Welcome Unit Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking 同步课件 (新教材)人教版(2020新)必修第一册.pptx

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1、Section Listening and Speaking 雌雌的的 雌性动雌性动(植植)物物;女子女子 男男(性性)的的;雄雄的的 雄性动雄性动(植植)物物;男子男子 校园校园;校校区区 正式的正式的;正规正规的的 爱交际的爱交际的;外向外向的的 小伙子小伙子;男人男人;家伙家伙 7._ /Ikst eInd /n.交换交换;交流交流 vt.交换交换;交流交流;交易交易;兑换兑换 8._ /lekt(r)/n.讲座讲座;讲课讲课;教训教训 vi.(开开)讲座讲座;讲课讲课 vt.训斥训斥 9._ / red IstreI n/n. 登记登记;注册注册;挂号挂号 _ /red Ist (r)

2、/vt.注册注册 10._ / n n l ti/n.国籍国籍;民族民族 _ /neI n/n.国家国家;民族民族;国民国民 11._ /dIzaIn (r)/n.设计者设计者 _ /dIzaIn/n.设计设计;设计方案设计方案 vt.设计设计;筹划筹划 exchange lecture registration register nationality nation designer design 12._ / ks/adj.焦虑的焦虑的;不安的不安的 13._ / n Id/adj.恼怒的恼怒的;生气生气的的 _ / n I/vt.使恼怒使恼怒;打扰打扰 14._ /fraItnd/adj

3、.惊吓的惊吓的;害怕的害怕的 15._ /sinI (r)/adj.级别级别(或地位或地位)高的高的 n.较年长的人较年长的人 16._ /Impre n/n.印象印象;感想感想 _ /Impres/vt.使钦佩使钦佩;给给留下深刻的好印象留下深刻的好印象 vi.留下印象留下印象;引人注目引人注目 anxious annoyed annoy frightened senior impression impress 17._ /k nsntreIt/ vi.聚精会神聚精会神 18._ /IksperIm nt/n.实验实验;试验试验 19._ /kw d/adj.令人尴尬的令人尴尬的;难对付的难

4、对付的 20._ /d unI (r)/adj.地位地位(或职位、级别或职位、级别)低下的低下的 n.职位较低者职位较低者;(体育运动中体育运动中)青少年青少年 21._ /Ikspl(r)/vt.勘探勘探 22._ /k nfId nt/adj.自信的自信的;有把握有把握的的 _ /k nfId ns/n.信心信心;信任信任 concentrate experiment awkward junior explore confident confidence 二、短语英汉互译二、短语英汉互译 1.senior high school _ 2.what if _ 3.junior high sc

5、hool _ 4._ 终于终于;最终最终 5._ 留下好印象留下好印象 6._ 集中精力于集中精力于 (美国美国)高中高中 要是要是会怎么样呢会怎么样呢? (美国美国)初级中学初级中学 at last make an impression concentrate on 阅 读 理 解 一、阅读课文一、阅读课文“FIRST IMPRESSIONS”,判断正判断正(T)误误(F) ( )1.Han Jing found her chemistry class difficult. ( )2.Han Jing was confident at the beginning of the day. (

6、)3.Han Jing missed her friends from junior high school. ( )4.No one talked to Han Jing on her first school day. ( )5.Han Jings chemistry teacher told Han Jing and her classmates a funny story. F F T F F 二、阅读课文二、阅读课文“FIRST IMPRESSIONS”,选择最佳答案选择最佳答案 1.Which of the following classes did Han Jing have o

7、n her first day? A.The physics class. B.The English class. C.The chemistry class. D.The history class. 2.Why was Han Jing a little anxious in the morning? A.Because she is not outgoing. B.Because no one talked to her. C.Because maths was difficult for her. D.Because the guy next to her tried to talk

8、 to her. 3.How was Han Jing feeling at the end of the day? A.Anxious. B.Confident. C.Frightened. D.Awkward. 三、仔细阅读课文三、仔细阅读课文“FIRST IMPRESSIONS”,并根据课文内并根据课文内 容将短文补充完整容将短文补充完整 Today is the first day of senior high school.Im not outgoing so Im a little anxious.I want to make a good first 1._ (impress).

