北师大版(三起)五下Unit 10 Activities-Lesson 3 Have fun.-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课(编号:30a43).zip

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Lesson 3 Have Fun 教案设计教案设计 一教材分析 1、本套教材通过提供大量的感知、体验、模仿等实践活动,帮助 学生形成初步的语感。通过多听、多模仿在有意义的语境中进行训 练,奠定语音语调基础。 2、本单元为五年级下 Unit 10 Activities,核心话题是“活动” 。 教材中上节课的“Learn to say”活动为学生提供了很好的语言环境, 帮助学生复习“活动”的短语以及表达邀请他人做某项活动的句型。 3、本节课的“Listen and Number”是听力技能训练,综合了第 一二课时的主要语言,并有跨学科内容的渗透。 “Talk Together” 在主题故事的基础上设置了专门的情境,让学生在讨论怎样去看机 器人表演中进一步交流,说说乘坐什么交通工具,重点练习本单元 的主要句型“Shall we .”以及选择交通工具的表达方法。 “Show Time ”设计成小剧场形式,引导学生参与和表达,为学生理解和巩 固所学语言和故事的意义创造了生动活泼的学习情境。 “Uncle Bookys Blackboard ”引导学生以交际的形式罗列出单元的主要 句型,归纳语言结构,发现和总结语言规律。这是单元中唯一不以 活动形式呈现的板块,体现出在语言运用、信息交流之后重点关注 语言形式的理念。 二学情分析 本单元的话题是“课外活动” 。在前三单元中,学生已经接触和 积累了一些日常活动的短语,为本单元的学习做了铺垫。课外活动 的话题非常贴近学生的日常生活,是孩子们日常交流的重要内容之 一,也是小学阶段比较重要的话题之一。本单元语言的功能是结合 课余活动的选择或安排提出建议或邀请。 三.教学方式和手段说明: 1、教学方式:通过图片、听录音等形式培养学生观察、模仿、 归纳、总结的学习方法。 2、教学手段:教学课件、小组合作、朗读表演等。 四.教学目标与重难点 (一)知识与技能目标 1、能够指认和运用常用课余活动短语。 2、能运用 Lets. Shall we. ?向别人提出建议或者邀请。 能够运用 Do you have enough time/money ?询问实际情况并回答。 3.学生能够借助插图分角色表演故事人物对话 4.能在教师的帮助下,尝试归纳、总结本单元所学的主要句型。 (二) 、过程与方法目标 1、学生通过听录音,跟读录音熟悉句式以及发音 2、学生通过用英语对话,逐步掌握本单元重点句型。 3、学生通过分角色朗读课文复习句子的发音和语调。 (三) 、学习策略目标 1、学生通过小组活动培养合作学习的学习策略。 2、学生能够在听读录音的过程中培养细致观察、模仿、归纳、 总结的能力。 五、教学重、难点: 1、教学重点: 1)在对话中提出建议或者邀请 2)在插图的帮助下表演故事 2、教学难点: 结合实际情况提出建议或邀请。 教学过程设计( T 为教师课堂语言,S 为预设学生回答) 1 复习热身 设疑导入 lets talk(23 minutes): T:Are you ready for the English class ? Lets sing the la la song together ! Show me your hands ! Lets begin ! Sing the song T: Hello everyone ! S: Hello teacher ! T: We know there are seven days in a week . They are Monday ,Tuesday ,Wednesday ,Thursday ,Friday ,Saturday and Sunday .Which day do you like best ? S: Saturday and Sunday . T: Yes !Me too. Because we can do many things on Saturday and Sunday .For example ,do your homework,help Mom and play with friends .What do you do on Saturday and Sunday ? S: Watch TV / Go shopping /Play football . Show the pictures about activities to students. T: Look at these activities .If you have these things to do ,will you invite your friends ?What will you say ?Can you tell me ? S: Shall we go shopping /watch TV /go to the park . . . ? T:So clever you are ! ?We do everything are happy with our friends ,right ? Now Lets learn the lesson 3 -Have Fun 二学习新知 Step 1 Listen and Number (5 minutes) T :Look at part 1. Listen and Number , what activity is it ? S:Play football / Go swimming /Watch TV /Go by bus / Go by car / Go shopping . T : Very good !Now lets listen the dialogue and number the pictures. 播放录音。 T:Are you correct? Lets have a check. Please listen it again . 再次播放录音,核对答案。 T:Do you understand ? Lets listen the dialogue and repeat again. T:Do you understand ? Step 2 Talk Together (15 minutes) 一)探疑精讲 T :Now lets learn the second part- Talk Together . Look at the questions . Read the dialogue with the questions. T: The first question ,who can tell me the answer ?Anyone want to have a try ? S: . T: Yes !You are so brave !Ben and Tim are talking about their activities .Lets listen their dialogue . 