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1、高考英语高频词汇检测练习题(1) Section 1 a-advertisement 一、单词汉英互译 1. abandon _2. acknowledge _3. abundant _ 4. academy _5. absurd _6. accumulate _ 7. accomplish _8. abstract _9. adequate _ 10. 钦佩,羡慕,欣赏_11. 优点;优势 _12. 征聘,等广告 _ 13. 收养;采纳 _14. 地址;写地址;对.说话 _15. 增加;补 充说 _ 二、短语英汉互译 1. 把 . 考 虑 进 去 _2. enable sb. to do s

2、th. _ 3. 采取行动 _4. have/gain access to _ 5. 丏心亍(absorb) _6. on no account _ 7. 意外地,偶然地 _8. 除了.之外 (addition)_ 9. 获 得 成 功 _10. 预 先 , 事 先 , 提 前 _ 11. ( 使 .) 适 应 _12. 被 . 录 取 , 允 许 进 入 _ 三、用以上短语的适当形式填空 1. When deeply _ work, he always forgets all about eating or sleeping. 2. One reason for her preference

3、 for city life is that she can _ easy _ places likes shops and restaurants. 3. Yesterday when I was wandering on the pavement near a park, I met an old neighbor _. 4. One must _ the audience _ when making speeches. 5. Only if you make an effort will you _ sooner or later. 6. _ reading for knowledge,

4、 we read for fun and inspiration. 7. It took him a while _ working night shifts.(夜班) 8. News came from the school office that WangLin had _ Beijing University. 四、单句语法填空 1. The paper is due next month, and I am working seven days _ week, often long into _ night. 2. Fearing further attacks, most of th

5、e population had _(abandon) the city. 3. The ability _(laugh) and smile is _(actual) something we are born with. 4. I was about to turn off my computer _ I received _ email. 5. Id like to buy _ house -modern, comfortable, and above _ in a quiet neighborhood. 6. It is generally _(accept) that people

6、are motivated by success. 7. According _ a US report, some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500 years. 8. The poor weather may have accounted _ the small crowd. 9. So far the well-known journalist _(accumulate) more than 4,000 interviews with famous people. 10. I have been accusto

7、med to _(get) up early every morning after living in school. 11. Only when we match our words with _(action) can we make _ difference in whatever we hope _(accomplish). 12. He is acknowledged _ one of the greatest musician in the world. Section 2 advice-annual 一、单词英汉互译 1. 忠 告 , 建 议n._2. advocate n/v

8、t._3. affair n._ 4. 影 响 vt. _5. 负 担 得 起 ; 买 得 起 _6. agency _ 7. agriculture _8. affection _9. aimlessly _ 10. 几乎,差不多_11. 独自的/地;单独的/地 _12. 尽管,虽 然_ 13. altitude _14. 总是,一直 _15. amateur _ 16. ambulance _17. annual _18. 使恼怒 _ 二、短语英汉互译 1. 征求某人的意见_2. 毕竟;终究 _ 3. 一 次 又 一 次 的 , 再 三 的 _4. 在 某 人 几 岁 的 时 候 _ 5.

9、 against ones will/wishes_6. 同 意 , 和 . 一 致 / 相 符 _ 7. come to ones aid_8. arrive at/come to/reach an agreement (with)_ 9. 目的是_10. 大量的 (amount)_ 11. 实现某人的目标/抱负 _ 12. tremble with/in anger _ 13. 除 了 做 . 之 外 没 有 选 择 _14. allow for _ 15. 在机场 _16. come to life _ 17. 总 之 (all) _18. 允 许 某 人 做 某 事 _ 三、用以上短语

10、的适当形式填空 1. Though I dislike his works, I admire him-_, he is a great writer. 2. His words do not _ his actions. 3. The daughter _ her parents never to talk with strangers outside. 4. I warned him of the danger _, but he didnt listen. 5. This activity _ improving the students listening and speaking a

11、bilities. 6. Seeing what his naughty son had done, he glared at him, _. 7. A little bit of kindness will be rewarded with _ benefit. 8. Im angry now. Why dont you just mind your own business and _. 9. When facing such an emergency, I _ report it to the police. 10. Dont worry. Well go and pick you up

12、 _. 四、单句语法填空 1. It is _(strong) advised that we _(bear) useful expressions in mind every day. 2. Having spent nearly all our money, we couldnt afford _(stay) at a hotel. 3. China is faced with the challenges of _ aging population. 4. I dont know where he is, but he was here a minute _. 5. Nowadays,

13、cycling along with jogging and swimming, _(be) regarded as one of the best all round forms of exercise. 6. With the governments aid, those _(affect) by the earthquake have moved to the new settlement. 7. Little Tom sat _(amaze) watching the monkey dancing in front of him. 8. Find ways to praise your

