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    • 2019-2020学年度第二学期八年级英语线上教学测试答题卷.doc--点击预览


2019 -2020 学年度第二学期线上教学检测试卷学年度第二学期线上教学检测试卷 八八 年年 级级 英英 语语 题号一二三四五六总分累分人 得分 一、单词填空(一、单词填空(15 分)分) A、根根据据句句意意、所所给给音音标标或或首字母提示首字母提示,写写出出单单词词,使使句句子子通顺、合理、通顺、合理、 意思完整意思完整。(每每小小题题 1 分分) 1、Whats the____________ mt(r)? I have a stomachache. 2、Do you have a__________ fiv(r)? Yes, I do. 3、I think you should_________ la down and rest. 4、Whats wrong with you? I felt__________ sk and I need to see a doctor. 5、Will you join us tomorrow? _Id love to, but Im tired, I need take a________brek B、根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子、根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子通顺、合理、意思完整通顺、合理、意思完整。(每小题。(每小题 1 分)分) 6、I hurt__________(my) when I played basketball yesterday? 7、What did the bus driver do? She stopped the bus_________(with) thinking. 8、What should I do to help him? Youd better ________(take) him to the hospital to get an X-ray. 9、As a sports player, he is used to__________(run) every morning. 10、Three people lost their________(life) in the accident(事故). C、用下列所给词组成句子,使句子、用下列所给词组成句子,使句子通顺、合理、意思完整通顺、合理、意思完整。(每小题。(每小题 1 分)分) 11、drink, you, some, should, tea, hot, honey, with, _____________________________________________. 12、washed, I, cut, the, and, medicine, some,put,it,on _____________________________________________. 13、almost, lost, she, life, her, of, because,accidents,climbing _____________________________________________. 14、came, your, who, to, office, today _____________________________________________? 15、did, how,Aron,himself,free ____________________________________________? 二、单项填空(二、单项填空(15 分)分) 请阅读下面各小题,从题中所给的请阅读下面各小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以四个选项中选出可以 填入空白处的最佳选项。(每小题填入空白处的最佳选项。(每小题 1 分)分) ( )16、We had a __________with them about the differences between Britain and the USA. A. competition B. discussion C. meeting D. preparation ( )17、一 I wonder how Tom and Nick became good friends because they have _________in common. 得分得分评卷人评卷人 得分得分评卷人评卷人 一 Me, too. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing ( )18、If you __________not to tell anyone else, Ill share my secret with you. A. decide B. promise C. agree D. expect ( )19、- What do you think of the new English teacher? 一 I think no one is __________. She is a very kind person. A. good B. better C. bad D. worse ( )20、Why does Sue look upset? She went to the bookstore by bus but she______the bus at the wrong stop. A. got off. B. got up C. Turned off. D. turned up. ( )21、Alice, my head feels hot now. __________. A. Not at all B. You should go to a doctor. C. Im sorry D. You shouldnt tell it to your mother. ( )22、I found myself in a difficult________.I must do something to get out of it. A. competitionB. discussion C. prediction D. situation ( )23、_______he had some excellent knowledge in physics, he was still unable to solve the problem. A. Although B. Because C. If D. But ( )24、After dinner,Dales father is used to________ on the bed for a rest. A. lie B. lying C.risk D. risking ( )25、If Jet _______ the exam this summer, my parents _______him an Iphone 7s. A. passes, send B. will pass, send C. passes, will send D. passed, sent ( )26、One of his fingers was ________ in the accident. A.made up B.taken on C.put up D.cut off ( ) 27、The boy didnt get an education so he has problems_________the answer. A. to find B.finding C.find D.found ( )28、For the health and________ of all tourists, the ticket sales of Wugong Mountain are suspended(暂停) immediately. A.safe B.safety C.happiness D.wealth ( ) 29. Wu Hui, a takeaway rider for Meituan-Dianping helped a lot of people_____ during the outbreak of coronavirus in Wuhan. . A. in need B.in trouble C. in danger D.in secret ( ) 30.Tina,dont eat too much chocolate(巧克力).Its bad for your_________. A.dream B.teeth C.head D.job 三、完形填空(三、完形填空(20 分)分) (A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(每四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(每 小题小题 1 分)分) Work is helpful to health. Scientists find that the hard-working people live longer than those who have no 31 . Studies show that the jobless are in better health than job-holders. Career(职业)women are healthier than 32 . __33 is work good for health? It is because work 34 people busy, away from loneliness (孤独). Researchers show that people feel unhappy and worried when they have __35__ to do. Instead, the happiest people are those who are busy. Those who are successful feel they are 36 when they are working hard. They work as a bridge 37 dream and 得分得分评卷人评卷人 reality(现实), so they have energy(精力) every day. By work, people get to know each other. By taking part in all kinds of activities, they find friendship and warmth. This is helpful to health. Losing your job 38 losing everything. It will make people sick. Even taking medicine wont help. Besides, Work brings people success. Work makes one feel his value and status(地位)in society. When a 39 finishes his writing or a doctor successfully operates on(对动手术) a patient or a teacher sees his students grow, they are very happy. All in all, the studies tell us that the 40 you work, the happier and healthier you will be. ( )31. A. money B. jobs C. homework D. friends ( )32. A. housewives B. workers C. drivers D. cleaners ( )33. A. What B. When C. Which D. Why ( )34. A. keeps B. tries C. seems D. cares ( )35. