1、 1 小学英语小学英语 6A6A 教学计划教学计划 1、 教材分析 牛津小学英语,根据“课程标准”中二级要求进行编写,以“话题-功能-结构-任务”相 结合的原则,力求使话题、功能、结构和任务四个方面在比较真实的情景中紧密联系,融为 一体;本教材提倡“任务型”的教学模式,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、 参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。在学习过程中进行情感和策略调整,以形 成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。 本教材共有 10 个单元组成,其中八单元为新授单元,主要由八个板块构成;两个单元为 复习单元,由四个部分组成。以下主要分析新授单元各板块。 Story t
2、ime 本板块除了仍然有对话理解的背景材料外,对话篇幅明显增长,难度也增加,主要出现 的语法有一般现在时(第三人称单数作主语)、现在进行时、一般过去时;情态动词、there be 结构等等。通过该板块的教学,着重训练学生的朗读能力和会话能力。在教学中,教师要尽 量创设交际活动的情景,增强语言实践的真实感,并采用“先听说、后读写,先整体、后局部” 的方法,引导和鼓励学生积极、主动地参加语言实践活动。 Grammar time 主要呈现新的句型, 单词和时态并会复习以前学习的知识语或他们的混合形式及过去式。 在这些词语中,有的在前面已经出现过,但有的是第一次出现;都要求掌握。教师在教学中, 要尽可
3、能用学生已知的情景引出新的知识;并与句型教学有机地结合起来,使学生能在情景 中学习和运用;不能盲目提高要求,应承认学生认知水平的差异性。 Fun time 本板块以图为主,提供了主要句型,旨在通过比较真实的语言情境滚动的方法操练本单 元和已学过的内容。学习句型的目的是为了掌握句子结构,以便在适当的交际情景中运用这 些句型去表达思想,因此句型应放在情景中操练,力求使学生通过操练学到现实生活中有交 际价值的语言。这一板块形式多样,有 play a game, make and write, say and act 等。 Sound time 语音教学。通过听、读所提供的例词和句子,帮助学生了解字母
4、与其读音之间的联系。 教师在教学中,要注重学生感受,适当扩充例词;朗读句子时,注意语感,培养学生连读的 能力;开展小组竞赛,培养学生合作能力;在引导学生多听、多模仿时,进行及时的归纳。 Culture time 这一板块主要讲英国的文化以及英国和美国在文化上的不同,比如各国地铁的不同说 法,有关英国学校假期,中西方节日的文化知识。 Song time 通过童谣、唱歌曲等活动进一步激发兴趣,活跃身心,巩固所学内容,培养听说和思维 等能力。本册书编排了四首歌曲和四首歌谣,教师可根据实际情况,适当增加一些;充分利 用课间、课外时间让学生多听、多模仿。 Cartoon time 这一板块主要有三个卡通
5、人物,Bobby, Sam , Tina 在他们身上发生了很多有趣的故事, 在这学期里,我们会知道 Bobby 和 Sam 为什么在森林里被猴子困住, Bobby 和他的朋友们如何制作海报等有意思的故事。 Checkout time 本版块旨在复习和检验这一单元的学习成果, 形式多样, 比如 choose and write, ask and answer , look and write , look and say , draw and say , listen and say. 要把握好听的时机,为有 困难的学生提供多听的机会;要利用讲评为学生提供再次练习的机会。教师要运用图片、简 笔画
6、,多媒体等直观手段,让学生整体复习本单元内容。教师要加强对学困生的关注,尽可 能为他们提供展示的机会;为学有余力的学生提供看图说话或文字材料复述的机会。 Ticking time 这一板块主要检验学生是否已经学会本单元的主要话题和主要语法,并有无记住音标, 让学生自己打星,培养学生自主学习意识。 2 还有两个是复习单元,通过形式多样、生动活泼的任务,有计划、有重点地综合复习所 学词语、句型和日常交际用语。在教学时,教师可根据具体情况将这些板块重新组合,也可 适当增加内容,使学生更好地复习所学内容,完成学习任务。 一、学情分析: 经过三年的学习, 大部分学生对英语仍然保持着浓厚的兴趣, 但有少数
