


1、第 1 页 Unit 5 My dayUnit 5 My day 第第三三时课后检测时课后检测含答案含答案 1 读一读, 判断画线部分读音是 “” 否 “” 相同, 要细心读哟! ( ) (1) peach ( ) (2)teach chair school ( ) (3) watch ( ) (4)chess match Chinese ( ) (5) breakfast ( ) (6)housework meat horse 2 这是一个工人叔叔一天的时间表, 根据具体情况从栏中选出和栏相匹 配的答案。 ( ) (1) I______ at 5:00 in the morning. A. 5:30 am ( ) (2) I go home at______ . B. have lunch ( ) (3) I go to bed at ______。

2、第 1 页 Unit 5 My dayUnit 5 My day 第一课时第一课时课后检测课后检测含答案含答案 1 学习微课关于教材第 22 页第一部分课文的内容, 选择正确答案! ( ) (1) David is from__________ . A. England B. America ( ) (2) David is living in__________ now. A. Beijing B. Shanghai ( ) (3) Davids cousin is_________ . A. Billy B. Jack ( ) (4) David gets up at__________ every morning. A. 7:00 B. 7:30 ( ) (5) David has lunch at___________ . A. home B. school ( ) (6) David goes to bed ________9:。

3、第 1 页 Unit 5 My dayUnit 5 My day 第二课时课后检测第二课时课后检测含答案含答案 1.想一想: 看图选词, 使短文意思完整通顺。 A Day in Space A Day in Space Hi! Im Mark. I (1)__________ in the spaceship with Robot. The life in (2) __________is amazing. I (3)___________ up at 6:00 in the morning, and (4)__________ some space food at 7:00. I like the space food. Its special. At 1:00 in the (5) ___________ ,I have a nap. In the evening, I take a (6)_____________ in space. I can see many bea。

4、Unit1 My newschool 第三课时 1.根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案。 My grandfather is fifty-five years old. Hes a taxi driver. He loves his job much. It is Sunday. Today is his birthday. My father, my mother and I are in his home. My uncle also comes here. Hes a tall man. Hes a worker. He comes to see my grandfather every Sunday. My grandfather has a good friend. His name is Jim. Hes from England. Hes a nice cook. He comes to see him, too. My grandfather is very happy today. ( )(1) My grandfather is__。

5、Unit1 My newschool 第一课时 听一听、读一读微课中第一部分的内容, 选择正确答案! B. Australia Guangming School. B. Beijing ( ) (3) David is talking with his about his new school. A.friends B.parents ( ) (4)Davids school is and beautiful. A.large B.small ( ) (5)There are classrooms in Beijing Guangming School. A.Thirty-five B.thirty-six ( ) (6)There is a big gym the library. A. infrontof B.behind ( ) (1) David is from . ( ) (2) A. England David is studying in A. Shanghai 第。

6、Unit1 My new school 第二课时 1.填一填: 根据句意选择正确的单词写在横线上, 注意书写规则哟! (1) (How, What) do you like your new school? (2) David is (study, studying)in Beijing Guangming School now. (3) There (is, are) thirty-six classrooms in his school. (4) David is talking with his parents ( about, at) his new school. (5) There is (a, two) big gym in his school. (6) The big gym is (behind,of) the library. (7) It is (beautiful,really)a large school. 2.选一选: 只有。

7、Unit 4 In the fields 第一课时 1. 听一听、读一读微课中第一部分的对话, 判断正 (T) 误 (F) ( ) (1) Today is Saturday. ( ) (2) Billys dad is driving Billy to the fields. ( ) (3) They are going to have a trip. ( ) (4) There are some cows in the fields. ( ) (5) There are so many goats on dads left. ( ) (6) There are ten goats and a dog there. 2. 判断图文是 “” 否 “” 相符。 ( ) river ( ) hill ( ) flowers ( ) supermarket ( ) zoo ( ) park ( ) trees (7) ( )。

8、Unit 3 My community 第一课时 1.听一听、读一读微课中第一部分的内容, 选择正确答案! ( ) (1) moves to a new community. A. Xiao Hui B. Sandy ( ) (2) Xiao Hui is to live there. A. sad B. happy ( ) (3)This new community is very . A. large B. small ( ) (4)There is a small in the new community. A. zoo B. park ( ) (5) We love to play there after . A. class B. school ( ) (6) There are many restaurants. A. Chinese B. England 2.填一填: 根据句意选择正确的单词写在横线上, 注意书写规。

