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1、 2018-2019 学年学年八八年级年级上学期期末考试备考满分冲刺专题上学期期末考试备考满分冲刺专题 一、单词拼写。一、单词拼写。 1. Town Cinema has the _ (最差的) service in our city. 2. Get up early, go out for some _ (新鲜的) air and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. 3. If I have enough money, I will _ (旅游) around the world. 4. He always _ (答复) to my letters. 5. You are

2、wrong, so I cant _ (同意) with you. 6. Tom is very young, but he can speak two f_ languages. 7. There will be fewer cars, so there will be less p_. 8. F_, they finished their work on time. 9. Dont h_ out in the street at night. 10. He gave me some a_ on how to learn Chinese well. 【答案】【答案】 1. worst 2.

3、fresh 3. travel 4. replies 5. agree 6. foreign 7. pollution 8. Finally 9. hang 10. advice 二、完成句子。二、完成句子。 1. 这个寒假我计划去北京旅游。 I plan to _ _ _ to Beijing in this winter holiday. 2. 我们盼望着遇到这个著名的歌星。 We are _ _ _ meeting the famous singer. 3. 这个老人跌倒在街上,伤到了左腿。 The old man _ _ in the street and hurt his left

4、leg. 4. 这件外套与你的相似。 The coat is _ _ yours. 5. 只要天气好,我们晚上能看到许多的星星。 We can see many stars at night _ _ _ the weather is fine. 6. 我想要成为一名宇航员。 I _ _ be an astronaut. 7. 将来人们会有更多的机器人。 People will have more robots _ _ _. 8. 最后,他决定在大学里学习医学。 _ _ _, he decided to study medicine at a university. 9. 打开食物搅拌器。 _

5、_ the blender. 10. 如果你去参加晚会,你将会玩得开心。 If you go to the party, youll _ _ _ _. 【答案】【答案】 1. take a trip 2. looking forward to 3. fell down 4. similar to 5. as long as 6. want to 7. in the future 8. In the end 9. Turn on 10. have a good time 三、句型转换。三、句型转换。 1. They flew up into the sky 2 years ago. (改为一般疑

6、问句) they up into the sky 2 years ago? 2. There will be a sports meeting the day after tomorrow. (改为否定句) There a sports meeting the day after tomorrow. 3. Mark goes to Nanhu Park four times a month. (对画线部分提问) does Mark go to the Nanhu Park? 4. Tara doesnt go swimming because it is raining heavily. (改

7、为同义句) Tara doesnt go swimming the heavy rain. 5. Jim is twelve years old. Tim is twelve years old, too. (合并为简单句) Jim is old Tim. 6. Pour the milk into the blender, Lily. (改为否定句) _ _ the milk into the blender, Lily. 7. She thinks I am right. (否定句) She _ think I _ right. 8. Im sure they will have a gr

8、eat time at the party. (改为同义句) Im sure they will _ _ at the party. 9. My mother is going to make a cake for my birthday. (改为同义句) My mother _ _ a cake for my birthday. 10. They will work in a bank this summer. (对画线部分提问) _ _ they work this summer? 【答案】 1. Did; fly 2. wont be 3. How often 4. because of

9、 5. as; as 6. Dont pour 7. doesnt;am 8. have fun 9. will make 10. Where will 四四、完形填空。、完形填空。 I sat with my friend in a well-known coffee shop in Italy. As we enjoyed our coffee, a man entered and _1_ beside us. He called the waiter and placed his _2_ saying, Two cups of coffee, and put one of them th

10、ere on the wall. We _3_ this order with great interest. We saw him drink one cup of coffee but he paid for two. When he left, the waiter put a piece of paper on the _4_ saying A Cup of Coffee. Then two other men entered and ordered _5_ cups of coffee, two on the table and one on the wall. They had t

11、wo cups of coffee, but paid for three and left. The waiter did the _6_. After a few days, we went to this coffee shop again. A man _7_ dressed entered. As he sat down, he looked at the wall and said, One cup of coffee from the wall. The waiter _8_ coffee to this man. The man had his coffee and left

12、without paying. Then the waiter wasnt _9_. He took off a piece of paper from the wall instead. Now it was very clear. What a truly _10_ thought! Probably it is the most beautiful wall! 1. A. ate B. played C. sat 2. A. hat B. order C. coffee 3. A. said B. asked C. heard 4. A. wall B. table C. floor 5

13、. A. two B. three C. four 6. A. different B. special C. same 7. A. richly B. poorly C. nicely 8. A. bought B. sold C. gave 9. A. unhappy B. relaxed C. interested 10. A. bad B. terrible C. beautiful 【答案】 【文章大意】文章讲述了当我坐在咖啡店喝咖啡时,他付了两杯的钱,喝了一杯咖啡,服务生把一张 纸贴在墙上,后来又进来两个人,喝了两杯,付了三杯的钱,服务生又把一张纸贴在墙上,我很惊讶,几 天后,当我

