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1、 1 / 6 Module 2 模块知识梳理卷模块知识梳理卷 时间:30 分钟 满分:100 分 基础知识梳理基础知识梳理 一、单词过关(英汉互译)。(9 分) 1. 读,阅读_ 2. running_ 3. 这些_ 4. 照片_ 5. 拍摄_ 6. 孩子们_ 7. 听_ 8. 说话,交谈_ 9. 中国_ 二、重点短语(英汉互译)。(10 分) 1. 照相_ 2. 听_ 3. 看电视_ 4. 和交谈_ 5. 看书_ 6. play with a toy train_ 7. 放风筝_ 8. ride a bike_ 9. 踢足球_ 10. 打篮球_ 三、重点句子(英汉互译)。(4 分) 1. 她

2、正在读书。_ 2. 你正在干什么?_ 3. Im listening to music. _ 4. Hes playing with a toy train. _ 四、核心语言点。(16 分) 动词变- ing 形式 1. listenlistening talk watch read 2.双写最 后一个字 母ing swimswimming run skip 3. taketaking writewriting ride 2 / 6 模块强化检测模块强化检测 五、选出不同类的一项。(5 分) ( )1. A. read B. China C. listen ( )2. A. these B.

3、 this C. that ( )3. A. running B. swimming C. fly ( )4. A. children B. man C. boy ( )5. A. picture B. talk C. book 六、读一读、选一选。(6 分) 1. We_(like/likes) swimming. 2. He_(like/likes) running. 3. Look at these_(child/children). 4. My sister is_(talking/talk) to her friends. 5. Theyre_(ride/riding) a bike

4、. 6. Im_(write/writing) a letter. 七、单项选择。(16 分) ( )1. _are you doing? Im playing with the toy car. A. What B. Who C. When ( )2. I have two_. A. child B. children C. childs ( )3. Can you take a _ of me? A. pictures B. picture C. photos ( )4. A fish _ in the river. A. is swims B. is swimming C. is swi

5、ming ( )5. I _ playing basketball. A. is B. am C. are ( )6. My sister is talking _ her friend. A. to B. in C. / ( )7. Im _ music. 3 / 6 A. listening B. listenning to C. listening to ( )8. Wha t_ Tom doing? A. are B. is C. am 八、爸爸在单位加班,他给妈妈打电话询问家人正在做什么。请选择合适的选项 补全对话。(4 分) Dad: 1. _ Mum: Im cooking in

6、 the kitchen. Dad: What is John doing? Mum: 2. _ Dad: 3. _ Mum: She is doing her homework. Dad: What are Lily and Lucy doing? Mum: 4. _ 九、读一读,连词成句。(10 分) 1. are,doing,what,you (?) 2. is,he,pictures,taking (. ) 3. Sam,friends,talking,to,is,his (. ) 4. is,Amy,doing,what (?) 5. are,they,homework,their,

7、doing (. ) 十、阅读对话,判断句子正()误( )。(8 分) Dick:Hello, Jack. Look at this picture. Jack:Wow! Who are they? Dick:They are my new friends in China. The little girl is Nancy. She is riding a bike. A. Theyre watching TV. B. What is Mary doing? C. What are you doing? D. He is listening to music. 4 / 6 Jack:What

8、 is that boy doing? Dick:Oh! He is playing with a yo- yo. Jack:What is a yo- yo? Dick:Its a kind of ball. Jack:Who is the man over there? Dick:He is my maths teacher. He is talking to his friends. ( )1. Jack is Dicks new friend in China. ( )2. Nancy is riding a bike. ( )3. The boy is playing with a

9、kind of ball. ( )4. Dicks Chinese teacher is talking to his friends. 十一、读一读,判断对错,用“”或“”表示。(12 分) Sam likes taking pictures. Look at these pictures. This is his father. Hes flying a kite. This is his mother. Shes eating bananas. This is his grandma. Shes sleeping. And this is his sister Amy. Shes rid

10、ing a bike. Look, thats his little brother. Hes playing with his toy panda. ( )1. Sams father is flying a kite. ( )2. Sam is taking pictures. ( )3. Amy is riding a bike. ( )4. Sams mother is sleeping. ( )5. Sams little brother is playing with his toy car. ( )6. His grandma is reading a book. 5 / 6 M

11、odule 2 模块知识梳理卷模块知识梳理卷 基础知识梳理: 一、1. read 2. 跑步 3. these 4. picture 5. take 6. children 7. listen 8. talk 9. China 二、1. take pictures 2. listen to 3. watch TV 4. talk to 5. read a book 6. 玩玩具火车 7. fly a kite 8. 骑自行车 9. play football 10. play basketball 三、1. Shes reading a book. 2. What are you doing?

12、 3. 我正在听音乐。 4. 他正在玩玩具火车。 四、1. 直接ing;talking,watching,reading 2. running,skipping 3. 去掉 eing;riding 模块强化检测: 五、1. B 2. A 点拨:A 指代复数,B 和 C 指代单数,故选 A。 3. C 4. A 5. B 六、1. like 2. likes 点拨:he, she,it 和单个人名是第三人称单数,后面的动词要使用 单三形式。 3. children 点拨:these“这些”后面要跟名词的复数形式。故填 child 的复数 children。 4. talking 5. ridin

13、g 6. writing 七、1. A 2. B 点拨:child 变复数 ren,是 children。 3. B 4. B 点拨:swim 变- ing 要双写 ming。 5. B 点拨:Iam;youare;she/he/itis。 6. A 6 / 6 7. C 点拨:listen 变- ing 形式,直接加- ing,是 listening。 8. B 八、1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 九、1. What are you doing? 2. He is taking pictures. 3. Sam is talking to his friends. 4. What i

14、s Amy doing? 5. They are doing their homework. 十、1. 2. 3. 点拨:文中说“He is playing with a yoyo. ”,下文又说“What is a yoyo? Its a kind of ball. ”,故题干是正确的。 4. 点拨:不是 Chinese teacher,而是 maths teacher。 十一、1. 2. 点拨:文中是“Sam likes taking pictures. ”指 Sam 喜欢拍照,并未说 他正在拍照。 3. 4. 5. 点拨:由文中“Hes playing with his toy panda. ”可知是 toy panda,而 不是 toy car。 6.


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