北京版(四下)UNIT THREE CAN YOU TELL ME THE WAY -Lesson 9-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:532f1).zip

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  • 北京2011课标版一年级起点_四年级下册_小学英语_UNIT THREE CAN YOU TELL ME THE WAY _Lesson 9_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:532f1)
    • U3 L9 D1 无字幕视频.mp4
    • U3 L9 D1 有字幕视频.mp4
    • U3 L9 D2 无字幕视频.mp4
    • U3 L9 D2 有字幕视频.mp4
    • U3 L9 Where is the new library.pptx--点击预览
    • U3 L9 视频.mp4
    • 听力.mp3
    • 导入-Where is it.mp4
    • 教案532f1.doc--点击预览


Lesson 9 Where is the new library? Where is Mike going? A. new museum B. new library C. new school building Its in that building over there. building 5F 4F 3F 2F 1Fthe first floor the second floor the third floor the fourth floor the fifth floor 1F 2F 3F 4F 5F The fifth floor. Which floor, please? 1 1 F F 2 2 F F 3 3 F F 4 4 F F 5 5 F F ? Excuse me. Is the library on the left of the stairs? stairs No. Its the third room on the right. left right new library 3rd leftright Role play : Mike is going to the _____________. It is on the ______ floor in that building over there. It is the _______ room on the _______ of the stairs. new library fifth thirdright l l T T r r y y t t r re e t t e e l l. . Classroom Building (教学楼教学楼) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? computer lab the teachers office 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th the art classroom the computer lab 4F 3F 2F 1F the dance classroomthe music classroom Classroom Building ? ? ? ? ? Listen and match. the teachers office 4F 3F 2F 1F Classroom Building ? ? ? ? ? the teachers office Its on the ______ floor.firstThe teachers office is on the first floor. 4F 3F 2F 1F the dance classroom Classroom Building ? ? ? ? the teachers office fourthIts on the _______ floor.The dance classroom is on the fourth floor. the dance classroom the teachers office 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th the art classroom 4F 3F 2F 1F Classroom Building ? ? ? Its the _______ room on the _______ floor. The art classroom is the second room on the second floor. secondsecond the art classroom the dance classroom 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th the computer lab 4F 3F 2F 1F Classroom Building ? ? the teachers office the art classroom the dance classroom Its the ______ room on ______________. The computer lab is the third room on the third floor. thirdthe third floor the computer lab 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 4F 3F 2F 1F Classroom Building ? the teachers office the art classroom the dance classroom the computer lab the music classroom The music classroom is the fifth room on the third floor. Its _______________________________.the fifth room on the third floor the music classroom Its in this/ that building. Its on the floor. This is my home! Homework Draw a picture. Tell us about your home.1 教学内容: 指导思想与理论依据 义务教育英语课程标准指出:语言技能是语言运用能力的重要组成部分。语 言技能主要包括听、说、读、写等方面的技能以及这些技能的综合运用能力。听和读 是理解的技能,说和写是表达的技能。本课关注学生的语言实践,注重在语境下培养 学生的语言表达能力。 本设计从中年级学生的认知特点和兴趣点出发,由听入手,促进学生感知语言; 以问题启发学生并引导学生积极思考;通过朗读加强学生的语音练习;结合课本内容 创设贴近学生生活的情境,鼓励学生尝试表达、运用语言;课后作业要求联系生活实 际,检测学生对语言的掌握程度。 教学背景分析 教学内容分析教学内容分析: 本单元的教学内容围绕“问路与指路”展开。教材提供了问路及指路的日常生活 情景片段,既有步行问路,如 Lesson 9 中 Mike 向老师询问新图书室在哪里;Lesson 10 2 中一位女士向 Maomao 询问 5 号楼在哪里;也有在驾车时停下问路的,如 Lesson 11 中 一位女士开车外出,询问加油站在哪里。这些情景贴近学生的日常生活,易于学生理 解对话内容。 本课为本单元的第一课时,教学内容分为 Listen and say、Listen, look, and learn、Lets do 三部分,本节课将围绕前两部分展开教学活动。Listen and say 为本课的 核心内容,课文的两幅主题图为连贯场景,讲述了 Mike 想去新图书室的问路过程。对 话情节符合学生的生活实际。本课的交际用语为“Excuse me, where is the new library?” 及其答语“Its in that building over there.”。学生已学过“Excuse me.”与“Where is ?”的 表达方式,在三年级第一学期也学习了序数词。本课的新词“building, floor, stairs”等可 通过图片进行直观示意,并运用自然拼读法突破发音难关。 学生情况分析学生情况分析: 本课的授课对象为本校四年级(1)班的学生。通过三年多的英语学习,他们已具 备了一定的词汇量和语言表达能力,且对学习英语怀有较高热情,有着较强的求知欲 和表现欲,参与活动的积极性较高。这些特点为本节课展开师生互动和生生互动奠定 了良好的基础。 技术准备技术准备:自制 PPT 课件,电脑,词条,学习单。 教学目标 1.能理解课文内容,并分角色朗读对话。 2.能在情境中初步运用“Excuse me, where is ?”向他人问路,用“Its .”给他人指路 提供帮助。 3.能听懂、认读 library, building, floor, stairs, teachers office, art classroom, computer lab 等词汇。 4.能知道如何有礼貌地向他人问路,并在问路与指路的对话交流中感受到助人为乐的 快乐。 教学重、难点 教学重点教学重点: 1.正确理解课文内容并分角色朗读对话。 2.