北师大版(三起)四下Unit 8 Talent Show-Lesson 1 I'm from China.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)(编号:203b9).zip

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    • finger family..mp4
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    • Unit8 Lesson1 I'm from China..ppt--点击预览
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Lets sing a song! This is an animal. Its black and white. It has two big eyes. What is it? Where are you from? Im from China. China This is an animal.It has four legs, two big ears and a long nose. What is it? Where are you from? Im from India. India This is an animal.It has two ears. It can jump. There is a big pocket in its stomach. What is it? Where are you from? Im from Australia. Australia Im from China. Unit 8 lesson1 Talent Show Listen and Read Questions 1. What are their names? 2. How old are they? 3. What are their talents? Listen and Read Homework 1.如果你想参加才艺秀,你会怎样介绍自己 ?(至少写三句话) If you want to join the talent show, what do you want to say about yourself? * 推荐电影战狼2。 Where are you fromUnit8 Lesson1 Im from China. 教学设计 .Teaching.Teaching Aims:Aims: 1. 能指认、说明国家的名称; 2. 能询问别人、说明自己的籍贯或国籍; 3. 能结合插图理解故事的主要内容; 4. 能朗读故事人物的对话。 . TeachingTeaching importantimportant points:points: 1. 结合插图理解故事内容,朗读人物对话; 2. 指认、说出 China, India, US, Australia, UK, Canada 等国家 名称。 . TeachingTeaching difficultdifficult points:points: 询问说明某人来自哪里:Where are you from? Im from. . TeachingTeaching aids:aids: CD, PPT, cards. . TeachingTeaching process:process: 1. Warm up: Sing a song, “finger family” 2. 出示 PPT,熊猫图片,局部遮住,T 边介绍边把遮住部分显示一 点, T:This is an animal. Its black and white. It has two big eyes. (露出眼睛)What is it? 待同学回答出熊猫或者 panda,全部显示图片。 T:Where is it from? 出示中国地图及国旗图片。 Its from China. 领读单词,China,高低声。 用同样的方法由 elephant 引出 India,领读单词,上下左右拍手读。 由 kangaroo 引出 Australia,领读单词,手心读手背不读。 用三个动物(图片贴黑板上)去参加 Talent Show 引出新课:Im from China. 3. Listen and read the story. Listen to the story for three times. The first time, listen carefully. The second time, present the three questions: 1) What are their names? 2) How old are they? 3) What are their talents? (在左边黑板根据图片的位置,写上 Name, Age,Talent,并画好表 格) Choose three students to write down the answers on the blackboard. Check the answers together. The third time, let the students follow the video to read the story sentence by sentence. Then,read the story by students themselves. Read the story by students.Choose one student to be Bobby, and the others read in lines as Ms Elly, Mr Kango and Pandy. Then, read the story in groups. 4 students play in roles in a group. Act out. (戴头饰) 4. Learn to say: 老师把袋鼠头饰戴在一个学生头上,说: You are Mr Kango. Where are you from? 学生回答:Im from Australia. 把句型板书在黑板上,老师边板书边领读。 呈现 Australia 国旗卡片。 用同样的方法呈现 China, India 国旗卡片。 T: Look at Part two.They are going to join the show. Listen to the tape and get the information from it. 指着第一个报名的男生问:Where is he from? 挑同学回答,呈现 US 国旗卡片。 引导孩子们猜测后面两名同学来自哪个国家,结合学生说出的国家, 将剩余的两个国家 UK 和 Canada 国旗卡片贴在黑板上. 领读单词 US, UK, Canada. (强调 UK 和 US 较特殊,用于句中时前面要加 the) The students spell the words together, T writes the words on the blackboard. Ask and answer: G1 ask, G2 answer. G2 ask, G1 answer. Girls ask, Boys answer. Boys ask, Girls answer. T ask, Ss answer. Ss ask, T answer. 老师拿走卡片,学生快速读单词,比一比,是老师拿的快还是学生 读的快。 Then, do pair works. T: Practice the dialogue with your deskmate. 选 2 组同学上台,抽签问答。 呈现海报,老师说明六一儿童节快要到了,学校也要举办才艺表演, 想要报名参加的同学上台报名并记录。 T:Whats your name? Where are you from? How old are you? Ss 回答。 T:Im tired. Can you help me? (挑一名同学坐下模仿老师用所学句型采访并记录) 5. Listen and match. Listen to the tape for three times. At the third time, T guides the students to listen and find the answers. Check the answers together. .Homework: 1.如果你想参加才艺秀,你会怎样介绍自己?(至少写三句话) If you want to join the talent show, what do you want to say about yourself? * 推荐电影战狼。 T:I wish everybody will love our country. Where are you from? Ss: Im from China.
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