7、学生由于遇到困难, 学习兴趣可能会开始减退。因此,这个学期在教学中,教师应该以学生的发展为宗旨,以培 养学生的创新精神和实践能力为重点,面向全体学生,在激发学生兴趣的同时,扎扎实实地 从每个学生抓起。六年级的学生学习比较理性。教师在以活动为课堂教学的主要形式的同时, 要充分发挥任务性教学在高年级的优化使用,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,有效的教学任务。 同时注意到学生中存在的两极分化,教学内容注意由简到难,循序渐进,在知识的复现 中做好及时补差工作。充分培养学生的听说读写能力,尤其要加强识读,拼写的能力。重视 阅读能力和写作能力的同步培养。重视英语作为语言的交际功能。 二、学习目标: 1、能掌握所学
8、的单词。 2、能掌握所学的句型。 3、能运用日常交际用语,活用句型,进行简单的交流,并做到大胆开口,发音正确,所用话 语与场合符合。 4、能在图片、手势,情景等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语与录音。 5、培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写规范整洁。 6、培养良好的听英语、读英语、说英语、用英语的习惯,能自觉的模仿语音、语调,逐步培 养语感。 7、能在任务型学习的过程中运用相关的语言知识,完成某项任务,并促使语言能力的提高。 8、能演唱以学过的英语歌曲,朗诵已学过的歌谣。 9、能渗透给学生良好的自学英语的方法。 三、教学措施: 1课堂上尽量使用英语组织教学,做到持之以恒,由少积多,以助于创造英语
9、气氛,养成学 生听英语,用英语思维的习惯。 2根据学生的特征,可将每个单元,该单元的教学内容重新组合,科学合理的把单词教学, 对话操练,复习巩固融为一体。 3多以图片、手势呈现英语单词及对话情景,图片呈现采用灵活多样的方法将该单元所学的 内容柔和在一起进行综合操练。如师生快速问候和介绍、学生间连续的相互问候和介绍,创 设情景进行表演等,让学生将所学的对话用于不同的情景。采用先听说,后读写,先整体, 后局部的方法教学。 4在课堂教学中,尽量开展形式多样的活动教学,活跃气氛提高兴趣和学习效率。 5词汇教学上,尽量利用实物和图片,增加复现次数,反复循环,循序渐进,注重师生操练、 生生操练。 6逐步渗
10、透任务型教学,培养学生活用英语,用英语完成任务的本领。 7适当增加教学内容量,以滚动式教学,以反复渗透巩固的方法提高学习效率。 8语音教学中采用“分散出现,集中归纳,经常接触”的方法。 9初步渗透任务型教学的教学理念。 四、教学进度安排: Unit1 The Kings new clothes(5 课时) Unit2 What a day(5 课时) Unit3 Holiday fun(5 课时) Unit4 Then and now(5 课时) Project1 A holiday album(4 课时) Unit5 Signs(5 课时) Unit6 Keep our city clean
11、(5 课时) 3 Unit7 Protect the Earth(5 课时) Unit8 Chinese New Year(5 课时) Project2 Reuse and recycle(4 课时) Unit 1 The kingUnit 1 The kings new clothess new clothes(单元备课)(单元备课) 作为本册教材的起始单元, 本单元的课文任然是一个学生耳熟能详的 童话故事-丹麦著名作家安徒生笔下的皇帝的新装。课文以叙述故事 的手法,呈现了一般现在时。教学重难点是一般过去式陈述句的表达和 be 动词和规则动词的过去式构成。教师可以借助故事情境,帮助学生初步感
12、 知和理解一般过去时,同时通过朗读,角色扮演等教学活动,使学生能够 自然地运用所学内容, 从而为后三个单元一般过去时的继续学习做好铺垫。 在教学过程中, 教师可以和学生一起复习学生用书三年级上册unit 4 和学生用书四年级下册 unit 6 的服装类词汇,导入故事。教师也可 以准备一些有关西方宫廷服饰的照片和学生一起分享。 在语法教学方面,教师可以通过观察比较,TPR 等教学方式,帮助 学生理解过去式的意义,在教授 be 动词的过去式,教师可以课前准备 一张自己小时候的照片,也可以要求学生准备自己儿时的一张照片。 建议用五到六课时完成本单元教学内容。 4 Designer: Subject:
13、 English Grade: 6 第第 1 课时课时 (Story time) 一Teaching aims 1. 能听懂、会读、会说: king, clothes, was, were, magic, clever, foolish, walk through, people, shout, beautiful, wear, point at, laugh. 2. 能听懂、 会读、 会说句型: Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people cant see them. The king isnt wearing any clothes.
