


1、初 2017 级九年级英语导学案 Unit 4 使用时间 2016-10 编制人:包蔚育 审核人:赵宇 班级 ___________________ 组号 _________________ 姓名 ___________________ 1 / 4 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A 【预习案预习案】 一、词语链接:一、词语链接: 1. humorous( adj.) _________ (n.) 2. silent (adj.) __________ (adv.) ________(n.) __________沉默地 (短语) 3. helpful (adj) _______v./n) The book is __________, it can ________ a lot. 4. from time to time =___________/ ____________ 5. Asian(adj.。

2、1 / 5 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Section A 【预习案预习案】 一词语链接:一词语链接: 1. restroom 合成词 rest+room 书店___________ 明信片__________ 洗手间___________ 浴室___________ 2. normally (adv.) ___________ (adj.) 3. ____________ 建议(v.) suggestion【C】(n.) = _____________【U】(n.) 4. central(adj.) ____________(n.) 5. east/ west/ south/ /north(n.) __________/ __________/ ___________/ __________ (adj.) 6. fascinating (adj.) (描述物的特征) ________________ (ad。

3、第 1 页 共 4 页 Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands. 【Section A 词汇学习案词汇学习案】 词语链接:词语链接:熟读下列词汇并批注在词汇表 Unit 10 中的相应位置。准备第二天单词和词汇变化检测。 1. greet (v.) - __________(n.) 问候 一般用复数 2. relax (v.) 放松 sth relax sb ___________ __________ (adj.) 令人放松的,指物 ___________ (adj.) 放松的,宽松的,轻松自如的,指人 3. value (v./n.) - _________ (adj.) 有价值的 4. drop by (sp.) 顺便拜访(某地)________/__________ (pt./ pp.) 5. get mad at sth . 对某。

4、Unit 1 How can we become good learners?【Section A预习案】一、词语链接:1. pronunciation (n.) -_______ (v.) 2. patient (n.) 病人;( adj.)有耐心的-_______ (n.) eg: Doctors should be _____________ (= have _____________) with the ______________.3. express (v.) _______ (n.) 4. discover(v.)- _______ (n.) 5. memorize (v.)= _______ ; _______ (n.) _________ the words记单词 have a good __________记忆力好6. bear (v.) - _______ (pt.) / _______ (pp.) be born in/ at/ on出。

5、1 第 1 页 共 5 页 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of ? 【Section A 词汇学习案词汇学习案】 词语链接:词语链接:熟读下列词汇并批注在词汇表 Unit 5 中的相应位置。准备第二天单词和词汇变化检测。 1. chopstick _______________________________一双筷子 2. blouse (n.) 女式衬衣 ______________男式衬衣(n.) 3. glass 【U】 玻璃; 【C】玻璃杯 glasses 眼镜 ____________________一副眼镜 4. fair 展览会(n.) =show/exhibition ____________公平的(adj.) _________不公平的(adj.) 5. environmental(adj.)-_____________(n.) 6.leaf。

6、Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 【Section A 词汇学习案词汇学习案】 词语链接:词语链接:熟读下列词汇并批注在词汇表 Unit 7 中的相应位置。准备第二天单词和词汇变化检测。 1.safety (n.)安全____________ (adj.) ____________ (反义词 n.) ____________ (反义词 adj.) The dog is _________. You should care about your _________. 2.smoke ( v/n.)烟/吸烟 ____________ (pt/pp) ____________(v-ing) ____________ 吸烟者 Tom is a _________. He ________ a lot every day so its difficult for 。

7、1 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 词语链接词语链接 1. prefer -(pt/pp)________ __________ 1) prefer sth 更喜欢某物 eg. Would you prefer tea? prefer A to B=like A better than B 比起比起 B 更喜欢更喜欢 A eg. I prefer water to tea. 2) prefer (not) to do sth 更喜欢(不)做更喜欢(不)做 eg. Id prefer to live in Chongqing . 3) prefer doing to doing = prefer to do rather than do He likes riding a bike better than driving.=He _________ riding a bike_________ driving. =He prefers ______ ride a。

8、第 1 页 共 4 页 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 【Section A】 词语链接:词语链接: 1. strange (adj.)-________ (n.)陌生人 2. relative 亲属,亲戚;________亲戚,关系;relationship 关系 3.增加(体重),发胖;穿戴穿戴________ 4. god (n.)- ________ (对应词) God bless you! 5. steal (v.) - ________ (pt.) ________ (pp.) 6. lay (v.)放,产卵- ________(pt.)________ (pp.) 布置,摆开_________ 7. lie(v.) 躺-________ (pt.) ________ (pp.) lie(v.)撒谎-________ (pt.) ________ (pp.) *die/lie/tie- (现在。

9、1 Unit 6 When was it invented? 【Section A 词汇学习案词汇学习案】 词语链接:词语链接:熟读下列词汇并批注在词汇表 Unit 6 中的相应位置。准备第二天单词和词汇变化检测。 1. style (n.) in style 流行 __________不流行、过时 2. pleasure (n.) 高兴,愉快 please ( v.) 使?高兴,愉快 pleasant (adj.) 使人感到高兴的、愉快的(修饰物) pleased (adj.) 高兴的,愉快的(修饰人) sth. please sb. = sb. be pleased with sth. 某物使某人高兴、满意; 某人对?感到高兴、满意 1). - Can you help me take the dog for a walk? - My 。

10、第 1 页 共 8 页 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 【Section A 预习案预习案】 词语链接:词语链接: 1. who(主格/宾格) whom(宾格), whose(名词性/形容词性物主代词) 1) Carla wants to go to the concert tomorrow. (画线部分提问) _______ ______to go to the concert tomorrow? 2) Carlas daughter has been to Britain. (画线部分提问) _______ ______ has been to Britain? 3) The suit is hers. = The suit belongs to her. (画线部分提问) ________ ______ the suit? = ______ ______ the suit belong to? 4)The book。

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