
新人教2019必修二第二单元 Section Listening and Speaking 终于 make both ends meet 使收支相抵;勉强维持生计 on end 竖着;直立着;连续地 put an end to 结束 com,新人教2019必修二第二单元 Section Readin


1、新人教2019必修二第二单元 Section Listening and Speaking 终于 make both ends meet 使收支相抵;勉强维持生计 on end 竖着;直立着;连续地 put an end to 结束 com。

2、新人教2019必修二第二单元 Section Reading for Writing 存活;继续存在 survive from 从时期留存下来 survive on 靠为生livefeed on Of the six people inju。

3、新人教2019必修二第二单元 Section Discovering Useful Structures 使沦落;使陷入窘境 They were reduced to begging in the streets.他们沦落到沿街乞讨。

4、新人教2019必修二第二单元 Section Reading for Writing 存活;继续存在 survive from 从时期留存下来 survive on 靠为生livefeed on Of the six people inju。

5、新人教2019必修二第二单元 Section Listening and Speaking 终于 make both ends meet 使收支相抵;勉强维持生计 on end 竖着;直立着;连续地 put an end to 结束 com。

6、新人教2019必修二第二单元 Section Discovering Useful Structures 使沦落;使陷入窘境 They were reduced to begging in the streets.他们沦落到沿街乞讨。

标签 > 2019新教材人教版高中英语必修第二册第二单元Section[编号:445496]



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