14、喝咖啡时,进来一个衣衫褴褛的人,他看着墙说墙上的一杯咖啡,那人喝完,没结账就走 了,服务生从墙上揭下一张纸,我最后知道这是小镇上对穷人的尊重,多么伟大的地方啊!学科*网 2.B 【解析】 句意: 他就来服务生点单。 A. hat 帽子; B. order 点单; C. coffee 咖啡; 根据Two cups of coffee, and put one of them there on the wall.可知是点单,故选 B。 3.C 【解析】句意:我们听见这样的点单很感兴趣。A. said 说;B. asked 问;C. heard 听见;根据 saying, Two cups of c

15、offee, and put one of them there on the wall.可知是听见,故选 C。 4.A 【解析】句意:服务生把一张纸贴在墙上说一杯咖啡。A. wall 墙;B. table 桌子;C. floor 地板; 根据 put one of them there on the wall.可知在墙上,故选 A。 5.B 【解析】 句意: 两个人进来点了 3 杯咖啡。 根据 two on the table and one on the wall. They had two cups of coffee, but paid for three and left.可知是 3

16、 杯,故选 B。 6.C 【解析】句意:服务生做了相同的事情。A. different 不同的;B. special 特殊的;C. same 相同的;根 据 two on the table and one on the wall.和上文那个人喝了一杯咖啡,付了两杯的钱,服务生把一张纸 贴在墙上,可知这次还是这样,所以是相同的,故选 C。 7.B 【解析】句意:一个衣衫褴褛的人进来。A. richly 富有地;B. poorly 贫穷地;C. nicely 好地;根据 As he sat down, he looked at the wall and said, One cup of coff

17、ee from the wall.和 The man had his coffee and left without paying.可知是没钱买咖啡,故选 B。 8.C 【解析】句意:服务生给这个人一杯咖啡。A. bought 买;B. sold 卖;C. gave 给;根据 give sth to sb 给某人某物,根据 The man had his coffee and left without paying.可知是给,故选 C。 9.A 【解析】句意:服务生没有不高兴。A. unhappy 不高兴的;B. relaxed 放松的;C. interested 有趣的; 根据 The ma

18、n had his coffee and left without paying. 和 He took off a piece of paper from the wall instead. 可知是虽然那个人没付钱,但是服务生没不高兴,故选 A。 五、阅读理解。五、阅读理解。 A Li Chuang is a 15-year-old boy, but he has been a smoker for three years. His teeth and fingers have turned a bit yellow. I first tried smoking after watching

19、TV. It makes me feel excited and I think it looks cool, he said. Not all students smoke as much as Li, but there are lots of child smokers. A report says 32% of boys and 13% of girls in middle schools in China have smoked. Some are as young as 11 when they first try! May 31st is World No-Tobacco Day

20、. Health experts(专家) are asking young people not to smoke. Doctors say smoking can make people get illnesses, like lung(肺) cancer. Not only that, smoking costs a lot of money, too! Stop smoking, children! Its bad for your health. 1. Why is Li Chuangs teeth yellow? A. Eat too much candy. B. Dont brus

21、h his teeth. C. Drink lots of juice. D. Smoking. 2. Li Chuang began to smoke when he was _. A. 12 B. 13 C. 15 D. 16 3. More _ have smoked than _ in middle schools in China. A. girls;boys B. boys;girls C. students;teachers D. workers;teachers 4. The words World No-Tobacco Day means _ in Chinese. A. 世

22、界无癌日 B. 世界节能日 C. 世界无烟日 D. 世界无车日 【答案】 【文章大意】文章讲诉了中国青少年的吸烟状况,有 32%的男孩和 13%的女孩吸烟,专家建议年轻人 不要吸烟,医生说吸烟可以让人生病,吸烟不仅花大量的钱,而且对身体有害。 3.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据 A report says 32% of boys and 13% of girls in middle schools in China have smoked 可知男孩比女孩多,故选 B。 4.C 【解析】词义猜测题。根据 Health experts(专家) are asking young people not

23、to smoke.可猜测是世界无烟 日,故选 C。 B Do you play with your pet dog or cat? Do you like touching (触摸) animals like rabbits? They are cute. But sometimes they may bite (咬) you. Then you could get a terrible disease rabies. In China, 2, 245 people got rabies in the first nine months of 2007. In September, 318 p

24、eople died of (死于) rabies. Thats 37% more than last September. Dogs, cats, rabbits and bats may have rabies. If they bite or scratch (抓) someone, the virus (病毒) of rabies could go into the persons body. The person could even die. Its important to get the right treatment very soon. Every year, more t

25、han 50, 000 people around the world die of rabies. Most of them are from poor countries. India has the most death (死亡). China is the second. 5. Rabies is the name of_. A. a book B. a man C. a pet D. a disease 6. The second paragraph (段落) is mainly about_. A. how to do with rabies B. something about

