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1、2025年中考英语写作话题指导及优秀范文写 作 任 务一假设你是李华,你校英语社团将接待国外学生代表团来访,届时举办一次交流活动,为此在校内征集师生的建议。请你给英语社团公众号留言,提供一个交流活动设计并说明理由。提示词语:visit, performance, make,opportunity, culture内容提示: What do you suggest for the activity? Why do you suggest doing that?Im Li Hua from Class 1,Grade 9.         &nbs

2、p;                                                                                     &nb

3、sp;                                                                              I hope my idea can be co

4、nsidered. Thanks.思 路 点 拨第一步:审题作为李华,需要给英语社团公众号留言,针对国外学生代表团的交流活动提出建议。留言需要包括建议的活动内容以及选择该活动的理由。第二步:写作提纲开头:自我介绍,说明留言目的。主体: 提出具体的交流活动建议,例如文化展示、互动游戏等。 阐述选择该活动的理由,强调文化交流的重要性、活动的趣味性和互动性。结尾:表达希望建议被采纳的意愿,并礼貌地表示感谢。第三步:选词组句可能用到的词语及中文解释:visit: 访问performance: 表演 make: 进行,组织 opportunity: 机会 cult

5、ure: 文化student delegation:学生代表团appreciate:欣赏高 分 作 文高分作文一:Im Li Hua from Class 1, Grade 9. I have a great idea for the upcoming visit of the foreign student delegation.Why not organize a cultural exchange performance? We can showcase traditional Chinese dances and songs, while inviting them to presen

6、t their own cultural performances. This will not only provide an opportunity to learn about each others cultures but also make new friends.  Cultural exchange is a fantastic way to bring people closer and promote understanding. I believe this activity will create a memorable experience for ever

7、yone.  I hope my idea can be considered. Thanks!我是九年级一班的李华。对于即将到来的外国学生代表团访问,我有一个很棒的想法。  为什么不组织一场文化交流表演呢?我们可以展示中国传统的舞蹈和歌曲,同时邀请他们展示他们自己的文化表演。这不仅将提供一个了解彼此文化的机会,还可以结交新朋友。  文化交流是拉近人与人之间的距离、促进理解的一种极好的方式。我相信这个活动将为每个人创造难忘的经历。  希望我的建议能被考虑。谢谢!高分作文二:Hi, Im Li Hua from Class 1, Gra

8、de 9. I have a suggestion for the activity during the foreign student delegations visit.  We could arrange a cultural showcase where students from both sides can present their traditional dances, music, and art. This will give everyone an opportunity to appreciate different cultures and make ne

9、w friends.  I suggest this because cultural exchange is crucial for broadening our horizons and fostering mutual understanding. It will be a fun and educational experience for all.  I hope my idea can be considered.  Thank you!嗨,我是九年级一班的李华。对于外国学生代表团访问期间的活动,我有一个建议。  我们可以安排一场文

10、化展示,让双方的学生都可以展示他们的传统舞蹈、音乐和艺术作品。这将给每个人一个欣赏不同文化和结交新朋友的机会。  我之所以提出这个建议,是因为文化交流对于拓宽我们的视野和培养相互理解至关重要。这将是一次有趣而有教育意义的经历。  我希望你们能考虑我的想法。谢谢!好 句 背 诵以下是上面高分作文摘取的优秀的表达:1. “Why not organize a cultural exchange performance?”(为什么不组织一场文化交流表演呢?)用反问的方式提出了建议,使得语气更为委婉且富有建议性,同时突出了文化交流表演的重要性。2. “This will not o

11、nly provide an opportunity to learn about each others cultures but also make new friends.”(这不仅将提供一个了解彼此文化的机会,还可以结交新朋友。)使用了“not only.but also.”的结构,有效地列出了活动的双重好处,使句子更加流畅和有说服力。3. “We could arrange a cultural showcase where students from both sides can present their traditional dances, music, and art.”(

12、我们可以安排一场文化展示,让双方的学生都可以展示他们的传统舞蹈、音乐和艺术作品。)使用了定语从句来详细描述文化展示的内容,使得句子信息丰富且结构紧凑。4. “Cultural exchange is crucial for broadening our horizons and fostering mutual understanding.”(文化交流对于拓宽我们的视野和培养相互理解至关重要。)强调了文化交流的重要性,使用了“crucial for”来表达其不可或缺的地位,增强了语句的说服力。5. “It will be a fun and educational experience for

13、 all.”(这将是一次有趣而有教育意义的经历。)简洁明了地总结了活动的双重益处,即娱乐性和教育性,使得活动的吸引力更加突出。写作任务二:NoticeOur school is going to hold an English Corner.It will be held at the school library on Tuesday.The English Corner will feature three different activities. The first is an English reading competition. Students will compet

14、e with each other to read more words from a book. This will help them improve their reading speed. The second is an English speaking competition. Students will have to choose a topic and talk about it. This will help them improve their communication skills.The last is an English composition competit

15、ion, designed to improve their ability to write an article.The English Corner promises to be wonderful, so don't forget to attend it.Students Union进一步优化润色成拔高款作文,蓝色是好词好句好素材,尖子生可选用Notice Great news, everyone! Our school is organizing an exciting English Corner event.The event will take place

16、in our school library this coming Tuesday. This is a perfect opportunity to practice your English skills in a casual and enjoyable atmosphere.The English Corner will feature three exciting activities. Firstly, we have an English reading competition where you can challenge your pe

17、ers to see who can read the most words from a book in a set time. This is a fantastic way to boost your reading speed.Secondly, there's an English speaking contest. Here, you'll pick a topic and deliver a short speech. This activity is designed to enhance your p

18、ublic speaking and communication skills.Lastly, we have an English essay writing challenge, aimed at honing your writing abilities and creative thinking.Remember, participation is key, so don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to improve your English!Students Union通知大家好

19、!有个好消息要告诉大家!我们学校将组织一场激动人心的英语角活动。活动将于本周二在我们学校图书馆举行。这是在一个轻松愉快的氛围中练习英语技能的绝佳机会。英语角将有三个激动人心的活动。首先,我们有一个英语阅读比赛,在那里你可以挑战你的同龄人,看谁能在规定的时间内从一本书中读出最多的单词。这是提高阅读速度的绝佳方式。其次,还有一场英语演讲比赛。在这里,你将选择一个话题并发表简短的演讲。这项活动旨在提高你的公开演讲和沟通技巧。最后,我们还有一个英语写作挑战,旨在磨练你的写作能力和创造性思维。记住,参与是关键,所以不要错过这个提高英语水平的绝佳机会!学生会优化改写理由供参考1.Our school is

20、 organizing an exciting English Corner event.改写成“organizing an exciting English Corner event”增加了活动的吸引力,使句子听起来更加生动有趣。2.The event will take place in.“take place”是一个更正式、更文雅的表达方式,用于描述活动的举办地点,比“be held at”更具有书面语的风格。3.feature three exciting activities.“feature”一词在这里表示“以为特色”,更能突显活动的亮点和主要内容。4.you can challe

21、nge your peers to see who can read the most words from a book in a set time.句子更加清晰明确,引入了“challenge your peers”和“in a set time”使活动更具挑战性和趣味性。5.This activity is designed to enhance your public speaking and communication skills.句子不仅提到了沟通技能,还加入了公共演讲技能,使活动的目的更加全面。6.English composition competition. English essay writing challenge.“challenge”一词更具挑战意味,能够激发学生的斗志和参与度。7.so don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to improve your English!更具激励性,强调了参与活动的重要性和所带来的好处。


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