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1、,The passive voice 被动语态,Lots of people speak English in the world.,主(执行者),谓,宾(承受者),English is spoken by lots of people in the world.,一、被动语态的意义: ( the meaning of the Passive Voice.) 当句子的主语是动作的_时,谓语要用主动语态(the Active voice)。当句子的主语是动作的_时,谓语要用被动语态(the Passive Voice)。,执行者,承受者,二、被动语态的构成:( the Structure of

2、the Passive Voice.) be+ done(_的过去分词)+ by, be有人称和数的变化。当没有必要指出动作的执行者时,介词by 短语可以_.,1.English is spoken by lots of people in the world. 2. A hospital was built in our hometown last year.,省略,及物动词,1一般现在时(the present tense ),Class meeting _every Thursday.,2一般过去时 (the past tense) These cups _by the boy.,am

3、is are,done,done,(一)各种时态的被动语态: (The passive voice of all kinds of tenses),每周四召开班会。,is held,was were,这些茶杯杯这个男孩打碎了。,were broken,3一般将来时(the future tense) A speech _(give) next week.,will shall,be done 以及,am is are,going to be done,4. 过去将来时(the past future tense ),would should,be done 以及,was were,going

4、to be done,He said that a speech _ (give) the next week.,will be given,would be given,5.现在进行时 (the present continuous tense),am is are,being done,6. 过去进行时 (the past continuous tense ),was were,being done,The machine _ (repair) at this time yesterday.,The problem _(discuss) now.,is being discussed,wa

5、s being repaired,7. 现在完成时(the Present Perfect Tense ),has have,been done,8. 过去完成时(the past perfect tense ),had been done,Two hundred trees _(plant) so far.到现在为止,已经种了二百棵树了。,They said they _ (invite) to the party.他们说他们已经被邀请参加晚会了。,have been planted,had been invited,9.含有情态动词的被动语态: (the passive voice wit

6、h modal verb) 1. Good books _again and again. 好书应该被反复读。,2. Your homework _after class. 你的作业必须在课后交上。,can/could may/might must/should/need,be done,should be read,must be handed in,3.My shirt _now.我的衬 衫不必现在洗。,neednt be washed,am/is/are done,was/ were done,will/shall be done am/is/are going to be done,w

7、ould/should be done was/were going to be done,am/is /are/ being done,was/were being done,has/have been done,had been done,can/could/may/might should/ must/need,be done,(二)被动语态的否定句和疑问句 : 1.变否定句 The room is cleaned every day. The room isnt cleaned every day. The flowers should be watered once a week.

8、The flowers shouldnt be watered once a week. 2.变一般疑问句 Is the room cleaned every day? Should the flowers be watered once a week? 3.变特殊疑问句(划线部分提问) What is cleaned every day? How often should the flowers be watered?,三、被动语态的用法:(the usage of the Passive Voice.) 1). He gave me a book. I _a book. A book _m

9、e.,1. 含有双宾语,即直接宾语和间接宾语的句子,每个宾语都可变为被动语态的主语,但通常把间接宾语作主语,如果将直接宾语作为主语,要在间接宾语的前面加上to或for.,2). He bought me a new bike yesterday. I _a new bike yesterday. A new bike _me yesterday.,was given,was given to,was bought,was bought for,2. 把,make/let see/notice hear/feel,sb,sb do sth,变为被动语态时,必须带to 即:,to do sth,m

10、ade/let seen/noticed heard/felt,sb is,He made the boy work for two hours yesterday. The boy _work for two hours yesterday.,was made to,3. 短语动词变为被动语态时,不可丢掉构成短语 动词的介词或副词。 1). We should take good care of the children. The children should _. 2). We should speak to old men politely. Old men should _ poli

11、tely.,be taken good care of,be spoken to,4.不及物动词(vi.) 不用被动语态如: happen, appear, disappear ,.,1) A traffic accident _(happen) just now.,happened,2) She _ (disappear) from the garden.,disappeared,5. 连系动词(Link.v.) 如: look, sound, smell, taste, feel+ adj (形容词)时 ,本身已含有被动含义,不用被动语态。,1).The flowers _sweet. 这

12、些花闻起来很香。,2).The story _ interesting 这个故事听起来很有趣。,3).The piece of cloth _ soft 这块布摸起来很柔软。,smell,sounds,feels,6. 当某些动词表示事物的自然属性时,不用被动语态:,1).The pen _ (write) very fast.这支笔书写流利。,2).This kind of sweater _ (sell) well. 这种毛衣很畅销。,3). This kind of sweater _ (sell out) yesterday. 这种毛衣昨天就被买光了。,writes,sells,was

13、hes,4)This coat _(wash) well. 这件大衣很耐洗。,was sold out,7. 不及物短语动词不用被动语态: come true , belong to, run out , take place, come out, break down.,1). My dream _ . 我的梦想已经实现了。,2). My money _.我的钱已经用光了。,3).Great changes _ in our hometown.我的家乡已经发生了很大的变化。,has come true,has run out,have taken place,4). His new book

14、 _next month. 他的新书将在下个月出版。,will come out,四、 巧记被动语态用法: 我的变化很生动,主语执行用主动,主语承受用被动。间宾前加 for 或to,感官使役还原to。短语动词是一家,千万不要拆散它。不及物动词无被动,不要把我误来用。系形组合含被动,无需再来变被动。sell, write与wash,表动作有被动,表属性无被动。run out, come out与come true,汉语思维像被动,英语思维无被动。以上规则记得住,走进考场准管用。,五、冲击中考,When _ the accident _? A. was ,happen B. did, happen

15、 C. is, happen D. was, happened 2. The bridges_ two years ago. A. is built B. built C. were built D. was built 3. This work _at once A. neednt be done B. need to do C. need do D. need done 4. Computers _ all over the world. A. is used B. are using C. are used D. used to,B,A,C,C,5. Great changes_ in

16、the past ten years in China. A. took place B. have taken place C. have been taken place D. had taken place,6. Salt in all supermarkets _ yesterday. A. sells out B. selling out C. was sold out D. were sold out,7. Her voice _sweet. A. is sounded B. is heard C. sounds D. sounding,8.The book _well. A. i

17、s sold B. sells C. sell D. selling.,B,C,C,B,9. A birthday present _ me by my mother . A. bought B. was bought C. was bought for D.was bought to 10. An apple _ me. A. was given B. was given to C. was gave to D. were given to 11.The book _ by his mother . A. cant be written B. can be not written C. cant be wrote D. be written 12. Must the old people _ politely? A. are spoken to B. be spoken C. speak to D. be spoken to,C,B,A,D,goodbye,


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