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything ( )36. A. the happiest B. the luckiest C. the most worried D. the healthiest ( )37. A. through B. between C. during D. with ( )38. A. thinks B. means C. stands D. minds ( )39. A. cook B. pilot C. pianist D. writer ( )40. A. less B. fewer C. more D. lower B) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空,并将答案 填写到答题卡的相应位置。每个词限用一次。(每小题 1 分) call carrying sale However they difficulties Each hospitals to near Guo Moruo, a foreign student from Uzbekistan(乌兹别克斯坦), gave ____41____15,000 masks and some medicine to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and hospitals in Guangzhou. Because of this, netizens(网民) ____42__ him “the god of masks(口罩)”. Until early February, Guo had already bought 12,000 masks and brought them back __43____China. And this time, he flew back to his hometown again, ___44___ about 15,000 masks. 5000 of ____45_____would be given to people of Uzbekistan in China, and the remaining(剩余的)10,000 masks would be given to __46_____,the front-line staff(员工)and other international(国际的) students. “Now, 70% of the chemists in my country had no masks for __47______. A mask used to cost 0.50 yuan, but it costs 5 yuan now. ___48____ person was only allowed to buy 5 or 10 masks every time. A lot of people want to pay for it and so that I could make money. _____49_____, I think when others meet with ___50______, we should never think about money, just help,”Guo said. 四、阅读理解(四、阅读理解(30 分)分) A)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四四 个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题 2 分)分) A UK TRAINS CLASSTICKET TYPEPASSENGER TYPE(乘客类型) 得分得分评卷人评卷人 STDRETURNADULT DATE VALID(有效曰期)TICKET NUMBER 18 OCTOBER 2019124466 9001273 FROMPRICE OXFORD (OXF) #22.50 TO LONDON (all stations)# ( )51. When can the owner use the ticket? A. On 8th October 2019.B. On 18th October 2019. C. On 18th November 2019.D. On 28th October 2019. ( )52. The owner can use this ticket to take the train from _________to _______. A. Oxford; LondonB. London; Paris C. Oxford; Hong KongD. London; Hong Kong ( )53. What cant we know from the ticket? A. The ticket type. B. The price of the ticket. C. The owners name. D. The ticket number. B The Simpsons are the most popular family in the world. Every week, many people all over the world stay at home to watch them on TV. This is a cartoon family of five people: all of them have bad-looking yellow faces and big white eyes. The parents are Marge and Homer, Marge has blue hair. She loves her hair very much. She is always very kind to her family. Homer works in a factory and spends all his free time watching TV and eating donuts(炸面圈). He always eats with his mouth open and he is too fat. Bart is the oldest child. He always gets bad grades. He doesnt like to do his homework and often makes his parents angry. He likes playing tricks(恶作刷) on his sister, Lisa. Lisa is a little younger than Bart and is always top of the class at school. She is the smartest person in the family. Maggie is the youngest child. She cant talk or walk and shes always silent. She can only say one word: Daddy. The Simpsons started in 1989 and its still very popular now. People of all ages like it because the Simpsons are like a real family. They arent perfect or beautiful like a lot of families on TV. ( )54. What can we know about Bart according to the passage? A. He is quite a smart boy. B. He is the youngest in his family. C. He doesnt work hard at his study. D. He likes to play tricks on his sister Maggie. ( )55. What does the underlined word silent mean? A. Outgoing. B. Serious. C. Quiet. D. Strict. ( )56. What might the writer think of the Simpsons? A. Boring. B. Successful. C. Terrible. D. Perfect. C During a school day, students might feel stressed out(有压力的)about classes and tests. Lunch is a good time to take a break from our studies. 11:20 to 12:05. Our cafeteria (自助餐厅) has excellent food and lots of choices. We have something different every day. Sometimes, we have Chinese dishes. On those days, typical dishes such as pot stickers(锅贴), orange chicken and rice are served(供应). Many of my friends think orange chicken is the best dish the cafeteria offers. However, I think its best dish is enchilada(肉馅玉米卷饼), a traditional Mexican food. It is covered with hot sauce and tastes delicious. Pizza. hamburgers and French fries are also served every day. They give students many other choices. The cafeteria also offers some dessert, including ice cream, and frozen yogurt. As for drinks, there is a big fridge with water and all kinds of juice. After getting my food, I try to find the table where my friends are sitting. We talk about what weve been doing in class and how our lives are going. After we finish eating, we stay at the table and keep talking. School is a stressful place, but we are lucky enough to have our lunch period to relax. 