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1、1.在夜晚at night 2.在一个更加自然的环境中 in a more natural environment 3.一年到头;终年all year round 4.离远be far from 5.距离某地不太远not too far from sp 6.在黑暗中in the dark 7.在过去in the past 8.去过某地have been to sp. 9.科学博物馆science museum 10.历史博物馆history museum 11.游乐园amusement park 12.去不同的地方go somewhere different 13.去滑冰go skating

2、14.坐地铁take the subway 15.一个过周六下午的好方法a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon 16.所有的古老的电影摄影机 all the old movie cameras 17.了解有关.的情况learn about sth. 18.在周末on the weekend 19.引导某人做某事lead sb. to do sth. 20.导致;产生lead to 21.在大山里露营 camp in the mountains 22.搭帐篷put up a tent 23.以如此迅猛的方式in such a rapid way 24.

3、一个不寻常的博物馆an unusual museum 25.各种各样的different kinds of 26.如此不同种类的坐便器so many different kinds of toilets 27.厕所的发展development of toilets 28.社会团体social groups 29.鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb. to do sth 30.在某方面鼓励某人encourage sb in sth. 31.茶艺表演the tea art performances 32.用漂亮的茶具沏一杯完美的茶make a perfect cup of tea with

4、beautiful tea sets 32.一个品茶的好地方 a nice place to enjoy tea 33.马上right now=at the moment立刻; 34.一个特别的主题游乐园an amusement park with a special theme 35.国际厕所博物馆 International Museum of Toilets 36.兵马俑the Terracotta Army 37.在东南亚in Southeast Asia 38.度假take a holiday 39.夜间动物园Night Safari 40.超过四分之三的人口more than th

5、ree quarters of the population 41.一个讲英语的国家 an English-speaking country 42.一个练习你的英语的好地方a good place to practice your English 43.在白天during the daytime 44.好几次a couple of times 45.最好做某事It is the best to do sth. 46.关于某地一个不错的事情是 one great thing about sp is that 47.选择做某事choose to do sth. 48.听说hear of 49.做笔

6、记make notes=take notes 50.兜风take a ride 51.另一个省 another province 52.鸟巢the Birds Nest 53.一方面,另一方面on the one hand. on the other hand. 54.一个休闲而安静的地方a relaxing and peaceful place near a lake 55.数以千计的thousands of 56.在公园四处走动walk around the park 1.我从没去过故宫博物院,他也是。 I have ever visited the palace museum, _ _h

7、e. 2.大家都知道,勤奋的工作引导你走向成功。 We all know that hard work _ _ success. 3.他找一份工作没什么困难。 He doesnt _ _ _ _a job. 4.去年他们盖了好多建筑物。 They _ _ many buildings last year. 5.许多孩子已经听说了那部电影。 Lots of children _ _ _ that movie already. 6.吃太多会生病。 Eating too much can _ _illnesses. 7.你和别人交流的时将不会有任何困难。 You wont _ _ _ _with o

8、thers. 8.家长鼓励孩子在家做家务。 Parents _ kids _ _housework at home. 9.我们已经去过湖南省。 We _ _ _ to Hunan province. 10.我们在如此短的时间学好英语真是难以置信。 _ _for us to learn English so well in such a short time. 1 Have you ever been to Huangzhou? It lies in the east of Hubei Province and in the middle of the north shore of the Ya

9、ngtze River, across from Ezhou City. Huangzhou is an old city with long history, and it has rich cultural heritage. There are lots of places of interest in Huangzhou, such as Dongpo Chibi, Yiai Lake Park, Yasukuni Temple, Luoshishan Neolithic site, Yuwang City site and so on. Among them, Dongpo Chib

10、i is the most famous. Its known for Su Dongpo. You can enjoy his beautiful poems in it. And you can enjoy the beautiful natural scenery in Yiai Lake Park, especially at night. In Huangzhou, you will find a lot of traditional food when you travel. You can try Dongpo Pork, Dongpo tofu and so on. They

11、are very delicious. Everybody, welcome to Huangzhou. Youll be lost in its literature and beauty and deeply fall in love with it. 1. 老师问谁能提出提出一个解决这个问题的好办法。 (come) The teacher asked who could _ a good solution to this problem. 2. 他每天早早地到校,目的目的是多读点英语。 (order) He gets to school early every day _ do more

12、 reading English. 3. 他想讲些滑稽的故事使他们开心使他们开心。(cheer) He tried to _ with funny stories. 4. 不知道将来电脑还能够能够做些什么事情呢。(able) I wonder how much more computers will _ do in the future. 2 5. 他找到工作之后就放弃放弃了对第三门语言的学习学习。 (give) He _ a third language after he got the job. 6. 我已经习惯习惯了新的学校生活。(be) I have _ the life in the

13、 new school. 7. 当我进来时,她正在修理正在修理电脑。(fix) When I came in, she _ the computer. 8. 不要不要将工作推迟推迟到明天。(put) _ the work till tomorrow. Jimmy是来自美国的交换生,请你用英语向同学们 介绍他的基本情况。要点如下:要点如下: 1、已经来中国三年,爱好广泛,喜欢读书、听音 乐和旅游; 2、对中国古代ancient故事很感兴趣,美猴王he Monkey King是他最喜爱的人物character. 3、经常听摇滚音乐rock music和乡村音乐,使他 回想起think about.

