北京版(四下)UNIT THREE CAN YOU TELL ME THE WAY -Lesson 9-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:20126).zip

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  • 北京2011课标版一年级起点_四年级下册_小学英语_UNIT THREE CAN YOU TELL ME THE WAY _Lesson 9_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:20126)
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Hong Kong Where is ? 1F 2F 3F 4F Unit 3 How to ask the way? 问路问路 How to tell the way. 指路指路 What are they talking about? Lesson 9 动画 无字幕 What are they talking about? Lesson 9 Where does Mike want to go? Mike wants to go to the. . 录音录音1 Where is the library? 录音录音2 Excuse me, sir, where is the new library? Its in that building over there. the 1st floor the 2nd floor the 3rd floor the 4th floor the 5th floor the 6th floor Which floor? 录音录音1、3、4 Excuse me, sir, where is the new library? Its in that building over there. Which floor, please? The fifth floor. the 5th floor Excuse me, sir, where is the new library? Its in that building over there. Which floor, please? The fifth floor. the 5th floor 5F stairs on the left on the right Where is the library? donghua2 on the right 1st 3rd 2nd Which room? Its the third room on the right. 录音录音6 Excuse me. Is the library on the left of the stairs? No. Its the third room on the right. Thank you so much. Not at all. 录音录音5 on the left of the stairs on the right of the stairs Is the library on the left of the stairs? Excuse me. Is the library on the left of the stairs? No. Its the third room on the right. Thank you so much. Not at all. Its the _______ room on the_______. first left Its ___________ room ____________. the second on the left Its ____________________________. the third room on the left ________________________________. Its the first room on the right Excuse me. Is the library on the left of the stairs? No. Its the third room on the right. Thank you so much. Not at all. P18 Where is ? Look and Say science classroom music classroom computer lab Music Office Grade 3 and 4 Office English Office Technology Office restroom Where is . . ? Thank you指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准中指出,教师要通过创设接近实际生活的各种语境,采用循序渐进的 语言实践活动,以及各种强调过程与结果并重的教学途径和方法,如任务型语言教学途径等, 培养学生用英语做事情的能力。 基于以上理念,在本课教学过程中,教师借由香港学生来校学习的活动,并利用学校、 教学楼平面图等工具,设计了学生为来校客人介绍学校各教室所在位置为任务的活动,为学 生创设较为真实的问路与指路的情景,引导学生逐步学习并运用所学语言就该情景展开对话, 体会用英语做事情。 教学背景分析 单元整体分析:单元整体分析: 本单元是北京版小学英语四年级下册第 3 单元,单元题目为 Can you tell me the way? 围 绕“问路与指路”展开。 教材选取了多个问路及指路的场景:在第 9 课中,场景为 Mike 向路人询问新图书馆在哪; 第 10 课中一位阿姨向 Maomao 询问 5 号楼在哪;第 11 课中一位女士开车外出,询问加油站 在哪。这些情景丰富并紧贴日常生活,力求让学生理解并能够在具体情景中向他人问路或指 路。 本课是本单元的第一课时,在本课时中,侧重”Excuse me , sir, where is . ?” “Its . .”的表 达与运用。并在表达过程中还须用到介词短语、序数词等。 学情分析:学情分析: (一)已有知识:学生对于十以内的序数词已经在三年级的时候学习过,并基本掌握。对于 询问地点的疑问词 where 并不陌生,也能熟练掌握。在本学期第二单元第 7 课中,学生也对 表述方向的 left 和 right 进行了学习,能正确进行区分。 (二)已有能力:通过三年多的英语学习,四年级的学生已经初步具备了理解、认读和口语 表达的能力,学会了一些简单的交际用语,能进行简单的对话交流,并初步具有小组合作的 意识和能力。 (三)已有经验:四年级学生具备一定的生活经验,在生活中有过问路或指路的经历,并乐 于帮助他人。另外,学生对学校各教室的布局十分熟悉,能帮助他人指明教室所在位置。但 是将其转化成英文进行表达具有一定的难度,需要在教师的带领下进行学习。 技术准备:技术准备: 教材配套视频、计算机课件、句型贴条、图片 教学目标 教学目标:教学目标: 在本课学习结束后,学生能够: 1.听懂、会说表达问路和指路的核心语言:”Excuse me, where is .? ” 及其答语”Its . .” 2.听懂、认读 library, the teachers office, the art classroom, the computer lab 等场所类词汇及 in that bulidling over there, on the first floor 等习惯表达。 3.听懂并流利朗读对话。 4.通过帮助香港访校学生认识校园的活动,使学生综合运用本课所学语言进行问路与指路。 5.知道如何有礼貌地向他人问路,体验乐于助于的快乐。 教学重、难点 教学重点:教学重点: 1.句型”Excuse me, where is .? ” 及其答语”Its . .”的初步应用。 2. library, the teachers office, the art classroom, the computer lab 等场所类词汇及 in that bulidling over there, on the first floor 等介词短语的认读。 