9、Unit 2 Visiting a school 第一课时 1.听一听、读一读微课中第一部分的内容, 选择正确答案! ( ) (1) It is the . A. Teachers Day B. Open House Day ( ) (2) David is showing his around his new school. A. four B. three ( ) (6) The computer rooms are the canteen and the library. A. behind B. between 2.选一选, 译一译。 看看举例再解答哟! e.g. ( B ) comput (电脑) ( ) (1) cant n ( ) ( ) (2) bes de ( ) ( ) (3) b tween ( ) ( ) (4) o ice ( ) ( ) (5) t cher ( ) in D。

10、Grandfather s Farm Unit 4 In the fields 第二课时 1.补全对话:看图选词,使对话完整通顺。 Sheep: How many (1) are there in an hour? Monkey: There are sixty. (2) easy. Sheep: How many (3) are there in a day? Monkey: Twenty-four. Its (4) . Sheep: How many (5) are there in a leap year? Monkey: 365, of (6) . Sheep: No. Its 366. Ha! Ha! 2.小 练 笔: 这 个 周 末 Li Ming 一 家 来 到 爷 爷 的 农 场, 他 们 玩 得 好 开 心! Li Ming 想和大家分享爷爷农场的美景, 你能帮他完成这个介绍吗? Unit 4 In。

11、Unit4 In the fields 第三课时第三课时 1.读一读,判断画线部分读音是“”否“”相同,要细心读哟! ( ) (1)A. river B. worker ( ) (2)A. lake B. have ( ) (3)A. flower B. know ( ) (4)A. friend B. frog ( ) (5)A. hill B. river ( ) (6)A. cream B. cry 2.选一选: 只有一个正确答案, 认真选择哟! ( ) (1) mom is cooking in the cookroom. A. Billy B. Billys C. Billys ( ) (2) They are going to a picnic. A. have B. had C. has ( ) (3) Billy is looking of the car window. A. at B. u。

12、Unit 3 My community 第二课时 1.对话配伍: 从栏中选出栏的正确答语。 ( ) (1) Are there any trees on the moon? A. They re behind the hills. ( ) (2) Where are the bears? B. It s in front of the toilet. ( ) (3) Whats in your community? C. Yes, there is. ( ) (4) What are in your classroom? D. There is a big supermarket. ( ) (5) Is there a park near your home? E. There are many chairs. ( ) (6) Wheres the cinema? F. No, I dont. ( ) (7) Do you like to play in the park? G. Of c。

13、Unit 3 My community 第三课时 1.读一读, 判断画线部分读音是 “” 否 “” 相同, 要细心读哟! ( ) (1) A. park B. supermarket ( ) (2) A. shop B. fish ( ) (3) A. this B. brother ( ) (4) A. grapes B. grandfather ( ) (5) A. cinema B. take ( ) (6) A. Tuesday B. music ( ) (7) A. toilet B. open 2.根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案。 This is a Chinese girl. Her name is Wu Yan. She is a new student. She is in Yuying Middle School. She is in Class One, Grade Two. Bill is an American boy。

14、Unit 2 Visiting a school 第二课时 1.填一填: 根据句意选择正确的单词写在横线上, 注意书写规则哟! (1) (There, This) is a canteen in our school. (2) This is my school. (What, How) beautiful! (3) Is there (a, an) art room? No, there isnt. (4) Where are the computer rooms? They are (between, on) the canteen and the library. (5) There (isnt, arent) a music room in my school. (6) There arent (some, any) art rooms in the university. (7) Let me tell you (are, about) my new cl。

15、Unit 2 Visiting a school 第三课时 1.读一读, 判断画线部分读音是 “” 否 “” 相同, 要细心读哟! ( ) (1) A. beside B. behind ( ) (2) A. between B. canteen ( ) (3) A. glass B. gloves ( ) (4) A. show B. flower ( ) (5) A. clock B. clothes ( ) (6) A. there B. clothes 2.根据短文内容, 判断下列句子是 (T) 否 (F) 正确。 It is Sunday today. The weather is fine. Bob and Jane are in the park. It is a big park. They can see many people there. They come here to have a rest after a。



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