14、 3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。 4. 让学生体验故事表演的快乐,明白为人要诚实,待人要真诚。 二Teaching keys and difficulties 教学重点:1. 单词 clothes, foolish, wearing 的发音。 2. 描述服装的形容词。 3. 故事中人物语气的朗读。 教学难点:1.故事中大量形容词的理解和运用。 2.学生在了解故事的基础上,复述故事。 三三Teaching process 教学设计(主备)教学设计(主备) 复备复备 1.1.Leading_in 1. Greetings T:Hello, boys and g
15、irls! Ss:Hello, Miss Yang. T: You are good boys and girls. So dont talk in class, OK? Ss: OK, Miss Yang. 2. Draw and say T:Great! Lets draw a doll. A doll,a doll.This is a doll. 教师随机在娃娃的头上加上一个皇冠,学生们恍然大悟 Its a king. 2.Presentation 1.通过单词 king 你们想到了那个童话故事,学生们各抒己见 2. Free talk T: Look! Whats this? (教师拿
16、出一件带牌子的新衣服) Ss: Its a new clothes. T:Maybe it is the kings new clothes 3. 教授新单词 clever, foolish,laugh 直接出示动画视屏憨豆先生和一休哥 T: What are you thinking about the two people? S1:一个很愚蠢一个很聪明 T: Oh,yes. Yixiu is a clever people. Handou is a foolish people,he makes us laugh. (示范、齐读、个别读、空书、背诵、组词) 4.T: xxx. Is thi
17、s your new pencil box? S1: Yes, it is. T:Please show it for us Ss: Yes, it is. T: xxx showed his new pencil box. 5.Game 看口型,猜单词,迅速闪动学生文具等形式巩固所学单词 5 6.Watch cartoon(整体初步感知课文大意) 7.Watch again and write T or F aThe king liked new clothes. ( ) b. The two men showed the king some magic clothes. ( ) c. Th
18、e king was foolish. ( ) d.People could see the kings new clothes. ( ) e.The boy was foolish because he could not see the kings new clothes. ( ) 3、Practice 8.Watch again and fill in the blanks. a.The king liked b.Two men wanted to make new clothes for the king.The king was c.The men showed the king h
19、is new clothes,but the king could not them. d.The king walked through the city in his new clothes.A laughed at him.(学习 walked through) 9.Read follow the tape and imitate the pronounaciation 4.Consolidation 1.自由对话,然后朗读 2.分较色表演,然后交流 3.完成同步导学的脱口秀 5.Homework 1. copy new words 3+1 2. Try to introduce the
20、 story to your parents 3.回家向家长用英语简单介绍这个有趣的故事 板书设计 6 School: Heqiao Primary School Designer: Subject: English Grade: 6 第第 2 2 课时课时(Grammar time 4、让学生了解人类的两项重大发明并延伸中国古代的四大发明及其他的发明。 二Teaching keys and difficulties 教学重点:教学重点: 阅读并了解相关的 Culture time; 在前两课的基础上会正确并熟练对比以前和过去; 让学生了解人类的重大发明,激发学生的求知欲望和远大理想。 教学难
21、点:教学难点: 阅读并了解相关的 Culture time; 在前两课的基础上会正确并熟练对比以前和过去; 让学生了解人类的重大发明,激发学生的求知欲望和远大理想。 三三Teaching process 教学设计(主备)教学设计(主备) 复备复备 1.Leading_in Watch the video; Lets recall the past. Revision a、Introduce myself. b、Introduce themselves. c、 Introduce Clothes 、 Food、 House and Transportation about the past an
22、d the present. 2.Presentation 1、 Sound time 1)Talk and lead-in: Bobby and Sam also learn English at school. This is an English lesson. Ask: What are they doing now? 2)Try to read the sentences; 3)Explain :er is pronounced as - 4)Try to say some other words about “er” 5)Read the words together ,then
23、make some new sentences with the words. 2、Cartoon time Watch the cartoon, then answer :Miss Fox gets angry. Why? Read together and judge. Read alone and answer: What do you think of Sam and Bobby? Listen and repeat. Think and imagine: If you were Miss Fox, what would you say? Read in roles and try t
24、o act. Guess : What are Bobby and Sam talking about? 3 、Culture time 40 Theyre talking about a book called Great inventions. Ask: What is this? Its an aeroplane. What about this? Its a train. Ask: Who invented the aeroplane and the train? Listen and repeat. Introduce the first aeroplane and the firs
25、t train. 3、Practice The Americans and the British invented the first aeroplane and the first train. And Our Chinese people are even great. Then Introduce the Four Great Inventions of ancient China 4.Consolidation 1)Share some other inventions. 2)Sum up: Listen carefully in class, we will know a lot