9、I had my first maths class this morning.The class was difficult but the teacher was friendly and 2._(help).In the afternoon,we 3._ (have) our chemistry class in the science lab.I liked the class,but the guy next to me tried to talk to me the whole time. impression helpful had I couldnt concentrate 4

10、. _ the experiment.Its really 5._ busy day.This morning,I was 6. _ (worry) that no one would talk to me.But I was wrong.I didnt feel awkward 7. _ frightened at all.Theres a lot 8. _ (explore) at senior high.I feel much 9._ (confident) than I felt this morning.I think that tomorrow 10._ (be) a great

11、day! on a worried or to explore more confident will be 阅读鉴赏阅读鉴赏一起思考一起思考 1.Im an exchange student from the UK.(Page 2) 我是来自英国的一名交换生。我是来自英国的一名交换生。 exchange n.交换交换;交流交流 vt.交换交换;交流交流;交易交易;兑换兑换 Having spent the past year as an exchange student in New York,Linda appears more mature than those of her age.

12、琳达作为一名交换生已经在纽约度过了过去的一年琳达作为一名交换生已经在纽约度过了过去的一年,现在看现在看 起来比那些同龄人更成熟。起来比那些同龄人更成熟。 Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera? 用我的旧电视机换这架照相机用我的旧电视机换这架照相机,你愿意吗你愿意吗? An exchange of opinions is helpful. 相互交流意见是有益的。相互交流意见是有益的。 I exchange seats with my deskmate. 我和同桌交换了座位。我和同桌交换了座位。 We can exchange o

13、pinions freely here. 在这里我们可以自由地交换意见。在这里我们可以自由地交换意见。 Where can I exchange dollars for pounds? 我在哪儿可以把美元兑换成英镑我在哪儿可以把美元兑换成英镑? 【合作探究】【合作探究】 说一说说一说 勤归纳勤归纳 exchange student 交换生交换生 in exchange for 作为交换作为交换 exchange sth with sb与某人交换某物与某人交换某物 exchange opinions 交换意见交换意见 exchange A for B 把把A换成换成B;用用A交换交换B 【即学即

14、用】【即学即用】 单句语法填空单句语法填空 (1)He sold or exchanged some of the milk in the town _other food. (2)I often exchange information _him. 同义句转换同义句转换 (3)Tom gave Helen an apple in exchange for a piece of cake. Tom _an apple _a piece of cake with Helen. for with exchanged for 翻译句子翻译句子 (4)The two men exchanged gre

15、etings. 这两个人互相打招呼。这两个人互相打招呼。 (5)We exchanged a few words. 我们互相聊了几句。我们互相聊了几句。 2.annoyed(Page 4) 恼怒的恼怒的;生气的生气的 annoyed adj.恼怒的恼怒的;生气的生气的 I was annoyed to find that they had left without me. 发现他们撇下我走了发现他们撇下我走了,我感到很恼火。我感到很恼火。 【合作探究】【合作探究】 读一读读一读 细观察细观察 阅读下列句子阅读下列句子,写出句中黑体词的词性及含义写出句中黑体词的词性及含义 (1)If someo

16、ne or something annoys you,it makes you angry. 词性词性 _ 含义含义 _ (2)His behaviour is really annoying. 词性词性 _ 含义含义 _ 动词动词 使恼怒使恼怒;使生气使生气 形容词形容词 令人恼怒的令人恼怒的 说一说说一说 勤归纳勤归纳 annoyed adj.恼怒的恼怒的;生气的生气的 annoy vt.使恼怒使恼怒;打扰打扰 annoying adj.令人恼怒的令人恼怒的 【即学即用】【即学即用】 用用annoy的适当形式填空的适当形式填空 (1)I like her even though she c

17、an be _ sometimes. (2)What _ us is that we have to overwork all the time. (3)It is _ that we have to overwork all the time. annoying annoys annoying 3.So this is itsenior high school at last!(Page 4) 就是这儿了就是这儿了终于来到高中了。终于来到高中了。 senior adj.级别级别(或地位或地位)高的高的 n.职位较高者职位较高者;较年长的人较年长的人 He is senior to me in

18、 the company.=He is my senior in the company. 他在公司的职位比我高。他在公司的职位比我高。 We should show respect to the seniors. 我们应该尊敬年长的人。我们应该尊敬年长的人。 【合作探究】【合作探究】 记一记记一记 长知识长知识 (1)senior用作形容词还可表示用作形容词还可表示“年长的年长的”含义。含义。 My brother is senior to me by two years.=My brother is my senior by two years.=My brother is two yea

