(新教材)2021年高中英语外研版选择性必修第三册课件:Unit 4 Section Ⅱ Using language .ppt

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1、Section Using language .核心词汇 1_ adj. 基因的 2_ vt. 揭示;透露;露出 3_ adj. 可靠的 4_ adj. 理想的,完美的 n理想 5_ n. 条目,词条,记录 6_ n. 地平线 7_ vt. 认为,以为 8_ adj. 可能的 9_ n. 超级地铁 10_ vt. 驻扎;安置 genetic reveal reliable ideal entry horizon reckon bound hyperloop station .重点短语 1_ 许多 2_ 渴望做某事 3_ 由构成/组成 4_ 把某事弄清楚 5_ 可能做某事 6_ 在我们的有生之年

2、 7_ 依靠,指望 8_ 对感觉有信心 a large number of eager to do sth. be made up of get sth. straight be likely to do sth. within our lifetimes bank on feel confident about 9_ 近期内 10_ 燃起希望 11_ 即将来临 12_ 领先于某人的时代 13_ 以的速度 14_ 打算做某事 any time soon get ones hope up around the corner ahead of ones time at the speed of i

3、ntend to do sth. .重点句型 1A recent example _ is that one of the testing companies compares the talents of twins Bobby and Benny. 网站上最近引用的一个例子是,其中一家测试公司比较了双 胞胎博比和本尼的才能。 2For example, _ _. 例如,如果一个人回到过去并阻止了一件事的发生,那件事 就永远不会发生。 cited on the website if a person travelled back in time and prevented an event,

4、 that event would never have happened 第一版块第一版块|重点词汇诠释重点词汇诠释 1.bank on 依靠,指望 bank on sb. to do sth. bank on sb. doing sth. 指望(某人)做某事 Dont bank on others to help you out of trouble. Dont bank on others helping you out of trouble.不要指望别人 帮助你摆脱困境。 联想拓展: bank oncount onrely ondepend on 即学即练 完成句子 我们指望这个队在锦

5、标赛中全力以赴。 We are _ in the championship game. banking on the team to do its best 2.be bound to 一定/很可能会;有责任或义务 So long as we are united, we are bound to get bigger victories. 我们只要团结,就一定能够取得更大的胜利。 You are bound to pay before the end of the month by the contract. 按照合同规定,你必须在月底前付款。 We are bound to help th

6、em overcome the difficulties.我们有义 务帮助他们克服困难。 特别提示:be bound to 中“to”为不定式符号,后接动词原 形。 即学即练 句型转换 Keep on trying and youre sure to make progress. Keep on trying and you _. are bound to make progress 3.around the corner 即将发生;在附近 There are good times around the corner.好日子就要来临。 There are signs indicating th

7、at peace is around the corner.有迹 象表明和平即将到来。 佳句写作: We drove around looking for a restaurant. 我们开车四处寻找饭店。 即学即练 翻译句子 The shop faces south and is just around the corner. _ The Spring Festival is around the corner. _ 那家商店向南,就在附近。 春节就要到来了。 第二版块第二版块|重点句型解构重点句型解构 1.(教材P41)A recent example cited on the websi

8、te is that one of the testing companies compares the talents of twins Bobby and Benny.网站上最近引用的一个例子是,其中一家测试公司比较了 双胞胎博比和本尼的才能。 (1)此句中cited on the website为过去分词作后置定语,过去分 词(短语)与其所修饰的名词/代词之间构成逻辑上的被动关系,放 在所修饰的名词/代词之后,作后置定语,相当于一个定语从句。 Storm chasers are also often hurt in accidents caused( that/which are cau

9、sed) by driving in a heavy rain。风暴追逐者也经 常在大雨中驾驶而造成的事故中受伤。 (2)过去分词(短语)作定语时,除了要注意其与被修饰词之间 为逻辑上的被动关系外,还应注意动作发生的时间:若动作已经 发生,则用过去分词表被动及完成;若动作正在进行,则用being done;若动作即将发生,则用to be done。 The conference held (that/which was held) yesterday was of great importance. 昨天举行的会议很重要。 The conference being held (that/whi

10、ch is being held) now is of great importance. 现在正在举行的会议很重要。 The conference to be held (that/which will be held) tomorrow is of great importance. 明天将要举行的会议很重要。 即学即练 单句语法填空 The witnesses _ (question ) by the police just now gave different descriptions of the fight. The meeting, _ (attend) by over 5,00

11、0 people, warmly welcomed the great hero. The concert _ (give) by their friends was a success. The large building _ (build) there at present will be a shopping centre. The building _ (build) next year is a hospital. The stone bridge _ (build) about 200 years ago will be pulled down. questioned atten

12、ded given being built to be built built 联想拓展: done with sth. 完成某事 I am done with my homework. I have finished my homework. 我做完作业了。 2(教材P42)For example, if a person travelled back in time and prevented an event, that event would never have happened.例 如,如果一个人回到过去并阻止了一件事的发生,那件事就永远 不会发生。 本句为if引导的虚拟语气条件句

