


1、小学英语四年 上册教学讲座 Unit 1 Our Classroom Part A 1.Listen and follow. 关键句型: We are in Class One, Grade Four. 注意年级和 班级的语序以及大小写和标点。 2.Lets act. 建议教师制作不同年级 不同班级的纸牌发给学 生进行活动,巩固关键 句型。 3.Listen and lea。

2、剑桥小学英语 (小学三年级起点)(小学三年级起点) 教材分析 五 年 级 上 册 课时安排建议 课时划分建议 单元 话题 课时 Starter Unit Im going higher 3课时课时 Unit 1 My family 6课时课时 Unit 2 Mascots 5课时课时 Unit 3 Time 6课时课时 Revision 1 2课时课时 Unit 4 What do y。

3、人教必修五人教必修五 UNIT 1 核心考点专讲专练核心考点专讲专练 【考点剖析】【考点剖析】 absorb vt.吸收;吸引;使专心 absorb ones attention 吸引某人的注意 absorbfrom 从中吸收 be absorbed in 全神贯注于 announce vt.(to make sth known publicly)通告。

4、1 教材梳理教材梳理 1 七年级七年级(上册上册) Unit 1Unit 4 .单项填空。 1.(2020 湖北十堰)Whats your favorite ? Journey to the West.The monkey King can make 72 changes to his shape and size. A.color B.book C.food D.bag 2.(2020 湖北。

5、20202020 年春季北师大版高中英语教材线上培年春季北师大版高中英语教材线上培 训总结训总结 2020 年春季北师大版高中英语教材线上培训总结 愉快的寒假因新型冠状病毒的肆虐,变得忧心而沉重。也许 是因为这个特殊的时期,这个躺着就能为国家做贡献的时期, 因为在安静而温馨的家里宅了太久,心竟然没有以前那样浮 躁,感觉这个曾经认为的喧嚣的社会安静下来了。在这个安 静的大背景下,怀着一颗诚挚又激动地。

6、英语教材教法试题英语教材教法试题 篇一:英语教材教法复_题 1 中学英语教材教法 一、选择题(150=50) 5.普通语言 学可以帮助人们认识和掌握英语教学的 B 。 A. 方法和机 能 B. 目的和一般规律 C. 难点和重点 D. 母语和英语 的关系 7.理解和全面贯彻 A 是完成英语教学任务的根本保 证。 A. 英语教学原则 B. 英语教学目标 C. 英语教学 模式 D. 英语教学方法 8。

7、目 标 1 2 3 5 建 议 教 材 目 标 总体目标总体目标 分级目标分级目标 阶段目标阶段目标 课程目标课程目标 综合语言综合语言 运用能力运用能力 情感态度情感态度 学习策略学习策略 文化意识文化意识 语言技能语言技能 语言知识语言知识 国 际 视 野 国 际 视 野 祖 国 意 识 祖 国 意 识 合 作 精 神 合 作 精 神 自 信 意 志 自 信 意 志 兴 趣 动。

8、2020.8.23 阶段目标阶段目标 总目标总目标 课程资源课程资源 开发与利用开发与利用 教学建议教学建议 评价建议评价建议 编写体例编写体例 及特点及特点 内容立体内容立体 式整合式整合 说教材 教材内容教材内容 说教材说教材 说课标说课标 说建议说建议 流程流程 阶段目标阶段目标 总目标总目标 说课标 说课标说课标 课程目标 综合语。

9、2019 秋人教版 PEP 小学英语四年级上册教材全解读 教材分析 一、教学内容与目标一、教学内容与目标 能听懂、会说 12 组会话,并能进行简单的交流。 能听、说、认、读 66 个单词和听、说、读、写 26 个字母,能听、说、读、 写.36 个单词,能进井简单的运用。 能听懂、完成 7 个“TPR”活动。 能学会 2 个小制作。 能唱 8 首歌曲。 能听懂、说唱 8 首歌谣。 能完成 6 个自我。

10、高中英语教材的跨学科性分析与双师教学开题高中英语教材的跨学科性分析与双师教学开题总结总结报告报告 (一)研究背景 打破学科界限,融合各学科知识,以发展出综合的、交叉的、比 较的新的领域的知识、概念、方法或技巧,无疑是跨学科研究超越于 传统分科研究以开创新领域的优势所在。 在英语教学理论与实践研究 日益繁荣的今天,英语教学在形式与内容上都不同以往。英语教材的 选取上更加注重与其他学科的融合。因此,对英语教材跨学科性的分 析也愈见增多。 值得关注的是跨学科并不是多学科的简单合作, 而且, 肤浅的、 不融通的跨学。