14、 children often, _ youll find they will open their hearts to you. 9. Mr. Davies was _(annoy) that the books were missing. 10. with his help, weve learned how _(analyse) and settle problems. section 3 another-associate 一、单词汉英互译 1. appreciate_2. antique _3. anyhow _ 4. apartment _5. apparently_6. appe

15、tite_ 7. applaud_8. applicant_9. appropriate_ 10. architect_11. arrest _12. artificial _ 13. Asian_14. aspect_15. 忧 虑 的 ; 渴 望 的 _ 16. 助 手 ; 管 理 员 _17. 道 歉vi _18. 出 现 ; 显 得 _ 19. 接 近 ; 方 式 _20. 批 准 ; 赞 成 _21 地 区 ; 面 积 _ 22. 出 现 ; 起 来 _23. 感 到 羞 耻 的 _24. 分 配 ; 指 派 _ 二、短语英汉互译 1. be anxious to do sth._2

16、. with anxiety _ 3. take sth. apart _4. answer for_ _ 5. make an appointment with sb._6. It appears (to sb)that/as if _ 7. 因 某 事 与 某 人 争 论 _8. 除 了 . 之 外 _ 9. 向某人申请._10. 向某人道歉 _ 11. 为.做准备 _12. 尽可能地 _ 13. 叧要,叧有 _14. 把.应用 到._ 15. 呼吁某人做某事(appeal)_ 三、用以上短语的适当形式填空 1. The parents suggested sleeping in the

17、hotel room but their kids _ camp out during the trip. 2. Rod loves _ clocks. However, he never manages to put them together again. 3. I am writing to _ not being able to join you for dinner. 4. The government _ everyone to save water. 5. Do you ever _ your family _ which TV program to watch? 6. Im w

18、riting to _ the post of volunteer for our school English association. 7. _ good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes. 8. Youll have to _ your wrongdoing one day. 9. Ones life has value _ one brings value to the life of others. 10. You have to search for _ many

19、opportunities _ to practice listening. 11. He was waiting for his brothers return _. 12. We had to write a paper on how we plan to _ what we would learn in class _ our future lives. 四、单句语法填空 1. But can uniforms help improve school standards? The answer _ this question is not clear. 2. Sports has bec

20、ome an important form of entertainment, _(appeal) to both men and women. 3. Theres evidence that people who have a purpose in life appear _(do) better. 4. I really appreciate _(work) with someone who does such a good job. 5. Id appreciate _ if you could give me the opportunity. 6. With Teachers Day

21、_(approach), our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day. 7. At the meeting they discussed three different approaches _ the study of mathematics. 8. I hope my suggestions will meet your _(approve). 9. Accidents always arise _ carelessness. 10. Im _(shame) that I could not answer

22、 your question. Section 4 association-bath 一、单词英汉互译 1. atmosphere _2. attain _3. audience _ 4. authority _5. automatic _6. awful _ 7. awkward _8. barely _9. anniversary _ 10. approximately _11. barrier _12. assumption _ 13. 使惊讶_14. 袭击,侵袭 _15. 照顾,参加,出席 _ 16. 篮子,(篮球运动的)篮_17. 银行,岸_18. 可用的,可 得到的,有空的_ 二、

23、短语英汉互译 1. 认 为 重 要 , 重 视 (attach)_2. 试 图 做 某 事 (attempt)_ 3. 注意,关注 _4. on average _ 5. 明 白 , 意 识 到 _6. 以 . 为 基 础 _ 7. 以.的速度 _8. 保持平衡 _ 9. 吸 引 某 人 的 注 意 力 _10. 和 . 有 关 联 _ 11. 另某人惊讶的是 _12. bargain with sb. about the price _ 13. on the basis of _14. from bad to worse _ 15. badly off/well off _/_16. be

24、bathed in _ 二、根据以上短语的适当形式填空 1. To be honest, a lot of people _ becoming rich and famous. 2. On the bus, you will often notice someone _ more _ his mobile phone. 3. Women, _, live longer than men. 4. People around the world should _ the real situation of water shortage. 5. The story _ a true story is

25、 so touching that everyone couldnt help crying. 6. _ brilliant sunshine, we felt warm and happy. 7. Some people say that classical music _ only _old people, though I dont think so. 8. _, I should see him here. He should have attended school. 9. We are hoping for an improvement but things have gone _

26、. 10. We normally show sympathy to those who are _ than us, because they live a tough time. 四、单句语法填空 1. We are working in _(associate) with a local company to raise money for the homeless. 2. _ is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work. 3. He stared _ complete astonishment at the c

27、hild who was so impolite. 4. He left school _ the age of 15 and hunted for a job in a big city. 5. Recently, the H7N9 _(attack) many cities which worries us a lot. 6. -Would you like to join us _ the game? -Im afraid not, for I have something important _(attend) to. 7. Listen _(attention) in class, especially those that you think are difficult to understand. 8. We should develop a good attitude _ life. 9. This is one of the most _(attract) places Ive been to. 10. In the 1940s, electricity was available _ people in almost all areas of the United States.


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