(新教材)2021年高中英语外研版选择性必修第三册课件:Unit 3 Section Ⅱ Using language .ppt

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1、Section Using language .核心词汇 1_ n. 冲突,摩擦 2_ n. 弹药 3_ n. 武器,兵器 friction ammunition weapon .拓展词汇 1_ n制服 adj.一致的;统一的_ adj.穿 制服的 2_ adj.维持和平(的行动)_ n维和人员 3_ v解除武装_ n武器 v武器;装 备_ adj.持枪的,武装的 4_ n战斗人员_ n战斗 5_ n稳固,稳定_ adj.稳固的;稳定的 _ adv.稳固地_ adj.不稳定的;易变的 6_ 专业水准;专业素质_ adj.专业的 n专业人员_ n职业,行业 uniform uniformed p

2、eacekeeping peacekeeper disarm arm armed combatant combat stability stable stably unstable professionalism professional profession .重点短语 1_ 一个整体 2_ 镇压起义 3_ 寻找,追捕 4_ 影评 5_ 救援队 6_ 被称为,被视为 7_ 在期间 8_ 做某事的正当理由 a single unit put down the uprising be after film reviews the rescue team be referred to as ove

3、r the during of reason to do sth. 9_ 遵守(或信守、履行)诺言 10_ 旨在做某事 11_ 在中起重要作用 12_ 随时可以投入行动,处于待命状态 13_ 实施 keep to aim to do sth. play an important role in on standby carry out .重点句型 1Politics is the study of the ways _. 政治学是对国家治理方式的研究。 2Among the many horrors inflicted on humanity by the Second World War _

4、, often referred to as “terror bombing” 对平民的大规模轰炸是第二次世界大战给人类带来的众多恐 怖事件之一,通常被称为“恐怖轰炸”。 in which countries are governed was the massive bombing of civilians 第一版块|重点词汇诠释 1.put down记下,放下;镇压 I had prepared for the meeting by putting down what I wanted from them. 我已为会议做了准备,写下了我想从他们那里得到的东西。 His troops put

5、down the uprising in 1626.他的军队于1626年 镇压了那次起义。 即学即练 完成句子 她放下笔走进房间。 She put _ her pen and entered the room. down 词汇拓展: put forward提出(意见、建议、观点等);推荐;提前;把(时钟) 往前拨 put off推迟;推脱;搪塞 put away存放;存储;把收起来 put out熄灭;伸出;出版;打扰 put up举起;张贴;建造;为提供住宿 put up with容忍;忍受 2.refer to与相当;涉及;指的是;谈及,提到;参考, 查阅 This paragraph r

6、efers to the events of last year.这一段说的是 去年发生的事件。 What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 3 refer to? 第三段中的画线词“that”指的是什么? Please refer to our catalogue for details of all our products. 欲了解我们所有产品的详细情况,请查阅商品目录。 This incident in his childhood is never again referred to.他小 时候的这件事永远不要再提了。 即学即练

7、单句语法填空 In his speech, he _ (refer) to a recent trip to Canada. It is suggested that students refer _ their reference books to ensure the reliability of the answers. Youd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future _ (refer) Knowing what had happened, I avoided making any referen

8、ce _ weddings. He made the whole speech without reference _ the notes in front of him. referred to reference to to 特别提示:refer的过去式与过去分词为双写r再加- ed,其现在 分词为双写r再加- ing。 联想拓展: reference n提及;谈及;参考;查阅 in/with reference to(所述内容)关于 make a/no reference to.提及/没提及 reference book参考书;工具书 I am writing with referenc

9、e to your job application.我写此信是为 了回复你的工作申请。 第二版块第二版块|重点句型解构重点句型解构 1(教材P29)Politics are the study of the ways in which countries are governed.政治学是对国家治理方式的研究。 way作先行词后的定语从句 (1)本句中先行词为the ways,其后的定语从句中缺少方式状 语,用in which引导,也可用that或省略关系词。 Its quite easy to make small changes to the way (in which/that) you

10、 work. 对你的工作方式作一些小的改变是很容易的。 (2)当way后的定语从句中缺少宾语时,则用that或which,也可 省略关系词。 The way (that/which) you told me was effective.你告诉我的方 法很有效。 即学即练 单句语法填空 I dont like the way _ she looks at me. It was not a scientific way _ he showed us. in which/that that/which 2.(教材P30)Among the many horrors inflicted on huma

11、nity by the Second World War was the massive bombing of civilians, often referred to as “terror bombing”对平民的大规模轰炸是第二次 世界大战给人类带来的众多恐怖事件之一,通常被称为“恐怖轰 炸”。 表语提前引起的完全倒装 有时为了强调,或使句子平衡,或使上下文衔接更紧密,需 要将表语置于句首,此时句子要全部倒装,将系动词提到主语前 面;作表语的可以是形容词、介词短语、分词。表语置于句首 时,倒装结构为“表语系动词主语”。 Among the goods are Christmas trees

12、, flowers, candles and toys. 这些商品中有圣诞树、鲜花、蜡烛和玩具。 Great have been our achievements since the reform.自改革以 来,我们取得了巨大的成就。 即学即练 单句语法填空 Among those contributing a lot to the Hope Project _ (be) a movie star, who graduated from our school. Look! In front of the stage _ (be) my excited schoolmates. is are 特

13、别注意:在表语提前的倒装句中,要注意主谓一致,即谓 语动词的数应与其后的主语保持一致,与表语无关。 第三版块第三版块|语法语法主谓一致主谓一致(一一) 新知导引 阅读下列例句并感知画线部分的共性 1The police are searching for a tall dark man with a beard. 2People there are in a hurry. 3As far as I know, his family is a big one. 4When I visited them yesterday, the family were having dinner. 5His