26、and be a useful person! 5.Homework 板书设计板书设计 41 School: Heqiao Primary School Designer: Subject: English Grade: 6 第第 4 课时课时 一Teaching aims 1. 正确完成书上 Checkout 中的练习 2熟练并正确地比较过去与现在 3.复习并巩固前三课时所学的单词与句型 4.正确使用过去与现在的句型写短文:Ive grown up! 二Teaching keys and difficulties 复习并巩固前三课时所学的单词与句型 正确使用过去与现在的句型写短文:Ive g
27、rown up! 三三Teaching process 教学设计(主备)教学设计(主备) 复备复备 1.Leading_in Hello, boys and girls, welcome back again. Nice to see you. Today lets go on learning this unit. What is the topic? At this lesson, well have a main task. Look, the task is :Write a passage: Ive grown up! At the end of this lesson, pleas
28、e try to finish the passage. OK? 2.Presentation Play a game Firstly, lets play a game, its called: Choose and classify. For me , some words that used in the past and some of them that used in the present. Can you classify them? You can say like this: In the past, you. Now, you Check. Revision 1)Just
29、 now, you could classify the words that used in the past and the present. Which one do you prefer? That means which one do you like better, life in the past or life today? You can answer the question in this way: I think life in the past wasLife today is 2) Someone likes the life today, but someone
30、doesnt. No matter whether we like it or not, we will grow up! Look, this is Mikes family photo. But what were they like when they were young? What could they do? What couldnt they do? Lets take a look. 3)Say something about them according to the photos? Please try to guess from the photos. T: Look a
31、t this baby. Whos he? S: Hes Tim. T: Can you say something about him? S: Tim was one year old. He couldnt T: What else? S: 3、Practice 1)Now, lets know more about the members in Mikes family. Open your books, read this part and finish the exercise here. Lets check together. Boys and girls, you should
32、 use could and couldnt correctly. 42 2) You know Mikes family. What about you? Now, its time for us to write a passage: Ive grown up! 4.Consolidation You see, everyone has changed a lot .and we can see many changes in our daily life. Can you find more changes in our life. Discuss in groups and then
33、share ideas. 5.Homework 板书设计板书设计 43 School: Heqiao Primary School Designer: Subject: English Grade: 6 第第 5 课时课时 (Checkout time) 一Teaching aims 1. 熟练并正确地比较过去与现在 2. 复习并巩固本单元所学的单词与句型 二Teaching keys and difficulties 1.熟练并正确地比较过去与现在。 2.复习并巩固本单元所学的单词与句型 3.熟练并正确地比较过去与现在。 4.复习并巩固本单元所学的单词与句型 三Teaching proces
34、s 教学设计(主备)教学设计(主备) 复备复备 1.Leading_in 1. Greetings. 2. 抽背本单元四会单词。 2.Presentation 1. Checkout time: Look and write T: What could they do? What couldnt they do? 3、Practice Think and write T: Stick a photo of yourself and then write about it . 4.Consolidation Do the exercise. 1. Do the listening part. T
35、hen check the answer. 2. Do the writing part. 3. Check the answer work 5.Homework 44 板书设计板书设计 教后记教后记 45 School: Heqiao Primary School Designer: Subject: English Grade: 6 Project1 A holiday album 一Teaching aims 1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇 holiday,weather,was,did,didnt,Great Wall,went,for the holiday,how was
36、the weather,National Day,go to。 2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型 Where did you go for tthe holiday? What did you do there? How was your holiday? WWhy did you call me?Did you .?Yes,I did./No, I didnt. How was the wweather? It was. 3. 能听得懂、 会说、 会读日常交际用语 Find photos or draw pictures. Ask and answer the questions abo
37、ut the photos or pictures.Make a holiday album and give a report. 4. 能够制作一个假日相册并能作一个报告。 5. 能对已学的知识进行综合性的运用。 二Teaching keys and difficulties 1. 通过本单元的复习,要求学生能熟练地听、说、读、写已学过的词汇和句型。 2.学生能 够在原有基础上更熟练的使用所学句型,并能运用于交流。 3.复习 1-4 单元所学的单词句型。 4.学生能够在原有基础上更熟练的使用所学句型,并能运用于交流。 三Teaching process 教学设计(主备)教学设计(主备) 复备
