人教版(2020新)Unit 3阅读 Reading and Thinking P38.pptx

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1、Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Reading and Thinking P38 新新人教必修人教必修Book 1 Warming-up Profile Birthday:_ _ Birth Place:_ Height: _ Weight:_ Characteristic: _ Uniform Number:_ June 24th,1987 Argentina 170cm 72kg running fast 10 Profile Birthday:_ _ Birth Place:_ Height: _ Weight:_ Characteristic:_ Uniform N

2、umber: _ 226cm 140kg Strong Sep 12th,1980 Shanghai 11 Profile Birthday:_ _ Birth Place:_ Height: _ Weight:_ Characteristic: _ 188cm 80kg handsome May 22th,1987 Belgrade Profile Birthday:_ Birth Place:_ Height: _ Weight:_ Characteristic: _ 179cm 63kg facial expressions Jan 7th,1996 Huangzhou Athletes

3、 Optimism Working hard Responsibility . They are good athletes. Do you love them? Why? Determination Patriotism Before Reading Look at the pictures and predict: People who are masters in their field. They set good example for others. Look and discuss Who are the living legends of sports? How much do

4、 you know about them? Read the text and find out: What is the text about? The text is about two great sports people alive today: Langping and Michael Jordan. While Reading Read the text again and answer the questions. She was a volleyball player; She is a coach for China Womens volleyball team; She

5、is a person who is loved by fans at home and abroad. She brought honour and glory to our country and led China Womens volleyball team to medals. 1. Who is Lang Ping? 2. What did Lang Ping bring to our country? Lang Ping 3. How was Lang Pings determination tested in the 2015 World Cup? Her determinat

6、ion was tested because the team lost two important players. 4. What examples does the writer use to describe Lang Ping? The writer uses examples of Lang Pings determination to describe her. When her team had problems at the World Cup, she still managed to lead them to become world champions. His men

7、tal strength made him the most impressive. 1. What made Jordan the most impressive? 2. What is Jordans secret to his success? Michael Jordan The secret to his success is learning from his failure. 3. What does the first sentence in the paragraph introducing Michael Jordan mean? It means when Michael

8、 Jordan jumped in the air, it felt like time had slowed down, because his amazing skills were almost like magic. 4. Why does the writer mention the final seconds of a game ? Because in basketball this is an important time where one team could win with a few points at the last moment. Michael Jordan

9、Read the text and decide what is stated in the text (S), what can be inferred (I), and what you know to be true from experience (E). (S)-(I)-(E) S (state):文本中直接或者明确提及的信息。 I (infer): 不是文本直接陈述的,而是根据文本相关信 息推断出来的信息。 E (experience): 文本未提及但跟文本内容相关,而且 读者可以根据已有知识和经验推断出 来的信息。 _ Lang Ping won several champion

10、ships before _ Lang Ping believed that her young players _ Many people in China and the US love Coach _ Michael Jordan is loved by basketball fans _ Before people saw Michael Jordan play, they _ Michael Jordan believes that it is important to she became a coach. could win. Lang. around the world. di

11、d not know that basketball could be played that way. help others. I I E I S I Post Reading What reasons does the writer give for choosing Lang Ping and Michael Jordan? 1. They are masters in their sports. 2. They like to help others and set good examples for others. Who would you choose as another “

12、living legend”? Give your reasons. EXAMPLES Yao Ming Chinese Basketball 2.26 m Care for wildlife Guo Jingjing Chinese diving 1.63 m Charity Name: Nationality: Speciality: Height: Contribution: Use the words and phrases below to talk about Lang Ping, Michael Jordan, and the athlete that you admire. a

13、thlete injured give up champion impressive strength determination medal graceful captain unique failure bring glory and honour set a good example lose heart Lang Ping:_ _ _ _ She brought glory and honour to the country as both a player and a coach. She always showed great determination and never los

14、t heart, proving she is a true champion. Michael Jordan: _ _ _. He played basketball in a graceful way, but also showed great strength. He never let failure stop him and never gave up his dreams The athlete I admire: _ _ _ _ Yao Ming was a unique player. Even after many years, watching him is still

15、impressive. He had a great talent and is a true champion. Now they are better than me, but I believe that I will defeat them before long. Yao Ming They can not break me .The only way to break me is to kill me, and everything that does not kill me makes me stronger.” by Allen Iverson Unit 3 Sports an

