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1、一、过去一、过去进行时进行时 1. 助动词: _ 2. 肯定句: _ 3. 否定句: _ 4. 一般疑问句: _ 放句首 例如: 昨天8点我正在做作业. _ 当他回到家时我正在听音乐. _ was / were was / were + doing wasnt / werent + doing was / were I was doing homework at 8 yesterday. I was listening to music when he came home. 重点语法 二、现在二、现在完成时完成时 1. 助动词: _ 2. 肯定句: _ 3. 否定句: _ 4. 一般疑问句:

2、_ 放句首。 例如: I havent had lunch yet. 他已经完成工作。 He has finished the work already. 我还没吃午饭。 5. 常用的时间状语有: for +一段的时间, since +表示起点的时间 have/ has have / has + 动词过去分词 have / has havent / hasnt + 动词过去分词 _ two days , _ 20 years ago _ last week, _ 30 hours 常用的副词有: already, yet, never, ever, just, lately, recently

3、 6. 用法:现在完成时表示过去发生或已经完成 的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。 1) 表示过去的动作刚刚结束,常与 just, already, ever, never, yet, before 连用。 He has already gone home. 他已经回到家了。 She hasnt found a job yet. 她还没找到一份工作。 He has just turned off the light. 他刚刚关掉了灯。 for since since for 2) 表示过去的结果对现在仍有影响,通常不与 时间状语连用。 They have lost the game. 他们输掉了那

4、场比赛。 He has bought the computer. 他买了电脑。 3) 表示开始于过去并持续到现在(也许还会继 续进行下去)的动作或状态。 a. 表示动作的持续,常与 “ _ +时间段” “_ +时间起点” 连用。 He has been in Zhuhai for over two years. I have known him since three years ago. for since b. 在现在完成时中,瞬间动词必须改为相应的 表示延续意义的动词或词组才可以与表示一段 时间的时间状语连用。 She has had the car for a year. His fa

5、ther has been away from China for 5 years. c. 瞬间动词与持续动词: die borrow buy arrive in He has bought that book. 他已经买了那本书. He has had that book for three days. 他买了那本书三天了. be dead keep have be in 例外:He hasnt bought anything for three days. 7. 句型: 1) 去过: have/ has been to 2) 去了: have/ has gone to 3) 一直在: ha

6、ve/ has been in, at 例如: 他去过香港三次. He has been to HongKong for three times. 他去了香港. He has gone to HongKong. 他在香港三年了. He has been in HongKong for three years. 判断下列词语哪些可以判断下列词语哪些可以 和现在完成时连用和现在完成时连用(yes/no)(yes/no): already Last week just For 3 days yesterday Next year Since 1992 ever Since last Sunday y

7、et never In 5 hours before Since 3 days ago yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes No No No No 短暂性动词 延续性动词 arrive has/have been begin have been on borrow have kept buy have had close have been closed die have been dead get up have been up join have been in/been a leave have been away from lose have

8、 not had open have been open put on have worn Exercises 1. 你去过美国吗?没有,从来没有。 Have you ever been to the USA? No, never. 2. John在哪里?他去了图书馆。他已经去那里 两个小时了。 Where is John? He has gone to the library. He has been there for two hours. 3. 我已经买了三天了。 I have had it for three days. 4. 英语课已经开始10分钟了。 The English cla

9、ss has been on for 10 minutes. 5. 李雷已经离校半小时了。 Li Lei has been away from school for half an hour. 6. Mr.谭在地震中牺牲了。他已经去世很多年了.。 Mr Tan died in the earthquake. He has been dead for years. 7. 这个婴儿已经出生两周了。 The baby has been born for two weeks. 8. 麦克借已经有一个星期了。 Mike has kept “Harry Potter” for a week. 9. 火车已

10、经来了10分钟了。 The train has been here for 10 minutes. 10. 我姐姐当空姐已经有两年了。 My sister has been a flight attendant for 2 years. 三、现在三、现在完成进行时完成进行时 1. 助动词: _ 2. 肯定句: _ 3. 否定句: _ 4. 一般疑问句: _ 放句首 例如: 他们从2005年开始一直住在珠海. _ 我一直看了三个小时书. _ have / has have / has + been + doing have / has They have been living in Zhuha