13、,又是混合条件句/错综条件 句。在该条件句中,从句和主句动作发生的时间不一致,因此, 从句和主句的谓语动词应根据各自所发生的不同时间选用不同的 时态。不同情况下条件从句和主句的谓语形式(以do为例): 与现在事实相反 与过去事实相反 对将来进行推测 从句 did(bewere) had done did/were to do/should do 主句 would/should/could/ mightdo would/should/could/ mighthave done would/should/could/ mightdo If I were you,I wouldnt have mis

14、sed the film last night. 我如果是你,就不会错过昨天晚上的那部电影。(现在过 去) If you hadnt seen that movie late last night, you wouldnt be so sleepy now. 你如果昨晚没有熬夜看那部电影,现在就不会这么困了。(过 去现在) If we hadnt got everything ready, we would have a terrible time tomorrow. 我们如果没有把一切都准备好,明天就会碰到糟糕的情况。 (过去将来) If he were to leave, you woul

15、d have heard about it. 如果他要走,你早就听到这个消息了。(将来过去) 即学即练 判断以下句子中,哪个句子正确使用了错综时间 条件句 AIf I studied history at university, I could have been a history lecturer. BIf I was studying history at university, I could be a history lecturer. CIf I had been studying history at university, I could be a history lectur

16、er. DIf I had studied history at university, I could be a history lecturer. D 佳句写作: Between the two windows hangs a picture. 两扇窗户之间挂着一幅画。 It was human errors rather than the natural disaster that were to blame for the death of so many people in the landslide. 这次山体滑坡造成这么多人死亡,是人为失误,而不是自然 灾害造成的。 佳句写作:

17、If I had asked her for advice yesterday, I should know what to do now.如果我昨天问了她的意见,现在就知道怎么做了。 第三版块第三版块|语法语法主谓一致主谓一致(二二) 新知导引 阅读下列例句并感知画线部分的共性 1Every part is carefully checked before they are put together. 2An important part of the corn is used to feed chickens, pigs and cattle in that country. 3Every

18、one is ready for the sports meeting. 4Listening to music makes me relaxed after a busy day. 5The teacher as well as the students likes the painting. 6Many a parent has had to go through this painful process. 共性呈现 1画线部分均为句子的主谓部分。 2每个句子的主谓均为单数形式。 语法精释 一、主谓一致(语法一致原则和就近一致原则) 1语法一致原则 主语为单数形式,谓语动词用第三人称单数形

19、式;主语为复 数形式,谓语动词也用复数形式。 (1)以动词不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句作主语时,谓语 动词一般用单数形式;两个或以上动词不定式(短语)、动名词(短 语)或从句作主语时,若表达同一概念,谓语动词用单数形式;若 表达不同的概念,谓语动词用复数形式。 Referring to the dictionary is a good habit in English learning.查 阅词典是学习英语的好习惯。 To work and to live are two different things but theyre always together. 工作和生活是两件不同的事

20、情,但它们永远相伴。 特别注意:由what引导的主语从句,后面主句的谓语动词多 数情况下用单数形式,但若主句的表语是复数,则主句的谓语动 词用复数形式。 What I bought were three English books. 我买的是三本英语书。 (2)由连接词and或both. and.连接的并列主语后面,谓语动词 用复数。 Carol and Susan are very good friends. 卡萝尔和苏珊是非常好的朋友。 特别注意:若and所连接的两个词是指同一个人或物,则它后 面的谓语动词应用单数形式。比较: The writer and teacher has come

21、. 那个既是作家又是老师的人已经来了。 The writer and the teacher have come. 那个作家和那个老师都已经来了。 由and连接的并列单数主语前如果分别有no,each,every, more than a(n)/one,many a(n)修饰时,其谓语动词要用单数形式。 No boy and no girl likes being laughed at. 没有一个男孩和女孩喜欢被嘲笑。 (3) “Awith/as well as/along with/together with/like/rather than/except/but/including/bes

22、ides/in addition toB”结构中,谓语动 词须与A保持一致。 Now the teacher together with the students is discussing Reading Skills that was newly published in America. 现在,老师和学生们正在讨论美国新出版的阅读技巧。 (4)在正式用语中,“eachof代词或名词的复数形式”作 主语,或“no单数名词”或由some,any,no,every构成的复合 不定代词作主语时,都常作单数看待。“either/neitherof代词 或名词的复数形式”作主语,谓语动词用单数、复数

23、均可。 Each of us fails from time to time.我们每个人都会时不时地失 败。 (5)在定语从句中,关系代词that,who,which等作主语时, 其谓语动词的数应与主句中先行词的数一致。 Anybody who breaks the rules will be punished. 任何违反规则的人都将被惩罚。 This is one of the best films that have ever been shown. 这是迄今为止上映过的最好的电影之一。 特别注意:“one of复数名词定语从句”结构中,定语从 句的谓语动词用复数;而在“the (only

