation so I had to end my vacation. A) am C) being B) be D) been required that I

15、 _ there, 28. Since I was not interested in the topic, it was _ a boring speech for me _ I A) so; that C) such; that fell asleep. B) such; as D) so; as 29. Most of the news on the front pages of those newspapers _ the progress of the A) concerns C) concern conference. B) is concerning D) are concern

16、ed 30. The weeks of training _ for sport writers as it is for basketball players and coaches. A) are often as tense C) is often as tense B) are as often tense D) is tense as often 31. Yes, I have lost my ticket to the concert, but I wouldnt have time to go _. A) in any case C) if so B) in case D) fo

17、r short 32. The majority of the parental attitude tends to distance their children _ other A) against C) from countries culture. B) about D) to 33. Although her aunt appeared to be indifferent to others, she was _ worried by A) genuine C) true Huberts position. B) honestly D) genuinely 34. The US al

18、ways has a finger in the business of other countries, desiring to have power A) on C) under _ others. B) over D) in 35. Several people thought the speaker had dealt with the subject very thoroughly, _ was A) what C) which hardly the impression I got. B) that D) who 36. Was _ at the air battle on Jun

19、e 8, 1994, _ was led by Captain Johnson, A) it; when; that C) it; which; that _ Peter lost his life? B) that; that; who D) it; which; when 37. Many countries have been in recession for a long time; therefore, a lot of people look forward coming year. A) property C) popularity B) prosperity D) possib

20、ility to economic _ in the 38. Ms. Lin is a loving and caring teacher, but so far her students have shown little _ for A) consciousness C) apprehension what she has done for them. B) wisdom D) appreciation 39. This new type of surgery is popular because the recovery time is much shorter than that su

21、rgeries. A) controversial C) confidential B) superficial D) conventional requiredin_ 40. The university Susan is admitted to has been noted for making research in science and A) priority C) privilege technology a high _. B) judgment D) principle 41. Living in a highly _ society, you definitely have

22、to arm yourself with as much A) tolerant knowledge as possible. B) permanent C) favorableD) competitive 42. The 70-year-old professor sued the university for age _, because his teaching A) difference C) discrimination contract had not been renewed. B) commitment D) employment 43. Please present your

23、 VIP Card and sign on the bill in order to enjoy the _ special A) respecting C) respective discounts. B) respected D) respectable 44. The person I trust most was a friend _ I had grown up in my hometown. A) who C) whom B) that D) with whom 45. It is known to all that metals when they are heated. A)

24、expand C) expound B) extend D) expend 46. She uses her car _ for going to the shops as she lives far away from the downtown. A) mostly C) nearly B) almost D) practically 47. I heard my landlady _ stealthily up to my door when I was lying in bed. A) climbing C) crawling B) creeping D) slinking 48. An

25、n never dreams of_ for her to be sent abroad very soon. A) there being a chance C) being a chance B) there to be a chance D) to be a chance 49. The speaker is a well-known scholar, so I anticipate _ much instruction from thelecture. A) to derive C) deriving B) derive D) derived 50. If you say that a

26、n action is _ someone, you mean that it is not a nice thing to do and position should not do it. A) unworthy C) unworthy of 二、 B) worthy of D) worthy someone with their reputation or Passage OnePassage One For two hundred years, the White House has stood as a symbol of the Presidency, the United Sta

27、tes government, and the American people. Its history, and the history of the nations capital, began when President George Washington signed an Act of Congress in December of 1790 declaring that the federal government would reside in a district “not exceeding ten miles squareon the river Potomac.” Pr

28、esident Washington, together with city planner Pierre LEnfant, chose the site for the new residence, which is now 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. As preparations began for the new federal city, a competition was held to find a builder of the “PresidentsHouse.” Nine proposals were submitted, and Irish-born

29、 architect James Hoban won a gold medal for his practical and handsome design. The White House has a unique and fascinating history. It survived a fire at the hands of the British in 1814 (during the war of 1812) and another fire in the West Wing in 1929, while Herbert Hoover was President. Througho

30、ut much of Harry S. Trumans presidency, the interior of the house, with the exception of the third floor, was completely gutted and renovatedwhiletheTrumanslivedatBlairHouse,rightacross Pennsylvania Avenue. Nonetheless, the exterior stone walls are those first put in place when the White House was c

31、onstructed two centuries ago. Presidents can express their individual style in how they decorate some parts of the house and in how they receive the public during their stay. Thomas Jefferson held the first inaugural open house in 1805. Many of those who attended the swearing-in ceremony at the U.S.

