2024届高三英语二轮复习读后续写微技能之生动动作 清单.docx

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1、读后续写微技能之动作描写技巧1:使用具体动词,精准描述动作1. 看凝视 gaze at 盯着 stare at, glue ones eyes to怒视 glare at, shoot sb an angry look迅速看一眼、瞥见 glance at, catch a glimpse of偷看 peep at, peek at, steal a glance at 眨眼 wink 揉眼 rub eyes 抬眼 lift eyes 垂眼 drop eyes2. 笑咧嘴笑grin, 轻笑chuckle, 咯咯笑giggle, 洋洋得意地笑smirk, 捧腹大笑belly laugh,讥笑moc

2、k,强颜欢笑force a weak smile3. 说小声说whisper/ murmur/mumble, grumble/mutter/ moan/ groan(抱怨)大声叫喊 shout/ cry/ yell/ exclaim, roar/ howl(大吼), scream (尖叫)补充道 add 解释道 explain 央求道 beg 哽咽道 (voice) chokeFinish the sentences using specific verbs:1.She _ this annoying boy, rage creeping onto her brows.她怒视着这个恼人的男孩,

3、怒火爬上她的眉头。2.He couldnt resist the temptation to _ the answer.他无法抵挡好奇心,偷偷地看了一下答案。3.“The man over there is _ us,” the boy _ uneasily.“那边那个男人在盯着我们看,”男孩不安地低声说。技巧2:分解动作,形成紧凑连贯的动作链公式: 主语+动作1+动作2 and动作3 (三个并列谓语,动作依次发生)Eg: Ryan struggled to his feet, dusted the jacket and made his way to an empty seat.Ryan挣扎

4、着站起来,掸了掸夹克上的灰尘,走到一个空座位前。Polish the sentences by designing verb chains:1. 原句:I hurried to school.分解动作链: I _my coathurriedly, _ my schoolbag and _ to schoollike an arrow.2. 原句:I went to my bed to cry.分解动作链:I _ the door, _ myself onto the bed, and _ my head into pillow.3. 原句:The mother hugged her lost

5、son.分解动作链:The mother _ forward, _ down and _ her son into her arms.技巧3:多角度刻画,围绕中心动作构造出饱满的动作面公式1:非谓(心理/神态), 主语+谓语(动作), 非谓(语言)Eg: Terrified by the scene in front of him, he was rooted to the spot, being at a loss what to say.被眼前的这一幕吓坏了,他一动也不动,不知道该说什么。Polish the sentences to create a whole picture:1.原句

6、:Bill said to me, “Youre such an idiot.”构建动作面:_ with anger, Bill _ me with his big frightening eyes, _, “Youre such an idiot.”2.原句:Mike said to me, “You are the most beautiful girl Ive ever seen.”构建动作面:_ straight into my eyes, Mike _ my hair, _,“You are the most beautiful girl Ive ever seen.”3.原句:Ja

7、ck unwillingly made an apology to me.构建动作面:_ his lips, Jack _ himself to my seat _, “Im sorry”.公式2:主语+谓语(动作/语言), with+宾语+宾补 (心理/神态)Eg: The boy threw himself into his mothers arms, with pride written all over his face. 男孩投入妈妈的怀抱,脸上写满了自豪。With his head drooping, he leaned against the tree, reflecting o

8、n what had happened. 他头耷拉着,背靠在树上,反思之前发生的一切。Still gasping for air, he exclaimed, “Yes, I make it!”, with his usual big toothy smile spreading across his face again. 他仍然喘着气,喊道:“我做到了!”,脸上又露出了以往灿烂的笑容。公式3:主语A+谓语(动作/语言),主语B+非谓(神态/心理)Eg: He knelt down and broke down in tears, his face buried in hands.他跪了下来

9、,双手掩面,失声痛哭。Holding the necklace in her hand, Jenny lifted her lip, tears beginning to blur her vision. 珍妮手里拿着项链,抬起嘴唇,泪水开始模糊了她的视线。Polish the sentences (运用分词作状语、with复合结构或独立主格): 1. I stepped onto the stage. My legs were trembling and my heart was bumping nearly out of my chest.2. I stayed still and hel

10、d my breath. My eyes were glued to the big crab.3. My mind went blank. I was lost for words. My mouth was wide open. 4. My face was burning with shame. I stood rooted to the ground. I was wondering whether he would forgive me.微写作(2022新高考续写真题)主要情节:身患残疾的学生David为迎接越野跑刻苦训练,却在比赛之前丧失信心想放弃。在 “我”的鼓励下,David 决定勇敢面对挑战,参加比赛。Complete the story:We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me. _I watched him moved up to the starting line.


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