11、七年级下 Units 712,.单词拼写 1.If he tries hard, his d (梦想) will come true. 2.Your glasses are r (恰好) on your nose! 3.My English teacher is very s (可贵的/特别的) person in my life. 4.Her family m (搬家) to Shanghai when she was five. 5.There is a garden at the b (后面) of the hotel.,ream,ight,pecial,oved,ack,.单项填空 ( )1.The traveller was so rich that he was able to a guide to show him across. A.pay B.need C.let D.make,A,( )2.This math is hard for me. Can you help me with it? A.point B.re。

12、七年级下 Units16,.单词拼写 1.The news is really t (真实的) and we can believe it. 2.There are o (超过) fifty students in our class. 3.It takes about 15 m (分钟) from my home to school on foot. 4.Would you please send my good w (祝愿) to your parents? 5.Come here early and dont m (错过) the beginning of the movie.,rue,ver,inutes,ishes,iss,.单项填空 ( )1.Hi, Jane. Could you please me around your new house? A.move B.show C.take D.join,B,( )2.Please follow the when you see the animals in the zoo. A.。

13、七年级上 Units 59,1.Light travels much faster than s (声音). 2.Its e (容易的) for us to pay online with Alipay now. 3.The teacher often t (测试) his students in math. 4.At that time, t (情况) could be difficult for the workers. 5.Its said that shes s (储备) nearly one ton of potatoes at home.,ound,asy,ests,hings,tored,.单项填空 ( )1.Id like to eat some for lunch. A.fishes B.chickens C.vegetables D.coffees,C,( )2.She is so that she has no time to spend with her child. A.fre。

14、七年级(上)Units 14(含Starter),.单词拼写 1.His pen is red and m_____(我的) is blue. 2.Tom lost his w________(手表) and he still didnt find them. 3.Im fine, t_____(谢谢) a lot, my dear friends. 4.He is a m______(模范) husband and father. 5.She walked up to the door and r____(按) the bell.,ine,atches,hanks,odel,ang,.单项填空 ( )1.I like playing computer games. Its really_. A.different B.beautiful C.boring D.interesting,D,( )2.We are in ______class and our class teacher is Miss Xie. A.the same B.t。

15、九年级 Units 1314,.单词拼写 1.The woman is so c (残忍的) that she often beats the little animals. 2.Most machines are made of m (金属), but this one is made of plastic. 3.If you are always ready to help others, your happiness will d (翻倍).,ruel,etal,ouble,4.With your help, Im sure that I can finish the work a (在前面) of time. 5.The bird cant fly because something was wrong with its left w (翅膀).,head,ing,.单项填空 ( )1.Why not buy an iPad for Tom? We can one. Its harmful to him. We couldnt st。

16、九年级 Units 1112,.单词拼写 1.Her p (苍白的) face suggested that she was seriously ill at that time. 2.As we know, health is more important than w (财富) and health is happiness. 3.If it rains cats and dogs, it will d (迫使) players out of the playground.,ale,ealth,rive,4.The doctors gave up her father two years ago, but he is still a (活着的). 5.When he saw the girl in the water, he reached his hand to p (拉) her up.,live,ull,.单项填空 ( )1.Sharks may one day if we do not take action to stop th。

17、九年级 Units 910,.单词拼写 1.She found an e (空的) room in that house and slept there for several hours. 2.Mr. Smith didnt sleep well last night because of the p (痛苦) in his legs. 3.The workers s (关闭) off all the motors before they left the workshop.,mpty,ain,hut,4.A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his s (空闲的) time. 5.When we arrived there, the whole family stood up to g (欢迎) all of us.,pare,reet,.单项填空 ( )1.Which do you enjoy at night, going to the movies or sta。

18、九年级 Units 78,.单词拼写 1.Belize is a t (极小的) country on the northeast coast of Central America. 2.This is a good c (机会) for you to take part in the English Competition. 3.The plane began to slow down because it was going to L (着陆) soon.,iny,hance,and,4.As we know, n (噪音) pollution is one of major problems in big cities. 5.You are required to show your ID card before you e (进入) the room.,oise,nter,.单项填空 ( )1.The last bus has left. What should we do? Lets take a taxi. We have no 。

19、九年级 Units 56,.单词拼写 1.English is becoming more and more important in our d (日常的) life. 2.I think he is a h (英雄) because he helps other people now and then. 3.Road safety is taught to young children to a (避免) road accidents.,aily,ero,void,4.Now Chinese is also w (广泛地) used in other countries of the world. 5. Its very important for children to f (形成) a good habit of living.,idely,orm,.单项填空 ( )1.More than seventy percent of the of the earth is covered with water. A.material B.。

