
Unit 4Text:Oligopoly寡头垄断1.Key words2.Characteristics of oligopoly3.Price and output decisions for an oligopolist4.An Eva,1.Framework 2.Contents16 unit


1、Unit 4Text:Oligopoly寡头垄断1.Key words2.Characteristics of oligopoly3.Price and output decisions for an oligopolist4.An Eva。

2、1.Framework 2.Contents16 units,and each unit includes one text and one additional textAll the units concern microeconomi。

3、Unit 8Text:Foreign Exchange and Exchange Rate外汇与汇率1.Key words2.Foreign exchange market and exchange rate 3.Foreign excha。

4、Unit 3Text:Monopoly垄断1.Key words2.Why monopolies arise3.Public policy toward monopolies4.Questionsbarriers to entrymarke。

5、Unit 6Text:Inflation通货膨胀1.Key words2.Measurement of Inflation3.Causes of Inflation4.Effects of inflation5.Translate the 。

6、Unit 5Text:Gross Domestic Product国内生产总值1.Key words2.Calculating gross domestic product3.GDP and GNP4.GDP and NDP5.Real a。

7、Unit 7Text:Money and Banking 货币与银行1.Key words2.What is money3.The functions of money4.Characteristics of money5.Banks an。

8、Unit 10Text:Fiscal and Monetary Policy财政政策与货币政策1.Key words2.Stabilization policy3.Fiscal policy4.Monetary policy5.Questi。

9、Unit 11 Text:Population人口1.Key words2.Importance of the size and type of population3.Labor force4.Unemployment and emplo。

10、Unit 12Text:Environmental Protection环境保护1.Key words2.Externality3.Forms of environmental pollution4.Causes for environme。

11、Unit 9Text:The Balance of Payments国际收支1.Key words2.Definition and importance of the balance of payments3.Economic factor。

12、Unit 14Text:Nontariff Barriers非关税壁垒1.Key words2.Definition of nontariff barriers to trade3.The import quotas4.Voluntary 。

13、Unit 13 Text:WTO世界贸易组织1.Key words2.Objectives and functions of the WTO3.Institutional structures of the WTO4.Basic princ。

14、Unit 16Text:Economic Globalization经济全球化1.Key words2.Phenomena of economic globalization3.Benefits of globalization4.Conc。

15、Unit 15Text:Foreign Aid外国援助1.Key words2.Definition of foreign aid3.Why donors give aid4.Why LDC recipients accept aid5.T。

标签 > 经济学专业英语教程精编版[编号:740301]



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