11、i since 2005. I have been reading for 3 hours. havent / hasnt + been + doing 我已经滑冰两年了。 I have been skating for two years. 自从三年前开始,我一直在收集玩具。 She has been collecting toys since three years ago. 5. 与其连用的时间状语有: for+ 时间段 for two days since+时间点 since two days ago Exercises 动词时态填空: 1. I _(have) breakfast a

12、lready. 2. She is ill. She _ (lie)in bed for three weeks. 3. So far Mei _ (learn) over 2000 English words. 4. What _ you _ (do) all this time? 5. You _ (say) that since you came here years ago. have had has been lying has learned have been doing have been saying 四、主将四、主将从现从现 1. 如果从句是由 _ (如果),_ (当),

13、_ (一就) 引导的一般现在时的条 件状语从句, 主句要用一般将来时或用can, should等情态动词组成的句子。例如: 如果明天下雨, 我就留在家。 _ 当他长大, 他将当一名医生。 _ 我一打电话给他, 他就会来接我。 _ if when as soon as If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home. When he grows up , he will be a doctor. As soon as I call him, he will pick me up. 2. 注意宾语从句中的 if与条件状语从句if的区别。 宾语从句中的 if “是

14、否”相当于 whether,宾语 从句通常位于主句之后。引导宾语从句,时态需 根据语境确定。例如: I dont know if my brother _ (come) tomorrow. If he_ (come), Ill be happy. I dont know if it _ (rain) tomorrow.我不 知道明天是否会下雨。 will come comes will rain Exercises Fill in the blanks with the words given. 1. The students will go to the Great Wall if it _

15、 (not rain) tomorrow. 2. If he _ (not do) his homework, hell be late. 3. If she likes it, she _ (read) it soon. 4. If you play computer games on weekdays, you _ (be) tired. 5. If you watch TV tonight, you _ (not study) for the test. doesnt rain doesnt do will read will be wont study 6. If you _ (be)

16、 late, the teacher will be angry. 7. We dont know if it _ tomorrow (snow). 8. He _ (become) a soccer player if he works hard. 9. You _ (be) famous if you sing well. 10. Half of these bananas _ (be) bad. 11. Half of the boys _ (like) basketball. 12. Half of the bread _ tasty.(be) are will snow will b

17、ecome will be are like is 一、直接引语与间接引语-宾语从句 He said, “Im hard-working.” = He said he was hard-working. 直接引语: He said, “I come from China.” 间接引语: He said (that) he came from China. 1. 直接改间接注意:人称,时态对应,缺一不可。 陈述句时:连词是_, 可省略,后接主谓。 She said, “I want to borrow a book.” _ 重点句型 that She said she wanted to bor

18、row a book. 2. 一般疑问句时:连词是_ 或 _,不可省。 John said, “Are they talking with Sam?” _ 注意:只能用whether的情况 1) 介词 + whether 2) whether or not, whether to do 3) whether 可放在句首 3. 特殊疑问句时:用原来的疑问词引导,不可省。 They said, “Where do you live?” _ if whether John asked if they were talking with Sam. They asked where I lived. 4

19、. 祈使句时: 变成 tell / ask / order sb. (not) to do He said, “Open the door.” _ He said, “Dont open the door.” _ 5.特殊疑问词+to do和宾语从句的转换 Could you tell me what well do? Could you tell me _ _ _? I dont know which I will choose. I dont know _ _ _. He told me to open the door. He told me not to open the door.

20、what to do which to choose Exercises: 1. My teacher said to me, “You were hard-working lst term.” My teacher said that _ _ hard-working last term. 2. Marcia phoned me, “Im going to leave tomorrow.” Marica phoned me that she _ going to leave the _ day. 3. “Have you seen the film?” he asked me. He ask

21、ed me _ I _ _ that film. 4. The teacher said, “Dont open your books, please.” The teacher told us _ _ open our books. if had seen not to I was was next 5. Mother said, “Ill go shopping.” Mother said that _ _ go shopping. 6. The science teacher said, “The earth goes around the sun.” The science teach