在相对真实的情景中运用句型“Excuse me, where is the new library?”及其答语“Its in that building over there.”进行交流。 3 3.正确认读 library, building, floor, stairs, teachers office, art classroom, computer lab 等 词汇。 教学难点教学难点: 结合序数词及方位介词正确为他人指路。 教学过程 I.Warm up & lead in 1.观看视频 Where is it,回答问题。 Q: Where are they going? 2.呈现图片,谈话导入。 T: Look. Here is our friend Mike. Where is he going? Lets watch and listen. 【设计意图】通过询问视频中人物的目的地,自然引入本课主人公 Mike 想要去某处的 情境。 II.Listen and Say 1.学习对话 1)播放无字幕动画,学生视听,回答问题。 T: Where is Mike going? (学生选择) 4 (图片示意 library) T: What can we do in the library? (通过追问检测学生是否理解词义) T: Mike is a good boy. He asks“Excuse me, sir, where is the new library”. 2)播放有字幕动画,学生视听,回答问题。 T: Where is the new library? Lets watch. T: The answer is .(出示答语) T: This is a building.(示意图中的 building) T: Is the library in this building or that building? (动画示意 this building 与 that building) (学生选择,明确 The library is in that building.) T: Look at the building. There are five floors in it. This is the first/ second/ floor. 5 (出示图片,示意 floor) T: Which floor is the library on? Listen to it again. (通过听录音获取“The fifth floor.”的信息) T: The new library is on the fifth floor. So Mike gets there. 3)呈现主题图 2,观察图片。 T: But Mike still has no idea where the library is. Here comes a teacher. How does Mike find the new library? Lets watch and listen. 4)播放无字幕动画,学生视听。 T: Mike asks (呈现问句,通过图片示意 stairs) 6 5)播放有字幕动画,学生视听,回答问题。 T: Is the library on the left of the stairs? Lets watch. T: The teacher answers (播放答语) T: Is this the right side?(配以手势示意,请学生指认左右) (出示箭头,明确 The library is on the right.) T: Which room is the new library? (出示图片,请学生指认位置,T 再出示正确答案) T: With the teachers help, Mike finds the new library. 2.观看完整视频。 3.听录音并跟读对话。 4.练习朗读对话。 1)学生练习朗读对话。 2)小组内分角色朗读对话。 5.学生小组展示朗读对话。 6.总结复述。 1)学生完成学习单。 T: Do you remember the story very well? Please take out your paper and fill in 7 the blanks. You may open your books. 2)核对答案。 T: Who can share your answer? 3)学生朗读。 【设计意图】由视听入手,引导学生感知对话内容;提出问题启发学生思考、捕捉关 键信息,理解对话语义;通过复述,加强学生对课文内容的掌握,内化语言。 III. Listen, look and learn 1.出示图片,学习词汇。 T: Mike leaves the new library. He goes back to the classroom building. What rooms are there in the building? Can you have a guess? (请学生说一说自己知道的教室名称,T 呈现学生所说的教室图片) T 引导学生在图片的帮助下理解、学习 teachers office。 T: I know there is a teachers office. Look. T: Whose office is it? 8 (呈现 English teachers office,PE teachers office, art teachers office,强化 office) 出示图片,学习 art classroom 和 computer lab。 2.学习句型。 1)播放音频,学生完成连线任务。 T: Where is the art classroom? Where is the teachers office? Please take out your paper. Lets listen and match.(23 遍) (T 播放 Mike 介绍教学楼的音频,学生将各教室连线到相应位置) Look. This is our classroom building. The teachers office is on the first floor. We have a dance classroom. It is on the fourth floor. There is an art classroom. It is the second room on the second floor. The computer lab and the music classroom are on the third floor. The computer lab is the third room. The music classroom is the fifth room. 2)核对答案。 T: Lets check the answer. 9 3)描述图片。 T: Where is the teachers office? (呈现图片,提供句型支撑,引导学生说 出答案;朗读句子,引导学生描述图片) (以同样的方式逐步引导学生描述图片,操练句子) 3.同伴合作。 1)两人一组以问答方式进行交流。 (学习单分为 A/B 两版) A B 2)学生展示。 【设计意图】学习词汇后,由听力输入,通过 Listen & match 感知语言;在教师示范以 及语言支撑下学习描述位置,突破难点;通过同伴合作操练语言。 IV. Consolidation T: This is our school. Some new teachers come here today. They want to go to some rooms in our building. Lets help them, please. (学生拿出学校图片,老师们到学生身边与学生进行交流) 10 T: Dear teachers, do you know where the rooms are? Boys and girls, thanks for your help. You are so kind. 【设计意图】联系学生生活实际,在情境中运用语言。 V. Homework T: Look. My home is in that building over there. Its on the fifth floor. Where is your home? Please draw a picture. Tell us about your home tomorrow. 【设计意图】联系学生的日常生活,检测学生对语言的掌握程度。 板书设计: 学习效果评价设计 评价方式评价方式 本节课的评价方式包括教师口头评价、小组评价、生生互评,以对学生的语言理 解与表达、课堂表现、小组合作等情况即时做出评价。 1.教师口头评价。 根据学生的课堂表现、发言、现场展示等,教师采用激励性的语言、表情对学 11 生参与课堂教学活动情况给予评价。如:Great. / Wonderful. / Good job.等。 2.小组评价。 根据男女生课堂表现情况在黑板上贴磁铁,得责任心多的一方获胜。 3.生生互评。 学生对参与展示的同学予以口头评价。 附件:学习单 A 1. Fill in the blanks. 12 2. Listen and match. 3. Work in pairs. 13 4. Ask and answer. B 14 1. Fill in the blanks. 2. Listen and match. 3. Work in pairs. 15 4. Ask and answer.
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