教学难点:教学难点: 能够结合序数词及方位介词给他人指路。 教学过程 (一)(一)Warming up and Lead in 1. Game1: Act with music Left Left Right Right Go Go Go 2. Game2: TPR 教师做出 show me your hands, show me your right hand, show me your first finger on your left hand 等指令,学生做动作。 【设计意图设计意图】学生通过游戏活动起来,并复习学生通过游戏活动起来,并复习 left,right 和序数词。和序数词。 3. Make a task 教师出示香港学生访问照片 T: Look! There are some boys and girls. They are from Hong Kong. They will fly to Bejing, and they will come to our school. You can make friends with them. But they dont know how to go to your classroom. Can you tell them where your classroom is? Ss: . T: In Unit 3, we will learn how to ask the way and how to show the way, and then you can introduce our school to the children from Hong Kong. 【设计意图设计意图】:揭示本单元学习主题以及本课学习任务。:揭示本单元学习主题以及本课学习任务。 (二)(二)Presentation 1. Dialogue Learning (1)整体呈现 教师出示课文主题图 T:We talk about how to ask the way and how to tell the way.(教师利用板书指明所学主题) T: What are they talking about? Lets listen. (教师播放课文动画) Ss:They are talking about asking and telling the way. T: Who is asking the way? Ss: Mike. 【设计意图设计意图】:整体呈现对话内容,使学生对所学内容有初步感知。:整体呈现对话内容,使学生对所学内容有初步感知。 (2)学习对话 1 T: Mike is asking the way. Where does Mike want to go? Lets listen. 教师播放录音 Ss: Mike wants to go to the library. 教师教授 library 一词,出示图片并板书 T: Where is the library? Lets listen. Ss: 教师教授 Its in that building over there.一句,并在黑板上呈现 building 图片 T: Look! This is a tall building. How many floors can you see? Ss: I can see 6 floors. T&Ss: the first floor, the second floor, , the sixth floor. T: Which floor the library is? 教师播放录音 S1: Its on the fifth floor. 教师教授 floor 一词(副板书:door) 【设计意图设计意图】:通过细听对话、图片、整理语句等方法使学生逐步感知、习得本课的核心语:通过细听对话、图片、整理语句等方法使学生逐步感知、习得本课的核心语 言,从而突破教学重点。言,从而突破教学重点。 (3)对话 1 小语轮体验 a.教师扮演 Mike,学生扮演路人,分角色朗读对话 1 b.学生 read in pairs (4)学习对话 2 T: Mike is looking for the new library. Did he find it? Lets watch.(教师播放动画 2) Ss: Yes. T: So Mike goes to that building. He go to the first floor, the second floor, . the fifth floor. 教师一边带领学生朗读一边做动作示范 【设计意图设计意图】:再次复习序数词,同时通过上楼的动作帮助学生体会故事情景。:再次复习序数词,同时通过上楼的动作帮助学生体会故事情景。 T: Where is Mike? 教师出示图片 2 Ss: He is on the fifth floor. 教师板书 T: Whats this? 教师教授 stairs 一词(副板书:hair, chair) T: Look the woman is facing the stairs. 通过图片和人物位置使学生明白位置 on the left 和 on the right T: Where is the library? 播放对话 2 录音 Ss: Its on the right T: There are many rooms on the right. Which room? 再次播放录音 Ss: Its the third room on the right. 【设计意图设计意图】:通过细听对话、图片、动作示范等方法使学生逐步感知、习得本课的核心语:通过细听对话、图片、动作示范等方法使学生逐步感知、习得本课的核心语 言,从而突破教学重点。言,从而突破教学重点。 (5)对话 2 小语轮体验 a.教师扮演 Mike,学生扮演路人,分角色朗读对话 2 b.学生 read in pairs 2.Dialogue reading (1) Read the dialogue by yourself (2) Listen and follow (3) Read or act in roles 【设计意图设计意图】:对新学语言进行内化,巩固新知。:对新学语言进行内化,巩固新知。 (三)(三)Practice (1)Summary T: Now you know how to ask and tell the way. 教师带领学生对板书进行总结。 (2)Make a demo T: So you can tell the friends where your classroom is? 教师出示班级位置的图片 教师与学生分角色练习 S1: Excuse me. Where is your classroom? T: Its in that building over there. S2: Its on the second floor. S3: Its the third room on the right. (四)(四)Production (1)Look and say T: There are many rooms in our school. Lets look and say. 教师利用 PPT 展示学校各个教室的名称和图片,学生看图朗读 教师贴板书 (2)Make a new dialogue 教师给学生发放教学楼的平面图,学生分组创编新对话。 Excuse me. Where is .? Its in that building over there. Its on the . floor. Its the . room on the right/left. 【设计意图设计意图】:将问路与指路的情景转化到真实情景中,让学生在体验、参与和合作中加深:将问路与指路的情景转化到真实情景中,让学生在体验、参与和合作中加深 对语言的理解,巩固本课语言,提高运用语言的能力,让学生能够体会用英语做事情。对语言的理解,巩固本课语言,提高运用语言的能力,让学生能够体会用英语做事情。 (五(五)Homework 1 Make a new dialogue
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