22、er said that the earth _ around the sun. 7. I dont know which shirt to buy. I dont know which shirt I _ _ . 8. Mary wonder when to visit the museum. Mary wonders _ _ _ _ the museum. should buy when she should visit she would goes 二、反意疑问句 1. 反义疑问句:前肯后否,前否后肯 There is some milk on the plate, _ _? Mary

23、goes to school on foot, _ _? They are good friends,_ _? He has little money, _ _? He can sing in French, _ _? Tim hardly can speak in Japanese, _ _? Bob went to the movies last night, _ _? 2. 含否定意思的词:never, few, little, seldom, hardly, nothing, nobody, no one isnt there doesnt she arent they does he

24、 cant he can he didnt he 3. 祈使句,用will you; Lets 构成的祈使句,用 shall we. Its a nice present, _? We can do it all by ourselves, _? He has never been to Beijing, _? They went to school yesterday, _? The dog isnt Lilys, _? Be careful, _? Lets go swimming, _? Dont do it like that, _? isnt it cant we has he di

25、dnt they is it will you shall we will you 4.反意疑问句的回答 不管是前肯后否型, 还是前否后肯型, 回答 时,一定要前后一致。 You didnt go home last night, did you? Yes, I did. You are not Chinese, are you? Yes, I am. China isnt the biggest country in the world, is it? No, it isnt. You dont know Chinese, do you? Yes, I do. 三、感叹句三、感叹句 1. W

26、hat + _ 词!如:What a boy ! 2. What + a/ an + adj. + 单数可数名词! What an unusual girl ! 3. What + adj. +可数名词复数! What beautiful flowers! 4. What + adj. + 不可数名词! What hot soup ! 5. How +_ / _ + 主语+ 谓语! How fast he fell asleep ! 名 形容词 副词 Exercises: 1. What a beautiful place! How beautiful the place is! 2. Wha

27、t an exciting field trip! How exciting the field trip is! 3. What interesting stories. How interesting the stories are! 4. What dangerous animals! How dangerous the animals are! 5. What a sweet mooncake! How sweet the mooncake is! 6. How thirsty the boys are! What thirsty boys (they are)! 7. How exp

28、ensive the computer is! What an expensive computer (it is)! 8. How high the kites are! What high kites (they are)! 9. How careful the worker is! What a careful worker (he is)! 10. How specific the suggestions are! What specific suggestions (they are)! 1. 那个盒子真大! What a big box. How big the box is! 2

29、. 多刺激的一场比赛! What an exciting match! How exciting the match/ game is! 3. 多蓝的天空! What blue sky! How blue the sky is! 4. 多么旧的外套! What an old coat! How old the coat is! 5. 多么可爱的婴儿! What lovely babies! How lovely the babies are ! 6. 多么干净的一间教室! What a clean classroom! How clean the classroom is! too much+

30、不可数名词(money) much too+形容词或副词(rich) 1. The room is _ dirty and wed better clean it at once. A. Too much B. much too C. much D.many 2. There are _ people in the shop. A. too much B. much too C. too much D. too many B D 重点语言点 1. How much did you _ the bike? A. Pay over B. pay off C. pay on D. pay for 2

31、. How much did your skirt _ you? A. Spend B. make C. cost D. need 3. Does it _ two hours for you _ finish your task? A. spend; on B. take; to C. pay; for D. takes; to 4. She will _ one day visiting Beijing. D C B spend pay for, cost, take, spend 1. How many _ are there in the house? A. room B. rooms

32、 C. roomes D. Room 2. Well try to _ for you. A. make room B. make a room C. make rooms D. take a room 3. The big table takes up _. A. much too room B. much too room C. too many rooms D. too much room 4. Can you leave _ for me to store my books? A. a few rooms B few rooms C. a little room D. little r

33、oom B A D C Room 房间; 空间 1 My money _. I dont know what to do. A. have run out B. have run out of C. has run out D. has run out of 2. I _ water. Could you give me some? A. run out of B. run out C. ran out of D. ran out run out, run out of C C have, with 1. I _ a big house _ a beautiful garden. A. hav