24、) one of复数名词定语从 句”中,从句的谓语动词要用单数。 Barbara is one of the women who wear evening dress. 芭芭拉是穿晚礼服的女性之一。 Barbara is the only one of the women who wears evening dress. 芭芭拉是所有女性中唯一一个穿晚礼服的人。 (6)由“a lot of/lots of/plenty of/the rest of/the majority of名 词”构成的短语以及由“分数或百分数 of名词”构成的短语 作主语时,其谓语动词的数要根据短语后面名词的数而定。

25、My bangs were cut short, but the rest of my hair was long. 我剪短了刘海,但其他地方的头发还是很长。 (7)a number of意为“许多”,后跟复数名词作主语时,谓语 动词用复数;the number of意为“的数量”,主语是number, 谓语动词用单数。 A large number of start- ups in those fields have prospered last year. 去年,这些领域的许多初创公司都很景气。 The number of rural Chinese who have moved to c

26、ities has been on the rise. 在中国,涌向城市的农村人的数量一直在上涨。 (8)在倒装句中,谓语动词的数应与其后的主语一致。 The following are some other examples. 接下来是一些其他的例子。 The following is another example. 接下来是另外一个例子。 2就近一致原则 在英语句子中,有时谓语动词的数与距其最近的主语的数保 持一致。 (1)并列主语由or,either. or.,neither. nor.,whether. or.,not.but., not only. but also.等连接时,谓语

27、动词的数须与 距其最近的主语的数保持一致。 Does neither he nor his children eat meat?他和他的孩子们都不 吃肉吗? Not only he but also I am right. 不仅他是对的,我也是对的。 (2)当There/Here be后接几个并列主语时,be和与其邻近的主 语的数保持一致。 Here is some fruit and toys for you. 这里有给你的一些水果和玩具。 Here are some toys and fruit for you. 这里有给你的一些玩具和水果。 即学即练 单词语法填空 (1)In gener

28、al, about 20% of parental involvement _ (be) positive, about 45% negative and the rest statistically insignificant. (2)Nothing but stamps and envelopes _ (be) for sale. (3)To play football and to go swimming _ (be) useful for character- training. (4)The singer and dancer _ (be) to come to the party

29、tonight. (5)A nice gift with many flowers _ (send) to me by my students on Teachers Day. is/was is/was are is was sent (6)The thing is, a number of them _ (have) admitted that despite their success, they arent happy. (7)Nothing but one desk and six chairs _ (be) in the room. (8)Either of you _ (be)

30、going there tonight. (9)Three- fourths of the bread _ (be) eaten by Bob, and the rest of the bread _ (leave) on the table. (10)Neither you nor one of your students _ (be) to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow. (11)Either the Greek or the Australian _ (have) won the boxing competition. have is/w

31、as is was was left is has (12)Not only Tom but also his classmates _ (be) working hard for the coming exam. (13)_ (be) either you or she going to the USA? (14)Look! There _ (be) a boy and two girls in the garden. (15)He is the only one of the students who _ (be) a winner of scholarship five times up

32、 to now. (16)Both the singer and the painter _ (have) agreed to come to my party. (17)What you said just now _ (have) something to do with that matter we are discussing. (18)Every man and every woman _ (have) gotten the hang of using computers in the company. are Are is has been have has has .单词拼写 1

33、The saying “Nothing is impossible to a willing heart” is often _ (引用) in our writing. 2Students should be _ (评估) by their overall performance rather than only by their academic records. 3Red blood _ (细胞) are blood components that transport oxygen throughout the body. 4Youve done so much workyoure _

34、(一定会) to pass the exam. 5The headmaster _ (要求) you should apologize to her for your rudeness. cited assessed cells bound demanded/demands .单句语法填空 1Most schools nowadays prefer to use continuous _ (assess), because it gives a fairer picture of how the student has done during the whole year. 2Ambitiou

35、s and determined, Chris is bound _ (get) closer to his dream. 3Thanks to the efforts of scientists, effective cures for cancer are _ the horizon. 4The professor demanded that all essays _ (hand) in by the end of next month. assessment to get on (should) be handed 5When it comes to _ (develop) health

36、y habits, parents influence their children more than anyone else. 6The manager is now in need of a capable assistant that he can bank _ to deal with problems in his absence. 7Hes the best player in our school, so he is likely _ (win) the match. 8As well as _ (write) stories, I love reading and liste

37、ning to music. 9It is important to remember that success _ (be) a sum of small efforts made each day and often _ (take) years to achieve. developing on to win writing is takes 10Listening to loud music at rock concerts _ (have) caused hearing loss in some teenagers. 11Actually, the garden, as well a

38、s the trees around it, _ (belong) to a man living across the street. 12Nobody but those invited by Dr Li _ (allow) to enter the patients room. 13None of the wine _ (leave) after the big party. 14The majority of students in my school _ (be) admitted by famous universities every year. has belongs was/

39、is allowed was left are 15Buses were not able to go normally on the roads because of the heavy snow and more than one student _ (be) late for school that morning. 16Five years _ (pass) since they met last time, and for them, five years _ (be) really a long time. 17Nowadays, cycling, along with jogging and swimming, _ (regard) as one of the best all- round forms of exercise. 18Neither my parents nor my sister _ (know) the secret up to now. was has/have passed is is regarded has known


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