32、 Capitol simply followed him home, where he greeted them in the Blue Room. President Jefferson also opened the house for public tours, and it has remained open, except during wartime, ever since. In addition, he welcomed visitors to annual receptions on New Years Day and on the Fourth of July. In 18

33、29, a horde of 20,000 inaugural callers forced President Andrew Jackson to flee to the safety of a hotel while, on the lawn, aides filled washtubs with orange juice and whiskey to lure the mob out of the mud-tracked White House. President Clintons open house on January 21, 1993 renewed a venerableWh

34、ite House Inaugural tradition. Two thousand citizens, selected by lottery, were greeted in the Diplomatic Reception Room by President and Mrs. Clinton and Vice President and Mrs. Gore. 1. What is the authors tone in writing this passage? A) Critical. D) B)Informative. C) Explanatory. Complimentary.

35、2. Which of the following statements is true? A) It was George Washington who decided the site of the White House. B) The design of the White House is practical and handsome. C) Pierre LEnfant is the designer of the White House. D) Nine proposals were submitted on the site of the White House. 3. The

36、underlinedword“venerable”inthelastparagraph means . A) respectableB)valuable C) fashionableD) famous 4. It can be concluded from the passage that . A) since its building, the White House has been a tourists attraction all along B) each president of the United States tried to keep the White House in

37、its original in order to protect their national symbol C) the president of the United States swears in the White House D) the Capitol in the United States is also a building of great political significance 5. The passage could most probably be found in a book on . A) American history C) American eco

38、nomy B) American politics D) American culture Passage Two There are very many factors involved in the development of a good team. However, here we shall concentrate on three in particular, namely: communication, team balance and leadership. Communicationisclearlyanimportantpartofinterpersonal intera

39、ctionand,ofcourse,teamworkisallaboutinterpersonal interaction. Open communication is a fundamental part of good teamwork in so far as it allows team members to understand each others point of view, to share ideas, to express feelings and to articulate plans. Poor communication can be a major barrier

40、 to effective teamwork. Wrestling with the complexities of communication is therefore part of the challenge of developing an effective team. The balance of a team involves having people whose experience,skills, perspectives, interests and contributions complement one another, rather than duplicateor

41、 counteract each other.For example,it is no good having a team full of creative people who have lots of new ideas, but do not have the people who have the stamina to see those ideas through to completion. Similarly,a team that is full of people who are steady, strong workers but have little spark or

42、 creativity, will also be impoverished by comparison with a balanced team. If it is not to become stale and sterile, a team needs people who are prepared torisk conflict by challenging existingnorms and assumptions, but, by the same token, a team also needs its peacemakers. Differences between team

43、members can, in themselves, lead to conflict but the diversity of the team and the balance that this can achieve, will generally more than make up for any such conflicts. Leadershiprefersto theabilityto createandsustaina positiveworking culture to motivate or even inspire staff to play their part in

44、 creating a work environment in which there are high standards of practice, a high level of commitment and a positive approach. A key part of leadership is “vision”. This refers to the ability to keep a clear focus on what the team is trying to achieve, what its objectives are in terms of its overal

45、l strategyand aims.It is very easy for a team of peoplewho are underpressure from various directions to lose their focus on what the team is all about and what purpose it is intended to fulfill. A good leader is somebody who not only keeps a clear focus himself or herself on the teams purpose and di

46、rection, butalso ensuresthat that vision is shared by the team members and that they are not allowed to drift too far away from it. A good leader is somebody who promotes high morale by playing a key role in creating an atmosphere inwhich staff feel valued and supported. This helps to prevent such p

47、roblems as gossip, rumor-mongering and backbiting, which can be so detrimental to a teams functioning. Effective teamwork therefore depends on a good leader, the right balance of the right people and the channels of communication remaining open between them. If these three core ingredients can be br

48、ought together, then there is every chance of a very effective team developing. 6. According to the passage, the underlined word “stamina” (in Para. 3) means . A) flexibilityB) wisdomC) powerD) perseverance 7. What is the authors attitude towards the conflict in a balanced team? A) The conflict always happens between some people who are steady and strong workers a


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