播放录音 T :Do you understand?Oh ,I see someone doesnt understand . Lets listen the dialogue and repeat again. 播放录音 T :Read it by yourselves ,please . T :Look at my PPT ,please complete the dialogue . Who can complete the words ? S : . T:So clever ! Please read the words after me .Do you know the meaning of them?Try to read and write the words . 2)自主练习 T: Do you finish it ?Then we will have a practice . You and your classmate in a group and act out the dialogue . Lets go ! T:Are you ready ?Which couple want to try ? 学生分角色对话 T:Big hands for them ! Step 3 Show Time (10-12 minutes) T: Do you like act ? Then lets get into the show time .We need some actors .Who want to have a try ? Dont be shy ,just have a try ! Who is Ann ? (学生举手)You please .Who is Ken ? You please.Who is Bobby ?. (学生选好角色) T:Well ! Everyone is very active ! We will be performed by two groups . One group is A , the other one is B . Two groups are compared and the winner group will get a prize . Now lets begin ! (学生分组表演) T:Which group do you think is good ? Group A or B ? S: A ./ B . T :Why ? S:Because they are brave/funny/interesting . T : Do you like group A ? Hands up ! (清点人数) Do you like group B ? Hands up ! (清点人数) 进行比较 T:Good ! The winner is group A/ B .This is the prize for you ! Congratulations ! 三)拓展运用 (5-6 minutes) 出示各种活动的图片 T:Look at the three pictures on PPT. Practice with your classmate use the pictures ,please . 同桌两人对话交流 T:OK. Time out .Who want to have a try with your classmate ? 指名交流,学生评价 T:Very good ! Today we learned how to invite your friends. Now who want to invite me ? 学生自由回答 T:How clever you are ! This is our homework . 三、Homework 1.熟读 Uncle Bookys blackboard 2.围绕本节课所学句型用英语写一组对话 Blackboard design Shall we go to the . ? Shall we go by . Lesson 3Have Fun Unit 10 Activities Lets chant ! Shall we . ? Listen and Number What activities? playplay footballfootballgogo swimmingswimmingwatchwatch TVTV What activities? gogo shoppingshoppinggogo byby busbusgogo byby carcar Talk together What do they want to do? Can they go to the robot show? Do they have enough money? How do they go there? Work in groups What do they want to do? Can they go to the robot show? Do they have enough money? How do they go there? They want to see the robot show . Yes , they can . Yes ,it is free for children . They go there by bus . Ben: robot show! Tim: Do we have enough money for the tickets? Ben: Its free for children. Tim: Great! ? Ben: Yes. . Lets go to the Lets go by bus . Shall we go by bus There are many activities you can choose. by taxi on foot by car by bus by car magic show dancing show pet show dinosaur show Homework 表达自己喜欢的事物:I like. 表达自己不喜欢的事物:I dont like 询问别人是否喜欢一样事物: Do you like? 肯定回答:Yes, I do. 否定回答:No, I dont. 表达自己喜欢的事物:I like. 表达自己不喜欢的事物:I dont like 询问别人是否喜欢一样事物: Do you like? 肯定回答:Yes, I do. 否定回答:No, I dont. 表达自己喜欢的事物:I like. 表达自己不喜欢的事物:I dont like 询问别人是否喜欢一样事物: Do you like? 肯定回答:Yes, I do. 否定回答:No, I dont. 熟读Uncle Bookys Blackboard 根据拓展中的图片用英语写一组对话 Goodbye!
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