57. How long can the writer stay at the cafeteria at noon? A. 35 minutes. B. 25 minutes. C. 45 minutes. D. 55 minutes. 58. Why do the students keep sitting and talking after they finish eating? A. Because they think its a good place to relax. B. Because they have no money to pay for the lunch. C. Because they eat too much to move. D. Because they are waiting for their classmates. 59. What does the underlined word It refer to? A. Orange chicken. B. Pot stickers. C. Pizza. D. Enchilada. 60. Whats the best title for the passage? A. Welcome to Our Cafeteria B. Traditional Dishes C. Relaxing Cafeteria D. Happy Lunch Period B)请先阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文 中, 使短文意思通顺、结构完整。(每小题 2 分) My uncle has a computer shop. He loves computers very much. (61) ____________ He can draw pictures and write letters on the computer. He can send messages and play games with the computer, too. Computers now are much better than before. (62)________ Many years ago a computer was as big as a small house. Today computers can be small. (63)___________ Computers are also much cheaper, so a lot of people buy computers from my uncle s shop. Every computer has a keyboard and a monitor (显示器). The keyboard(键盘)has all the different letters and numbers. You can type words on the keyboard. The monitor is like a television. (64)________ You can also use a mouse to do things like drawing pictures. You can surf the Internet and you can do lots of other things on the computer now. If you want to buy a computer, you can come to my uncles shop. (65)_________ A. You can read the words or see the pictures on the monitor. B. They are also much smaller than before. C. People are always happy with his computers and service. D. He can do many things with the computer. E. You can even carry a small computer in your schoolbag. F. The computer changes the way that people work, learn and play. G. He will always welcome you. 五、补全对话(五、补全对话(5 分)分) 请阅读下面的对话,根据对话内容补上所缺句子,使对话通顺、合理、请阅读下面的对话,根据对话内容补上所缺句子,使对话通顺、合理、 意思完整。(每空一句,每句意思完整。(每空一句,每句 1 分)分) (Sally and Tina are talking about their reading.) 得分得分评卷人评卷人 Sally:Hi, Tina. What are you reading? Tina:A Brief Introduction of Time (时间简史) by Stephen Hawking. Sally:I have heard of this book, too. 66 Tina:Its about time, space and future. Sally:What does he think the future will be like? Tina: 67 There wont be any other planet, either. Sally:Really? His book is really interesting. After reading it, 68 Tina:Oh, no. I just read the book for fun. Sally: 69 Tina:I want to be a teacher. 70 Sally:Hope your dream can come true. 六、书面表达(六、书面表达(15 分)分) 大家都知道这个春节新型冠状性病毒肺炎在武汉爆发了,许多人被感染和隔离,作为中学 生知道如何预防流感是非常重要的,请你根据以下提示谈谈你的建议。 要点:1.尽量少出门,出门戴口罩(wear a mask) 2.不要去人多拥挤的地方。 3.勤洗手,保持室内清洁和空气流通 4.合理饮食,多锻炼身体。 5. 要求:1 包含以上要点;2 条理清晰,行文流畅;3 词数:60 字。(已给开头不 计) As we all know, the Novel Coronavirus(型冠状性病毒) has deeply influenced(影响)our life.As a middle school student, Its very important for us to prevent(预防) it. What should we do? Here are some suggestions. __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ AWhat is it about? BWell, he thinks there wont be the earth in the future. CThen what do you want to be? DDo you like Stephen hawking? ESo I am going to study education first. Fdo you want to be a scientist like him when you grow up? GI think the city will be bigger and more polluted. 得分得分评卷人评卷人 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _20192020 学年度第二学期英语学科线上教学检测学年度第二学期英语学科线上教学检测 八年级英语试卷参考答案及评分意见八年级英语试卷参考答案及评分意见 一、单词填空一、单词填空: 只要答案符合题意,均可以酌情给分。(共 15 分,每小题 1 分) 来源:Zxxk.Com 1.matter 2.fever 3.lie 4.sick 5.break 6.myself 7.without 8.take 9.running 10.lives 11.You should drink hot tea with honey. 12.I washed the cut and put some medicine on it. 13.She almost lost her life because of climbing accidents.来源:Zxxk.Com来源:学科网 ZXXK 14.Who came to your office today?来源:学科网 15.How did Aron free himself? 二、单项填空(二、单项填空(15 分,每小题分,每小题 1 分)分) 16-20 BDBBA 21-25BDABC 26-30 DBBAB 三、完形填空(三、完形填空(20 分,每小题分,每小题 1 分,分,B 篇用所给单词适当形式填空选对单词没篇用所给单词适当形式填空选对单词没 有变形或变形错误均给有变形或变形错误均给 0.5 分)分) 31-35 BADAC 36-40 ABBDC 41.nearly 42.called 43.to 44.carrying 45.them 46.hospitals 47.sale 48.Each 49.However 50.difficulties 四、阅读理解(四、阅读理解(30 分分,每小题每小题 2 分)分) 51-53 BAC 54-56 CCB 57-60 CADD 61-65 DBEAG 五、补全对话(五、补全对话(5 分分,每空每空 1 分)分) 66-70 ABFCE 六、书面表达(六、书面表达(15 分)分) As we all know, the Novel Coronavirus(型冠状性病毒) has deeply influenced(影 响)o
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