26、rabies in China C. asking people not to keep pets D. showing what rabies is really like 7. Which of the following animals may NOT have rabies? A. Rabbits. B. Ducks. C. Cats. D. Bats. 8. The word treatment in the third paragraph means _ in Chinese. A. 治理 B. 待遇 C. 治疗 D. 处理 9. About_ people in China di

27、ed of rabies in September, 2006. A. 2,245 B. 318 C. 232 D. 50,000 【答案】 【文章大意】现在很多家庭里都养宠物,像猫、狗等,但是如果你被这样的动物咬了之后,也许会得 上一种可怕的疾病狂犬病。短文中给我们介绍了中国患狂犬病的一些情况。 7. B 【解析】细节理解题。根据短文第二段中的 Dogs, cats, rabbits and bats may have rabies 可知,狗、猫、 兔子和蝙蝠可能有狂犬病。短文中并没有提到 ducks 鸭子有狂犬病,故应选 B。 8. C 【解析】词义猜测题。根据文意及画线单词所在的句子 I

28、ts important to get the right treatment very soon 可知,狂犬病是一种很厉害的疾病,得了这种病的人甚至会死,所以重要的是得到适当的治疗。 treatment 治疗,故应选 C。 9. C 【解析】推理判断题。根据短文第二段中的 In China, 2, 245 people got rabies in the first nine months of 2007. In September, 318 people died of (死于) rabies. Thats 37% more than (多于) last September 可知, 在 2

29、007 年的前九个月里,有 2,245 人得狂犬病,在九月份,有 318 人死于狂犬病,比 2006 年九月份 多 37%,通过计算可知,318-318*37%,故应选 C。学科*网 六、填写适当的句子补全对话六、填写适当的句子补全对话。 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项其中有两个为多余选项。 A: Hi, Wu Xin. Long time no see. 1 B: Ive been back to my hometown with my parents. A: When was the last time you went back? B: 2 A: Then it

30、 must have changed a lot. B: Right. Roads are wide. 3 By the way, the government has developed a new scenic spot(风景区). A: Really? 4 B: Yes. Its really beautiful. 5 A: Great. Im looking forward to visiting it one day. A. And tall buildings have risen. B. Where have you been? C. How many times have yo

31、u been there? D. Have you been there? E. About five years ago. F. Enjoy yourself. G. It will be a great place for your next vacation. 【答案】 15 BEADG 七七、短文填空、短文填空。 Did you watch that popular TV drama A Smile Is Beautiful (微微一笑很倾城 )this summer vacation? Yang Yang, 25, plays 1 important role in it. He p

32、lays a handsome and smart college student who is good at 2 (play) games. Many people think Yang is the right person 3 the role. First, Yang has good looks and a nice smile. Second, he 4 likes to swim and play games, just like in the role. 5 it doesnt mean he is not good at acting. Yang always says,

33、I like to compete (较劲) with 6 (I). Now, Yang is one of the 7 (famous) actors in China. People like to call him Little Fresh Meat. At the end of the year 2015, Yang 8 ( win) the Most Influential (影响力的)TV Actor. He worked with many stars, 9 as Zheng Shuang, Deng Chao and Liu Yifei. They all think he t

34、ries his best in everything. If he feels his acting is not good enough,he will ask to try it again. He cant be 10 (serious ), Su Youpeng, director of movie The Left Ear (左耳 ) ,said in a talk show. 【答案】 【文章大意】本文介绍了演员杨洋的基本情况。 1. an 2. playing 3. for 4. also 5. But 6. myself 7. most famous 8. won 9. su

35、ch 10. more serious 八八、书面表达、书面表达。 在你的成长过程中,父亲会给你的一生带来很大的影响,请根据表格中的提示向读者介绍你的父亲, 具体要求如下: My Father 年龄外貌 五十多岁;不高不矮 兴趣爱好 兴趣广泛,尤喜阅读;最爱红色,因为 性格特点 精力充沛,富有条理; 充满爱心,乐于助人(至少举一例) 给我帮助 悉心照料;倾听心声; 我的感受 良师益友, 注意: 1.要点齐全,而且有适当拓展,但不得逐字翻译; 2.条理清晰,语意连贯,字迹工整; 3.词数 90 左右。 My father has influenced me a lot since I was b

36、orn. _ _ _ _ _ _ 【参考范文】 My father has influenced me a lot since I was born. He is in his fifties. He is neither too tall nor too short and has a lot of interests, especially reading. Red is his favorite color because it represents power and strong feelings. It can make him more powerful. He is energetic and organized. He also has a heart full of love. He is very helpful, He often helps the children who have lost their parents. He takes good care of me and can listen to my worries and happiness patiently. I think he is not only my good teacher but also my good friend. I love him very much.


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