北师大版(三起)六年级下册Unit 10 Review-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:0040a).doc

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北师大版(三起)六年级下册Unit 10 Review-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:0040a).doc_第1页
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1、北师大版(三年级起点)六年级下册 Unit Unit 1 10 0 R Review 1eview 1 J Jobs My Birthdayobs My Birthday 教学设计教学设计 镇平县涅阳六小镇平县涅阳六小 谷青云谷青云 Unit 10 Review 1 Unit 10 Review 1 Jobs My BirthdayJobs My Birthday 教学设计教学设计 一、一、教材分析教材分析: 本单元是六年级下册的第一个复习单元。共包含词汇、语法、听力、阅读、写 作五个板块,每一个板块都有一系列活动构成,引导学生复习和使用相关的词汇和 结构。 本节课处理教材词汇板块:Jobs

2、和 My Birthday。 本节课以单词认读和句型练习为主,设置了询问某人职业和生日的情景,结合 情景提供一系列的活动,让学生反复练习。 二、二、教学内容:教学内容: 课题:Jobs My Birthday 词汇:Jobs:doctor nurse driver pilot policeman worker farmer teacher student vet juggler singer dancer writer boxer an actor an astronaut; Months: January February March April May June July August S

3、eptember October November December; Seasons:spring summer autumn winter; 句型:What do you do? What does he/she/your father/your mother do? When is your birthday? When is your fathers/your mothers birthday? 功能:能询问或说明某人的职业和生日。 三、三、教学目标:教学目标: 通过本节课,学生能够: 1.指认、说出职业、月份、季节等词汇; 2.能询问或说明某人的职业和生日; 3.能准确地完成课堂相关

4、习题; 4.课堂结束时,能总结本节课所学知识。 四、教学重难点:教学重难点: 重点:询问或说明某人的职业和生日; 难点:人称是第三人称单数时句型的变化。 五、五、教具准备:教具准备: 配套多媒体教学光盘、PPT 课件、玩具等 六、六、教学过程:教学过程: StepStep1 1 WarmWarm up up 1.Greeting1.Greeting T: Good morning,boys and girls. S: Good morning,Miss Gu. T: Today we will learn Unit 10 Review 1 Jobs My Birthday. (板书课题) 2.

5、2.LetLets sing.s sing. (老师带学生跟着课件唱歌并做动作, 激发孩子们的兴趣, 同时也复习了上一节 课所讲的 My Family 里面的词汇,让孩子们在愉悦的氛围下展开本节课) Step2 ReviewStep2 Review This is Anns family.Look at the picture and guess who is he/she.How to spell? (播放课件,学生看图片人物并回答,拼写词汇) S1: He is Anns grandfather. S2: She is Anns grandmother. S3: He is Anns un

6、cle. S4: She is Anns aunt. S5: He is Anns cousin. Ss: He is Anns father. She is Anns mother. He is Anns brother. She is Anns sister. Step3Step3 JobsJobs 1.Learn to Say1.Learn to Say T: I am a teacher.What do you do? (学生看图片提示,导入单词 teacher,引入新句型,有利于学生理解接受) S:I am a student. T: What does he do? S: He i

7、s a doctor. T: What does she do? S: He is a nurse. T: What does he do? S: He is a vet. (板书句型) 3.3.LetLets Chant.s Chant. What does he do? He is a doctor. What does she do? He is a nurse. What does he do? He is a vet. (说唱游戏,有利于学生掌握句型,区分第三人称单数句型的变化) T: Do you know other jobs? 4.4.JobsJobs doctor nurse

8、 driver pilot policeman worker farmer teacher student vet juggler singer dancer writer boxer an actor an astronaut (老师说汉语,学生说发音) 5.5.Game TimeGame Time 教师 学生 worker 宇航员 driver 护士 writer 警察 舞蹈家 pilot (学生看 PPT 课件,进行单词发音、拼写和汉语意思简单小测试) T:Claps! 6.6.Try to SayTry to Say T:How many people are there in you

9、r family?Do you know their jobs? Talk about with your partner: What does your father do? What does your mother do? (找学生上台表演) 7.7.PracticePractice 1.Tom works on a farm.He is a_. 2.My leg hurts,a_can help me. 3.John is a_.He drives a police car. 4.Mike studies at school.He is a_. 5.My sister works in

10、 a hospital.But she isnt a doctor.She is a_. Step4 My BirthdayStep4 My Birthday 1.Try to Say1.Try to Say T:Look at the picture and answer the questions. What is her name? How old is she? What does she do? When is her birthday? (展示刘洋图片和信息简介,引出句型 When is her birthday?) 2.2.Learn to SayLearn to Say T:W

11、hen is your birthday? 总结回答:Its 月份 序数词. 3.3.MonthsMonths T:How many months are there in a year?Can you say? 一月一月 January January January January 二月二月 February February February February 三月三月 March March March March 四月四月 April April April April 五月五月 May May May May 六月六月 June June June June 七月七月 July J

12、uly July July 八月八月 August August August August 九月九月 September September September September 十月十月 October October October October 十一月十一月 November November November November 十二月十二月 December December December December (一个学生读,其他学生跟读) 4.4.SeasonsSeasons T:How many seasons are there in a year?Can you say?

13、 Look at the pictures and spell the seasons. spring summer autumn winter 5.5.Game TimeGame Time 一月 March February 七月 十一月 冬天 五月 summer 秋天 八月 (学生看 PPT 课件,进行单词发音、拼写和汉语意思简单小测试) T:Claps! 6.6.Try to SayTry to Say T:Do you know your familys birthdays? Talk about with your partner: When is your fathers birt

14、hday? When is your mothers birthday (找学生上台表演) 7.7.PracticePractice (老师将玩具娃娃给一名学生传递, 老师喊 stop 停, 拿玩具的学生回答问题) What is your name? How old are you? What do you do? When is your birthday? (以游戏的方式将本节的重点句型简单复习) Step6 SummaryStep6 Summary T:What have you learned in this class? (学生说出本节学到的知识并举出相应的例子) T: Do yo

15、u have any questions? (你还有什么疑问吗?) Step8 HomeworkStep8 Homework 1.Read the words to your family. 2.Ask your parents , grandparents and your friends about their jobs and birthdays. Blackboard design:Blackboard design: UnitUnit1010 Review1Review1 Jobs My BirthdayJobs My Birthday What do yWhat do you do

16、? I am a student.ou do? I am a student. What does he/she do? He is a doctor/nurse.IWhat does he/she do? He is a doctor/nurse.I When is your birthday? ItWhen is your birthday? Its October 6s October 6 thth. . When is your motherWhen is your mothers birthday? My mothers birthday? My mothers birthday is July 3s birthday is July 3 rdrd. .


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