20、九年级 Units 34,.单词拼写 1.A great number of people in our country have their p (私人的) cars. 2.Mr and Mrs Smith took p (自豪) in their childrens good work. 3.Seeing this, the dustman told us how to d (处理) with the waste.,rivate,ride,eal,4.Its e (确实地) the kind of work that Mr Black has been looking for. 5. Dont lose heart if you f (失败) to pass the exam occasionally.,xactly,ail,.单项填空 ( )1.On seeing me, Maurice changed and went along the river bank instead. A.suggestion B.expression。

21、九年级 Units 12,.单词拼写 1.David is very a (积极的) when answering the teachers questions in class. 2.Mr. Black was driving his car at a s (速度) of 120 kilometers per hour. 3.They are kind and polite and they will t (对待) you as their friend.,ctive,peed,reat,4.You should follow his advice on reading English a (出声地) every morning. 5.The policewoman shouted to the boy to w (警告) him of the danger.,loud,arn,.单项填空 ( )1.We should make left-behind children feel they are living in the of a b。

22、八年级下 Units 910,.单词拼写 1.My younger brother has made r (快速的) progress since last term. 2.I love stamps very much, but I havent enough time to c (收集) them. 3.They suddenly stopped, but began to walk again after a w (一会儿).,apid,ollect,hile,4.My grandparents still have good m (记忆力) though they are old. 5.There are now many ways for us to s (搜索) online for our tickets.,emories,earch,.单项填空 ( )1.This website gives us lots of information. But you should check whether it is . A.tr。

23、八年级下 Units 78,.单词拼写 1.Television has become an important t (工具) for teaching at school. 2.This achievement not only b (属于) to me but to all of you. 3.Seeing a h (巨大的) stone on the road, we didnt know what to do.,ool,elongs,uge,4.All these kinds of animals w (重量是) less than one pound at birth. 5.About b (美丽) and health, I think health is much more important.,eigh,eauty,.单项填空 ( )1.Why do you write down the food names in the notebook? To what food I eat every day. A.weigh B.。

24、八年级下 Units 56,.单词拼写 1.I bought a pair of shoes yesterday and they f (适合) my feet well. 2.She has a beautiful v (声音) and all of us like to enjoy her songs. 3.Do you think our basketball team will b (打败) theirs tomorrow?,it,oice,eat,4.She is shy and she is afraid to speak in front of the w (整个的) school. 5.I told them that we wouldnt go for a picnic because of the s (暴风雨).,hole,torm,.单项选择 ( )1.Did you the first place of the league match? Of course we did. We all the other te。

25、八年级下 Units 34,.单词拼写 1.Every one of us in our life has to face something we h (厌恶). 2.I think I can do it well by myself although I have no such s (技能). 3.It may c (造成) trouble to throw waste through the window of a car.,ate,kill,ause,4.Most people had some c (疯狂的) dreams when they were children. 5.Fewer students in his class c (抄袭) homework from their classmates.,razy,opy,.单项填空 ( )1.Im not going swimming this afternoon. . I have to help my mother do some cleaning. A.So am 。

26、八年级下 Units 12,.单词拼写 1.A player from our school team fell and h (弄伤) his leg during the race. 2.The old man lives a (独自) in a mountain village, but he never feels lonely. 3.I picked up the handbag and waited for the o (物主) there for a long time.,urt,lone,wner,4.The girl sometimes seems to turn a d (聋的) ear to her parents words. 5.He was in great difficulty, but nothing could make him c (改变) his mind.,eaf,hange,.单项填空 ( )1.Family members always stand by one another because is 。

27、小学英语教材的版本小学英语教材的版本 新课标新课标 第 1 页 共 5 页 小学英语教材的版本小学英语教材的版本 新课标新课标 新课标实行之后,各个省市地区会使用不同的教材,所以目前就 出现我们常说的新人教版、外研版、牛津译林版、北师大版等,那么 究竟什么样的地区使用的是什么版本的教材呢, 我们看下面的列表归 纳吧!可能存在一些出入,请各位童鞋踊跃纠错。小编不胜感激 省 市 区 教 材 版 本情况 区域情况 安 徽 人教 4、 译林 7、 北师 6 人教:蚌埠、宿州、阜阳、淮北、滁州 北师:合肥、安庆、淮南、巢湖、六安 译林:亳州、。

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