38、复备 Step1 Warm up 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk What day is it today? What day was it yesterday? How is the weather today? How was the weather yesterday? Where did you go this summer holiday? What did you do last weekends? Step2 Presentaiton 1. Review the words: Bund/Great Wall/Palace Museum/Shanghai Mu
39、seum/Summer Palace/Tiananmen Square (出示单词卡片,帮助学生回忆 所学单词) 2. Show my holiday album (教师先出示自己的假期相册,先向同学们说明 自己所去的地方,并且对自己所去的地点进行简单地介绍,为后面学生介 绍做好铺垫,让学生能够模仿着去说。) 3. draw and say(part A) Everyone should draw a place you have gone in your life. And try to introduce the place to your classmate.(每个同学都要简单地画 出自
40、己曾经去过的一个地方, 并且用简单的语句向你的同学们介绍这个地 方。) Tips: I went to. There was/were. The weather there was. 4. ask and answer(Part B) Four students in a group and talk about the places you visited. (四人一小组讨论你所游玩过的地方) Use the sentences below: Where did you go for your holiday? What did you do there? How was the weath
41、er? Did you.? Step3 Consolidation 用单词适当形式填空 1. Last National Day Holiday, Mike_ (go) to the Star Lake with his family. 2. He_ (fish) now. But he_ (not catch) any fish. 3. The boy pointed at the king and_ (laugh). 4. She was ill. So she_ (take)some medicine and_ (stay) in bed. 5. It was_. So there wa
42、s a lot of_ (rain). 46 6. It was _. There were black _ (cloud) in the sky. 7. We _ (see) some bees flying in the flowers just now. 8. He _ (look) sad, because he _ (lose) a new pen. Step4.Homework 1. 完成补充习题 2. 复习 1-4 单元 板书设计 教后记教后记 47 Unit 5 Signs (单元备课)(单元备课) 教学目标教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会读、会说: Wet floor, No l
43、ittering, No eating or drinking, a restaurant, No smoking, shopping centre, smell, careful。 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语: What does it mean? It means No littering/parking/smoking/ You can/cant 。 3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论公共场所标志的含义 5. 能正确地理解并学会使用“No verb+ing.”。 6. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常
44、用语谈论公共标识的含义。 7. 能正确理解故事内容,理清文脉框架,进行角色朗读和表演。 8. 能进一步将本课所学的词汇和日常用语运用于生活场景。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1.正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文内容。 2.能正确地理解并学会使用“No verb+ing.”。 3.能进一步学用句 What does it mean?、It means (No littering/parking/smoking/ )、You can/cant 。 4.能正确理解故事内容,理清文脉框架,进行角色朗读和表演。 5.能进一步学用句 What does it mean?、It mean
45、s (No littering/parking/smoking/ )、You can/cant 。 School: Heqiao Primary School Designer: Subject: English Grade: 6 第第 1 课时课时 ( Story time) 一Teaching aims 1. 能听懂、会读、会说: Wet floor, No littering, No eating or drinking, a restaurant, No smoking, shopping centre, smell, careful。 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语: What d
46、oes it mean? It means No littering/parking/smoking/ You can/cant 。 3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论公共场所标志的含义 二Teaching keys and difficulties 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文内容。 三三Teaching process 教学设计(主备)教学设计(主备) 复备复备 48 1.Leading_in T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Mr/Miss
47、 T: Im glad to see you. S: Glad to see you, too. 2.Presentation Step 2 Play a game T: Boys and girls, lets play “true and false”, OK? Look, if you think the picture is right, please say “yeah yeah yeah”, if you think its wrong, please say “no no no”. T: Wonderful, you all had a good time, I think. Now, there are four pictures of “no no no”. To tell people not to do the wrong things, we can see signs. Now please read after me. (教授 sign) Step