34、e, has B. have, with C. with, have D. with, with 2. It changes _ the seasons. A. in B. on C. with D. of 3. Mr Li often comes into the classroom, _ a book in his hand. A. with B. in C. has D. on 4. _ your help we couldnt finish it on time. A. Under B. Dont have C. Without D. With B C A C 1. In fact,

35、the busier he is, the happier he feels. 事实上,他越忙,他就觉得越开心。事实上,他越忙,他就觉得越开心。 2. The more they talked, the more excited they became. 他们越谈越激动。他们越谈越激动。 3. The older I get, the healthier I am. 我越老身体就越好。我越老身体就越好。 4. The more dangerous it is, the more I like it. 越危险我就越喜欢。越危险我就越喜欢。 The morethe more 5. The soon

36、er you start, the more quickly youll finish the work. 6. The more people you know, the less time you have to see them. 7. _ _ I am, _ _ I am. 我越忙就越高兴。 8. _ _ he learns, _ _ _ _. 他越学就越聪明。 你开始得越早,完成工作就越快。 你认识的人越多,你见他们的时间就越少。 The busier the happier The more the smarter he is 9. _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _. 我们越学

37、,就越爱学。 10. _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 我们种树越多, 我们的城市就越美丽。 11. _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _. 我们学英语学得越好,我们就越觉得它有趣。 The more we learn, the more we love learning The more trees we plant the more beautiful our city will be The better we learn English the more interesting we feel it 1. 肯定句中表示 “也是” Me too. / So +

38、助动词/ be 动词 + 主语。 例如:He is a good student. 我也是:_ / _ _ 2. 否定句中表示 “也是” Me neither. / Neither +助动词/ be 动词 + 主语 例如:He didnt go to school. 我也是:_ / _ _ Me too So am I. I am a good student, too. Me neither. Neither did I. I didnt go to school, either. Me too, Me neither Exercises: 介词填空 1 “I have studied En

39、glish _ two years.” 2 “When did you get here?” “ I got here _ ten am.” 3. I will come back _ two days. 4. “How long havent we met each other?” “_ ten years ago.” 5. Please tell me the way _ the hospital. 6. Can you say it _ different ways? 7. Do you know the girl _ glasses? for at in Since to in wit

40、h 选择填空 1. What _ would you like? A. other B. others C. the others D. else 2. There are few books here, _? A. are there B. arent there C. are they 3. I forgot _ the door. So the thief came in and stole many things from the door. A. to close B. closing C. close 4. - Which is your teacher? - The one _

41、thick glasses over his eyes is. A. wears B. wear C. with D. has 5. My mother told me the earth _ around the sun. A. goes B. go C. went D. would go D A A C A 6. - Tom is not very heavy. - Yes, I think we can say he is _ heavy. A. a little B. a bit C. a little bit D. A, B and C 7. - What should I do ?

42、 - Please tell your partner _. A. what do you think B. you like what C. what you like D. what is you like 8. - What did your son say in the letter? - He said that he _ China next Sunday. A. will B. has visited C. is going to visit D. would visit 9. There is going to _ a match next Friday. A. have B.

43、 be C. is D. has D C D B 10. He wondered _. A. where is the youth centre is B. what he did wrong C. how far is the amusement park D. when does the library open 11. - How soon will he come back? - _ five days. A. After B. In C. Since D. For 12. I have _ the dictionary since two years ago. A. buy B. b

44、ought C. had D. buying 13. I _ Beijing three times. A. have been to B. have gone to C. went to D. has gone to 14. He _ likes bananas. A. also B. too C. either D. neither B B C A A 15. - I want to Know if Kelly _ tomorrow. - If he _, let me know. A. come, comes B. will come, comes C. comes, will come

45、 D. will come, will come 16. - May I have _ tea? - I am thirsty. A. a few B. a little C. few D. a few 17. Well try to buy _ things with _ money. A. more, fewer B. less, more C. fewer, fewer D. more, less 18. The _ he does, the _ lives will be saved by him. A. better, more B. more, better C. less, better D. better, less 19. The problem is _ difficult for him _ work out. A. too, to B. so, that C. not, enough to D. such, that B B D B A 20. - Have you _ any wine? - Yes, I _ a little just now. A. drunk, d


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