16、d Fitness Language points P38 新新人教必修人教必修Book 1 课文回顾: 例: 1. 她有运动员的体格。 She has the build of an _. 2. 这所大学有着悠久的体育优秀传统。 This college has a long tradition of _ excellence. They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others. 1 句意:他们一定是在他们所在的体育运动项目上 有造诣的运动员,也能为他人树立良

17、好的榜样。 athlete athletic athlete a person who competes in sports such as running and jumping. athletic adj. 运动的,运动员的;体格健壮的 例: 1. 鲁尼恩是短篇小说的大师。 Runyon was a _ of the short story. 2. 他通晓数种语言。 He _ several languages. They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good examples for othe

18、rs. 1 句意:他们一定是在他们的体育运动项目上有造 诣的运动员,也能为他人树立良好的榜样。 master is master of master n. a person who has general authority over others 大师 v. 精通;控制 adj. 熟练的 be master of 控制;精通;拥有 例: 1. 受人尊敬的名人能为青少年树立好榜样。 The respectable celebrities can set good examples _ adolescents. 2. 父母必须记住自己应该为孩子们树立好榜样。 What parents shoul

19、d always keep in mind is that they should _ their children. They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others. 1 for set good examples for 句意:他们一定是在他们的体育运动项目上有造 诣的运动员,也能为他人树立良好的榜样。 set good examples for sb. =set a good example for sb. 为某人树立好榜样 at home and ab

20、road 国内外;本土和海外 例: 1. 我们真诚地欢迎所有的在国内和国外的商业伙伴。 We sincerely welcome all our business partners both _. 2. 你们在本土和海外保卫了我 们的国家。 You have defended us _. As a person, Lang Ping is loved by fans at home and abroad. 2 句意:就个人而言,郎平深受国内外粉丝的喜爱 。 at home and abroad at home and abroad 例: 1. He fought the illness wit

21、h courage and _. 2. His enemies _ ruin him. When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her determination was tested. 3 句意:当中国队准备2015年世界杯时,她的决心受 到了考验。 determination are determined to determination n. the quality that makes you continue trying to do sth even when this is difficult 决心,

22、决意; 决断力 determine v. 决定 determined adj. 坚决的 be determined to do 决心(做) 例: 1. 这杯子在我手中破裂了。 This cup just _ in my hands 2. 我们过去是好友,可是大约一年前,关系破裂了。 We used to be good friends, but _ about a year ago 3. 由于成本增加,这家商行可能倒闭。 With all these increasing costs, the business could _. The team that Lang Ping had buil

23、t was falling apart. 4 句意:郎平建立的团队正在分崩离析。 fell apart fell apart fall apart fall apart 崩溃;土崩瓦解;破碎 例: champion the cause of human rights 拥护人权运动 a world swimming champion 世界游泳冠军 a champion rodeo rider 一流的马术骑士 Two weeks later, they were world champions! 5 句意:两周后,他们获得了世界冠军! champion n. a person, team, etc

24、. that has won a competition, especially in a sport. 冠军,优胜者 v.保卫;拥护 adj. 优胜的,冠军的;第一流的 例: 1. 我们到处找,但还是没不到。 We searched everywhere but we _ couldnt find it. 2. 静水流深。 _ waters run deep. When Michael Jordans feet left the ground, time seemed to stand still. 6 句意:当迈克尔乔丹的双脚离开地面时,时间 似乎静止了。 still Still stil

25、l adj. not moving; calm and quiet 静止的,不动的;寂静的,平静的 adv. 仍然;更;静止地 例:她有一种非凡的内在力量。 She has a remarkable inner _. 她没有力气再走了。 She didnt have the _ to walk any further. Jordans skills were impressive, but the mental strength that he showed made him unique. 7 句意:乔丹的技巧令人印象深刻,但他所展现的 精神力量使他与众不同。 strength streng

26、th strength n. being physically strong 力量;体力;毅力 strengthen v. 加强 例:一个团队从成功和失败的经验中学习。 A team learns from experience, both successes and _. Jordan says that the secret to his success is learning from his failures. 8 句意:乔丹说他成功的秘诀就是从失败中学习。 failures failure n. lack of success in doing or achieving sth. fail v. 失败 Thank you!


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