14、luggage is very heavy, and he needs someone to help him. 6The scenery of this mountain area is beautiful, which has attracted many tourists. 7Her glasses she bought yesterday are very expensive. 共性呈现 1画线部分均为句子的主谓部分。 2当句子的主语为复数意义时,谓语用复数形式(1、2、4、 7句)。 3当句子的主语为单数意义时,谓语动词用单数形式(3、 5、6句)。 语法精释 主谓一致(意义一致原则

15、) 主谓一致的意义一致原则指的是谓语动词的数必须和主语的 意义一致(因为有时主语形式为单数,但意义为复数;有时形式为 复数,但意义为单数)。 1表示“时间、重量、长度、价值”等的名词的复数作主语 时,谓语动词通常用单数形式,这是由于作主语的名词在概念上 是一个整体。 Forty minutes is enough for the work. 四十分钟足够做这项工作了。 Ten miles is nothing to him. 十英里对他来说不是事。 2主语是clothes, compasses, goods, glasses, trousers, scissors, shoes, gloves

16、等名词时,谓语动词常用复数形式。但如果主语是 “kind of/type of/pair of/amount of/quantity of名词”时,谓语动 词的形式须依照kind, type, pair, amount, quantity的数而确定。 My glasses are missing.我的眼镜丢了。 That pair of shoes belongs to me.那双鞋是我的。 3“定冠词the形容词”表示某一类人时,谓语动词用复 数。 Even the wise are not always free from error. 即使智者也难免犯错。 4主语是means, work

17、s (工厂), sheep, fish, deer, Chinese, Japanese, species等单复同形的名词时,谓语动词要在意义上跟主 语保持一致。 Every means has been tried to get them to be quiet, but in vain. 为了让他们安静,各种方法都尝试过了,但是都不管用。 All means have been tried to get them to be quiet, but in vain. 为了让他们安静,所有方法都尝试过了,但是都不管用。 A new paper works is to be located ne

18、ar the river. 一家新造纸厂拟建于河边。 Some new paper works are to be located near the river. 一些新造纸厂拟建于河边。 5主语是board, family, class, team, group, crowd, audience, company, crew, committee, enemy, government, party等集体名词时, 谓语动词的单复数形式要根据主语所指的意义而定:如果表示整 体概念,谓语动词用单数形式;如果表示一个一个的成员,谓语 动词用复数形式。 My family is going to mo

19、ve to Beijing next month. 下个月我家就要搬到北京去了。 His family all like watching TV, shopping and swimming. 他的家人都喜欢看电视、购物和游泳。 特别注意:people, police, cattle等集体名词作主语时,谓语动 词一般用复数。 The police are looking for the lost child. 警察正在寻找那个失踪的孩子。 即学即练 单句语法填空 (1)The Chinese _ (be) hopeful for what 2025 will bring for their f

20、amilies and the country. (2)Please feel free to tell me if you dont think two days holiday _ (be) enough. (3)Most of the goods _ (be) available in the local supermarket. (4)All possible means _ (be) tried, but not every means _ (work) (5)The audience _ (be) dressed in a variety of ways. are is are h

21、ave been works are (6)Our family _ (have) been in this city for about sixteen years and all my family _ (be) fond of music. (7)People _ (make) fun of her because she wears such a strange hat. (8)Six months _ (be) the maximum time to store green tea. (9)The poor _ (be) forced to farm in marginal (贫瘠的

22、) lands. (10)This kind of clothes _ (be) out of fashion. has are make is are is .单词拼写 1She will probably take great pride in wearing school u_. 2P_ forces are usually made up of troops from several different countries. 3F_ between moving parts had caused the engine to overheat. uniform Peacekeeping

23、Friction 4The youths were dragged from their car and searched for _ (武器) 5They had to meet the attack with very little _ (弹 药) 6The country is now enjoying a period of relative _ (稳 定) weapons ammunition stability .单句语法填空 1The design on the back _ (show) the yellow- eyed penguin, one of the worlds r

24、arest penguins. 2Not until the early 19th century _ (be) nail paints changed into the nail polish that we see today. 398% of the surface _ (be) covered permanently by ice and strong winds driven by gravity blow from the pole to the coastline. shows were is 4About two miles away from my home _ (stand

25、) a mountain which is really worth touring. 5While running regularly cant make you live forever, the review says it _ (be) more effective at lengthening life than walking, cycling or swimming. 6Fast food _ (be) full of fat and salt; by eating more fast food people will get more salt and fat than the

26、y need in their diet. stands is is .语法填空 A 93- year- old war hero whose home was burglarized (失盗) earlier this week got another surprise on Wednesday. “The father of the two children 1._ broke into my house, Joe Gonzalez, was here and he 2._ (apologise),” said the old hero Wood. Gonzalez stopped by

27、as some volunteers began repairing Woods 3._ (damage) home. He said he didnt know what had caused his children 4._ (break) into the house. who/that apologised damaged to break “I was telling them: Would you want somebody to do that to your grandparents?” said Gonzalez. “Whether they knew it was an o

28、lder gentlemans house or not, they were 5._ (guilt) of what they had done.” The boys are accused of 6._ (steal) several items from Woods home. “Only when I went into that mans house did I see what they had done,” said Gonzalez. “7._ wasnt right for them to have done that.” guilty stealing It Gonzale

29、z said he wanted his sons to be much 8._ (good) “Well, it helps me understand hes doing something instead of just forgetting it,” said Wood. “He came in and made an apology to my dad 9._ their behaviour, and I think it is 10._ (admire),” said one of Woods sons. “I also think it was the right thing to do.” better for admirable


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