19、rs my senior. 我哥哥比我大两岁。我哥哥比我大两岁。 (2)senior的反义词是的反义词是junior。 junior adj.地位地位(或职位、级别或职位、级别)低下的低下的 n.职位较低者职位较低者;(体育体育 运动中运动中)青少年青少年 (3)senior high school (美国美国)高中高中 junior high school (美国美国)初级中学初级中学 【即学即用】【即学即用】 单句语法填空单句语法填空 (1)He is senior _me _three years. 翻译句子翻译句子 (2)Junior nurses usually work with

20、more senior nurses. 初级护士往往和较高级的护士一起工作初级护士往往和较高级的护士一起工作。 to by 4.I want to make a good first impression.(Page 4) 我想留下一个好的第一印象。我想留下一个好的第一印象。 impression n.印象印象;感想感想 My first impression of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man. 我对他的第一印象是他是一个善良而又体贴的年轻人。我对他的第一印象是他是一个善良而又体贴的年轻人。 He made a goo

21、d impression on me.他给我留下了一个很好的他给我留下了一个很好的 印象。印象。 【合作探究】【合作探究】 读一读读一读 细观察细观察 阅读下列句子阅读下列句子,写出黑体词的词性及含义写出黑体词的词性及含义 (1)I think what impresses me about his painting is the colours he uses. 词性词性 _ 含义含义 _ (2)The beauty of the park is impressive. 词性词性 _ 含义含义 _ 动词动词 给给留下深刻的好印象留下深刻的好印象 形容词形容词 令人印象深刻的令人印象深刻的 阅

22、读下列句子阅读下列句子,写出黑体词的搭配及含义写出黑体词的搭配及含义 (3)The teacher impressed the importance of English on/upon me. 搭配搭配 _ 含义含义 _ (4)I was impressed with/by his words. 搭配搭配 _ 含义含义 _ impress sth on/upon sb 让某人意识到让某人意识到;让某人了解让某人了解 be impressed with/by 对对印象深刻印象深刻 说一说说一说 勤归纳勤归纳 first impression第一印象第一印象 leave/make a good/

23、strong/deep impression on sb给某人留下给某人留下 好的好的/深刻的印象深刻的印象 impress vt.给给留下深刻的好印象留下深刻的好印象 impress sth on sb让某人意识到让某人意识到;让某人了解让某人了解 be impressed with/by对对印象深刻印象深刻 impressive adj.令人印象深刻的令人印象深刻的 【即学即用】【即学即用】 单句语法填空单句语法填空 (1)Sofia looked around at all the faces;she had the _ (impress) that she had seen most

24、of the guests before. (2)She did quite well and was very _(impress) in the interview. (3)His boss was _(impress) with his work. impression impressive impressed 完成句子完成句子 (4)他的演讲给听众留下了相当深刻的印象。他的演讲给听众留下了相当深刻的印象。 His speech _the audience. (5)我们和数名申请人进行了面谈我们和数名申请人进行了面谈,但是都没有给我们留下什但是都没有给我们留下什 么印象。么印象。 We

25、interviewed a number of candidates,but none of them _. left/made a strong/deep impression on impressed us 5.I couldnt concentrate on the experiment.(Page 4) 我无法集中精力做实验。我无法集中精力做实验。 concentrate vi.聚精会神聚精会神 We must concentrate our attention on our study. 我们必须把注意力集中在学习上。我们必须把注意力集中在学习上。 A driver should c

26、oncentrate on the road when driving. 开车时驾驶员的注意力要集中在路上。开车时驾驶员的注意力要集中在路上。 【合作探究】【合作探究】 记一记记一记 长知识长知识 concentration n.专心专心;专注专注;集中集中 with (great) concentration聚精会神地聚精会神地 You should do your homework with concentration. 做作业要专心。做作业要专心。 【即学即用】【即学即用】 单句语法填空单句语法填空 (1)You need a lot of _(concentrate) to solve

27、 the problem. (2)He sat there,with his attention _(concentrate) on the blackboard. (3)I decided to concentrate all my efforts on _(find) somewhere to live. (4)The chemical can increase your ability_ (concentrate). concentration concentrated finding to concentrate 单句改错单句改错 (5)I used to feel sleepy in class and couldnt concentrate in the lessons the teachers gave. 第二个第二个inon


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