14、back远在美国的朋友; 4、曾经去过长城the Great Wall,梦想dream环游 世界travel around the world; 5、想更多的了解learn about中国,请请你给出一两 点建议。 Jimmy is an exchange student from American. He has already lived in China for three years. He has so many interests. Hes interested in ancient stories. The Monkey King is his favorite characte

15、r. He often listens to rock music and country music. The music makes him think about the friends back in the US. Hes been to the Great Wall. It is his dream to travel around the world. He wants to learn more about China, I think he can try Chinese traditional food. He can also learn the history abou

16、t China. 1. 我相信你能帮助解决帮助解决一些事情(help) I believe you can _ a few things. 2. 如果天气下雨,我们学校将推迟推迟举办运动会。 (put) Our school will _ having the sports meeting if it rains. 3. 我认为Jack依赖依赖他的父母太多。 (depend) I think Jack _ his parents too much. 4. 多亏多亏你的帮助,我的英语已经取得很大进步。 (thank) _ your help, I have made great progress

17、 in English. 3 5. 2015年6月2号士兵们正在江面上搜寻搜寻失踪的人。 (search) On June, 2nd, 2015, soldiers were _ the missing people in the river. 6. 吴老师总是鼓励我学习鼓励我学习英语。(encourage) Miss Wu always _ English. 7. 钓鱼岛自古以来属于属于中国。(belong) The Diaoyu Islands has China ever since long long ago. 8. 我现在习惯早起早起,它对我的身体有好处。 (early) I am

18、used to _. Its good for my body! 假如你是Sally,是个中学生,经常收听音乐节目 (program),请你用英语给节目主持人写一封信,信的要 点如下: 1、你听这个节目已经3年了,很喜欢这个节目, 特别(especially)是英文歌曲节目,到目前为止已 学了10首英文歌曲; 2、当你学习繁忙或疲劳时,你常会打开收音机 (recorder)去收听这个节目; 3、自己也已经写了1首英文歌曲,并寄到了这个节 目; 4、你最喜欢Yesterday Once More这首歌,希望能 得到歌词(lyrics); 5、你在英语学习上已经取得了巨大进步,感谢这 个节目。 I

19、m Sally. Now Im studying in a high school. I often turn on the radio to listen to your program when I am free or feel tired. I like your program so much, especially the English songs. Ive listened to the program for about 3 years. So far I have learned 10 English songs through the program. I like th

20、e song named Yesterday Once More best and I expect to get the lyrics of the song. I hope you can achieve my dream. Ive already written an English song and sent it to your program. Thanks to your program, I have also made great progress in my English study. Wish your program more excellent. 1.看完这部电影后

21、,我的父亲想起了自己儿时的生 活。remind The movie _his life in childhood after watching it. 2.他过去习惯借东西不还。use He _things , but he never returned them. 3.老师告诉我不要把今天的事推迟到明天。put The teacher tells us _ what we can do today till tomorrow. 4.当他上大学的时候他开始意识到他是多么爱自己 的父母啊!come He _how much he loved his parents when he went to

22、 college. 4 5.天气对航班有影响。make The bad weather _to flight. 6.你介意照看一下我的衣物吗?take Would you mind _my clothes? 7.不用担心,我相信最终一切都会变好的。work Try not to worry , I hope everything _ _in the end. 8.她正在网上浏览新闻。look She _the news online now. 1、鲸鱼是大型哺乳动物。他们生活在大海中,喜 欢吃小鱼和其它海洋生物。 2、他们能跃出海水。有趣的是有些品种有牙齿, 有些会唱歌。 3、部分鲸处于濒临灭

23、绝的境地,主要原因之一是 人类猎杀它们取其肉、脂肪和油,它们的身体被用 来做蜡烛和香皂。不仅如此,人类倾倒大量垃圾到 海中致使海洋污染严重。 4、我们应该保护鲸免受伤害和污染。 5、谈谈你想到的举措。 提示词:哺乳动物 mammal endangered polluted Whales are huge mammals. They live in the sea and eat small fish and other sea life. They can jump high out of the water. One interesting fact is that Some kinds h

24、ave teeth. Another interesting fact is that Some kinds can sing songs. Some kinds of whales are endangered ,one of the main reasons is that humans catch them for meat, fat, and oil, and use whale parts to make candles and soap . Not only that, humans put rubbish into the sea so that the sea is pollu

25、ted seriously. We should protect whales from harm and pollution. We should protect whales by making rules on whale protection and by not putting rubbish into the sea. I think people should learn more about whales. 1.你为什么不做个游戏让他们高兴起来呢?cheer Why not play a game to _? 2.吴老师总是鼓励我学习英语。encourage Miss Wu a

26、lways _English. 3.不用担心,我相信最终一切都会变好的。work Try not to worry , I hope everything _in the end. 4. 我们可以通过使用因特网学习英语。use We can learn English _. 5 5.他总是让我等很久。wait He always makes me _ a long time. 6.校长迟迟未到,会议只好推迟。put Because the head teacher didnt arrive on time ,the meeting had to _. 7.飞机起飞时天正在下着大雨。take I

27、t was raining hard when the plane _. 8.你查明是谁把窗户打碎了吗?find Have you _ who broken the windows? 这几年来,我的家乡发生了很大变化。以前低矮的 平房变成了美丽的楼房,狭窄的小路变成了宽广的 公路。修建了医院、学校,来了支教的老师.。 要求要求:1.写出过去的家乡情景。 2.描述现 在的美景。 3.指出这些变化给我们带来方便的同时又引 发了哪些问题。 4.不得使用真实姓名和地名。 5.字数在60-80字 左右。 Great Changes in My HometownGreat Changes in My Ho

28、metown Great Changes in My HometownGreat Changes in My Hometown 1.那位彬彬有礼的年轻人衣着随意,平易近人。 get The polite young man dressed casually ,and is easy to _. 2.过去我喜欢听音乐,对体育一点也不感兴趣。use I _to music ,but wasnt interested in sports at all. 3. 当我进来时,她正在修理正在修理电脑。(fix) When I came in, she _ the computer. 4.男孩迫不及待地打开

29、礼物盒。wait The boy _the present box. 6 5.他经常想出新的主意。come He often _new ideas. 6.我爱上了这部令人兴奋又有趣的电影。fall I _this exciting and funny movie. 7.你和你的新邻居相处得融洽吗?get Do you _your new neighbors? 8.什么时候动身取决于天气条件。depend When to start _the weather conditions. 1.我们迫不及待地想知道考试的结果。wait We cant _the result of the exam. 2

30、.尽管我的学习不好,我从不放弃。give Although I didnt do well in my lessons , I never _. 3.他决定改变他的生活并且承诺做一个更好的人。 decide He _his life and promises to a better person. 4.何老师总是对我很关心。care Mr. He always _me. 7 5.他不会跳舞,她也不会。neither He cant dance, _. 6.现在家长们不容许孩子们玩电脑游戏。allow Nowadays, parents _play computer games. 7.多亏了王老

31、师,我的英语成绩提高很多。thank _Mr. Wang ,my English has improved a lot. 8.虽然她的父母不和她在一起,她从不感到孤独。 feel Although her parents dont stay with her ,she never _. 1.我习惯于晚饭后散步。go I am used to _after dinner. 2.这些工人不知道怎样处理这些旧机器。deal The works didnt know how to _these old machines. 3.不要熬夜,否则你会在课堂感到困倦。feel Dont stay up lat

32、e , or you will _in class. 4.我们由于起床晚了而没有赶上校车。get We didnt catch the school bus because of _late. 8 5.他鼓励我们参加保护环境。take He encouraged us to _protecting the environment. 6. 我昨天花了20 分钟再字典里查这些单词。look I spent 20 minutes_ these new words in a dictionary yesterday. 7.我正期待你的好消息。look I _ your good news. 8.昨天你

33、又犯错误了,请你小心。make You _ again yesterday ,please be careful. 1.爸爸买小轿车已有三年了。.( have ) Father the car for three years 2.如今, 数以百万计的人离开农村去城市寻找工作。 Nowadays, millions of people leave the countryside work in the cities.( search ) 3.自20世纪中期以来,我母校的孩子已经学会了读 书和算数。( learn ) Children to read and count at my old pri

34、mary school since the mid-20th century. 4.孩子们长的很快。 The children fast. ( grow ) 9 5.当我在印度看到这么多不同种类的厕所时,我简 直不敢相信我的眼睛。 I just my eyes when I saw so many different kinds of toilets in India.( believe ) 6.我希望有一天能看到刘欢现场演唱。 I hope to see Liu Huan one day. ( sing ) 7.当我醒来时,太阳正在升起。 When I woke up, the sun .( rise ) 8.到6月15日为止,约有15名韩国人已死于中东呼 吸综合征。( die ) Up till June15, about 15 Koreans MERS. 81.have had 82.to search for 83.have learned 84.are growing (up),grow up 85.didnt( couldnt) believe 86.sing live 87.was rising 88. have died from( of )


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